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Telekentic Throw Animation Concept (with movie and commentary)


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Absolutely wonderful post sir. I love how instead of just whining about animations like so many people do you actually took the steps to show a perfectly acceptable alternative without whining or demanding that BioWare change this.


There's already a NPC only skill called Project Storm (from memory, the jedi master in Alderaan uses it against you in the class story) which is pretty much this, perhaps with less arm movements.


I'd like that instead of pebblestorm, and it's already implemented (and it can also fit the ticks of throw better).


Unfortunately as someone before me mentioned, this ability is not the same as what was shown in the youtube video. Project Storm is just Project over and over again (think of the Upheaval talent x10). What TheNeox is suggesting is a sort of middle ground between Project and TK Throw where the player picks up and throws generally smaller debris at a faster pace. Personally I think the youtube example is far better than what Project Storm currently does.


/signed, bumped, etc.

Great job to you sir and I hope we can see something like this in a future patch or expansion. Hope you don't mind if I link this thread and your vid in my sig.

Edited by sollinton
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Absolutely wonderful post sir. I love how instead of just whining about animations like so many people do you actually took the steps to show a perfectly acceptable alternative without whining or demanding that BioWare change this.




Unfortunately as someone before me mentioned, this ability is not the same as what was shown in the youtube video. Project Storm is just Project over and over again (think of the Upheaval talent x10). What TheNeox is suggesting is a sort of middle ground between Project and TK Throw where the player picks up and throws generally smaller debris at a faster pace. Personally I think the youtube example is far better than what Project Storm currently does.


/signed, bumped, etc.

Great job to you sir and I hope we can see something like this in a future patch or expansion. Hope you don't mind if I link this thread and your vid in my sig.


Thanks kind sir. Im happy to see that ppl agree with me on this subject, and im honord to have something i made in anyones signature :p


If the Project Storm is as you say, it just sounds like a looping animation of Project. That can be cool, but i much rather see something closer to the concept.


EDIT: As a sidenote. Im also thinking of making a concept animation for Kinetic Barrier. Im not sure if im going to do it yet. Depends on the feedback on this animation concept (has been great so far).

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Just make it pick the target up and slam them into the ground. That would be awesomesauce.


That would be a cool ability but it would not work with TK Throw because TK Throw does multiple ticks of damage and more importantly does not make the target lose control of itself. TheNeox's concept was pretty much a perfect potential animation for what the ability does.

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This is brilliant you get +1:sy_auction:


So many people are posting "awww the animation look crappy aww i wish it was diferent like rocks and bigger things and fire with burning kittens" blah blah, but i like you concept, and more importantly you have took the time and actually shown us what you mean, im so impressed with this i think you deserve 1 more credit +1:sy_auction:


Like u mentioned the objects would have to be varied in size but i think rocks only would be good, as we already have project and that chooses items at random, sumtimes not brilliantly[On Hoth ice planet, Project, up comes a vase covered in sand] but its still varied.


Hopefully this will be taken notice of and things will change :)

Edited by TheAzzurri
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Really really really sorry if this has already been mentioned but..


On the Imperial side of Taris (early to mid 30s) the sort of main plot quests on Taris have you fighting a Jedi at one point that does this EXACT move that you show in your video clip. It was really odd because I saw this thread the same day I saw the move. I think the enemy name is Master Sulin (he's a Nautolan)? It's the series of quests where you get the annoying competitive sith apprentice Thana (Vesh?) dogging you at every turn.


Just wanted to let you know.

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This is brilliant you get +1:sy_auction:


So many people are posting "awww the animation look crappy aww i wish it was diferent like rocks and bigger things and fire with burning kittens" blah blah, but i like you concept, and more importantly you have took the time and actually shown us what you mean, im so impressed with this i think you deserve 1 more credit +1:sy_auction:


Like u mentioned the objects would have to be varied in size but i think rocks only would be good, as we already have project and that chooses items at random, sumtimes not brilliantly[On Hoth ice planet, Project, up comes a vase covered in sand] but its still varied.


Hopefully this will be taken notice of and things will change :)


Thank you mate. The credits will come to good use! :)


I share the oppinion that Bioware chould do some sort og "ground check" before choosing a "chunk". Im not really sure how they are going to do this, but it sounds like alot of work for 1 spell. So im not sure if Bioware will consider it, but lets cross our fingers and hope.

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I posted this video a few mins ago, so 720p should be available soon.







Hi there.


This is a quick animation i made as a concept for the Telekenetic Throw ability.


Its VERY rough, and is nowhere close to Bioware standards for animation and modeling.

This is just a concept. I used basic bones inside 3Ds max to make a quick character, and a few boxes to represent the boulders.


As you hear, i am not english and my english is far from perfect.

But hopefully you get the idea.



Very constructive and clever sugegstion :)


I agree, project is pretty cool especially when you get a double up (balance).

However telekenetic throw is a little lame. considering it is a bread and butter ability.


Although I do love the low rumble Tk T has while casting :)

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It is not 'like' Project. It is just the Project animation recycled and chained. I really would not like to see that as our TT.


As to the OP's suggestion:

I think it is a decent idea. However, there is one thing I do like about the current state of TT. It is not nearly as obvious as the lightning shooting from the Sith Sorcs. Every time you see that in PvP, it just screams 'NUKE ME'. TT is not as obvious. Not saying it is invisible, but more subtle. And I really don't mind being less seen in PvP.


I agree with all of this... Recycling project would be bad. It would have to be unique or dont bother

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Really really really sorry if this has already been mentioned but..


On the Imperial side of Taris (early to mid 30s) the sort of main plot quests on Taris have you fighting a Jedi at one point that does this EXACT move that you show in your video clip. It was really odd because I saw this thread the same day I saw the move. I think the enemy name is Master Sulin (he's a Nautolan)? It's the series of quests where you get the annoying competitive sith apprentice Thana (Vesh?) dogging you at every turn.


Just wanted to let you know.


This has already been posted, and as people have already said, the ability you are thinking of (called "Project Storm") is not exactly the same as what TheNeox posted. Project Storm is nothing more than Project being looped over and over again.


TheNeox's concept video shows a sort of compromise between Project Storm and Telekinetic Throw in that the rocks are smaller and thrown at faster speed.


One of TheNeox's great points about his new animation is that TK Throw does damage immediately upon activation, whereas Project and Project Storm have a delay time between their activation and their damage. Because of this BioWare cannot simply replace the TK Throw animation with the one from Project Storm. However, TheNeox's animation features a very fast throw of the first rock that would help to eliminate the damage delay of the animation.

Edited by sollinton
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I agree with all of this... Recycling project would be bad. It would have to be unique or dont bother


If you have a suggestion for a cool looking animation, please share it with us.

This thread can also be used for suggestions.

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I wonder how with such huge budget those below average animations went into live. :/


That's a good question, but it's a little close to going down a path that would not be constructive for this thread and thus would reduce our chances of getting BioWare to change the animation.


Let's try and keep this civil and non-derogatory towards other people and towards BioWare. ;)

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I wonder how with such huge budget those below average animations went into live. :/


It has to be one of two things:


1: Biowares designteam actually wanted the ability to look the way it does.

2: Bioware was stressed for timeand had to make a quick ability animation.


Im not sure what Bioware wanted to he honest. But the result is the same.

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TK throw, is ok the worst part is when fighting turrets just feels as effective as throwing rocks against a tank...


In the Jedi vs Tank Handguide it says:


"When fighting tanks and other big vehicles. Use as big rocks as possible, when rocketlaunchers are unavalible".

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There is that animation in game - one or two NPC using skill Project Storm and they trow few big rocks to the target - its single target dmg - but if i think how many bug this animation will bring ill rly dont want to any change :((( Project is still buged and ppl avoid dmg from that skills, its the longest instant dmg what i ever see, if this animation will bring same bugs like with project have ... i dont want to see any change




PS: Great Job.

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There is that animation in game - one or two NPC using skill Project Storm and they trow few big rocks to the target - its single target dmg - but if i think how many bug this animation will bring ill rly dont want to any change :((( Project is still buged and ppl avoid dmg from that skills, its the longest instant dmg what i ever see, if this animation will bring same bugs like with project have ... i dont want to see any change




PS: Great Job.


lol you are like the fourth guy to incorrectly say that. I would tell you why you're wrong but I'm tired of copy/pasting my replies...Please at least skim threads before posting...:o

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