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I still think Marauder is just a broken class


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I felt very underpowered while leveling and shortly after I hit 50. Even though I knew exactly what my rotation and gearing priorities were supposed to be and doing everything right, I was weak compared to players of other classes that actually did not know exactly what they were doing.


However, now that we are all in high level raid gear, I am a threat pulling DPS monster. Even with Guard on me I will pull threat consistently.


We have very weak base damage but scale extremely well with gear (If you change out the Mods and Enhancements to the correct ones. Our gear is Itemized horribly). That leads to Marauders feeling weak for 90% of the game (unless you are constantly upgrading all you gear to the best you can equip each level) and perhaps too strong in the other 10%. It may be something that needs looked into.

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I felt very underpowered while leveling and shortly after I hit 50. Even though I knew exactly what my rotation and gearing priorities were supposed to be and doing everything right, I was weak compared to players of other classes that actually did not know exactly what they were doing.


However, now that we are all in high level raid gear, I am a threat pulling DPS monster. Even with Guard on me I will pull threat consistently.


We have very weak base damage but scale extremely well with gear (If you change out the Mods and Enhancements to the correct ones. Our gear is Itemized horribly). That leads to Marauders feeling weak for 90% of the game (unless you are constantly upgrading all you gear to the best you can equip each level) and perhaps too strong in the other 10%. It may be something that needs looked into.


Perhaps, gear has something to do with it, my main gripe with PvP is the requirement of Valor to use some of the best gear in the game, I also feel like expertise was badly done. To me a stat like expertise should be used to make PvP gear better at PvP but weaker at PvE whereas in SWTOR it seems the best gear not only has the best PvE stats but also has expertise on top of it which is entirely unbalanced against people trying to catch up or people that didn't PvP much while leveling.

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I think its great you are keeping up with this post and replying to everyone, but what it comes down to is this: Those of us who had the time to really delve into this class since early access got rewarded, and those that are casuals, who only have a few hours to play suffer because they cant put in the time to really learn the class. A few hours a night isnt enough and it doesnt help so many things about stats are left unclear. BW admitted this is one of the more difficult classes to play. But if you learn it, its VERY rewarding.
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I think its great you are keeping up with this post and replying to everyone, but what it comes down to is this: Those of us who had the time to really delve into this class since early access got rewarded, and those that are casuals, who only have a few hours to play suffer because they cant put in the time to really learn the class. A few hours a night isnt enough and it doesnt help so many things about stats are left unclear. BW admitted this is one of the more difficult classes to play. But if you learn it, its VERY rewarding.


this guy sounds like you need a university degree on "How to Play a Marauder", to play a Marauder lol


translation: "Those of us who had the time to really powerlevel this class since early access and took advantage of early lvl50 vs low levl PvP WZs got rewarded, and those that are casuals, who only have a few hours to play suffer because the system has changed and now they have to play in 50s bracket vs us that are BM geared. "


what a load of 1337 horse cr*p

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this guy sounds like you need a university degree on "How to Play a Marauder", to play a Marauder lol


translation: "Those of us who had the time to really powerlevel this class since early access and took advantage of early lvl50 vs low levl PvP WZs got rewarded, and those that are casuals, who only have a few hours to play suffer because the system has changed and now they have to play in 50s bracket vs us that are BM geared. "


what a load of 1337 horse cr*p


This class is harder to play than a Merc spamming tracer missle, a Sorc spamming force lightening. Take your idiotic ******** posts(you have many)elsewhere.

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I have a char for every class in the game and by far this is the hardest class to play. I for one think the Dps is fine but our survivability is real crap. For instance this morning I tried to kill an elite that was the same level as me (41) eight times.... never killed him... Yes i tried using different companions even tried using items. Still dead as a door nail every MFin time.... The worst part is this was my class quest, and yes the quest level is the same as my level. I'm also spec'd in the carnage tree (I read this is the best for PvE). I really hate the fact that I will have to go level up at lest two levels higher than the level that the quest says just to barley survive a battle with a gold star...


Please BW fix xD

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OP I belive you are missing the big picture here.


BW actually did a great job with this class - for it they included planning your actions and using a bit more of your brain capacity in order to shine out. You have great dmg, great survivability (we can argue on this, and you can say Im wrong, but If you really know how to pick your targets and use your CDs, you will have problems only in a small number of situations).


Also, after you spent some time in understanding this class you will be rewarded with increasing dmg numbers, and also you will be recognized as someone who actually knows how to play, instead of 1win button heroes. And you'll be able to laugh at comments from envious Sorc players saying "Its easy for you, you are playing the most OP class" or "you killed me in 10 secs instead of 5, you are noob" (belive me that happened...)


Only problem with this class, in my opionion is that BW actually dropped the ball and screwed up with design of the other AC's, coz if they sticked with it and made Sorc/mercs/whatever nearly as challenging as Mara, you would never ever see whine on our class forums.


And I belive, when they fix all of our bugs, ability delay, and players get some serious gear, we will be next on the nerfing list.

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Our dps is fine.


Our survivability in PvP needs some tweeking.


I enjoy the challenge of the class.... OTHERWISE we will end up like the NOOB SI's and SAGES... taking over the PvP grounds. I don't see how anyone could enjoy playing a class where 90% of every PvP match is their class. Its gettting so bad on my server that people won't vote for a SI for MVP even if they are top dps, heals, ... I like being the rare class. Esp. during Operations.. being the only Marauder brings in all the lootz.


This class is harder to play than a Merc spamming tracer missle, a Sorc spamming force lightening. Take your idiotic ******** posts(you have many)elsewhere.


/sign So true. When I see a noob spamming one ability I target him... and kill him.. over and over and over.

Edited by Blaaine
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I think its great you are keeping up with this post and replying to everyone, but what it comes down to is this: Those of us who had the time to really delve into this class since early access got rewarded, and those that are casuals, who only have a few hours to play suffer because they cant put in the time to really learn the class. A few hours a night isnt enough and it doesnt help so many things about stats are left unclear. BW admitted this is one of the more difficult classes to play. But if you learn it, its VERY rewarding.


My issue isn't this exactly, people play go in a similar fashion; While go has a very simple concept, strategically it makes chess look like child's play and yes I did myself use to play go several years ago. In fact the continued learning process probably makes it more interesting, the issue is that we aren't rewarded for the greater difficulty really, we have to hit level 50 and then supposedly get full legendary gear... then we compete, tho against others in full legendary gear? hard to say yet.


But yes, I do think marauder is slightly more complex then it should be, however this is not my main gripe in this. I included this because I think it's part of the contributer to us being a weaker class.


My issue is more simply that we aren't balanced for what we are, which is a melee ranged DPS and a complex one while at it. Bounty Hunters, Imperial Agents and Sith Sorcerers (not sure about assassins), all have fairly simple game play mechanics, it's little more then 3~4 buttons on the most part and yet they can out do us in PvE and PvP while not having to respec when changing between them either. A healer is still a healer spec...


I don't mind other classes having a simpler game play mechanic either I just don't think they should get the major advantages WHILE having a simpler game play mechanic, we should get the advantages by fulfilling the more complex mechanic but we don't... that's where my issue primarily is. I don't think we're ever going to see the advantages we should either, thus why I've gone on to say at least make the class a bit less over complicated then to compensate. Not to make it a simple 3~4 button class like the rest, but at least cut it down so we aren't stuck with 24+ moves that we need to know how to take advantage of every single move in the list... unless it's got some requirement that stops it from working... disable droid, pommel and savage kick all have requirements which don't really make sense... disable droid is very very situational at best, at worst it's near completely useless.




I have a char for every class in the game and by far this is the hardest class to play. I for one think the Dps is fine but our survivability is real crap. For instance this morning I tried to kill an elite that was the same level as me (41) eight times.... never killed him... Yes i tried using different companions even tried using items. Still dead as a door nail every MFin time.... The worst part is this was my class quest, and yes the quest level is the same as my level. I'm also spec'd in the carnage tree (I read this is the best for PvE). I really hate the fact that I will have to go level up at lest two levels higher than the level that the quest says just to barley survive a battle with a gold star...


Please BW fix xD


Try annihilation and Quinn, the survivability makes much better solo PvE, Carnage has the highest damage potential but the lowest survivability of all 3. Rage gets about 7% more defense and annihilation regenerates 15% of HP every berserk as well as random 2% perks on other bleed effects outside of berserk.


This said the easiest solution to the gear problem would be to heighten marauder's base damage and survivability and decrease the benefits of gear to make a less gear dependent class. My nightmare area I would say was Hoth, things seemed a bit easier after Hoth and at level 41 I'm betting that is where you are. I didn't have any more major problems til... well the final boss of the class storyline.


OP I belive you are missing the big picture here.


BW actually did a great job with this class - for it they included planning your actions and using a bit more of your brain capacity in order to shine out. You have great dmg, great survivability (we can argue on this, and you can say Im wrong, but If you really know how to pick your targets and use your CDs, you will have problems only in a small number of situations).


so this is why we appear to have bad gear selections and rewards compared to other classes... hmmm what was that about no medium armor on dark side vendor again...? nope, I don't think bioware did a good job at all, it's a rush job, I think they spent most their effort on the story, we have an epic storyline... that's good... now about the 2~3 things we need to constantly keep a track of and the various cool downs...


Only problem with this class, in my opionion is that BW actually dropped the ball and screwed up with design of the other AC's, coz if they sticked with it and made Sorc/mercs/whatever nearly as challenging as Mara, you would never ever see whine on our class forums.


And I belive, when they fix all of our bugs, ability delay, and players get some serious gear, we will be next on the nerfing list.


Despite what people think, I do not believe complicated class designs make a good MMORPG... compare early days WoW to FFXI and where FFXI is more complex, more difficult and was more team based, WoW won the battle with a simpler more casual game style. I still prefer FFXI myself since it was a more interesting game that used cut scenes and had real story lines to it which weren't 'wall of text'.


Difficulty only keeps people interested for so long and complexity just makes most people frustrated, I think it'd be the wrong direction for bioware to go, to focus on complex classes since with the amount of money they put behind this game they need mass appeal rather then to appease a small minority who believe that binding their hands together in a chess game will make them better at playing chess.

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All I want in general from this game is the allowance of add ons. I have to squint way too much in this game to tell what effect is up when. That's my only gripe really with proc reliant classes. Edited by Coiffio
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so this is why we appear to have bad gear selections and rewards compared to other classes... hmmm what was that about no medium armor on dark side vendor again...? nope, I don't think bioware did a good job at all, it's a rush job, I think they spent most their effort on the story, we have an epic storyline... that's good... now about the 2~3 things we need to constantly keep a track of and the various cool downs...




Despite what people think, I do not believe complicated class designs make a good MMORPG... compare early days WoW to FFXI and where FFXI is more complex, more difficult and was more team based, WoW won the battle with a simpler more casual game style. I still prefer FFXI myself since it was a more interesting game that used cut scenes and had real story lines to it which weren't 'wall of text'.


Difficulty only keeps people interested for so long and complexity just makes most people frustrated, I think it'd be the wrong direction for bioware to go, to focus on complex classes since with the amount of money they put behind this game they need mass appeal rather then to appease a small minority who believe that binding their hands together in a chess game will make them better at playing chess.


From my previous post you might have thought that I somehow justified BW for doing terrible work while polishing various things in this game. I dont, I just said that I like how BW, at least in their devs heads, planned Marauders game mechanics, not extra content that was coming with it, like that dark side gear that you mentioned (notice I said planned, not executed :p)


As for the other part, we can agree to disagree. I strongly believe that with class (and why not, fp and operation) complexity comes more challenge, and with it greater reward and accomplishments. I dont think that pressing 3 or 4 buttons should be rewarded with same rewards as pressing 15 buttons.


Although you are right, and I believe its true that BW should go for the masses. But (y this will sound stupid to some), if BW goes down that road and make all AC's simple to play, and with it make the game easier (as its not easy atm lol), do you really think its the best thing and it would bring quality?


PS I would not compare this game to WoW and enter that arguing, since theres so much of it on this forum and somewhat offtopic.

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To the OP: I'm no elitist mmo player. I played some WoW but never got into intensive raiding nor pvp. I played champions online so I know plenty about FoTM and things being op. Sentinel/maurader may be the funnest class I played yet (I have a 43 scoundrel, 33 assassin, 25 mercenary). I only felt gimped in pvp and pve before I got my watchmen dot. But from then on I've been doing IMO pretty well in both sides of the game. I usually end up with atleast 5 medals in wz (which to me is was really matters not damage) and I burn down mobs so quick that I can go through 3 or 4 before T7 needs to rest- that's right I still use T7, not Doc. The changes you propose are just... Dumb. When I read it I thought it came from a "noob" virgin mmo player, but was shocked to see that you weren't. Why would anyone change disable droid to affect players? That would give us more utility than my scoundrel's tranq or my assassin's mind trap which in pve only affects none droids. You complain about no cc. We have 1 (force choke) true but we get a bunch of debuffs/buffs. Reduced healing, 99% Dmg reduction, oh @$!? stealth, force leap root, master strike root (spec), defense increase not just for us but the entire team, Im pretty sure I'm missing a lot still.


Point being- sure we need tweaking: ie- ability stuttering, offhand might need to be a bit stronger, what have you. But not remotely to the extremes you suggest. I am sad to say that this is really a L2P issue, not the class just in general. Learn the weakness of your opponents of your class. Figure out where you excel- that sorcerer is dead if I slow him, dot him, reduce his healing and interrupt him. It's that simple. I have more trouble with other mobile classes because I'm horrible at running and button mashing (also throw the idea of rotation out the window- sentinels are too organic, make sure you have focus and your dots are always up and you'll do fine). Every day I log in with the idea that I'm not a dps class- I'm a support dps, I gotta get 30 centering so I can buff my group, gotta get dots on everyone so I can keep myself alive, I gotta interrupt that bounty hunter because tracer missiles hurt. And when I do- I say I did pretty well playing my class bot in war zones and in pve.

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bla bla bla bla ... you guys obviously are all blind ... what needs to be fixed mainly is the berserk/predation/bloodthirst buff NOT being limited to group when in a raid ...

also the accuracy on the offhand weapon, it's far too low.


what Marauders need more is 2 kind of gear ... to suit everyone's playstyle, we only get to chose 1 type of columi/rakata gear ... and they are "balanced" while i'd want to have lots of accuracy + power, rather then Surge + crit, of course I can change the mods :) no big deal, but I'd still would like to see that also marauders can actually have 2 types of different gear including different looks.


also the Rakata implants and Earpieces .... *** ... they are crap ... at least for my playstyle, again i'd like to see ones with more accuracy + power rather then Crit + surge.


what also would be nice GENERALLY is that Columi and Rakata vendors have actual Augment slots in the gear you buy with Commendations, tokens gives you the normal set item columi/rakata piece where as the hard working people would be able to collect Commendations to buy the same gearpiece BUT with augment slot.


and another off topic note .... PRESENCE ... *** is that kind of stat ... never seen anyone use it, nor I think i ever will, they should make it so that the more affection you got with a companion the better it will perform, or in that direction at least.


that's my opinion about marauder as well as general gear for everyone, since I feel it's WAY to easy to get columi/rakata gear.

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1. We're a Melee DPS only class who does less damage then DPS then other RANGED classes that have hybrid options and potential builds. Isn't the whole point of Melee DPS suppose to be that it is THE highest damage? so sub-par damage



Im pretty sure marauders in raid setup/gear outdps everything else in 100% tot fights. Also we never run out of our resource, whereas other classes can in longer fights.


2. We have the survivability of a wet blanket and no major utility moves. Ok we have saber ward, a 12 second ability on a 3 minute CD (should be more like 1 minute), Cloak of pain that requires we be under attack, the direct opposite of what we should be (stupid requirement), and a few others that have some kinda equally stupid things on them. We actually may have the worst survivability of ANY class in the game, from what I'm seeing I wouldn't be surprised by it.


I know quite a few tanks that would kill for cloak of pain. 20% damage reduction with 50% uptime that does damage back when hit, yes pls. Also we have the MOST survival moves of any class in this game, and I would suggest l2p.


3. Force Camo, seriously a 4 seconds cloak on a 45 second cool down, it's really meant to be our way to lose threat, but we never have all that much threat to begin with... for it's "camouflage" ability 4 seconds isn't enough to do much at all there is a small chance to escape a difficulty fight in PvP or to avoid a single group of mobs but that's about all. should either have a smaller CD or a longer effect.


Considering I can pull regularly from my guilds non-powertech raid tank even smashing Force Camo every damn time its up, I think the skill is perfectly fine as it is, its not intended to be a get out of jail free card. If it had a shorter cd, it would be too strong, especially since you can cast predation while camo'd which allows you to put huge distance b/t you and the target. Also, if you not having problems with aggro gen {and the tank isnt a powertech}, your doing it wrong.


4. Fury, why are our best buffs all limited fury? Predation, Berserk and Bloodthirst, while Bloodthirst the best also has an additional 5 minute CD anyway? Ok at 50 we can generate a full stack of fury every 3 minutes (or 2 minutes 30 seconds annihilation) but in PvP it can be difficult to build fury and live long enough to use it else wise... Seriously, bioware even acknowledges that Marauder has too much going on... drop fury! Also why does rage spec regenerate only 10 fury for predation... when annihilation gets double fury for each rage attack? it'd take annihilation 8 attacks to get back to 30 fury compared to 10 attacks for rage... fury is just broken and ill-conceived


Shorter cd to bloodthrist? Are you serious? You want people to not even have to try on content? Rage spec is bad...dont use it. Anhil is supposed to have more fury available to it, its the way the spec is designed.


5. overly complex... I know some insane people out there are capable of doing this, but seriously how big are some of the rotations for marauder... and how easily is each rotation broken in PvP? but without these complex and long rotations we are almost entirely useless. So you want to smash as rage? ok you have to have used force charge or obliterate recently to get your crit and have used force choke or crush to boost the base damage... or you'll do feck all. how about carnage? well force scream is your best move, but you'll wanna gore so it ignores armor and does really damage and will require an unpredictable buff called blood frenzy being up (massacre ensures blood frenzy so long as it is not already up). for all this you need to have rotations in PvP you need to adapt your rotations to fit the conditions going on while dealing with being CCed and having to keep a close range.


You want easy sorc is that way ------>


6. to easily controlled, tell me a CC that isn't useful against marauder? now tell me a CC that we have that is actually really useful? Being melee ranged, we kinda are the most vulnerable class to CCs... and the only useful CCs we get seem to have pitiful duration or just very easily counter-CCed.


This must be your first mmo as a melee toon. Welcome to the melee club. Heres your hankie.


So yeah... I think Marauder does have some serious issues...


I think a couple of ways to fix marauder by changing just Marauder).


A. increase marauder's HP, not armor. HP would increase survivability but not make us particularly effective at tanking since we'd still lose far more HP a hit so harder to heal effectively still.


Yes b/c with our already stupidly large amount of defensive cd's, more hp wouldnt make us virtually impossible to kill............


C. increase evasion against ranged attacks at close range, so that when we get close range, we actually can out-damage ranged DPS classes..


Once again, if your getting out dps'd by ranged classes your doing it wrong.


D. Drop fury completely, make berserk a 1 minute cool down, merge predation and cloak of pain for a 15 second effect @ 15% defense & 50% movement speed on a 1 minute cool down. Bloodthirst also should be on a 3 minute cool down... not a 5 minute one. Sure this needs some re-balancing of the skill trees but right now fury makes no sense... As for the two moves that open up, perhaps giving us force pull as a rage builder on a 2 minute cool-down where predation previously went and a heavy hitting move that consumes 12 rage instead of Frenzy at 50.


Completely worthless suggestion. So now i can give my raid a mega buff 4-5 times per enrage instead of 2-3. Wonderful. Sign me up, but then next content is gonna suck *** once they factor it in. And i like pred and berserk being on seperate cds, and if you think cop sucks you need to really stop playing mmo's.


E. Decrease Saber Wards cool down to 100 seconds and make undying rage heal 5% of taken damage for 5 seconds after dropping half HP, It'd make the move a little bit more then just a last dying breath move.


Yes because 50% dmg reduction on half the cd makes sense. Also making undying rage, which is already an amazing survival tool even better makes sense......


F. allow us to actually get strength via skill tree... kinda seems an obvious one that what should be the highest DPS class should be able to boost it's primary damaging stat...


Once again, pretty sure were the top dps class with 100% tot. Dunno why they would want us to do even more damage.


G. Make disable droid, disable target removing the droid only requirement and allow it to be used in PvP as a short duration stun...


What you want us to be the new op? People complain about ops rolling them in one stun, you want us to get beat with the nerf stick because you clearly cant play this class?


TBH This post can be summed up, I dont know how to play, I suck, QQ.

Stop reading when you said marauder out dps in 100 percent of the fights.. Dude 50 instances are Not melee friendly at alll

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Point being- sure we need tweaking: ie- ability stuttering, offhand might need to be a bit stronger, what have you. But not remotely to the extremes you suggest. I am sad to say that this is really a L2P issue, not the class just in general.


So you admit we need tweaking then say it is a L2P issue... sigh... well no, it's not an L2P issue, it's the fact that I've played multiple classes now and Marauder is just the easiest to deal with, it really is. The class isn't a major threat like it is meant to be... Marauder doesn't stand out in any real way other then our ability to die.


Learn the weakness of your opponents of your class. Figure out where you excel- that sorcerer is dead if I slow him, dot him, reduce his healing and interrupt him. It's that simple.


you must have faced some poor sorcerers then because if he is a healer he can just force speed away, it'll over power your slow and the only way to catch up is force charge... but overflow awaits as does a little force slow and you haven't even done any damage against them because they have static barrier up. yeah... I can keep going, I know how sith sorcerer works and the weaknesses you're on about wouldn't work at all against one that knew what even a 1/10th of their class can do.


Sith Sorcerer have plenty of tools, perhaps the ones you're fighting don't know how to use them but that's their failure, not your brilliance which is one of my points in this.


Bad players complain, good players adapt. Stop being a bad player.


*yawn* nothing to do with good or bad players, just a foolish cliché from yesteryear. Nobody has ever been able to prove that this is the case, some people are just less blind then others and some are just more proactive then others.


Thought this class was fine... and then I rolled a sniper...


Maybe you have the best idea of what I am talking about in this thread then, my bad grammar aside.

Edited by nonumbers
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People just need to stop comparing this to other melee classes from other games. This is star wars, not WoW, not GW, not Rift, but STAR WARS. Also learn to play the class. If it doesn't suit you for whatever reason then it's not for you. My Mara is in full rakata and my I manage to pull aggro on 16 man nightmare modes. Marauder is fine. Even in PvP just have to learn to use your stuff in the right way. Anni is single target, I can bleed people out in less than 10 seconds every time.
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Can someone give me some concise info on "how to l2p"? Everytime someone asks all you get is 3 guys in full battlemaster saying "you're terrible that's why you're complaining". Give me like a solid list of bullet points on how to play. Spec? Keystone abilitiy? Oh **** buttons? When I play my mara I do about 200K damage in garbage gear, but I get eaten the second anyone looks at me and camo is down. I get it that I'm doing it wrong by now, but what am I doing wrong?


edit: with respects to pvp. anyone can slay dragons

Edited by Umpire
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Can someone give me some concise info on "how to l2p"? Everytime someone asks all you get is 3 guys in full battlemaster saying "you're terrible that's why you're complaining". Give me like a solid list of bullet points on how to play. Spec? Keystone abilitiy? Oh **** buttons? When I play my mara I do about 200K damage in garbage gear, but I get eaten the second anyone looks at me and camo is down. I get it that I'm doing it wrong by now, but what am I doing wrong?


edit: with respects to pvp. anyone can slay dragons


ummm what spec are you? aka which spec suits you the best that you want to play it?

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I get it that I'm doing it wrong by now, but what am I doing wrong?


that part where you said "in garbage gear"


when you get full champ gear youll be fine


everyone hopes for the old "player skill > gear" situation, but its pretty much unattainable, gear cant be meaningless if it improves your stats (which in turn, improve the strength of your character)


the best that can be done is "given equal gear, the better player will win, aka class balance" which is generally the case in TOR


but bad gear cant ever be balanced vs good gear, or else gear becomes pointless


being in garbage gear in a 50 pvp bracket is like bringing a knife to a gunfight


get yourself a gun and youll be fine

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1. We're a Melee DPS only class who does less damage then other RANGED classes that have hybrid options and potential builds. Isn't the whole point of Melee DPS suppose to be that it is THE highest damage? so sub-par damage


I'm not 100% certain of this, but it does feel as though our damage is lower than it should be in comparison to other classes. I could not say for sure without a damage meter (and an accurate one at that).


2. We have the survivability of a wet blanket and no major utility moves. Ok we have saber ward, a 12 second ability on a 3 minute CD (should be more like 1 minute), Cloak of pain that requires we be under attack, the direct opposite of what we should aiming for (stupid requirement), and a few others that have some kinda equally stupid things on them. We actually may have the worst survivability of ANY class in the game, from what I'm seeing I wouldn't be surprised by it.


I still think we should be wearing heavy armor and Assassin tanks should be wearing medium. My tier set looks an awful lot like a robot monstrosity, just saying. However, if you're discussing our ability to survive, what is your issue with Cloak of Pain. Wouldn't we have to be attacked to have an issue with incoming damage? Utilize it better and you'll find it's actually quite a great skill. Although, I do feel like three minutes is a bit long on Saber Ward, so I don't disagree with you completely.


3. Force Camo, seriously a 4 seconds cloak on a 45 second cool down, it's really meant to be our way to lose threat, but we never have all that much threat to begin with... for it's "camouflage" ability 4 seconds isn't enough to do much at all there is a small chance to escape a difficulty fight in PvP or to avoid a single group of mobs but that's about all. should either have a smaller CD or a longer effect.


You're insane. Force Camo is the most reliable ability for surviving in pvp AND pve for me. It's the best distraction imaginable. If your group is fighting their group and you find that two or three shifted quick focus to you (very often this happens to me), then pop force camo, they all lose their target on you and switch to something else, and you can go back to doing what you were doing.


4. Fury, why are our best buffs all limited fury? Predation, Berserk and Bloodthirst, while Bloodthirst the best also has an additional 5 minute CD anyway? Ok at 50 we can generate a full stack of fury every 3 minutes (or 2 minutes 30 seconds annihilation) but in PvP it can be difficult to build fury and live long enough to use it else wise... Seriously, bioware even acknowledges that Marauder has too much going on... drop fury! Also why does rage spec regenerate only 10 fury for predation... when annihilation gets double fury for each rage attack? it'd take annihilation 8 attacks to get back to 30 fury compared to 10 attacks for rage... fury is just broken and ill-conceived.


Fury is fine; It's a second resouce. Manage it like a resource and you won't have any issues with it.


5. overly complex... I know some insane people out there are capable of doing this, but seriously how big are some of the rotations for marauder... and how easily is each rotation broken in PvP? ...


I'm going to stop you there. There is no rotation. Improvise. Prioritize. Play reactive.


6. to easily controlled, tell me a CC that isn't useful against marauder? now tell me a CC that we have that is actually really useful? Being melee ranged, we kinda are the most vulnerable class to CCs... and the only useful CCs we get seem to have pitiful duration or just very easily counter-CCed.


Yeah, resolve is a joke right now. It's unfortunate. What makes me even more upset, though, is knock backs. Sooooo annoying.



My only proposed fix is a slight damage increase and more chance to avoid CC in some way or another. I'm fine with basically everything else.

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