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Tracer Missile, for all non bounty hunters


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Yesterday pvp example of how other players do not understand game mechanics,,,, I joined a huttball that already began, I ran to the top walkway and see a sorc spamming force lightning on our ball handler and others he can reach from above, LVL50 pvp by the way, I shoot him with my dart, fire a TM, a second TM ( in huttball its fast so im happy if i get at least 2 TMs off for my heat signatures), since my second TM hit same time as explosive dart blows he then notices me and jumps down, right as he jumps my heatseeker tags him and he goes LOS. (great i say to myself he is not attacking ball handler anymore), I move on to protecting him. I then notice the sorc posts in general TRACERSPAM, then a few follow screaming NOOB!


Now i say, first off if i hit you with 6 TMs in a row then i agree yell TM spammer or whatever makes you feel better,, but game mechanics wants me to hit you with 5,, in pvp i never do more than 3 in a row for the heats sigs, then burst you to death with heatseeker/rail shot then unload.


So my question is how many TMs are too much for you? 1? 2?,, i was accused of TM spam after 2, yes only 2 onto a target that was force lightning spamming. My guess is he only see the TM graphics and don't realize that he has a dart on his chest and the actual high crit hits are from my heatseekers and railshot,, but since they are instant they don't see it and then they are dead, only assuming it was all TMs? Im not sure I have yet to see a lvl 50 tracerspam,,, yes in lower levels its really all you got.


Anyway for those of you who do not understand how it works look here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=234210 this post from Kiphere

should help clear up your misunderstanding.

you can also go here http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/bounty_hunter/mercenary/ read and understand the arsenal tree.


I hope this helps. remember a BH can also say force lightning spam,, pebble to your face spam, stun spam, sniper shot spam. Its the game mechanics.

Edited by darksidea
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Don't listen to noobs who cry in general chat?


You will use Tracer Missile more than 3 times, especially against a geared sorcerer. After instant fusion, x3 tracer, heatseeker, rail shot, hopefully a barrage unload...you go back to tracer.

Edited by OklahomaSooner
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not upset,, normally do not even look in general,, its just after that i looked on forums and find its ( THE THING) to complain about tracer missiles, so i was hoping this would help some people truly understand why they see the TM graphics so much with Mercs. I mean it was imp vs imp,, you would think people from your own side would understand more than say a jedi who only play pubs. In every MMO i always attempt to understand every class regardless if i ever play it or not. It helps PVP and PVE . since im working right now and cannot play i figured i would leave a post and hope at least one person learns.


thanks for your time,, and enjoy the great game known as SWTOR :)

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It is pretty lame to see the BH that cant do anything but TM...TM SPAM is LAME!!!

Good thinig is a Pyro BH will OWN a BH TM spam!

Just wish there were more BH that didnt rely on the TM spam and actualy played their class instead of spam spam spam....hell you can see PvP vids where the BH ONLY has TM on his bar...again TM spam = LAME!

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It is pretty lame to see the BH that cant do anything but TM...TM SPAM is LAME!!!

Good thinig is a Pyro BH will OWN a BH TM spam!

Just wish there were more BH that didnt rely on the TM spam and actualy played their class instead of spam spam spam....hell you can see PvP vids where the BH ONLY has TM on his bar...again TM spam = LAME!


This is the problem, there are too many people out there like Kalgodic who see the video of that somewhat geared 50 murdering low level no expertise players who are not using CC or interrupts (he also had healing and the Republic players did not) in a single warzone and think that is what it is like to be a merc.


Every lvl 50 with a decent amount of expertise gear was destroying non-50s in warzones, that is why they put in the 50 bracket. You could have made that video using power shot instead and it would have looked the same. How many times would you have a full team of non-50s beating on a battlemaster tank while he calmly walks the huttball in for a score with full health?


There are many classes who have a main ability and use it as much as mercs use tracer missle, it just doesn't have the same annoying sound and animation so it isn't as noticeable. Complaining about mercs using tracer missile is just as stupid as complaining about melee classes using attacks that build rage or foucs so you can use high damage abilities. It is what you are meant to be doing, get over it.

Edited by Rendour
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I feel you OP. My opinion is that if the person I am attacking is not using their abilities to stop me, why wouldn't I just sit there and spam them? They have interrupts, CC and the like that can keep my from using TM. My opponent not using them tells me they are just a bad player.


My marauder will demolish a BH if I play him right. If not, I get waxed. The classes all have their own tools to make them effective. It is up to the player to utilize those tricks.

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This is the problem, there are too many people out there like Kalgodic who see the video of that somewhat geared 50 murdering low level no expertise players who are not using CC or interrupts (he also had healing and the Republic players did not) in a single warzone and think that is what it is like to be a merc.


Every lvl 50 with a decent amount of expertise gear was destroying non-50s in warzones, that is why they put in the 50 bracket. You could have made that video using power shot instead and it would have looked the same. How many times would you have a full team of non-50s beating on a battlemaster tank while he calmly walks the huttball in for a score with full health?


There are many classes who have a main ability and use it as much as much as mercs use tracer missle, it just doesn't have the same annoying sound and animation so it isn't as noticeable. Complaining about mercs using tracer missile is just as stupid as complaining about melee classes using attacks that build rage or foucs so you can use high damage abilities. It is what you are meant to be doing, get over it.


Thank you for your intelligent post.. I'm getting sick of reading the whining about tracer missile spam. People just look for things to complain about and it's ridiculous.

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It's the animation my friend...;)


THIS! I think this as well.


I am so sick of people complaining about TM "spamming". I always shoot it off twice at first (if I can) for a quick 4 stacks. That's really spamming one ability? Yes, there are Merc's out there that just spam that. And the video of the guy with nothing other than TM on the hotbar proves absolutely nothing.


Tracer Missile buffs our attacks, it's really as simple as that. I need three TM's to make a full buff stack, I usually just launch two to start (which gives me a 4 stack instead of 5). If you getting pelted by TM then you probably have two situations: noob (go kill him) or there is more than on Arsenal Merc in the game, sorry you're going to have to deal with it.


I have a complaint while I'm at it: F'ing healers keep spamming their heal button when I'm trying to kill them and it takes me too long to kill them. Something has GOT to be done about this I should be killing these guys in like 7 Tracer Missile shots but I have no interrupt so he just keeps f'ing healing himself. Seriously Bioware, when are you going to wake up and take healing out of the game!!! If this isn't fixed soon, I'm UN-SUBBING, which obviously means your company will FAIL!!!


Grow up kids, learn how to play your class. Even better, roll an alt and learn the in's/out's of the other classes as well, it would help you tremendously in PvP...

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It is pretty lame to see the BH that cant do anything but TM...TM SPAM is LAME!!!

Good thinig is a Pyro BH will OWN a BH TM spam!

Just wish there were more BH that didnt rely on the TM spam and actualy played their class instead of spam spam spam....hell you can see PvP vids where the BH ONLY has TM on his bar...again TM spam = LAME!




go back to the lightning spammers forum plz

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wait wait wait a min, a sorc who spams only 1 skill aka Force lightning called you a noob for using 1 spam skill too?...the stupidity of that sorc makes me laugh really hard right now. i'm impress by the level of his stupidity


Yeah, sorcs have it in their head that because they're wearing light armor, they actually require the skill spamm, I mean, play their class. It really gets silly sometimes.

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this is FUNNY!


If I was Arsenal Spec, and someone sits there and lets me rain on them with Tracer Missles, I would spam that **** until next expantion. Vent Heat AND TRACER TRACER one TWO on that again!!


And if general chat read "Tracer SPAMMER", my reply would be... "I'm Arsenal, That's the PATH A CHOSE"

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this is FUNNY!


If I was Arsenal Spec, and someone sits there and lets me rain on them with Tracer Missles, I would spam that **** until next expantion. Vent Heat AND TRACER TRACER one TWO on that again!!


And if general chat read "Tracer SPAMMER", my reply would be... "I'm Arsenal, That's the PATH A CHOSE"




Its not your problem to stop doing something THEY don't like.

Edited by Zilrota
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I have a level 50 bounty hunter... Aresenal would be a good tree if it wasn't for tracer missle... Horrible design around one ability doing everything, low heat, stacks heat sigs, no cd, highest damage, and buffs other abilities..... The tree is so poorly designed and quit lazy tbh. Thus the spec is lame and boring too. Best thing about Aresenal is the improved jet boost and heat seeker... Rest is meh.
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I have a level 50 bounty hunter... Aresenal would be a good tree if it wasn't for tracer missle... Horrible design around one ability doing everything, low heat, stacks heat sigs, no cd, highest damage, and buffs other abilities..... The tree is so poorly designed and quit lazy tbh. Thus the spec is lame and boring too. Best thing about Aresenal is the improved jet boost and heat seeker... Rest is meh.


TM isnt our biggest hit as arsenal...


but at the end of the day when you up up a buff and two debuffs for every shot, yeah it is used often in the rotation (esp when you need to 5 stack debuffs)

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I always lol at people who scream that some class is OP. I agree that Sorc is a damn good pvp class, and if well played can be god-like, but I never stated that it should get a nerf... And same thing with BH, I think they are fine, ALTHOUGH a cooldown for TM would be great, 6 seconds for example, because it is too good to be non cd.
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TM isnt our biggest hit as arsenal...


but at the end of the day when you up up a buff and two debuffs for every shot, yeah it is used often in the rotation (esp when you need to 5 stack debuffs)


It consistently does more damage then anything else you have...trust me I know.

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No sir it does not hit harder than any other, my highest tracer crit hits are around 2700, where my heatseeker with the 5 heat sigs high crits are 3500-4000, this is against pvp geared toons, currently mine is only at 130 some expertise, if i did not have to use TM to build up stats you can bet i would never use it. No need to post incorrectly and then back that up with "trust me i know" which intern just proved you don't know.
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I had the exact same thing happen yesterday in Huttball. As soon as I killed this Sorcerer he was like "TRACER TRACER TRACER TRACER...LOLZ"


To which I replied "lightning lightning lightning lightning cry cry whine lightning lightning cry cry"


That's literally all he did the entire match was stand up there and spam lightning, so why talk to me about tracer missile? I chose BH Arsenal WAYYYY before the game came out, and way before I even got into Beta. I chose it when it was first announced that I could be a BH ranged DPS. I chose it before Tracer missile was even known about to the public. So I'm supposed to shelf my toon because you think tracer is lame? Eat it tool.


If I didnt have to spam it, I wouldnt, but the truth is I HAVE TO SPAM IT YOU MORON. I need 5 tracer's hit to get the power barrier (5) + tracer lock (5) for rail shot,+ 25% damage bonus to heatseeker missiles, which is going to own your face.


So Mr. Lightning spammer, you are telling me, if they made you hit one ability to get a damage reduction active, and it stacked 5 times, and that 2 of your main abilities' damage output increased by how many times you spammed it... that you would only hit it once because you are afraid you'd look silly? No man, you'd hit it 5 times because that is how you win.


Then I went on to tell him how I won and that's all that matters, then he cried that I had more gear than him, so I just told him to get better at it and stop being a baby. Meh, nuf said.

Edited by Frankee
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