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Any Maurader love?


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Haven't seen any Maurader issues being addressed. Right now the class requires 1,110 different buttons to play. Would like to see it trimmed up a bit to make the class smoother in play. Not to mention adding in some gear to vendors like the Dark Side vendor, which sells no gear at all for a Maurader.


Both of my suggestions for right now concern the Annihilation spec.


1. I feel that by making Deadly Saber an automatic ability (or even say 50% chance of activation per strike) instead of having to worry about it every 15 secs would help alot. One less button to have to worry about.


2. Also, I would like to see Annihilation, the ability, somehow replace Vicious Slash. I know it frankly represents our only burst ability, but I think it just feels a bit clunky to use in a PVE rotation with its awkward cooldown, not to mention it is costly at 5 rage. The most recent DPS studies are actually showing Vicious slash out doing Annihilation in a PVE rotation when specced into Brutality at level 50. If this is the case Annihilation would become an almost useless ability for PVE. I would actually prefer to see it become a replacement for Vicious slash with perhaps a dot renewal mechanic. This would would make it a worthwhile 31 level talent. As it stands it is clunky, expensive, and while it does decent (not spectacular mind you) damage, the mechanics of the ability make it a hard fit for PVE.





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As a juggernaut (tanking) i use almost all of my skills as well to fight and i have to say im loving it. I would rather see that other classes get brought to this then making us 1 button spammers as well.


Yes we do need to use more skills to do our job decently well but i prefer that over the 1 or 2 button whack-'m-all that some classes can get away with (you know who they are :) )


Cant comment on the marauder point you made with the skills though, so i'll leave that to your fellow marauders.

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As a juggernaut (tanking) i use almost all of my skills as well to fight and i have to say im loving it. I would rather see that other classes get brought to this then making us 1 button spammers as well.


Yes we do need to use more skills to do our job decently well but i prefer that over the 1 or 2 button whack-'m-all that some classes can get away with (you know who they are :) )


Cant comment on the marauder point you made with the skills though, so i'll leave that to your fellow marauders.


Sent/Mara have to use everything in their toolbox as well, so that is not a problem.


There is a lot of skill bloat, and while I do agree with Overload Saber change (would be nice, but would probably be quite a buff, freeing us from spending 3 focus every 12 secs and possibly getting more procs than intended), I do not believe Annihilate/Merciless Strike really need any tweaking... It is costly, but it is our biggest damage dealer, and I wouldn't trust any damage studies until we have an optimal means of looking at the numbers.

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Haven't seen any Maurader issues being addressed. Right now the class requires 1,110 different buttons to play. Would like to see it trimmed up a bit to make the class smoother in play. Not to mention adding in some gear to vendors like the Dark Side vendor, which sells no gear at all for a Maurader.


Both of my suggestions for right now concern the Annihilation spec.


1. I feel that by making Deadly Saber an automatic ability (or even say 50% chance of activation per strike) instead of having to worry about it every 15 secs would help alot. One less button to have to worry about.


2. Also, I would like to see Annihilation, the ability, somehow replace Vicious Slash. I know it frankly represents our only burst ability, but I think it just feels a bit clunky to use in a PVE rotation with its awkward cooldown, not to mention it is costly at 5 rage. The most recent DPS studies are actually showing Vicious slash out doing Annihilation in a PVE rotation when specced into Brutality at level 50. If this is the case Annihilation would become an almost useless ability for PVE. I would actually prefer to see it become a replacement for Vicious slash with perhaps a dot renewal mechanic. This would would make it a worthwhile 31 level talent. As it stands it is clunky, expensive, and while it does decent (not spectacular mind you) damage, the mechanics of the ability make it a hard fit for PVE.






i think your looking to play the carnage tree buddy. Because that's what your saying there with those changes. your changes would basically turn the annihilation tree into the carnage tree but with dots instead of instant damage.

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Don't touch marauders. They are fine... great even. Love mine, don't want him messed with. One thing I would say, is scaling needs to be adjusted in the 40's... but at end game 50, they wreck.

And as for the complaint a buttons, DON'T dumb down my game. I like my versatility to do WHAT I want with my rage, WHEN I want. I have a boss dps rotation, I have a trash pull rotation, then... the ever changing PVP reaction play.

Don't F with my marauder! :)

Edited by VXBlade
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Don't touch marauders. They are fine... great even. Love mine, don't want him messed with. One thing I would say, is scaling needs to be adjusted in the 40's... but at end game 50, they wreck.

And as for the complaint a buttons, DON'T dumb down my game. I like my versatility to do WHAT I want with my rage, WHEN I want. I have a boss dps rotation, I have a trash pull rotation, then... the ever changing PVP reaction play.

Don't F with my marauder! :)


also i gotta agree with this guy on my carnage build i just did it out and I will need to use 24 hot bar buttons. Half of those aren't even in my priority scale


For things I need on my hot bar I have:


Offense 7 (these are all I really need mid combat if nothing goes wrong):

Force Charge


Battering assault



Force Scream



Defense 6 (things always go wrong):

Saber Ward

Cloak of Pain


Undying Rage




Buffs 3:





Ranged 3 (you will be knocked back)

Deadly Throw

Vicious Throw

Force Choke


Items 5

Med Pack






That is 24 buttons used. That is the two bottom hot bars. Half of those abilities come up so rarely or just wont get used often enough that they can get tossed in the side bar for clicking. Things like the buffs can get moved to the side to make way for any of the other abilities you might like to use.

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No, love = nerfs duh.


Its generally assumed dps juggernauts have low dps then most other specs/classes. Though without a combat log its pretty hard to tell.

I'm talking to Marauders. I've got a Guardian. I know our problems. The only issue I have with Guards and Juggs is that the defensive stats that they like to throw on our sets work for only two out of eight types of damage... which is worthless for pvp.


Marauders have it good. They're probably the most ideal class of them all, given not every 12 year old can succeed by spamming one key.

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Whos talking about buffs?


1) Ravage doesn't work, you most likely will end up rooted in place "ravaging" the air where your enemy once stood.


2) Choke doesn't work, any number of things could happen after use. Could take damage but not be stunned, mara could get rooted in place while the enemy runs around you in circles, or you could press to cast see it doesnt work so start moving again, just to see that it WAS going to go off but since you moved it is now of CD.


3) Ability delay. Nuff said. With every single skill we have triggering a GCD, this is even worse, just to start our rotation in a big fight, requires defensive cool down pops, which all trigger GCDs for some reason.


4) Camo and undying rage have a tendency to not go off when pressed once, then twice and then spam spam spam work.


Anyway, not talking about buffs, just obvious frustrating problems. These have resulted in my playing a level 20 powertech gaining more medals, doing more damage and dying a lot less often and having fun. Even when my mara was 49.

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Whos talking about buffs?


1) Ravage doesn't work, you most likely will end up rooted in place "ravaging" the air where your enemy once stood.


2) Choke doesn't work, any number of things could happen after use. Could take damage but not be stunned, mara could get rooted in place while the enemy runs around you in circles, or you could press to cast see it doesnt work so start moving again, just to see that it WAS going to go off but since you moved it is now of CD.


3) Ability delay. Nuff said. With every single skill we have triggering a GCD, this is even worse, just to start our rotation in a big fight, requires defensive cool down pops, which all trigger GCDs for some reason.


4) Camo and undying rage have a tendency to not go off when pressed once, then twice and then spam spam spam work.


Anyway, not talking about buffs, just obvious frustrating problems. These have resulted in my playing a level 20 powertech gaining more medals, doing more damage and dying a lot less often and having fun. Even when my mara was 49.


The bold NEEDS to be fixed, this is a HUGE problem, and its not just us. I play a sorc too, and the bubble, my interrupt when getting blasted to hell by someone, and worst of all, my escape, doesn't work more than half the time.

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Whos talking about buffs?


1) Ravage doesn't work, you most likely will end up rooted in place "ravaging" the air where your enemy once stood.


2) Choke doesn't work, any number of things could happen after use. Could take damage but not be stunned, mara could get rooted in place while the enemy runs around you in circles, or you could press to cast see it doesnt work so start moving again, just to see that it WAS going to go off but since you moved it is now of CD.


3) Ability delay. Nuff said. With every single skill we have triggering a GCD, this is even worse, just to start our rotation in a big fight, requires defensive cool down pops, which all trigger GCDs for some reason.


4) Camo and undying rage have a tendency to not go off when pressed once, then twice and then spam spam spam work.


Anyway, not talking about buffs, just obvious frustrating problems. These have resulted in my playing a level 20 powertech gaining more medals, doing more damage and dying a lot less often and having fun. Even when my mara was 49.


1)roll carnage and root them with ravage if they move they blew their cc removal move time to force choke or do it the other way round as ravage is your big dmg in the carnage tree


2 & 3 & 4 as they are all pretty much rooted in ability delay: ability delay has been and is getting fixed piecemeal as that's the nature of the bugs. So all of those concerns can be melted away. However I would like to see defensive CDs off the GCD but that's not to intense I often blow them at the end of ravage or anything else I am channeling and they will give me twice the length of a gcd more time to live so even trade in my mind.

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1)roll carnage and root them with ravage if they move they blew their cc removal move time to force choke or do it the other way round as ravage is your big dmg in the carnage tree.


What the guy you are quoting is saying is ravage is broken no matter what spec, i've played carnage and i can guarantee that 9/10 it does not root anyone in place.While everything may be an issue with it the main problem is there is no way to cancel out of the animation mid ability so you waste 3secs for nothing.


The problem with ravage is the animation goes off but does no dmg and may or may not go on cd so you are sitting there for 3 secs doing the animation while being beat on or the person runs away. This happens when either your target dies while in animation, you have to move to reach your target then hit the ability(happens mostly with this one), and when you charge the target and hit the ability.

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- A class can be deep and complex without requiring a gaming mouse/trained spider/third arm.

- Marauders need some love PvE.

- Not everyone enjoys having nine zillion buttons to push.

- For a pure dps class, rauders need better survivability and sustained dps.

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What the guy you are quoting is saying is ravage is broken no matter what spec, i've played carnage and i can guarantee that 9/10 it does not root anyone in place.While everything may be an issue with it the main problem is there is no way to cancel out of the animation mid ability so you waste 3secs for nothing.


yet again that more than likely means they popped a trinket or already had full resolve. Force Choke them first. See how they respond. If they trinket and aren't at full resolve hit them with the ravage. They will stay were they are supposed to. I will run tests on this tonight and report back if I see this happening but I doubt it will.


The problem with ravage is the animation goes off but does no dmg and may or may not go on cd so you are sitting there for 3 secs doing the animation while being beat on or the person runs away. This happens when either your target dies while in animation, you have to move to reach your target then hit the ability(happens mostly with this one), and when you charge the target and hit the ability.


while I have had this happen once or twice I can't say I have had it happen at all since the ability delay stuff has started to go through and I interrupt the animation all the time with other abilities and defensive cool downs and simply moving around.

Edited by ManOSteal
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