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Malavai Quinn *SPOILERS*


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I chose to romance Malavai Quinn, then he turns around and stabs me in the back and tries to kill me on the space station? He's at ~8800 affection and I refuse to talk to him. I just want to throw him out an airlock and use the droid as a healer.


Anyone else want an execute option after this?

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I chose to romance Malavai Quinn, then he turns around and stabs me in the back and tries to kill me on the space station? He's at ~8800 affection and I refuse to talk to him. I just want to throw him out an airlock and use the droid as a healer.


Anyone else want an execute option after this?

I liked his betrayal. Showed moxy. Proves he wants to be on the winning side, it's just you have to show him YOUR side is the winner. I finally decided to start equipping and using Quinn after his betrayal.
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Blame stupid people.


There used to be options to kill or otherwise "lose" companion characters, but because people are complete morons, they didn't expect the game to actually let them do it, so they pressed the choice anyway, and then whined enough at the developers until the option was removed.

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Blame stupid people.


There used to be options to kill or otherwise "lose" companion characters, but because people are complete morons, they didn't expect the game to actually let them do it, so they pressed the choice anyway, and then whined enough at the developers until the option was removed.


gotto love this :


Devs had to straighten few rough corners out of the "your actions actually mean something" department.


Thanks for this "nice to know" info.

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Funny, the light side people wanted to kill him, the dark side people understood and still wanted to keep him


Here's the thing with having the ability to kill your companions: it screws your crafting. If it wasn't required to have them to do that, then I would have killed Vette soon after she outlived her usefulness, and Quinn during the betrayal (if he can survive a beating from me then he deserves to come back).

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Funny, the light side people wanted to kill him, the dark side people understood and still wanted to keep him
Well, Lightsiders tend to be big on the whole honor and loyalty thing.


My Jugg is completely Lightside, 10k points by level 40, but as soon as someone betrays me or the Empire, DS, DS, DS, DS, DS. Everyone dies.


Here's the thing with having the ability to kill your companions: it screws your crafting. If it wasn't required to have them to do that, then I would have killed Vette soon after she outlived her usefulness, and Quinn during the betrayal (if he can survive a beating from me then he deserves to come back).


Of course, it's understandable why you SHOULDN'T kill your companions. But that doesn't excuse taking the option out to do so, just because people are too stupid to handle it. Quite the contrary, I would've liked it to be settled very early on in the game that CHOICES DO MATTER instead, to prevent people from derping around.


It should be clear that when a line says [KILL VETTE], it really does goshdarn kill Vette.


Instead they took the options out because stupid people couldn't handle it. Grand.

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It's not so much that people were stupid and couldn't handle it. The companions eventually became so important that your character was permanently weakened if you lost one.


Kill a companion or two and you can't craft as fast as other people can. Kill off Quinn and one day when you're doing a group quest with a couple of people and they say "Bring out Quinn, we need a healer here" you have to say "Um... I killed that guy..." and suddenly you're out of the group while they get a replacement warrior.


On a side note, I like how every time I come to the Warrior forum there's a new thread with someone complaining that they couldn't kill Quinn for his betrayal.

Edited by Xargyn
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all men betray all lose heart


besides we're sith, we encourage this sort of thing!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this, though from all the omg Quinn is a backstabber threads, you'd think so.


Hello guys, Empire. Did you guys think Sith were gonna be the only ones who did these shenanigans?

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What happens when someone betrays a Sith Lord? Force choke to DEATH.


Also, the idea that anyone would drop your Sith Warrior because you killed an annoying companion is ludicrous. Besides, at level 50, you can only have five of your six companions out on missions.


In any event, if killing one companion does gimp a player (and I believe it wouldn't), Bioware could just allow players to buy another crafting droid.


And if the option to kill all of your companions existed, it would not affect the people against killing companions in the slightest because it would just be an option, not a forced path. The true crime is forcing players to allow certain companions to live.

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Not being able to kill Quinn took me out of the Sith mentality. I've killed everyone who got in my way, especially people who betrayed me. I get that people are stupid and would lose companions but come on. Screw them. Let them lose companions.


I'd personally like to be able to play the game the way I want, which is killing the him for betraying me. I mean how the hell am I supposed to feel like a ruthless Sith when my options are 1. Aw it'll be okay! 2. Bad Quinn!! Go think about it in the corner! 3. Do it again and I'll kill you. WHICH ISN'T EVEN TRUE. Now BIoware has me making empty threats.


BioWare, screw the morons make the game you know we want to play. Let me punish Quinn and **** let me kill Vette just cause she has a smart mouth. If I want to have 1 companion that should be my choice. Pierce, Broonmark and Jaessa are all I need.


*edit* and making excuses like "well they're sith too so of course they betray you." Yeah they are but I am a Lord of the Sith and I've killed people for far less so maintaining your "RP" argument why can't I kill him for betraying me, in TRUE Sith fashion.

Edited by Pyrelin
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I agree that there should be an option to punish him more severely/kill him/turn him into a mindless cyborg with the same skills. My Sith Warrior wouldn't have taken it (forgiving her husband actually put her at Light V, oddly poetic,) but I think the option should be there for people whose Warriors aren't puppy-petting orphan-savers trapped in a political backstabbing world they want nothing of.
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I loved him. I remember saying that if anyone could kill me it would be him.


My Siths personality however would never stand for such a betrayal. The story is less for him being alive right now in my game.....but at least I am not the Bounty Hunter with there pet crew mate Skag or whatever his name is.

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I have to say, when Quinn later did something or other for me and made the comment, "I'm making up for a past indiscretion," I thought, "Let's just forget about that, Quinn; we'll pretend that it never happened. You see, if we assume that it actually did happen, there is no possible way I could explain how it is that you are not a mess of tiny pieces floating about in the coldest reaches of space. Probably my favorite thing to do is kill sniveling Imperial officers and have them replaced over the slightest hint of disrespect, and you would be no exception.


"After all, what use could you be to me if you had betrayed me? I wouldn't be able to trust you to make strategic plans, heal me, or hold a blaster behind me any more. If I instead left you on the ship, both it and my crew would always be endangered by you. The only way we could be having this conversation is if your 'indiscretion' never occurred, so you just keep following me around talking about how 'An opportunity is all you ask' until I see a dialog option with the tag <Brutally destroy Quinn permanently in a lengthy cinematic>, and then the subject may resurface."

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it seems to me that crafting deficiencies are hardly a reason to eliminate the ability to kill off companions, since crafting is not really a game breaking decision. On the other hand losing your only healer would be something moreso along those lines, but is this option really the only way? Why with all the companions that are available are there not more options for this? It seems you could create a lot more variation in companion preferences if you allowed for two different ways in which you could utilize each companion. Take Jaesa as an example, she uses saberstaff which could easily indicate a possible tank as well as dps, but instead you only get an option for dps/bleed dps. Really? That really doesn't give up a lot of options. If they created an option to utilize the companions in different ways they might encourage more useage out of underutilized characters solely based on utility.
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Damn the consequences, I don't tolerate betrayal. I'm 47 and already looking over both shoulders, I don't need the guy watching my back stabbing me in it. I'm sorry, but I think the way this whole situation was "resolved" was about the laziest thing I've encountered in an otherwise great game. At the very least, I should have the option to send him packing only to have him redeem himself later in the story (show up during a crucial fight, aid one of my companions, something, ANYTHING!).


Quinn: "Oops! I tried to screw you over and failed. Mah bad. See you back on the ship, oh merciful Sith Lord just a few points from Dark V." *bows*


Me: "Haha, nice try bro. Almost got me there. Here are the keys to the ship, the vessel that contains all of my valuable possessions and the lives of my crew who don't try to end me. Let's hug it out."


End Scene


Really? Which writer took a sick day when this part of the story was due? If I choose to end this clown, and the "problem" is me being short a healing companion moving forward, then put a replacement companion on Corellia. Honestly, I don't even see the problem. Just give me the option to turn off the ship droid's prattling in combat and I'll gear him up to be my replacement healer if I'm that stressed about not having one. Dark decisions should have some consequences, although I fail to see how vanquishing a traitor would be a dark decision.


Also, get this punk off my bridge and let Pierce (or anyone else but the droid) have his seat. I don't need to see Quinn every damn time I need to travel.


TLDR (you lazy bastage): I would have liked to be mad about the betrayal, but I found myself more angry about how it was "resolved". Utter crap. :mad:


P.S. Thanks for this thread. I needed a gripe spot.

Edited by uramu
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I was chatting with a guild-mate on TS3 last night about this.


Since we can't kill him, we thought we should make Quinn a cyborg and add a chip to his brain making him loyal .....


If we can't kill him, have ultimate control over him. Sure beats a slave collar! Although shocking him would be nice too.

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Because I could not kill him, I've chosen what I believe to be a suitable punishment instead.


My Quinn is permanently assigned to med watch, in full lvl 7 frilled leather gear (compliments of lvl 50 chests on Belsavis, ***?).


If I can't kill him, the NPC's will for me... over and over again.

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I'm only lvl 34 and I haven't gotten to the betrayal part on my Quinn yet. But when I saw it on Youtube I was surprised because I thought dark Jaesa would be the one to betray me. She is just seems bloodthirsty crazy as her dark version. I keep waiting for a cutscene on the ship where I announce I'm going to sleep and wake up with her covered in blood saying she's arranged it with the rest of the crew so I can have some alone time with her. :eek:
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An easy solution to the problem of killing companions would be to have new generic companions available to everyone at level 50: a dps, a tank and a healer. Perhaps they wouldn't get affection or have a storyline, but they could fill any gaps.
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