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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Heavy population, still hard to get groups


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I play on a server with supposedly "heavy" population and there are usually 150-250+ people in fleet when I'm online. Still, it seems hard to get groups for flashpoints etc 45+. You have to sit around for hours, or more. And i play a tank.


The game really need some way to form groups, either just global on your own server or global on all servers (server-server grouping is hardly coming in a near future i forsee though). But just giving us a way to form groups with whole server would help.

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I play on a server with supposedly "heavy" population and there are usually 150-250+ people in fleet when I'm online. Still, it seems hard to get groups for flashpoints etc 45+. You have to sit around for hours, or more. And i play a tank.


The game really need some way to form groups, either just global on your own server or global on all servers (server-server grouping is hardly coming in a near future i forsee though). But just giving us a way to form groups with whole server would help.


Do as I did for my last days in TOR. I traveled to low lvl planet (up to lvl 20) and I was helping out people with heroics, group missions etc. You complain about lvl 45+ ?

Once I hit lvl 50 what I experience was:

~ constant hutball where 80% of the matches was terminated because someone dropped from the match

~ empty ilium. Noone to group with, noone to play with, noone to kill

~ no groups for flashpoints or operations or something like that.



This is a TOR after you hit 50. NOTHING. You are not allowed to play with lower level people. Only thing you can do is to travel to lower lvl planets and kill some people (or even groups of people). But that's not fun since there is no challenge (you have more skills, better stats, better gear) and you only kill fun for them by killing them.


BW is punishing people for finishing the game. Because I finished it and I quit it after that. I have my brother my game account for a month to test the game and decide if he want it on birthday or something else. And that's it. I will check again in march to see some updates and if there will be nothing interesting. I'm completely out. Right now I'm playing Fallen Earth and I enjoy it.

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That is actually a very valid point - the game is still young and a ton of poeple are keeping to the lower levels and or keep rolling alts. I remember running though belsavis about a month ago with only 3 people on the planet - today there is roughly only 18. Climbing, slowly, but climbing.
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I have 4 pieces of columni and have run each hard mode on my 50. I have almost full champ from warzones and dailys and we (republic) farm the empire in Ilum sometimes.


I think you just want to concern troll for the LFD tool.

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I have 4 pieces of columni and have run each hard mode on my 50. I have almost full champ from warzones and dailys and we (republic) farm the empire in Ilum sometimes.


I think you just want to concern troll for the LFD tool.


Sounds like fun. /sarcasm

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I have 4 pieces of columni and have run each hard mode on my 50. I have almost full champ from warzones and dailys and we (republic) farm the empire in Ilum sometimes.


I think you just want to concern troll for the LFD tool.


Again, this is very server based. Some servers are just becoming 'empty' - not even in the total number of players, but because the amount of players stays even and more and more players get spread around the level range of 1-50. I couldn't do FP's after Boarding Party, because even at prime time there was no one to be found.

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Hmm my server has 132 in the fleet at the moment and there are a few people looking for groups, mainly low level stuff, certainly no one looking to pug higher level content like 50 instances or hard modes (note: I haven't done any of the 50 instances or hard modes since hitting 50 but have done the raids).


I found it better once I joined a guild as far as grouping goes, although I joined a pvp guild so we are mainly focused on premade groups for PvP and Ilum with weekend raiding.

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Well anyone got any idea why so few groups form even with this big number of players sitting around in fleet?


Too much singleplayer content perhaps..


Somewhat related is that people are trying to do FP that are above their level. I ran into 3 level 20s who were LF1M to do "Foundry." Not going to happen.

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I'm saying this in the nicest possible way: People like you are part of the problem.


Part of your problem, not ours. We have fun playing through the game and enjoying the storylines, different gameplay mechanics, and different NPC interactions. Unfortunately, I can't play TOR offline, so I have to take up space on the server.


Part of the problem is people complaining about everything and anything. In early access, everyone complained that a brand new release (not to mention one of the biggest, if not the biggest, MMO release ever) had queue times. Who could've fathomed that? Everyone complained about the queue times, so they added servers and kept a tighter hold on the server populations to avoid that.


Now everyone complains that they picked a low population server to counteract queue times and now there aren't enough people. I am on a server that is frequently listed as "very heavy" and don't always have an issue getting groups for this. Granted, I can pull from my guild most of the time, but not always.


I can't say "switch servers" because I've done that four times now looking for a good RP-PvP server and it's an awful thing to do without server transfers, but it's your only option right now. The game is young, people are experiencing it all in their own way, and that level fragmentation causes a big issue for a lot of things. You'll just have to wait it out or otherwise deal with it.

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Do as I did for my last days in TOR. I traveled to low lvl planet (up to lvl 20) and I was helping out people with heroics, group missions etc. You complain about lvl 45+ ?

Once I hit lvl 50 what I experience was:

~ constant hutball where 80% of the matches was terminated because someone dropped from the match

~ empty ilium. Noone to group with, noone to play with, noone to kill

~ no groups for flashpoints or operations or something like that.



This is a TOR after you hit 50. NOTHING. You are not allowed to play with lower level people. Only thing you can do is to travel to lower lvl planets and kill some people (or even groups of people). But that's not fun since there is no challenge (you have more skills, better stats, better gear) and you only kill fun for them by killing them.


BW is punishing people for finishing the game. Because I finished it and I quit it after that. I have my brother my game account for a month to test the game and decide if he want it on birthday or something else. And that's it. I will check again in march to see some updates and if there will be nothing interesting. I'm completely out. Right now I'm playing Fallen Earth and I enjoy it.


Maybe you should've joined a better guild?

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Again, this is very server based. Some servers are just becoming 'empty' - not even in the total number of players, but because the amount of players stays even and more and more players get spread around the level range of 1-50. I couldn't do FP's after Boarding Party, because even at prime time there was no one to be found.


Your right on it's server based IE numbers only. However, there could be 3,000 in fleet and you may not be able to find a group, on the other hand there could be 100 and all of them are grouped up doing flash points.


Bottom line is they can't "force" people to group up or do certain flash points. Why people feel that the numbers overly have a bearing on it, I don't know. I would be blame it on server numbers alone if like 20 people were on the fleet and only 4 were 50's, something of that ratio. Other than that, people do what they want.


Also, what has been stated is correct, the game is still young. People are rolling alts etc. I know I usually am not settled until I have a Tank, a healer and a DPS, ranging from melee to ranged. Not to mention maxed skills to support any roll I do. But that's just me.

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Part of your problem, not ours. We have fun playing through the game and enjoying the storylines, different gameplay mechanics, and different NPC interactions. Unfortunately, I can't play TOR offline, so I have to take up space on the server.


Part of the problem is people complaining about everything and anything. In early access, everyone complained that a brand new release (not to mention one of the biggest, if not the biggest, MMO release ever) had queue times. Who could've fathomed that? Everyone complained about the queue times, so they added servers and kept a tighter hold on the server populations to avoid that.


Now everyone complains that they picked a low population server to counteract queue times and now there aren't enough people. I am on a server that is frequently listed as "very heavy" and don't always have an issue getting groups for this. Granted, I can pull from my guild most of the time, but not always.


I can't say "switch servers" because I've done that four times now looking for a good RP-PvP server and it's an awful thing to do without server transfers, but it's your only option right now. The game is young, people are experiencing it all in their own way, and that level fragmentation causes a big issue for a lot of things. You'll just have to wait it out or otherwise deal with it.


Well put.

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Now everyone complains that they picked a low population server to counteract queue times and now there aren't enough people. I am on a server that is frequently listed as "very heavy" and don't always have an issue getting groups for this. Granted, I can pull from my guild most of the time, but not always.


Actually I'm on Exar Kun, the very first additional German server which went live during Early Access. There are consistently ~200 people on the fleet, yet all I ever see is "LFM Athiss!".


I can't blame you for playing a lot of alts and I certainly won't tell you how to play but it annoys me to no end nonetheless.

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Like i said earlier, the OP is concern trolling about the LFD thing.


On my server the Empire fleet is literally a spam fest with people trying to fill groups in between the rampant general chat trolling. And my server is low pop.


On the Republic side we created a global PVE channel (yep, you can do that) and we all do it there.


So no, there is no way with 200 people in the fleet anyone is having trouble filling groups.


Its all just a bug push for the LFD "click a button and slam face on keyboard" system.

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Like i said earlier, the OP is concern trolling about the LFD thing.


On my server the Empire fleet is literally a spam fest with people trying to fill groups in between the rampant general chat trolling. And my server is low pop.


On the Republic side we created a global PVE channel (yep, you can do that) and we all do it there.


So no, there is no way with 200 people in the fleet anyone is having trouble filling groups.


Its all just a bug push for the LFD "click a button and slam face on keyboard" system.


Most people know it, we are just calling him on it. People are people and will do what they want. If 1,000,000 people on one server don't want to do a single flashpoint, well then guess what, no one is going to group for them. lol


I know you know this, but the OP certainly doesn't.

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Well put.


Thank you


Actually I'm on Exar Kun, the very first additional German server which went live during Early Access. There are consistently ~200 people on the fleet, yet all I ever see is "LFM Athiss!".


I can't blame you for playing a lot of alts and I certainly won't tell you how to play but it annoys me to no end nonetheless.


Sorry you feel that way, but I'm going to keep playing my other characters. I love how different the combat is and how different some planets feel because of it.


I know all about the level 50 woes. I've had people leave my guild because they've been level 50 for weeks. They came to me and asked what I was going to do and I said nothing. I'm not going to force people to get to max level because you're bored. You can deal with it and make another character or find somewhere that better suits your needs. Some have left and some have stayed. I respect both decisions.

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