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For deserters -500 valor


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Problem with that idea is all the peopl ewho would normally leave and be replaced will simply afk intstead. Thus compounding the problem for those of us who just want to play.


Well, for afk -500 valor to

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From deserters should be taken 500 valor for each deserted bg.


Oh you disconnected? Got stuck in something and were forced to leave? Not only do you lose every reward from that WarZone. You also get a -500 penalty because... you should avoid being close to anything that could potentially knock you into a bugged spot and you need to make sure you never disconnect from our servers!!1

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Well, for afk -500 valor to


When he said afking, he meant afking OUTSIDE of the starting zone meaning you won't get kicked for it. If you press num lock and auto-run into a wall, nothing will spot that you're afk.

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Well, for afk -500 valor to




And who decides who is afk?


The term afk, when referring to people who are doing it in a Warzone, doesn't always mean that they're not at the keyboard, nor does it mean the character isn't moving.



And to be honest, I shouldn't be punished for leaving a game I don't want to play.

Edited by Soazak
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Oh you disconnected? Got stuck in something and were forced to leave? Not only do you lose every reward from that WarZone. You also get a -500 penalty because... you should avoid being close to anything that could potentially knock you into a bugged spot and you need to make sure you never disconnect from our servers!!1


So what? I was not one time disconnecetd. It is just excuse.

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When he said afking, he meant afking OUTSIDE of the starting zone meaning you won't get kicked for it. If you press num lock and auto-run into a wall, nothing will spot that you're
Edited by rtek
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Fix game crashing first, then you can punish me for leaving WZ.


Strange, i am not from western country and you can't even buy swtor here. And i never expirienced game crash. Maybe you should update your hardware :)

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From deserters should be taken 500 valor for each deserted bg.


a complete utter and pathetic idea



once pvp is actualy working properly and things get balanced and fixed then and only then should they add a penatly to warzone deserters like a 15 minute debuff



you cant blame people for deserting warzones right now because of the heavily broken pvp content within the game.


so adding any penalty right now would be idiotic

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There was an instance where I was animation glitched after I died. I was stuck on the ground, could not move, could not trinket to get up, and so I was forcibly ejected from the arena despite the fact that my team had a commanding lead, and the game was 2 minutes until we won.


A valor hit would have just added insult to injury.


Basically yes, this is either a troll or a self righteous mad post. Deserters are annoying. The game should have a metric and penalty in place to find and dissuade chronic deserting, but one match here and there is hardly a problem. The larger issue that makes deserting the issue that it is is class balance in warzones. A team of healers and tanky dps vs a team of no healers is an incredibly one sided matchup that I've seen quite a bit of. The only time the team of healers and tanky dps wont dominate the other is if they're completely terrible.


Basically, treat the disease not the symptom.

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And to be honest, I shouldn't be punished for leaving a game I don't want to play.



Don't play it. Why are you playing it if YOU dont want to be in it.


Why did you even click join if there was the remotest possibility you might lose a game?

Edited by Susprina
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I live in on the East Coast of the US. I regularly play with a friend who lives in New Zealand. There was a time when we both would get DCd at the same time during a WZ. It was EXTREMELY fustrating as it would be during a Void Star where our side was winning.


So yeah. If you're gonna apply a penalty like that, make sure that Disconnects don't happen.

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Ah no, just add a 15 minute debuff (same as WoW's), sometimes you gotta leave because of ******* vs premades or you have to go afk and do something, -500 valor is harsh.


Also the dumb bugs, like falling through the world in voidstar over and over without being able to unstick or such, or getting stuck in the ceiling in huttball after a weird jump from the jets.

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No thanks. Then I can't leave Hutball every time it pops up to annoy me. How about we have a leave window the first 2 minutes after coming into a game, after that you have a deserter debuff which doesn't let you queue for 10-15 minutes.
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Don't play it. Why are you playing it if YOU dont want to be in it.


I may not want to be in that specific Warzone.


Sometimes I may get a game I don't want to play (e.g. I'm not a huge fan of Voidstar at the moment, Republic on my server seem to Bug over the forcefield in the majority of games).


Occasionally when I'm solo I'm put in with a Premade on our server, that are awful/abusive/agressive people, I simply don't want to play with them.


Sometimes, I may get a telephone call/knock on the door I need to answer irl, so I will drop out of the game to avoid being a burden on them (sitting in the corner pressing spacebar every few minutes).


Sometimes I'm just disconnected.


There simply needs to be quick report option for AFKers, then let the devs take whatever decision they please after monitoring them. I shouldn't lose 500 valour for this, that's a terrible idea.

Edited by Soazak
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