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Actually, the RPG was dropped from MMO awhile ago. TOR is as close to an MMORPG as you are going to get.


WoW has no rpg aspect to it

EvE has no rpg aspect to it

DDO has no rpg aspect to it and its based on the mother of all RPG games.

Guildwars has no rpg aspect to it.


Nah, man, you dont get it.


When a guy gets a new t-shirt in wow and equips it, it makes him smarter.


Bam, RPG.

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In a regular RPG all the "people" in your group are NPCs, or a bunch of characters controlled by you. You have "people" in your group by lvl 10, they're companions. If referring to an MMORPG then you may or may not have valid points (I'm not an old-school MMORPGer). You may not mean to be switching out those key letters, but in certain areas of your argument you are, and it causes flaws.


You are missing my point.


And that point is RPG games were defined by their group-oriented gameplay. The fact your party members were controlled by AI doesn't take away from the fact it was group gameplay based off questing with other characters who performed their own specific roles in combat.


The companion system of SWTOR is actually it's finest design accopmlishment, and the only reason I still play the game.


But in the beginning at least, the whole idea behind an MMORPG was that instead of being able to explore and quest along aside computer-controlled companions, you did it with real people instead. That was the whole draw of an MMORPG to begin with. They were never mean to be largely solo experiences you could just rush through till you got to the very end of the game then finally did some grouping together.

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Actually, the RPG was dropped from MMO awhile ago. TOR is as close to an MMORPG as you are going to get.


WoW has no rpg aspect to it

EvE has no rpg aspect to it

DDO has no rpg aspect to it and its based on the mother of all RPG games.

Guildwars has no rpg aspect to it.


Actually EVE has the most RPG in it considering how open ended it is. SWTOR has you at least playing a character rather than an avatar/toon/whatever you call it with a personality dictated by the player. The other listed games don't accomplish that at all.

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I think you are forgetting the RPG part of mmoRPG lol...


Which is what Bioware's story that you spacebar through is trying to re-introduce to the genre. I may not have played WoW, but I saw enough clips and of one of my friends playing it to know it was weak on story by late 2006.

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DDO has no rpg aspect to it and its based on the mother of all RPG games.

Guildwars has no rpg aspect to it.


Have you played the two mentioned games? Guild Wars has an extensive single player campaign, that engulfs a huge and epic story, and it's pretty damn awesome. Well, apart from factions (the voice acting was... horrid there), but I've decided to forget that.


DDO has several story arcs, one of the stories starts in the harbour waterworks at level 2 once you're off of noob island and ends on the plane of nightmares at level 20. And there are more, most are shorter ones.

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Lol, competitive gaming can not be done on an MMO. Literally 70 percent or more of the actual character control is animation based and not controlled by the player.


Boot up BF3 and lets play...




Boot up MW3 and lets play




Boot up CS 1.6 and lets play




Oh way, you call pushing 1-10 and wasd "esports"


Guild Wars wasnt relevant because no one wants to play an eastern themed mmo anymore.


Thats why I am completely convinced the following mmos will fail:




Blade and Soul

Lineage 3

Lineage 4

Lineage 5

Lineage 6

Aion 2

Aion 3


How can anyone possibly still believe NCsoft makes good mmos with all the "winners" on their line up.

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Actually, the RPG was dropped from MMO awhile ago. TOR is as close to an MMORPG as you are going to get.


WoW has no rpg aspect to it

EvE has no rpg aspect to it

DDO has no rpg aspect to it and its based on the mother of all RPG games.

Guildwars has no rpg aspect to it.


I've never played Eve, DDo, or guild wars, but I can tell you MMORPGs such as Final Fantasy 11 and Lord of the Rings online were both very RPG heavy with a huge empahsis on grouping WHEN THEY FIRST CAME OUT. The same can be said of WoW i'm told.


These games have since then been remodeled to be far easier and quicker solo experiences, but in their initial creations they were a whole different animal than they are now.

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Which is what Bioware's story that you spacebar through is trying to re-introduce to the genre. I may not have played WoW, but I saw enough clips and of one of my friends playing it to know it was weak on story by late 2006.


WoW has a great story... it's just all in Warcraft III that's all :3

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Oh are you people still here?


That's nice


Of course they are still here... they have to keep trolling to try and steal customers off of other games success. Even if they are directly supporting the game by paying for a subscription.


One day they will sit back when they are old and realize how much of a waste of skin they were in life.

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Thats why I am completely convinced the following mmos will fail:




Blade and Soul

Lineage 3

Lineage 4

Lineage 5

Lineage 6

Aion 2

Aion 3


How can anyone possibly still believe NCsoft makes good mmos with all the "winners" on their line up.


Lineage and Aion do very well in Asia.

Edited by JackPipsam
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This so much.


The open world was one of the best parts of games like Star Wars: Galaxies, The Matrix Online and is one of the reasons why Asheron's Call is great.


MXO was the worst mmo ever made. Ever.


For its last 3 years, the actual development team was volunteer based and led by a member of the community.


Never ever reference that game as a role model for future mmos.

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wait. You think SWTOR is an mmorpg/??


Its more of a single player game with co-op. Actually, it fits singleplayer a lot more than MMO.


it's massive in that there are a large amount of people playing across various server.


it's multi-player in that there are multiple of players playing on any given server.


it's online which requires internet access and an account to login and play.


Therefore it fits the requirements of MMO....



Does it have forced group content? No

Does it need forced group content? NO.

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Lineage and Aion do very well in Asia.


They do not do well in Asia.


They do well in Korea. And when Blade and Soul comes out Aion will die. And hopefully it takes its pitance of US servers with it.


By the way, IDK how many times i have to say this on this forum, but SWTOR sold 2 million copies in US/EU alone.


This game isnt dying yet, AND its releasing in several more countries by summer.

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I think you are forgetting the RPG part of mmoRPG lol...




Allright. I'll play along.


RPGs dont have to be MMOs.


MMOs dont have to be RPGs


MMORPGs dont have to be about killing Dragons/aliens/monsters/robots/dinosaurs/squirrels, gathering xp, gaining levels and finding loot.


MMOs in general dont have to force players to group.


MMOs in general must give players the ability to group up for whatever reason if they so desire.


TOR is an MMORPG. It IS about killing aliens/robots/monsters, getting xp, leveling up, finding epic lewt etc. It IS about people grouping up, completing quests and clearing content that would be impossible to clear solo.


Do you get it now?

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Actually, the RPG was dropped from MMO awhile ago. TOR is as close to an MMORPG as you are going to get.


WoW has no rpg aspect to it

EvE has no rpg aspect to it

DDO has no rpg aspect to it and its based on the mother of all RPG games.

Guildwars has no rpg aspect to it.


Orly? I never got into Eve or DDO but i have played the other 2 and i don't see how you can say it has no rpg? wut?

Edited by FoE_Viz
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Have you played the two mentioned games? Guild Wars has an extensive single player campaign, that engulfs a huge and epic story, and it's pretty damn awesome. Well, apart from factions (the voice acting was... horrid there), but I've decided to forget that.


DDO has several story arcs, one of the stories starts in the harbour waterworks at level 2 once you're off of noob island and ends on the plane of nightmares at level 20. And there are more, most are shorter ones.


Yes, I've played all of the above listed games. As a matter of fact, DDO is where i've spent most of my time since its release. DDO has story arcs, but has no RP to it. You have no choice, you're told the story and told where to go and that's it. Their is no *choice*, theirs not more than one option. Also, DDO's "Story arc's" are garbage and unfinished, and they jump around so much without finishing one.


RPG =/= massive open world to explore

RPG =/= a story arc with a linear path to accomplish that goal



RPG DOES = giving a player a *choice*. Allowing him to play a role and let his choices guide him thru the game.


Tor does this best of all the current MMO's on the market that label themselves mmorpg's.

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You are missing my point.


And that point is RPG games were defined by their group-oriented gameplay. The fact your party members were controlled by AI doesn't take away from the fact it was group gameplay based off questing with other characters who performed their own specific roles in combat.


The companion system of SWTOR is actually it's finest design accopmlishment, and the only reason I still play the game.


But in the beginning at least, the whole idea behind an MMORPG was that instead of being able to explore and quest along aside computer-controlled companions, you did it with real people instead. That was the whole draw of an MMORPG to begin with. They were never mean to be largely solo experiences you could just rush through till you got to the very end of the game then finally did some grouping together.


You need to find a different guild. I spend half my time helping guildies get through parts that they have trouble with or randomly grouping for fun. I don't think game is so much broken as the attitude lots of players have towards grouping. You actually do get more xp and credits in groups. I'll probably never be in a top 100 guild or complete the nightmare mode ops til they've been nerfed into oblivion, but I don't care either. I'm playing the game for fun, and actually enjoy helping people get through content they were having trouble. :)

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Just quit belly aching and predicting...Ive yet to see all these huge bugs people whine about.

Either you like this game or as the old saying goes:Misery loves company


Dont worry if you arent enjoying yourself, just man up and face the fact that you feel you arent getting your moneys worth.

I see people trying to recruite other misery mongers into their little world of self pitty.


But if your afraid to be alone with the noise between your ears I guess theres freedom of speech....so bang your little drums and make noise if it sooths the void in your wallet.

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