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Legacy system will not...


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Yeah I just unsubbed after my main couldnt finish the storyline quest due to a bug and the high level alt that I made got stuck in a rock where I was constantly floating so /stuck and quick travel wouldn't activate properly.


After FIVE DAYS of waiting on support I decided it was time to throw in the towel. Some of the class mechanics were fun, but it wasn't anything I haven't seen in other recent MMOs. Lots of fluff and gimmicks.


This game is not revolutionary enough to be a contender with all the horrendous bugs that it is plagued with.


Like all other MMO releases, there will be purists who defend the game until the servers close... or the next new MMO releases. Each time they will tell us to go back to WoW even though we never mentioned it in the first place.


Sad really.

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elaborate. cause i dissagree.


well i trust the legacy system will be so awesome that it will save this game


or you meant elaborate that the game suck?


well its a well known fact, just look at the forum..

Edited by boobaffet
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well i trust the legacy system will be so awesome that it will save this game


or you meant elaborate that the game suck?


well its a well known fact, just look at the forum..


I don't think the game sucks, so it's apparently not a fact.

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well i trust the legacy system will be so awesome that it will save this game


or you meant elaborate that the game suck?


well its a well known fact, just look at the forum..


What fact? People whine on every MMO official forums that ever existed since the beginning of time. WoW has turned into the biggest piece of garbage in recent years. They still play the game. Even with its issues TOR is still better than any other out there, and a refreshing experience than using a sword and board while wearing mail armor. The worst I've ever seen was Aion forums.


Not my fault the uptight whiners don't have patience or vision. I read their posts and all I see is waaah waaah waaah... Explain the issue or bug, let them investigate, and work on it. There is a lot that is still in the works and needs to be released. But priorities change depending, and the whiners don't understand how things work in the real world. Things don't get done over night. Sometimes depending on whats wrong it can take quite a while. You all need to understand, and if your not interested in the need, then be gone. Only constructive feedback toward what ever problems you are facing in game should be your focus. Regardless of what anyone has to say about these comments, whiners will be whiners, no matter what. Suck it up buttercup.

Edited by xorcist
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Hey people, I found the link stating that you don't need multiple characters to take advantage of the legacy system. Here you go :) Not very concrete stuff, but it's all I can find for now.


Its kind of funny. That post is the reason many of us want to know if legacy is retroactive to existing alts and the answer to the question.


Oden gave an example "You create a Jedi Knight, you level him up to level 40 and then you decide you want to try out the Smuggler. Because you've already got the Legacy open, you've got some Legacy levels, you've got some Legacy points... you can actually buy some perks for your Smuggler character, so he might, for example, be able to buy a speeder bike at a much earlier level than your first character, allowing you to travel through the world faster."


The way your character earns XP can even be altered, "[The Smuggler] might be able to customize how he gets experience points, so he gets more experience points from playing the PvP game. You're able to essentially focus on the activities that you want to focus on in your next playthrough," Ohlen concluded.


This talks about creating a new character once legacy is deployed. Which is why so many people are hesitant to create alts now, because we don't know if those alts will gain the advantages of legacy.


But thanks for looking it and posting it. You said you would and you did, which is kind of unusual in forums.

Edited by Trolltar
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Be what saves this game . I've noticed a trend in a few interviews that devs mention how the legacy system will " blow" us away.



I'm sorry but if the gameplay remains clunky, the UI stays garbage and a requirement at 50 is to reroll in order to not get bored, then My guess is Pandas will look more intriguing everyday for some.


Still having a blast here. Sorry you didn't enjoy it. Have fun with your next game. Buh bye

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What if it literally "blows" you away?


1) It could shoot a spray of shotgun shells out of the computer, then reach down and take your wallet. Saves the game by earning lots of money.


2) It <explicit sexual reference related to the word in quotations above removed by poster for decency>, which would keep EVERYBODY playing.


3) It sends out a tornado that blows you out of the window, and then steals your stuff.

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They need to release DETAILED information about it. Pretty much everyone is 50 now and many, like me, have multiple 50s already. WE NEED TO KNOW what the legacy system entails because rolling new alts at this point is just not feasible. I do NOT want to miss out on some race/class combo unlocks.


There is no reason whatsoever to keep the details under wraps at this point, and in face it would give something to look forward to. Right now we have vague promises and typical BS marketing speeches. We already bought your game, stop it already. Whoever in your marketing department decided this, needs to be fired so he can go back to marketing burgers.

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Have you ever noticed the people with the most complaints over systems that are not even released are usually the ones that get the most upset when their exploits get discovered and patched saying "they Nerfed me!"


The legacy system is something I personally look forward to. if you feel you have to plan your alts play random characters until the legacy system is unveiled officially then delete them and create your alts. you know the more characters you make the more legacy xp you get.

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Have you ever noticed the people with the most complaints over systems that are not even released are usually the ones that get the most upset when their exploits get discovered and patched saying "they Nerfed me!"


Nobody is complaining about what is in the legacy system. That's because nobody knows. The complaint is about the total lack of information concerning what's apparently a major feature in the game.


Also, who in this thread was complaining that their exploits were taken away?

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Be what saves this game . I've noticed a trend in a few interviews that devs mention how the legacy system will " blow" us away.



I'm sorry but if the gameplay remains clunky, the UI stays garbage and a requirement at 50 is to reroll in order to not get bored, then My guess is Pandas will look more intriguing everyday for some.

In your opinion, nothing more.

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Its kind of funny. That post is the reason many of us want to know if legacy is retroactive to existing alts and the answer to the question.


This talks about creating a new character once legacy is deployed. Which is why so many people are hesitant to create alts now, because we don't know if those alts will gain the advantages of legacy.


But thanks for looking it and posting it. You said you would and you did, which is kind of unusual in forums.


That's true actually, guess we won't find out more until later...


My guess is that logically it will be retroactive for existing alts on the server on which it has been unlocked. It wouldn't make sense to force people to reroll all their alts, especially in an alt-friendly game like TOR (and where the developers actively encouraged people to try out alts even pre-launch). Or at least many of the features should be retroactive. Again, this is just a guess so treat it as such.


And you're very welcome, it was no biggie :D

Edited by archifikoss
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okay so here's a couple things that might work for a few people,


the game doesn't have enough end game content// two options wait for the content or quit go back to WoW


the game has too many bugs i don't like the UI bla bla bla// two options again wait for the fix or quit, find something else to play


WoW has more content// quit.. see you later hope you enjoy panda's have fun.


The legacy system won't save the game it's dying// make it easier quit and see if that kills the game i doubt you'll see much change. Most likely the rest of us won't miss you.


i'm mad because legacy's not out yet and i want to threaten bioware that i'll unsub if they don't push it out faster// might as well quit, because lets be honest without at least another couple thousand people doing the same Bioware won't notice you missing


I don't like rolling alts legacy won't do much for me// read the legacy info they promised content for both alts and mains keep playing have some faith


The warzones aren't fun/ pvp was an afterthought// no way, you must belong to the republic side, quit crying and help your team win once in a while


I'm mad because the game came out with bugs// fork over a couple million for the budget so they can keep working on a game with no profit rolling in or offer to pay a subscription to a game that you can't play because it will take 2 years to fix the bugs


I don't feel like these forums matter because Bioware doesn't care what i have to say// your right they don't, they want to fix bugs in their game, they don't have time to coddle you because you haven't realized they made the game to make money not to impress you


I want to reply to this troll and speak my mind// go ahead i probably won't see the thread again because i'll be in the game

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This game has LOTS of potential, but sadly the company expects everyone to feed them money while they make the community hope for a miracle that will get this game up to par with WoW steadiness. Sadly, that kind of achievement takes a while to be fulfilled... rest assured they know that, and their damage control measures comes in form of these patches with new stuff... but they seriously wants us all to keep up with the bugfest this game is while we pay them to wait for stuff that should/shouldn't be since launch?


Mind you that I really hope this game fly really high and stay up there, but the fall seems imminent.



Before people start saying "go back to wow", all I can say is that the die hard BW defenders will probably be the first ones silently leaving the game for whatever is just out of the oven.

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I'll be satisfied if it simply lets me play a Togruta jedi. And that seems pretty darn feasible to me, considering how many of them are already in the game, one of which is a romance (so that mumbo-jumbo about character models having to fit animations etc. obviously can't apply too much to them)
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It's amazing that some of you guys are so delusional that you even start threads talking about features "saving" this game. This game is doing very well and doesn't need saving.


So many chicken littles around here it's amazing.

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I am interested and love to create more alts, but holding off, as I don't know what options or benefits I will see with the legacy system....hoping that in February they provide a little detail and also hoping it is not released towards the end of March.


I was hoping myself that they'd give us extra racial options. Just having the choice of a human, or different "kind" of human is really irritating in a game with so much species diversity. Cathar, togruta, nautolan to name a few, and you could add them without the need to have special voices for them. and for the more 'alien' species, just recycle the same gibberish you use for npcs, then all you gotta do is write subtitles, saves on extra voice work.

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