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Are You Feeling "Burned Out" by SWTOR?


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Dude. People have been playing Wow for 6 years straight before being burnt out.


If a lot of people are getting burnt out after 1 month, there's definitely something wrong with the game, not the players. Don't turn around the problem.


I wouldn't know anything about that... dude.


However, I do know that TOR is a story-driven MMO. The emphasis is on the story, character progression, and generally the journey to max level and/or the end of your class story. I've had a great time and certainly don't feel burned out. I'm upset that I don't have more time to play to finish off my Shadow and move on to my Vanguard, Juggernaut, Guardian, Operative, Mercenary, Commando, or Scoundrel. I certainly consider something being wrong with the players rather than the game.

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Dude. People have been playing Wow for 6 years straight before being burnt out.


If a lot of people are getting burnt out after 1 month, there's definitely something wrong with the game, not the players. Don't turn around the problem.


yup, this is me^ took me 6 years to get off WoW. but nothing else would stick long. LoTR had me for 3 months, Rift for 2, DCUO/STO each just the included month.


This is looking like those ones.

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I wouldn't know anything about that... dude.


However, I do know that TOR is a story-driven MMO. The emphasis is on the story, character progression, and generally the journey to max level and/or the end of your class story. I've had a great time and certainly don't feel burned out. I'm upset that I don't have more time to play to finish off my Shadow and move on to my Vanguard, Juggernaut, Guardian, Operative, Mercenary, Commando, or Scoundrel. I certainly consider something being wrong with the players rather than the game.





You say this game is story-driven first and foremost (and therefore loses most of its interest once max level), and you think there's nothing wrong here for a freaking MMO?


You've proven yourself irrelevant to this discussion unfortunately, as players should never feel like they shouldn't rush to max level in a MMO, in fact they SHOULD feel the urge to be max level to get to play all the cool stuff, not dread to be bored.


What you described is what a good solo RPG should be, not a MMO with a subscription fee.

Edited by Demorase
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You say this game is story-driven first and foremost (and therefore loses most of its interest once max level), and you think there's nothing wrong here for a freaking MMO?


You've proven yourself irrelevant to this discussion unfortunately, as players should never feel like they shouldn't rush to max level in a MMO, in fact they SHOULD feel the urge to be max level to get to play all the cool stuff, not dread to be bored.


What you described is what a good solo RPG should be, not a MMO with a subscription fee.


Fair points. I am so not the typical MMO player that I'm almost anti-MMO. Oh how I wish that this was just KotOR III. It would be vastly superior. However, I make due with what I've got and what BioWare has given me, which is more or less KotOR Online.


I don't feel for those that didn't pick up on what this game is pre-launch because it was painfully obvious. There were many things that showed it as KotOR Online. The point to this game is about the journey to max level rather than the max level experience. It's also why I enjoy playing it so much. I love that BioWare is adding Flashpoints and the like to the game before I even get there. It makes it more fun for whenever I do get to fifty.


Also, players should still be able to play as they desire. I don't think that they "SHOULD" feel like they have to get to max level just to have fun. Why can't it be both? I think that TOR has that, but there are obviously others that disagree.

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I have been playing this game a lot lately, but I feel like something is.... missing. Some kind of core element that sucks me into games and keeps me hooked is lacking, and I can't quite place my finger on what that thing is.


At the beginning of the game, I was blown away. Getting my first lightsaber was an incredible and memorable moment. But as time and levels wore on, I have slowly lost that "glow/interest/spark" which compelled me to play in the first place.


I THINK it is because of the lack of customization across the board. But there is something else, too, that I can't place.


Is anyone else experiencing this too? Express your feelings. Does anyone else feel this way?


I feel this way, but it's not about customization, I guess.

The main difference between MMO and a single-player game is interaction with other players. It's both cooperative gameplay and competition.


Yes, competition. No matter how casual you are, you play to win! There is no incentive, not a single reason, neither proper tools to compete against other players.


All I get is cool storyline and occasional cooperative. And that's boring my teeth out.

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Also, players should still be able to play as they desire. I don't think that they "SHOULD" feel like they have to get to max level just to have fun. Why can't it be both? I think that TOR has that, but there are obviously others that disagree.




Yeah people have been looking for a MMO that would deliver what you just described (entertaining leveling experience and good max level content), and I personally thought SWTOR could be that. Unfortunately it fails on both front imo, sure your first character is fun, but what after that when you know all the quests? It becomes the same thing as any other MMO. And on top of that the max level content is mediocre.


Fail on both front :(

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You say this game is story-driven first and foremost (and therefore loses most of its interest once max level), and you think there's nothing wrong here for a freaking MMO?


You've proven yourself irrelevant to this discussion unfortunately, as players should never feel like they shouldn't rush to max level in a MMO, in fact they SHOULD feel the urge to be max level to get to play all the cool stuff, not dread to be bored.


What you described is what a good solo RPG should be, not a MMO with a subscription fee.


The "cool stuff" you describe is purely your opinion. I find MMO end-game to be horrendously boring because you do nothing, NOTHING that actually advances your character, which is the main distinction RPGs have (yeah they're MMORPGs). All it's about is repeating the same **** day in and day out to get what? A better item. Thanks, but no thanks, if I wanted a wardrobe changing game I'd be playing with Barbies.


Give me an MMORPG with end-game that actually makes you feel like you're advancing your actual character, in a living, persistent yet ever changing open world, and yeah you've got me hooked. But the hamster wheel grind in a bunch of instances is not what I would pay money for.


At least TOR gets the story leveling process right, if only it persisted well into max level content instead of dropping off... Oh well, there are many unique classes to explore.

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The "cool stuff" you describe is purely your opinion. I find MMO end-game to be horrendously boring because you do nothing, NOTHING that actually advances your character, which is the main distinction RPGs have (yeah they're MMORPGs). All it's about is repeating the same **** day in and day out to get what? A better item. Thanks, but no thanks, if I wanted a wardrobe changing game I'd be playing with Barbies.



You misunderstand my point. I'm not saying every MMO has good max level content, I'm saying a well craft MMO should make you feel like you want to be max level and enjoy the experience that you get when you're max level.


That's when a MMO is at its best, and if you're not enjoying the end-game content then yeah the MMO has failed. Which is precisely the problem a lot of people here have with SWTOR.

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I still have fun. I switch characters a lot. But it's still fun.


Although, I have a guild with 36 members, 17 of which are 50 and in Champion and only 6 total guild members play anymore. They all loved it but there isn't enough to keep them locked in.


Arenas would get all my guys back. Add 2 more operations. Add 3 more Warzones. I know the game is super new but they made the game simple to get to cap so there should be tons more at end game.


If there was only this, they should have made leveling twice as long.

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You misunderstand my point. I'm not saying every MMO has good max level content, I'm saying a well craft MMO should make you feel like you want to be max level and enjoy the experience that you get when you're max level.


That's when a MMO is at its best, and if you're not enjoying the end-game content then yeah the MMO has failed. Which is precisely the problem a lot of people here have with SWTOR.


That is true, I agree. As you say, there should be something to actually make you want to get to the end of the road, so to speak.


However, in TOR I find myself not really caring about the max level stuff, simply because I'm having more fun getting there! In WoW, I felt kind of "oblidged" to reach end-level, I'd heard so much about how "the game starts and end-level" and all that, and when I got there I found the whole thing very deflating... I will concede that it was my own expectations that were set quite high, but I found it very boring and disappointing.


I think I'm more aware about how things will be at max level in TOR... So I knew exactly what I was getting into, hence less disappointment when I get there. No hurry either, I've found that playing short hours and casually is the best way to enjoy what the game has to offer.


And besides... The game is still so new! It has a lot of issues, most of which the devs have acknowledged and are working on. And they're releasing new content as often as they can. I think that a little patience will go a long way, for Bioware as well as the player base.

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I have felt this way a lot recently, I think that my lack of zest has a little to do with the amount of time spent LFG'ing while sitting at the imperial fleet.


I also feel that without achievements, and very detailed stats, I lose interest. I wish that there were achievements that reward exclusive items, mounts, titles, etc. I love looking through my stats on other MMO's, to some players it's not a big deal, to me it is. How else will you know when you've reached 1 Billion points of damage, or when you've done 100 FP's, earned 10,000 warzone commendations. Seriously stats should record EVERYTHING, total amount of credits aquired, highest bid on an auction, total amount spent on postage, bosses killed and how many times you've killed them. Soooo many things, too many to list.


Achievements are pivotal, I'd like to see an achievement page that shows all achievements in the game with the ones completed highlighted, this would give me goals to focus on, especially if they could unlock cool stuff IE: tauntaun mount, Exclusive pets, interactive non-combat companions, Or Relics that are just for fun, like the ability to hover 3 feet in the air while moving for 5 mins, or unlock an ability so that everytime you use parlordance, a glimmering discoball hangs above your head.


I just invented those, they may be crappy but what I'm trying to highlight is,,,,they have the ability to make anything possible, it would be exciting to see what they can come up with if they felt that it was a worthy addition. You may feel that this would mimic WOW too much, to hell with it, don't let the existence of other MMO's tie the hands of the devs. IMO, this game has such powerful potential it could eventually surpass WOW in popularity.


I agree with this. I started the game in December hoping I could collect mounts and have it be rewarding, like after collection 20 or more you get an extra one, same with vanity pets. You know, the way WoW and Rift does it with their achievements. But what do we get? The Codex. Woopdie Doo. An ingame incyclopedia of useless lore that's only good for extra xp here and there while you level. The codex should be bigger, flashier and be a recorder of achievements, stats and your personal story so that you can sift through it and plan things to do while waiting in the fleet for a party to form for the FP you "need" to run.

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As I posted in another thread, I think what's "missing" is ambience: No epic music, lack of sound effects (alien birds chirping, droids bleeping, lack of population and conversations going on at the space ports, mobs and beasts practically silent as you fight them, etc.). The "silence" is deafening. What made you feel like you were walking into an epic story in WoW? How about the anthems you heard when entering/exploring a major city or region? And when the music wasn't playing, the environmental sounds carried the immersion effect.


SWTOR is painfully lacking in this department. Try this experiment: Go to the Stormwind bank area in WoW during a normal evening when a good amount of players are on and just listen for around 5 minutes or so. Then go to back to SWTOR and to Carricks Station (as you get off your respective elevator from the hangar) during a normal time when a lot of players should be on. Or step just outside (or anywhere in) Anchorhead Spaceport and just listen for 5 minutes. Too freakin' quiet in SWTOR! Makes for a BIG difference in the immersion aspect.


Film producers spend a great deal of time and money on music composition and sound effects...for a good reason: to produce the immersion in the audience. If SWTOR ever gets the ambience fixed, then they'll find more people coming to the game and sticking around.

Edited by Dechomai
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You say this game is story-driven first and foremost (and therefore loses most of its interest once max level), and you think there's nothing wrong here for a freaking MMO?


You've proven yourself irrelevant to this discussion unfortunately, as players should never feel like they shouldn't rush to max level in a MMO, in fact they SHOULD feel the urge to be max level to get to play all the cool stuff, not dread to be bored.


What you described is what a good solo RPG should be, not a MMO with a subscription fee.


STOP blaming the story aspect. Sheesh, it's the one redeeming value in the game. It's the lackluster rest of the game that needs work and needs to be complained about. But don't you dare blame the story which is the only thing keeping me playing at the moment.

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As I posted in another thread, I think what's "missing" is ambience: No epic music, lack of sound effects (alien birds chirping, droids bleeping, lack of population and conversations going on at the space ports, mobs and beasts practically silent as you fight them, etc.). The "silence" is deafening. What made you feel like you were walking into an epic story in WoW? How about the anthems you heard when entering/exploring a major city or region? And when the music wasn't playing, the environmental sounds carried the immersion effect.


SWTOR is painfully lacking in this department. Try this experiment: Go to the Stormwind bank area in WoW during a normal evening when a good amount of players are on and just listen for around 5 minutes or so. Then go to back to SWTOR and to Carricks Station (as you get off your respective elevator from the hangar) during a normal time when a lot of players should be on. Or step just outside (or anywhere in) Anchorhead Spaceport and just listen for 5 minutes. Too freakin' quiet in SWTOR! Makes for a BIG difference in the immersion aspect.


Film producers spend a great deal of time and money on music composition and sound effects...for a good reason: to produce the immersion in the audience. If SWTOR ever gets the ambience fixed, then they'll find more people coming to the game and sticking around.


This I agree with, it's one of my bigger gripes with this game (which I am enjoying). It's more like being on an elaborate movie set than a living, breathing world. It doesn't ruin my fun, but certainly doesn't enhance it either :)

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For me, after I play for a couple hours my mind can't help but focus on the grindfest. I don't mind combat, or even frequent combat, but when the game itself is hinged upon it from doing something as easy as moving from place to place. Also, during combat, the skill rotation is the same and becomes boring as well. If not for these two things, I don't think I'd notice the drag of the game.
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Yeah, I felt like this. But I went in and started to finish my crafting, did some space battles and did PVP. Started to really enjoy the PVP in this game. Then I got on a Trooper and loved that character, and kind of pulled me back in.


I also helped some people out with lower flashpoints I didn't do before, and one I did do. Found it to be enjoyable. If things get dull, I change it up, to an alt, or doing something differently.

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Not really burned out, but also feel no need to log in any more.

-Game is WAY too linear to roll an alt, I've levelled allot of them in beta, so cant be bothered to see the same things over and over and over again...

-Only 3 pvp maps and no objectives on illum like forts etc doesn't make me eager to play pvp.

-After getting all my gear from heroics i also see no reason to run those any more.


So in short: i have no real reason to log back in atm.

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Enjoying the game and still playing casually, but I do get frustrated by the extreme linearity and lack of open exploration options.


That and there seems to be so much hand holding that there is very little to sort of discover how to use yourself. Example off the top of my head is space, not only is it on rails but I laugh everytime I see it


"Missiles Useful"


Really? Are there people out there who could not honestly figure this out having fun with a little trial and error? And is the denominator so low that "missiles useful" had to be put in? Sort of symbolizes the "can't put my finger on it aspect" of why I like the game for what it is but hoping for more.

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You guys are burnt out because they made it far to easy to level up. They set it up to make it easy so there isin't much gratification hitting level 50.


This assumption is predicated that everyone complaining is level 50. I know I'm not.

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It's an MMO. The reason to log in is the community you build with people. If you play solo, of course you're gonna get burnt out. Also, this game is a little over month from launch. New content galore will come out for this game.
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It's an MMO. The reason to log in is the community you build with people. If you play solo, of course you're gonna get burnt out. Also, this game is a little over month from launch. New content galore will come out for this game.


Eh, considering that this game is "group optional" and is touted as such contradicts your second sentence. Also, the groups I've played in hasn't exactly changed the dynamics that make the game feel "grindy." It changes the pace but the grind is still there. It helps somewhat but it still gnaws at me.

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