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A Yuuzhan Vong content pack/expansion?


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I'm a huge fan of the NJO+ books, so I was a bit excited when I saw they threw the Killiks on Alderaan. I think one of the best villains they've come up with though in the EU has been the Yuuzhan Vong. Now, I know this is 3,000 BBY, but I think there'd be a few ways to get around that. I mainly think that given the fact they're traveling between galaxies, a few thousand years isn't much in terms of scouting places out.


In the KotoR series (I can't remember which), Canderous very obviously talks about running into a Yuuzhan Vong ship, which means they were already at least somewhat in our galaxy at this time. The first NJO book talks about their advance force, and some scouting missions that came before, but I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to have them have a far-advance scouting mission in the TOR timeline, maybe taking over an Outer Rim planet or two, giving us some flashpoints and extra content.


I know the NJO weren't universally loved, but I'd like to hear other people's thoughts on this. More than a "no i hate them!!" obviously.

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I don't think we should have centric content to them, because then we'd need to explain why the New Republic didn't know about them. I don't see anything wrong with more allusions to them, or even seeing one of their ships pass as a random event, however.



Edit: Also, their immunity to the Force (minus lightning) would pose some issue balance wise.

Edited by Darth_Vicente
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I don't think we should have centric content to them, because then we'd need to explain why the New Republic didn't know about them. I don't see anything wrong with more allusions to them, or even seeing one of their ships pass as a random event, however.


I thought of this too for a while, but there's a TON of crap the New Republic didn't know about that would seem to be super important. All they know of the old wars is their names, they didn't know anything about how the Jedi or the Sith worked besides the very basics, etc.


I'm not talking about a full-scale invasion or anything, just a foothold on the edge of the galaxy. I could see that slowly fading from memory and records over 3,000 years, especially if nothing like it happened again during that time.

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Sure, I'm all for co op content where Jedi and Sith have to put their differences aside and fight together for survival, while secretly undermining the other side or making their side stronger.


But the tech doesn't exist yet, swtor has plenty of other issues.


So yeah, in a couple years sure. If not, they can resurrect the Rakata or some ancient enemy.

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One of the top-level Bioanalysis crew missions makes reference to a Yuuzhan Vong probe (not by name), but I hope they don't move beyond that. If the Vong could seriously threaten the galaxy 3000 years later, the Republic and Empire of this era shouldn't be able to stop them.
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Sure, I'm all for co op content where Jedi and Sith have to put their differences aside and fight together for survival, while secretly undermining the other side or making their side stronger.


But the tech doesn't exist yet, swtor has plenty of other issues.


It doesn't even need to be co-op content, just a neutral planet and group of missions.


One of the top-level Bioanalysis crew missions makes reference to a Yuuzhan Vong probe (not by name), but I hope they don't move beyond that. If the Vong could seriously threaten the galaxy 3000 years later, the Republic and Empire of this era shouldn't be able to stop them.


The thing I've always kind of liked (and is slightly depressing) about the GFFA is that except for the tens of thousands of years ago, the tech doesn't seem to change much. I couldn't even name more than a few of them off hand...kolto to bacta...and that's about it. Having turbolasers, torpedoes, missiles, lightsabers, blasters, etc. makes the Old Republic about as comparable to the New Republic where military might is concerned.


And again, I don't mean this as the NJO had it, where a full scale invasion threatens the whole galaxy. More of a finite number of them arrive in a scouting party and set up some bases or something.

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NJO is my favorite as well, and I've always wanted a game to be made around. A TFU game set in the NJO would be pretty amazing. I don't mind the TOR timeline though, a lot of unexplored and cool stuff to go into. I like the Jedi a lot too, so there's a lot of Jedi lore you don't really get the in the post-movies stuff.
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I Like the Vong invasion, but theres to much error in the lore to bring them to the old republic. The most common knowledge is that the Legion is still in Darkspace, and the only vong activity is coral probes. and i dont think coral probes would cause to much problem.
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One of the top-level Bioanalysis crew missions makes reference to a Yuuzhan Vong probe (not by name), but I hope they don't move beyond that. If the Vong could seriously threaten the galaxy 3000 years later, the Republic and Empire of this era shouldn't be able to stop them.


when it comes to topics like this alot of people forget one simple fact. In the Star Wars universe history seems to repeat itself. Now I'm not talking about the Vong at all, I'm actually referring to your notion that they "shouldn't" be able to stop them. Look at the general level of technological advancement in Star Wars, going from Pre-TOR to the NJO saga and you'll notice that more than once that certain technologies are lost and reclaimed later. If anything, the TOR timeline seems to be MORE technologically advanced than NJO is, so why couldn't a joint mission manage to push the Vong back? And if it's isolated to one planet there wouldn't exactly need to be a record of the event at all; especially if you think about the fact that the Jedi seemed to be historians(after a fashion) and once they were mostly wiped out at the turn of the era (from EP 3-4) that knowledge would be lost.

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when it comes to topics like this alot of people forget one simple fact. In the Star Wars universe history seems to repeat itself. Now I'm not talking about the Vong at all, I'm actually referring to your notion that they "shouldn't" be able to stop them. Look at the general level of technological advancement in Star Wars, going from Pre-TOR to the NJO saga and you'll notice that more than once that certain technologies are lost and reclaimed later. If anything, the TOR timeline seems to be MORE technologically advanced than NJO is, so why couldn't a joint mission manage to push the Vong back? And if it's isolated to one planet there wouldn't exactly need to be a record of the event at all; especially if you think about the fact that the Jedi seemed to be historians(after a fashion) and once they were mostly wiped out at the turn of the era (from EP 3-4) that knowledge would be lost.


My thoughts exactly! Why I said earlier it was a bit depressing looking at the overall history of the GFFA is exactly this. It repeats itself over and over and over. We watch and invest in Luke and Co. through 3 movies and countless EU endeavors, only to learn that the exact same thing happened...100 years later the Empire is in control again, the Jedi are wiped out, and the Sith are back. It's been happening for a looooong time.


As for the coral probe, it is true they COULD have only sent a few probes to scout out. I think it'd be far more interesting though if they sent whole fleets to different galaxies to check out which would be best for them to settle in, which could also serve as the story point for what I was talking about.

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I would love to see a video game involving the Yuuzhan Vong, they're just such a cool, different set of bad guys.


I could see a flashpoint in this era involving an EXTREMELY advance scouting party, perhaps having been caught in some kind of plot device that catapulted them thousands of years of travel time ahead of the main fleet. A relatively small force, attacking some remote outpost. They get put down, taken out, and no one really remembers them aside from occasional "what were those masked men" comments. Over the next three thousand years, they are forgotten about, until the NJO and the real invasion finally takes place.

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I don't want to get into some argument or anything, so I'll simply say that I whole-heartedly disagree, and would never like to see anything Yuuzhan Vong related.


ive never been a massive consumer of the EU in general but what i have read ive enjoyed for the most part. But i cannot get behind the idea of the Vong, at all. It always reeked of overpowered god type high fantasy tropes.



Count me among the +1 to NO VONG!

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Not if the warships are still three thousand years away. And given Yuuzhan Vong psychology, the idea that SOMETHING wiped out one of your scouting parties is likely to be taken as a sign that THAT'S the direction to head in.


Perhaps the arrival of this small advance force isn't an accident. Perhaps they have a super-fast ship that is sent far ahead, and when the arrive on some world, they are attempting to set up a MacGuffin which will allow the Yuuzhan Vong to shave thousands of years off their intragalactic voyage.

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I remember reading somewhere on Wookieepedia that Yuuzhan Vong scouting parties had reached the galaxy as far back as the Mandalorian Wars (KOTOR era).


If they're nothing more than isolated scouting parties, then that would still fit in with the New Republic not knowing about the Vong. After all, there's no particular reason the inhabitants of the galaxy would know these Vong are extra-galactic in origin. They would probably assume they came from the Outer Rim or the Unknown Regions.


Anything bigger than a scouting expedition, however, and it would make the New Republic's not knowing about the Vong somewhat questionable.


PS: I also remember reading that the Chiss Ascendancy, at least, was aware of the Vong long before the Yuuzhan Vong War, from prior encounters with Vong scouts. (Not sure exactly when the Ascendancy found out about them, though.) And the Chiss apparently didn't feel the need to inform the rest of the galaxy about the Vong, which could have saved a lot of lives. :mon_trap:

Edited by LoneRebel
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if they added these things in I'd say... only have 1.. maybe the pilot of the ship that took a shot at ordo.. maybe it crashed on a planet.


Both the Sith and Republic want to see the remains of this biological ship.. and walaa final boss can be the pilot... every other npc can be random cultists worshipping it as god.

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I'm a huge fan of the NJO. I've read the entire series twice. And my response to this request is:




The Vong aren't around in any significant capacity in this era. Let that one lone scoutship that Canderous mentioned remain just that...one lone scout ship.


Moving on.

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I hate the Vong just because I hated the death of Anakin Solo and the Fall of Jacen Solo


I too despised the death of Anakin. That was the one annoying thing about the entire series for me. I LOVED Anakin (I was a teen when I read them), and he was my new favorite. I was pretty devastated when they killed him. I hoped every new series would be about him coming back somehow. :( Jacen I couldn't care less for, he got his whininess from his grandfather. I liked him until he didn't use the Force. Urrrgh.


Anyway, an advanced scout party still sounds reasonable to me. The Chiss in the series mentioned preparing for them for decades (possibly more), and Canderous finding that ship can't have been an isolated incident. No reason to send a single fighter that far.

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