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Don't ding 50! The pvp is much better 10-49.


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here we go, first pug game, tons of screenshots!


its a good thing this happens every game and is easy to prove.


now, its been YEARS since ive posted a screenshot, and....i dont really keep up with this stuff.


but here we go




for those who want the short version, half of my team has around 11500 hp. the worst part is, thats AFTER the endurance buff for some of them.


and there was one powertech with 14800 hp, level 49 of course. and he didnt even have an endurance buff (no idea why since he is a powertech.....), so his hp would probably be around 15500 with that buff.


granted, i got LUCKY this time and didnt run into a premade! holy crap!

Edited by Ryotknife
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This thread has too many blowing smoke out of their *** with no true knowledge


true knowledge?


you want some? ok,i think everyone who actually cares about pvp in this game already quit


1.ive heard more negative then positive about there pvp team


2.world pvp is a pretty big deal to some people,and its pretty much dead in 1.2


3.the pvp ive did so far,reminded me of world of warcraft and i thought wow's pvp was utter garbage



but i dont know,i mean.in terms of other mmorpgs,i quit wow and not going back,and guild wars 2 i dont really like the sound of the whole dodge system they got.and tera has something similar so im pretty much stuck with sw tor


but i guess theres always hope of the pvp getting better

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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Seriously when you hit 49 just stop leveling, stop questing, stop doing flashpoints and quit warzones just before they end, this way you can stay 49 forever.


Why you don't want to ding 50:

- Ilum is terrible

- Warzone queues take ages to pop.

- Kids in full bm/champ gear run around nearly invincible farming new 50's thinking that their op expertise gear=skill.

- You don't have to worry about stupid fail rng bags.

- You will be the king of the 10-49 bracket.


I personally like lvl 50 pvp, and I dont have BM gear yet.

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Stomping people in 10-49 is fun and all, but while the lack of expertise "evens" the playing field... this kind of pvp is only good if everyone is 40-49 with abilities and full skill trees. Smashing some lvl14 that has no interrupt and basic skills/no tree, isn't that difficult. Granted I still kill most everyone 40+, but at least a fair number of them put up a good fight and can't say lack of skills cost them the fight.


Also, with enhancement/mod/armor swapping, and buffs, you can get 150-175 expertise by lvl46 ( 100-140 lvl42 ) and should be 14-16khp in the 40-49 range. So again, aside from skill/tree advantage, you also have a significant hitpoint/armor/expertise advantage over the competitors.


The only fair pvp in this game exists at lvl50 assuming equal gear. BM will be easily attained post 1.2, so the 50 brackets should be about as fair as you can get. Group organization will then determine wins and losses. Not gear disparity. Which is what pvp should be.

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Stomping people in 10-49 is fun and all, but while the lack of expertise "evens" the playing field... this kind of pvp is only good if everyone is 40-49 with abilities and full skill trees. Smashing some lvl14 that has no interrupt and basic skills/no tree, isn't that difficult. Granted I still kill most everyone 40+, but at least a fair number of them put up a good fight and can't say lack of skills cost them the fight.


Also, with enhancement/mod/armor swapping, and buffs, you can get 150-175 expertise by lvl46 ( 100-140 lvl42 ) and should be 14-16khp in the 40-49 range. So again, aside from skill/tree advantage, you also have a significant hitpoint/armor/expertise advantage over the competitors.


The only fair pvp in this game exists at lvl50 assuming equal gear. BM will be easily attained post 1.2, so the 50 brackets should be about as fair as you can get. Group organization will then determine wins and losses. Not gear disparity. Which is what pvp should be.


some classes get most of their useful tools by 25 or so.


ill admit that the 10-19s are kinda against the wall. but my assassin still kicks arse, and he is only in the mid 20's since he has most of his useful tools. same goes for my pt. both of those classes i could play to their near max even at low level.


my jugg, on the other hand, at 39 is still missing quite a few tools. hell he was painful to play as until late 20s or so, probably the least useful class ive played as in the 10-25.

Edited by Ryotknife
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This thread has too many blowing smoke out of their *** with no true knowledge


On second thoughts, I approve of the message you are trying to get out to other players.


Yes, everyone, please listen. You should all not stack expertise. Use your PvE gear as it's clearly better.


I am in no way looking out for what is best for me. Nope.

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Again i call ******** NOBODY EVER GET 16.000 (never seen one and i leveled 2 toons only in minigame, actually i never seen a 15.000 either ) life in 1-49 screenshoot or people please stop inventing number


range is 12000 (rare) - 14000 (also rare) and people is in between these 2 extreme with differenve between 1000-1500 generally.


Post ur gear with the screenshoot because I can do what I want if i put lvl 9 green grear... I can even enter naked


plus how come u didnt mouse over on other team member to show how much do they have i can post and i will post 10 screenshoot with the life of me and my party memeber with nobody under 12500 i think it's more a problem of getting some decent gear before u start doing PVP just comon sense


it's way easier to meet a lvl 40 with 11000 then a lvl 16 with 11000 (impossible)


because the boost of HP is way higher at lower lvl so yeah at lvl 39 if u are geared like **** u get low HP but that's honestly is only ur faul get some better gear i dont say purple blue is enough and u can get them with commentation or from quest you really dont need to do much else then play the game

Edited by Pekish
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While there is some degree of expected angst with the uncertainty surrounding the bags, it should be noted that the most likely reason you enjoy the lowbie bracket lies in your competition.


In the 50s bracket lie most of the talented and organized PvPers. Someone in PvP, by it's very nature, has to win and someone has to lose. If you are talent-challenged it becomes more of a necessity that you find either a level/ability advantage or lower skill/organization opponants that you have a chance to defeat.


I'm happy you found your solution.


This ^


I get that some people like the 10-49 because it has a lot lower skill bar. You can't chalk it up to gear because while gear dependency is lower in 10-49 it is not non-existent. Couple that with the fact that ability discrepancies are much greater than gear, and it makes for easy mode if you are 40-49.


Some people like the casual pvp which is basically what 10-49 is. They get into 50s and start complaining about gear when in fact, most of the 50s that are annihilating them could do so naked.


I think 1.2 rated war-zones will solve this problem as these newer 50s can all get lumped into the 800-1000 (bottom) tier.


edit: Also, I'm all for allowing people to stop exp gain if they prefer the 10-49. It's all a matter of preference and I don't see why BW wouldn't give people an option. Personally I prefer the challenge of the 50s but understand it's not for everyone.

Edited by clickonce
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I have over 15k HP at lvl 49 but just barely.


i have the best orange gear in the game, a crit double bladed lightsaber with aug slot, both implants crit with aug slot, and ear with aug slot.


my offhand is also a master craft


5 augs all filled with +28 end augs (lvl 49).


I also got every datacron in the game with willpower/str/end (including the +10 to all).


So yes...if you spend about 3,000,000 twinking about about 2 weeks getting all the datacrons, you too can be l33t like me

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exactly that the extreeme 15000 and i have to have everything with augmentation and put in EVERYTHING endurance...


so please 16000 is ******** and 15000 is like 1 over 10000 players (i honestly never saw it)


and under 12000 u really have to gymp urself using 10 lvl lower gears or avoid endurance at all cost


i bet 80% of the people is between 12500 and 13500 in a range of 1000HP


try to see how big is the range at lvl 50 AHAHAHA between a new LVL 50 and a full geared lvl 50 then we will see if u still complain about 1-49 health difference


the difference in 1-49 is ONLY CC lvl 40+ have way more CC then lvl 20-30 there is no fight when people can stun you and u cannot do anything to them.

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Seriously when you hit 49 just stop leveling, stop questing, stop doing flashpoints and quit warzones just before they end, this way you can stay 49 forever.


Why you don't want to ding 50:

- Ilum is terrible

- Warzone queues take ages to pop.

- Kids in full bm/champ gear run around nearly invincible farming new 50's thinking that their op expertise gear=skill.

- You don't have to worry about stupid fail rng bags.

- You will be the king of the 10-49 bracket.


Its also good in:


- making tards in the 50 WZ since they dont know what they're doing.

- being undergeared instead of investing a bit of time to get geared up.

- having no brains whatsoever in teamwork and being a liability instead of an asset.

- not sure who to hit except to whack random ppl in hopes to kill stuff.


So no, I miss 10-50's cause we didnt have THIS much of an issue when we had PvPers needing to win to get the objective. 10-49 is just a look at me doing big numbers kinda ****. Nobody cares.


The fresh 50's that keep coming out have no clue on what strats to use and end up being ***** slapped by the 50's BM. And the kicker, EVEN if they get BM gear, they will still end up sucking.

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Its also good in:


- And the kicker, EVEN if they get BM gear, they will still end up sucking.




love the kids who can't stand competition... j/k


ps i suck in the 50 tier i just bring friends to help me ;)

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Downside of pre 50 wz

Players who have not bound hutball throw

Players who don't play the objectives - some don't know bow yet


Downsides of post 50 wz:

Super *****y "leet"players

Gearing up initially

Mastery of class makes for lots of cc and pain


Personally I prefer 50+ wz enen when I freshly dinged. Better quality players and games mostly.

If I play smart I can still contribute as a squishy fresh 50.

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Again i call ******** NOBODY EVER GET 16.000 (never seen one and i leveled 2 toons only in minigame, actually i never seen a 15.000 either ) life in 1-49 screenshoot or people please stop inventing number


range is 12000 (rare) - 14000 (also rare) and people is in between these 2 extreme with differenve between 1000-1500 generally.



i just showed you screenshots, of the first game after we got into this argument, where half of my team had under 12k hp, even with endurance buff.


you ASKED me to post screenshots, WHY are you still arguing? I have provided PROOF, you HAVENT.


Post ur gear with the screenshoot because I can do what I want if i put lvl 9 green grear... I can even enter naked


you can #$$%^ing see my character is not naked in the screenshots and even how much hp i have


plus how come u didnt mouse over on other team member to show how much do they have i can post and i will post 10 screenshoot with the life of me and my party memeber with nobody under 12500 i think it's more a problem of getting some decent gear before u start doing PVP just comon sense


because i dont have raid bars for the enemy team? generally im too busy...you know...FIGHTING to post a screenshot if im attacking one.


what? did you want me to basically afk the game just to get some screenshots of the enemy team? and i did include a screenshot of one enemy member....i think. the powertech i was talking about.


it's way easier to meet a lvl 40 with 11000 then a lvl 16 with 11000 (impossible)


because the boost of HP is way higher at lower lvl so yeah at lvl 39 if u are geared like **** u get low HP but that's honestly is only ur faul get some better gear i dont say purple blue is enough and u can get them with commentation or from quest you really dont need to do much else then play the game


in my screenshots, the ones with ~11.5k hp were level 21, 23, 43, and 45.


i have gear that is 8 levels old, because i havent found a single upgrade for that slot. luckily im wearing 4 orange pieces of gear, and it is easier to keep those up to date than a non modifable piece of gear without crafting. even the GTN pickings are slim on my server.


i have PROVEN that it is common for there to be a 3k spread between the casuals and the twinks. sometimes even more. and you know that they will have much better stats too. easily 5-10% more crit and 20% more surge is well within reason

Edited by Ryotknife
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Seriously when you hit 49 just stop leveling, stop questing, stop doing flashpoints and quit warzones just before they end, this way you can stay 49 forever.


Why you don't want to ding 50:

- Ilum is terrible

- Warzone queues take ages to pop.

- Kids in full bm/champ gear run around nearly invincible farming new 50's thinking that their op expertise gear=skill.

- You don't have to worry about stupid fail rng bags.

- You will be the king of the 10-49 bracket.


OP makes one good point. I've already PvP'd enough to get mostly Champion stuff, so while I'm not as strong as those BM players, I can usually outplay the bad ones and not get squashed but going from 49 to 50 is such a brick wall. I didn't enjoy PvP at all while getting gear because I couldn't kill ****. I literally slashed at other characters who ignored me because my grits were doing like 200. THAT is frustrating. Highly frustrating. Idk what can be done about it but as this game starts to get older and older, new players getting into PvP are really going to hate it.

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