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Coolest Non-Jedi/SIth Movie Character and Why


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Han Solo, end of discussion.


If Boba Fett is somehow awesome that makes Han Solo look like a god for killing him by accident not to mention the EU has Han / Lando make a fool out of Boba even more.


Noone cares if Boba shot first but apparantly Lucas cares enough about Han doing it. Then we have him doing it again vs Vader.


I do find it kinda ironic smoking a dangerous bounty hunter is considered un-PC but attempting to smoke Vader is not. Maybe Lucas should go back and add a magic effect of Vader shooting first.

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from what?


examples? leia getting up in vaders face with no fear. and killing a trooper with a wounded arm.

padme stood up to a giant tiger/rat/cat-thing and she no politician can tell her whats best for her people. theyll get slammed.


both are spoiled little princesses with lots of fighting spirit.

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