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Agent story


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Good to hear Act II improves eventually. I flat out lost interest in playing my sniper when that **** happened. Had to go and make a Sith and slaughter a bunch of stuff for no obvious reason to work some of the anger out....Suffice to say when the option comes up I'm going to be wrecking my light side standing.


Pretty sure it's stuff like that, that makes people go all Kyp Durron on solar systems.


I hear you. I got my first darkside points getting payback in act II. Two down, one to go...

Edited by IronSalamander
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I thought the IA story and character development were great. Could've been better, but the challenge for the writers is to write something epic enough that the player enjoys being part of something bigger, while at the same time being unable to have any real impact on the galaxy at large (being an MMO, it has to stay the same).


Doing my best to avoid spoilers, I thought the prologue was a bit boring, particularly as, unlike other Sith classes the story arc ends after Hutta. Soon after however, your investigating dangers to the Empire, the galaxy and her citizens, chasing leads, going undercover and using any combination of violence, seduction and cunning to get things done.


Later, becoming a double agent, freelance/triple agent, internal Sith power struggles, that is the stuff that espionage stories are made of. The command-switch was frustrating, but what it did was to give us motivation to continue as well as highlight who the enemies were, making our struggle personal, not just professional.


I played light side and didn't kill unnecessarily. I used seduction every available opportunity and think by lvl 50 my agent had seduced or slept with 6-7 women, married two and kissed many more.


My only real grumble was at the end of Nar Shadaa. The LS/DS options were the wrong way round I believe. I couldn't role-play my character without getting dark-side points so had to make a decision I didn't want to. Oh and when the companion becomes unavailable resulting in a crew skills bug until their return much later. Not story related but it made playing frustrating.


My highlights...I remember at the tail end of Balmorra, while working undercover being given the order to infiltrate a factory to steal or disable something. It was a great espionage mission, infiltrating an enemy base using stealth/sleep dart to sneak by one guard, silently eliminating another, etc. Also at the very end where (major spoiler):



After the final boss fight, the enemy admits to loving my agent as passionately as she hated him. My agent gives her a kiss as she dies in his embrace


Looking forward to seeing what happens next with the agent's story in a future expansion. There are others to enjoy tho...currently working on Inquisitor and just started Trooper too, to see what the Republic side is all about.

Edited by KingsGambit
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I like the story but it has its moments of pure stupid near the end.



When Keeper tells you in act 3 that your mission is to get captured by the Republic and then learn what you can and escape. Like she knows they're going to do just that and then put you into a situation where you can escape. I mean, did she read the script?



I just refused to continue after that. Fortunately I was 50 so I don't need to.

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I like the story but it has its moments of pure stupid near the end.



When Keeper tells you in act 3 that your mission is to get captured by the Republic and then learn what you can and escape. Like she knows they're going to do just that and then put you into a situation where you can escape. I mean, did she read the script?



I just refused to continue after that. Fortunately I was 50 so I don't need to.


It was the Star Cabal not the Republic and she told you she was giving you 24 hours to escape, and if she did not hear from you in those 24 hours she was going to call in reinforcements to save you

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It was the Star Cabal not the Republic and she told you she was giving you 24 hours to escape, and if she did not hear from you in those 24 hours she was going to call in reinforcements to save you


I just finished the story on my Sniper Kylania last night and I went through with this, and it was of course the Cabal, but...



The idea was daft at best. This is especially after she later tells me that I'm their only field asset. So you send your only field asset to get captured and tortured, and that torture sequence was disturbing with sounds like you're being torn to pieces, where you'll be helpless and at the mercy of the enemy for the possibility it might be used against them? Being helpless and held by the enemy is not a good idea and our chance of survival would have been minimal at best. Add to that the method of torture could have easily been crippling or even far worse (although they can't go too far since this is an MMO). But she has the gall to say that she's glad I'm alright later in the story? I'd be much better if I wasn't getting what sounds to be multiple bones broken, shocked, and beaten. Bioware has always had a problem with nonsensical plot-hammers to force us to do really inane things, but this one was really aggravating. I even told Keeper off and said I'd figure something out, but no dice. I was even more annoyed with her when she responded that I had no idea what's she's been though. I wanted to point out that I've been through a living hell and that's before the torture she sends us too! The screams Kylania made and the horrific crunching sounds still ring in my ears after finishing the story last night.


The only reason I pushed on to finish after that nightmare was that Doc Lokin told me there was no permanent damage when they dropped us off and of course no alteration of Kylania's appearance, but the entire idea of this part of the story was ludicrous. As an imperial agent, we would of course be trained to resist interrogation since being captured and interrogated is a strong possibility, but being told to get this done on purpose, and especially considering the state of intelligence at the time is just imbecilic.



Despite the above spoiler, the overall story was very good although after seeing the Warrior and Inquisitor endings I see we really get shafted. I don't expect the rewards that a Sith gets of course, but the level of disparity is alarming. On the plus side, their stories were a lot blander than ours, if they were less put upon.

Edited by IronSalamander
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I just finished the story on my Sniper Kylania last night and I went through with this, and it was of course the Cabal, but...



The idea was daft at best. This is especially after she later tells me that I'm their only field asset. So you send your only field asset to get captured and tortured, and that torture sequence was disturbing with sounds like you're being torn to pieces, where you'll be helpless and at the mercy of the enemy for the possibility it might be used against them? Being helpless and held by the enemy is not a good idea and our chance of survival would have been minimal at best. Add to that the method of torture could have easily been crippling or even far worse (although they can't go too far since this is an MMO). But she has the gall to say that she's glad I'm alright later in the story? I'd be much better if I wasn't getting what sounds to be multiple bones broken, shocked, and beaten. Bioware has always had a problem with nonsensical plot-hammers to force us to do really inane things, but this one was really aggravating. I even told Keeper off and said I'd figure something out, but no dice. I was even more annoyed with her when she responded that I had no idea what's she's been though. I wanted to point out that I've been through a living hell and that's before the torture she sends us too! The screams Kylania made and the horrific crunching sounds still ring in my ears after finishing the story last night.


The only reason I pushed on to finish after that nightmare was that Doc Lokin told me there was no permanent damage when they dropped us off and of course no alteration of Kylania's appearance, but the entire idea of this part of the story was ludicrous. As an imperial agent, we would of course be trained to resist interrogation since being captured and interrogated is a strong possibility, but being told to get this done on purpose, and especially considering the state of intelligence at the time is just imbecilic.



Despite the above spoiler, the overall story was very good although after seeing the Warrior and Inquisitor endings I see we really get shafted. I don't expect the rewards that a Sith gets of course, but the level of disparity is alarming. On the plus side, their stories were a lot blander than ours, if they were less put upon.


the torture scene was a cliche, its in alot of spy/military based movies and i actually thought that it proved what the agent was willing to go through to save the empire. plus it was the only way we could get the star cabal to slip up so we could find them. watcher 2 was very nice and considerate which is why i chose to give the codex to the minister but stay in the system and make the empire a better place aka "Not batman". i hope in an expansion i can rebuild intelligence and put watcher 2 back as keeper, old keeper back as the minister, and me still as cipher nine...fyi i went completely neutral and doing whats best for the empire not the sith

Edited by Themerck
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Level 42 Cipher Agent Dian Cecht (Human)


I love the story so far. I thought agent would be my least favorite class to play, but, it is by far my favorite. I played TRP, IQ, and BH.


I really enjoy the LS and DS choices. Espcially the LS choices. The LS choices don't make me feel like a goodie goodie. I'm sitting at 7332 LS and 2667 DS. I try to pick the choices that would let me use people as an asset later on, but, sometimes I need to make an example of those who betray me. (Hey I'm still an Imperial.)


I do not know the story past Belsavis, I just got the quest to take me there. I don't RP in general, but, I like getting into my character when I'm talking to NPCs making choices. I'm hoping for a story option to stick it to those sith bastards. Through my agents eyes he sees the empire as a stronger version of the republic and feels he works for the people of the empire to protect them and he dislikes the sith very much.


It really is all about your personality. To me if I can't get into the story between lvls 10-20 I sell off all me gear and mail all the creds to another toon.


Last but not least, Biochem ftw.

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the torture scene was a cliche, its in alot of spy/military based movies and i actually thought that it proved what the agent was willing to go through to save the empire. plus it was the only way we could get the star cabal to slip up so we could find them. watcher 2 was very nice and considerate which is why i chose to give the codex to the minister but stay in the system and make the empire a better place aka "Not batman". i hope in an expansion i can rebuild intelligence and put watcher 2 back as keeper, old keeper back as the minister, and me still as cipher nine...fyi i went completely neutral and doing whats best for the empire not the sith


It of course did work as we know, but that doesn't reduce the fact that it was a ludicrous idea. People tortured for information almost always end up dead, maimed, or imprisoned. We were only let go alive since they had to to move the plot, but that makes even less sense from the perspective of the enemy and that makes the whole thing even worse since it doesn't even make sense from either end.



The sound effects sounded like at least a half-dozen broken bones and likely worse. When Doc said there was no permanent damage and Kylania got up and looked and acted the same as always, it was a relief but the sounds were just disturbing. When you consider the fact that you undergo this brutality for an empire that keeps treating you like a second-class citizen even after all we've done, I really wish there was an option to avoid all this unpleasantness.




Plus by that time we were so put upon by even our own 'friends' I was not going to go through that unless I was forced too by the game structure, which of course I was. I can see where you are coming from on some of your points of view, but if Keeper(Watcher 2) was genuinely concerned, we wouldn't have been sent to such a horrific event in the first place. It should have been easy to come up with something less brutal. Perhaps have us set up a phony transmission or drop-off point for the data. While any agency plans for the contingency and may expect agents to be captured, they don't throw vital and successful operatives willy-nilly into such brutal/fatal situations for the slim chance that it might help.


I was somewhat split between the batman ending and to soldier on, but the concept of freedom was too good to pass on. And finally being able to drop the cipher nine moniker was more than worth it. I protested the loss of identity when the old Keeper first assigned the id to me, and got Kaliyo affection for not wanting to drop my name, but not much you can do. After the codeword abuse of chapter 2, there was no way I was going to join the SIS, and since I let Chance die and killed Ardun Kothe for using the codeword, it wasn't going to happen anyway.


Like you I worked for the good of the empire and not the Sith. I was almost pure light barring 4 darkside choices against the three codeword abusers (Chance, Kothe, and Hunter twice at the end). The Minister got some kudos with me on the Tenebrous when he explained that he really wanted to improve the empire, but was thwarted by the Sith and was not proud of some of the things he had done. He seemed pleased I chose to be free. Kaliyo sure as heck did! ;)


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  • 4 months later...

I had heard rumors of a disturbing scene for the agent....I am very disturbed by it, I hate to drop my agent I worked hard to get where I am...but I can't stomach it personally.


Is there any way to avoid this particular event? Can I still level to 50 and continue if I stop this? Can I forget this class story and just have an agent...level through heroics and side quests?I will not enjoy this story at all if there is no avoiding this and before I go further I should know...kills me to think of it..this actually ruins it for me in some way..takes the fun out of it. So sick to think my agent adventure is ruined.

Edited by Shipwright
clairfy my point and question
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after a bit of searchijg it seems...I must dump my agent as without finishing class...things are closed after hitting 50. Unless someone knows sometrhing more that I am not aware of...unless I can avoid this story development but it seems there is no choice...it is not a story line choice but something forced on the agent character...an event which I find totally unplatable. I am not watching my charcter or another going through it. I want fun and a dramatic story but this is revolting to me...just totally no fun at all.


I am so so sick inside. I wasted all of this time and effort and this really cool class I must abandon. I am not one of these power gamers who levels fast etc. I struggled to get where I am.

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after a bit of searchijg it seems...I must dump my agent as without finishing class...things are closed after hitting 50. Unless someone knows sometrhing more that I am not aware of...unless I can avoid this story development but it seems there is no choice...it is not a story line choice but something forced on the agent character...an event which I find totally unplatable. I am not watching my charcter or another going through it. I want fun and a dramatic story but this is revolting to me...just totally no fun at all.


I am so so sick inside. I wasted all of this time and effort and this really cool class I must abandon. I am not one of these power gamers who levels fast etc. I struggled to get where I am.


One possibility is to space through. Yeah, you're going to have to answer the dialogue wheels, but you you can space, skip the scenes, hit a choice at random, space through again, rinse, repeat. I mean, you'll still sort of know that something is happening, but you can pretty much tune it out.


Also, you can do a lot at 50 without finishing the class quest.

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One possibility is to space through. Yeah, you're going to have to answer the dialogue wheels, but you you can space, skip the scenes, hit a choice at random, space through again, rinse, repeat. I mean, you'll still sort of know that something is happening, but you can pretty much tune it out.


Also, you can do a lot at 50 without finishing the class quest.


thanks for your reply!


maybe i can stomach that, space bar through it, i just do not know...in short i had an experience that was no different than torture fundamentally, but it is a very long story.


maybe i can space bar through it, not sure; it is difficult to describe the power of this memory. the simple idea that this story takes me to a torture episode wigs me out, completely ruins it for me.


what exactly would the limits be if the class story is dropped? I do not care for pvp, i am on a pve server, so pvp considerations do not matter to me.

thanks for any help! :)

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thanks for your reply!


maybe i can stomach that, space bar through it, i just do not know...in short i had an experience that was no different than torture fundamentally, but it is a very long story.


maybe i can space bar through it, not sure; it is difficult to describe the power of this memory. the simple idea that this story takes me to a torture episode wigs me out, completely ruins it for me.


what exactly would the limits be if the class story is dropped? I do not care for pvp, i am on a pve server, so pvp considerations do not matter to me.

thanks for any help! :)

I had my own very unpleasant and traumatic memories and feelings dredged up by the chapter 2 plotline, so you have my sympathy. An alternate way to deal with it might be to have someone else do the particular conversation for you? Once you are in it there isn't any fighting or anything, so it doesn't even need to be someone who knows how to play.
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Oh, np. I honestly don't think that much of anything changes if you stop playing the class line other than that you don't get the title "master conspirator". (And possibly you'll be locked out of stuff later.) I think you can still do the dailies (although you might want to check on Belsavus to see whether or not they're unlocked - I think that a level unlocks them, though, not classline. So if you're 46, you could head on over there and see whether you can grab them. If not, you may need to make it through the torture scene.) I believe that you can also do all end game operations/flash points, and you can certainly do PVP.



And, yeah, I agree on the triggery stuff. There were some scenes that really upset me - not the mind control or the torture, but other stuff. I wish that they put some kind of warning on it.


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Oh, np. I honestly don't think that much of anything changes if you stop playing the class line other than that you don't get the title "master conspirator". (And possibly you'll be locked out of stuff later.) I think you can still do the dailies (although you might want to check on Belsavus to see whether or not they're unlocked - I think that a level unlocks them, though, not classline. So if you're 46, you could head on over there and see whether you can grab them. If not, you may need to make it through the torture scene.) I believe that you can also do all end game operations/flash points, and you can certainly do PVP.



And, yeah, I agree on the triggery stuff. There were some scenes that really upset me - not the mind control or the torture, but other stuff. I wish that they put some kind of warning on it.



Just the thought that it is heading there is profoundly unsettling to me.


I am not 46 yet. PVP holds no appeal for me and I won't be doing it ( despitre some constant nagging by friends; I joined a pve server for a reason!), so I am really wondering what pve content will be locked for me if I drop the story.

What exatcly are dailies, which i read of so often?



I do have another character, fortunately, if this is not going to be feasible. But I loved the agent character and for me the game takes lots of hard work. It is a sacrifice for me, and even though I have another charatcer, I would want to roll another that has healing ( as my agent does). The prospect of starting over is duanting to me as I level extremely slow.

Edited by Shipwright
post comes acroos unclear
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Just the thought that it is heading there is profoundly unsettling to me.


I am not 46 yet. PVP holds no appeal for me and I won't be doing it ( despitre some constant nagging by friends; I joined a pve server for a reason!), so I am really wondering what pve content will be locked for me if I drop the story.

What exatcly are dailies, which i read of so often?



I don't blame you there. There's something about knowing that something *has* happened that's unsettling even if you don't watch it all go down.


Dailies are quests that reset every day. They're mostly good for money, companion affection, social points (if you do them with other people), and daily tokens (which can be traded primarily for T3 - Rakata - gear.) It would be difficult to do a lot of PVE stuff without dailies, I think. (As that's where more people get money for repairs + the daily tokens help you buy stuff.) But I'm not sure whether you're locked out. You could always ding 50 (or 46 - I think they open up around then), check whether you can get the bonus series on Belsavus, and go from there. (If you can't pick up the bonus quest, it may be tied into completing the storyline.)


Of course, there is the question as to whether in the future more stuff will be unlocked that you'd be excluded from. But that might not be that big a deal, either...

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I don't blame you there. There's something about knowing that something *has* happened that's unsettling even if you don't watch it all go down.


Dailies are quests that reset every day. They're mostly good for money, companion affection, social points (if you do them with other people), and daily tokens (which can be traded primarily for T3 - Rakata - gear.) It would be difficult to do a lot of PVE stuff without dailies, I think. (As that's where more people get money for repairs + the daily tokens help you buy stuff.) But I'm not sure whether you're locked out. You could always ding 50 (or 46 - I think they open up around then), check whether you can get the bonus series on Belsavus, and go from there. (If you can't pick up the bonus quest, it may be tied into completing the storyline.)


Of course, there is the question as to whether in the future more stuff will be unlocked that you'd be excluded from. But that might not be that big a deal, either...


Thanks for the help! It does seem that this will derail things, so that decides it, I will dump the character.

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I really enjoyed the story but at the end it seemed to just fall flat. I leveled up with a BH so I got to watch his story as well. That was an amazing ending, then when I got to the conclusion of the agent storyline my first thought was "That is it? How anti-climactic". I enjoyed it fully up to that last moment.


amen... spot on.... the story is amazing and I'm gonna play it again, just because it's cool, but the ending sucked! The ultimate bad guy was a wuss, really easy to beat. So BW screwed up a bit here. last boss in act 1, harder to beat than last boss in act 3? that's not right at all. Suggestion: nerf act 1 boss slightly and buff last boss slightly.


But the ending doesn't take away the fact, that it is the best story in game, but not a clear 10 out of 10, just because it ends so badly. I rated it as a 9, with others (SW & JK) getting an 8. The bounty hunter one was my least favorite. Chapter 1 was good, but the rest, not impressive. The ending was cool however.

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Among the Imperials I've played, I've been enjoying the Agent the most...until now. I just hit the part where the alleged Republic agent can inflict absolute mind control on you at whim. This is BAD BAD BAD from my perspective - almost bad enough to simply delete that toon and never look back. It's bad enough that all the Sith Lords are spoiled, insane adolescents, but having to put up with them, and having to watch my agent treated like a meat puppet is a bit much.

Please tell me it gets better, and soon, becuase I don't want to have to grind through half a dozen levels knowing that ant any time, this guy can pop out and make every choice and action irrelevant.


it doesn't help that my Inquisitor friend is telling me about his office, and his new title 'Lord' - and I get no new title, no recognition, nothing, just another mission; and to have this kind of crap pulled on me is just bitter icing on an acidic cake. I knew starting out that the Sith have all the breaks, but come on.


When, if ever, do I get to feel cool again as an Agent? It was fun up till now.


I hate that sith get the title darth, vast respect and all, yet bh/ia get zilch. both can and have killed some of the toughest opponents in the galaxy, yet get no final title or any respect. People should be afraid to cross us or disrespect us. Your BH is a highly placed mandalorean at 50. your IA is basicly 007 at 50. Yet they are flunkies at best. On that note, your SW just killed a Dark council member. why isnt he/she invited to take his place?

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Just finished agent. Loved it.

I don't know what choices you all made along the way, but I found that several choices I'd gone with had big implications down the road, and the story pulled together the whole morality of the agent really well. I went fairly consistently along one moral alignment, and the whole story line seemed to hinge on what that morality was that I'd chosen. And in the end, my character got what they wanted (and said they wanted to the mystics on Voss), and, well, it impressed me. Fitting end to the story.

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I hate that sith get the title darth, vast respect and all, yet bh/ia get zilch. both can and have killed some of the toughest opponents in the galaxy, yet get no final title or any respect. People should be afraid to cross us or disrespect us. Your BH is a highly placed mandalorean at 50. your IA is basicly 007 at 50. Yet they are flunkies at best. On that note, your SW just killed a Dark council member. why isnt he/she invited to take his place?


When you complete the class stories for the Empire:


Sith Warrior: The Emperor's Wrath, aka the one who makes the Dark Council quake in their boots and a massively powerful and influential sith lord with the mandate to enforce the Emperor's will.

Sith Inquisitor: Darth by rite of succession and power gain, controller of a vast cult, a powerful armada, and in a position to lead the empire in its war against the republic.

Bounty Hunter: The vanguard (no pun intended) of the new breed of Mandalorians who is the most ruthless, persistent, unshakable hunter of his time.

Imperial Agent: Depending on the choices you make, you are either: A) The new Keeper of Sith Intelligence, B) A ghost agent, no affiliation and nobody calling the shots but you, C) Defecting to join the SIS, D) The Hand of Jadus aka his personal assassin, and E) Nothing changes, you just keep on as Cipher 9



The warrior isn't recognized as a Darth like with the Inquisitor because of the last minute changes to the story before launch, you get the title because you basically did the same thing, but the warrior story wasn't about ascending to power as much as the inquisitor story was.

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