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Does anyone else struggle in 1v1s?


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I'm a vigi specced guardian decked out in a lot of champ/cent gear and honestly struggle again most classes 1v1 (even after using all my cd's)- is anyone else in the same position? My rotation is fairly standard based on what I've read around here...
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With my defence Guardian in DPS gear I tend to lol at people one on one, get my armour debuffs running, then stun lock, push, leap them to death.


Vigilance is very very good, BUT it needs a team behind it. Your DPS is sustained not burst so you'll have trouble bringing down a healer (without more than one interrupt) and you'll get burst down yourself from another class.

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As a Defense specced Guardian I pretty much handle people in 1v1's. Sorcerers, Mercernaries, Marauders and DPS specced Juggernauts are all pretty easy. The only fight I've had so far where an equal level player beat me in a straight up face off was against a Powertech. We both jumped in and started hitting each other, both realized about the same time that we weren't getting anywhere with our healer companions healing us up, and we both switched to each other's healers. Despite dropping Taunts on him he dropped my healer WAY before I was able to hurt Mako (his healer), which basically slanted the fight in his favor big time and that was all she wrote.


I rezzed and tried again and luckily random help swung by, but in each of the subsequent fights I could tell he had the stronger character. This wasn't at max level and I'm not sure what state his gear was in but overall I was really surprised at how hard the Powertech was rolling me.


I haven't had the opportunity to square off against too many Assassin's in 1v1's; I beat one who was a level higher but got the feeling the player was terribad.

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which classes are you having trouble with? It usually comes down to knowing about the class you are fighting. The only class I have trouble with are geared operatives who open on me. Vig is a great dueling spec.


This. Similar gear to OP, but I will win almost any 1v1. The amount of controll you have with the Force push buff is silly. Basically, good juggernauts can be problematic and some heal specced inqs that outgear me(read BM gear) and are good players. And yeah, well geared good OPs that open on you are hard. Maybe it's a server thing. Most RDPS on my server can't kite for **** so :/

Edited by Herew
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K , my alt is a 23 guardian and I dps spec own focus and I gotta say , the DPS is fine , in fact , too good maybe. Hitting big numbers at this level with a class that's primary roll is a tank seems a little imbalanced to me. Add to that when I switch to Soresu and equip my shield generator ( keep my focus tree , love zealous leap too much :p) I still put out big numbers especially on skills like blade storm. Last night as a 23 guardian specced in focus but going Soresu/Shield I got 135k damage & 65k protect and I was almost 10 levels below everyone else on both their team and our team.


That might be overpowered a bit. Is it really worth it to roll a sentinal if you can just spec out your guardian to dps ? In WZs you'll get more medals as a DPS guardian because you get both offensive medals and defensive ( taunt counts as protection).

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I'm very new to MMO's and I only just respec'ed to a full Vigilance spec yesterday and I actually have less trouble focusing people down now than ever. Granted the sustained DPS is less ideal for PvP theoretically I find myself using all of the burn abilities to stack huge amounts of damage and then kill them.


The most important things to remember since I've been vigilance spec'ed are to...


1) stack your burn effects. You always wanna make sure you chain all these together as often as possible. All of the damage from your burn effects stack. So blade storm, Overhead Slash and Plasma brand will all do damage on top of one another at the same time. It doesn't seem like much damage per burn effect but when you get them going it's a LOT of damage. Additionally I don't know if it's just me but it seems like each tick of the burn effect also builds focus. So by the time you get through your full rotation you should have a full focus bar that you can use to continue your chain. I don't know if that's completely correct. But what I do know is that now that I've been using the vigilance spec I've found myself with more focus than I know what to do with. Also, something that people forget about the burn effects is that they are elemental damage. So it ignores armor completely as well as normal damage reduction. So unless you have an opponent that has some ridiculous buffs to elemental damage they're going to be taking the flat damage as stated in the ability screen.


2) Force Rush. The wonderful skill off to the side of overhead slash that makes Blade Storm AND Dispatch almost automatically critically hit. So basically, for using the abilities that you SHOULD be spamming anyway your finishing move becomes a critical hit. I'm just now regearing my character as a DPS and I've been pretty consistently pulling 3000 point critical hits with dispatch. My number of killing blows in warzones has doubled since I started using vigillance.


I hope that any of this information was useful to you. I know I hate being told things that I already know like it's sage advice. haha... But yeah, I LOVE the vigilance spec. I'm reasonably survivable and I kill lots.

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Since I'm rarely in a situation to fight 1v1 I'm not sure exactly how I stack up. 2v1 I can sometimes get my target close to death, depending on who I'm fighting. Most of the 1v1 fights I've had I was able to outlast my enemy and kill them, or have them run away (this has happened multiple times with assassins popping on me).


If an Operative opens on me from stealth I usually die - but I think that's the same for everyone at this point.


I think sometimes it comes down to who is more used to dying - because I see people start to panic and button mash when they're getting close to dying and I pop enure or something and they are like *** guardian self healing!

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Vigilance Guardians will gladly trade you Plasma Brand for Guardian Slash.


Because our top talent really does suck. Costs too much focus, the dot is screwed up, and it has a prerequisite of Sunder armor before we can cast it.


Sunder Armor on my guardian is primary a focus builder.

Edited by bamsmacked
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I'm very new to MMO's and I only just respec'ed to a full Vigilance spec yesterday and I actually have less trouble focusing people down now than ever. Granted the sustained DPS is less ideal for PvP theoretically I find myself using all of the burn abilities to stack huge amounts of damage and then kill them.


The most important things to remember since I've been vigilance spec'ed are to...


1) stack your burn effects. You always wanna make sure you chain all these together as often as possible. All of the damage from your burn effects stack. So blade storm, Overhead Slash and Plasma brand will all do damage on top of one another at the same time. It doesn't seem like much damage per burn effect but when you get them going it's a LOT of damage. Additionally I don't know if it's just me but it seems like each tick of the burn effect also builds focus. So by the time you get through your full rotation you should have a full focus bar that you can use to continue your chain. I don't know if that's completely correct. But what I do know is that now that I've been using the vigilance spec I've found myself with more focus than I know what to do with. Also, something that people forget about the burn effects is that they are elemental damage. So it ignores armor completely as well as normal damage reduction. So unless you have an opponent that has some ridiculous buffs to elemental damage they're going to be taking the flat damage as stated in the ability screen.


2) Force Rush. The wonderful skill off to the side of overhead slash that makes Blade Storm AND Dispatch almost automatically critically hit. So basically, for using the abilities that you SHOULD be spamming anyway your finishing move becomes a critical hit. I'm just now regearing my character as a DPS and I've been pretty consistently pulling 3000 point critical hits with dispatch. My number of killing blows in warzones has doubled since I started using vigillance.


I hope that any of this information was useful to you. I know I hate being told things that I already know like it's sage advice. haha... But yeah, I LOVE the vigilance spec. I'm reasonably survivable and I kill lots.


1) Thing with the Vigilance tree is that if you are using the Shien Lightsaber Form, your abilities refund 1 focus back after the ability is used, so while it may seem that as the dots tick you are gaining focus, it is actually a result of the lightsaber form.


2) Couldn't agree more, if you are in the vigilance tree, Force Rush is a must have. I have a hybrid tanking build, taking the damage reduction talents from vigilance and warding call from the defense tree and even while in Soresu form I am able to nearly get 3k dispatches.


Current Build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500cMG0uZhGrMMhdzMM.1

Edited by Sheldon_Ghast
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Vigilance Guardians will gladly trade you Plasma Brand for Guardian Slash.


Because our top talent really does suck. Costs too much focus, the dot is screwed up, and it has a prerequisite of Sunder armor before we can cast it.


Sunder Armor on my guardian is primary a focus builder.


I wholeheartedly disagree with your assessment of Plasma Brand. I LOVE LOVE LOVE plasma Brand. Don't get me wrong, Guardian Slash is an awesome ability but Guardian Slash and Plasma Brand are for 2 different purposes.


Guardian Slash is the kind of ability that is AMAZING if you have an organized team. If you're properly focusing targets to death then Guardian Slash will make you do it faster. It's a decent burst of damage that immediately adds 3 stacks of sundering. As soon as Guardian Slash lands then your Jedi Sentinel buddy should be right there banging away at your target to have them dead in mere seconds.


Plasma Brand on the other hand is something that I use as a damage stacking ability. Plasma brand isn't really a finisher, it's actually an opener. As such I've modified my rotation to accomodate it. I'll usually Saber Throw, Force Leap, Sunder Armor, Plasma Brand, Overhead Slash, Blade Storm and then by this time if they're a cloth wearer then they'r ready for Dispatch, which will be a critical hit because of Force Rush. If they're not low enough to be dispatched then I'll Force Push them and which immediately resets the cool down on Force Leap and then I'll start the process over again. Which I can do because I have a full Focus Bar because Shien form is amazing for Focus generation and B) Because the cool downs on all the abilities I just used is only 9 seconds. So I have no problem doing this twice in a row to focus down just about anyone. Plasma Brand does a significant amount of Burn damage at the same time as you're hitting them with a chain of abilities that do around 2000 points of damage on their own when you take into account the extra burn damage that the other attacks do.


I can see how vigilance is an acquired taste. But used properly it's just as good as anything else.

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