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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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Well since there isn't any issue...I guess that means you'll be leaving now?


I'm afraid the issue still remains, until we get our fix. :)


Would you rather stare at a black screen for 2 minutes while a planet loads? They have zone files like Everquest and WoW. Each planet is its own zone. There will be loading screens, sorry to say.


TBF in WoW you travel a lot further without loading screens, so it's a bit unfair to compare it to SWTOR, LOTRO too.


WAR or EQ1 are better comparisons, but both have better (i.e. more easily transversed with less loading screens) travel nexus than SWTOR does at the moment.


Hopefully we can get Bioware to move SWTOR in that direction too.

Edited by Goretzu
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Nothing is won till the sort this issue out.


But it is nice to have your support in it, I admit. :)


I'm just suggesting a way to solve the current issue.


So far you've not been able to come up with any drawbacks too my suggestion.


I'm not saying that my way is the best or only way to fix things, but so far there doesn't seem to be anything against it. :)


Do you really want me to copy&paste what I posted before taking your suggestion apart?


Sorry, I'll have to make you work for that... all it takes is to click on the < button a few times.


Well, I have to do that as I defend the 'elevator' button!

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Honestly... it's like some of you people have never played an MMO before. In Everquest, It took me an hour to take a boat ride from one continent to another! I wow, I may have to spend 5-10 minutes flying to the docks, wait 5 minutes for the boat/zeplin to arrive, wait another 2 or 3 minutes for it to leave and then another couple for the game to load the next area. And after that, I STILL have to fly to where ever my destination is in the new area! It could literally take me an hour to get to my new destination. In TOR, I could travel from one side of Tython to the other side of Tattooine in less than 15 minutes or less if you include quick travel... Some people will seriously complain about anything.
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For all those who argue the current system is fine and realistic, and should stay for the realism such a tedious time sink adds, I have but one question:


That horribly long 60 seconds is just too much to handle! What a horrible, tedious time sink those 60 seconds are.


How do you people drive to work in the mornings? Is there a teleporter available on the market that I'm not aware of? I have a 25 min drive to and from work every day and I don't sit and whine about it constantly. And yet 1 minute travel time in an MMO is some horrible ordeal that causes people to cancel? Kids these days :rolleyes:

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That horribly long 60 seconds is just too much to handle! What a horrible, tedious time sink those 60 seconds are.


How do you people drive to work in the mornings? Is there a teleporter available on the market that I'm not aware of? I have a 25 min drive to and from work every day and I don't sit and whine about it constantly. And yet 1 minute travel time in an MMO is some horrible ordeal that causes people to cancel? Kids these days :rolleyes:


Bad analogies are bad.

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That horribly long 60 seconds is just too much to handle! What a horrible, tedious time sink those 60 seconds are.


How do you people drive to work in the mornings? Is there a teleporter available on the market that I'm not aware of? I have a 25 min drive to and from work every day and I don't sit and whine about it constantly. And yet 1 minute travel time in an MMO is some horrible ordeal that causes people to cancel? Kids these days :rolleyes:




I agree completely. This isn't an issue in the slightest and honestly, I think the people trying to make it a big issue are just trolling to see how many post they can get this thread up to. It's too ridiculous to be a real issue.

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I agree completely. This isn't an issue in the slightest and honestly, I think the people trying to make it a big issue are just trolling to see how many post they can get this thread up to. It's too ridiculous to be a real issue.


I wish I could say you were right. Other than Goretex or whatever his name is, it seems the others really do think 60 seconds of travel time in an mmo is just too much to bear.

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Wow... I actually read this and laughed. You can't possibly believe the words you just typed. There's nothing realistic about this game. It's a game FFS. You scream realism to defend running through stupid orbital stations and airlocks... and yes while it may be somewhat realistic (if i give you that part of the argument), you cannot tell me that it's fun or belongs in an MMO.


You go on to say "or else it would be a bland setting". Like... seriously? I can't possibly think of anything blander than running through empty orbital stations and emtpy hallway airlocks.


Hey let's recreate reality... or... let's watch reality as 98% of the population of this game unsubs because it's not fun. I mean seriously, I'd rather run though an empty corridor in real life than in a video game, and that isn't saying much.


has anyone quested through Correlia? It's like one giant airlock that never ends. It's like BW thought the airlock wasn't evil enough, they made an endgame planet out of it.


Nothing realistic about the game? Why is my character then falling down the cliff if I make him walk over the edge? Oh, wait, it's called gravity... which just happens to be part of reality...


So give SWTOR at least that much credit that it is based on certain aspects of reality...


Part of the 'reality' BW has designed for SWTOR is that spaceports are not just a door in and you are in your ship.


Blander than airlocks? Ever tried getting the Jawa 'truck' datacrons on Tatooine? 40 min baloon flight over a sea of dunes... bland... but, well, not an airlock.

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Honestly... it's like some of you people have never played an MMO before. In Everquest, It took me an hour to take a boat ride from one continent to another! I wow, I may have to spend 5-10 minutes flying to the docks, wait 5 minutes for the boat/zeplin to arrive, wait another 2 or 3 minutes for it to leave and then another couple for the game to load the next area. And after that, I STILL have to fly to where ever my destination is in the new area! It could literally take me an hour to get to my new destination. In TOR, I could travel from one side of Tython to the other side of Tattooine in less than 15 minutes or less if you include quick travel... Some people will seriously complain about anything.


And what did you do while on that boat? MMO stuff I'm assuming.

You probably crafted, chatted with friends, fished, made new friends, duelled, researched things in-game. You know... all the stuff that makes MMO's fun.


What are you able to do in this game while you clicks on elevators and run through empty corridors? You do nothing... you can't even chat with friends because you're too busy running or clicking, or loading, or zoning...

I don't care about the time sink of it, in travel terms it's not that long. It's the simple fact I can't do anything else while it's happening. And it gets VERY annoying. I don't want to be annoyed by pointless unneeded crap when I'm playing a game. It makes me not want to travel to other planets so I logout.


Maybe your counter-argument to that is, hey if I don't enjoy the game as-is, maybe it isn't for me... guess what... maybe it isn't for a lot of people and you're gonna have a lot of fun playing this MMO with nobody because everyone quit over stupid crap like this.


It's not realistic... durrr... neither are light sabers and shooting fire from my fingertips... but at least that's fun... running through empty pointless hallways isn't

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If we're going to have an unavoidable load-time anyway, why not treat the load time and your travel time as the same thing?


I mean, I don't mind the journey... but if I'm going to take a journey, let me meet my friends first and take it together, y'know?

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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Nothing realistic about the game? Why is my character then falling down the cliff if I make him walk over the edge? Oh, wait, it's called gravity... which just happens to be part of reality...


So give SWTOR at least that much credit that it is based on certain aspects of reality...


Part of the 'reality' BW has designed for SWTOR is that spaceports are not just a door in and you are in your ship.


Blander than airlocks? Ever tried getting the Jawa 'truck' datacrons on Tatooine? 40 min baloon flight over a sea of dunes... bland... but, well, not an airlock.


Guess what I was doing when I was riding that balloon on tattooine. I was chatting with the guy riding it with me. We exchanged tips about the classes we play and I added him as a friend.


Guess what I'm doing when I'm running through an airlock... nothing

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OP, I believe you have confused star wars with star trek.... Im willing to bet you are a Woman. Star wars does not have beaming technology, and star trek does not have inter planetary beaming technology...


now before you go into the corner and cry i DO believe that it should be possible to QUICK TRAVEL to your ship, it can work in the lore, however to hop from planet to planet in a matter of a loading screen that just would be ridiculous and would wreck star wars lore.

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OP, I believe you have confused star wars with star trek.... Im willing to bet you are a Woman. Star wars does not have beaming technology, and star trek does not have inter planetary beaming technology...


now before you go into the corner and cry i DO believe that it should be possible to QUICK TRAVEL to your ship, it can work in the lore, however to hop from planet to planet in a matter of a loading screen that just would be ridiculous and would wreck star wars lore.


Quick travel anywhere on the planet you're on is totally realistic, but quick travel to your spaceship with all of it's technology isn't.


I honestly don't understand the logic. maybe it's over my head

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And what did you do while on that boat? MMO stuff I'm assuming.

You probably crafted, chatted with friends, fished, made new friends, duelled, researched things in-game. You know... all the stuff that makes MMO's fun.


What are you able to do in this game while you clicks on elevators and run through empty corridors? You do nothing... you can't even chat with friends because you're too busy running or clicking, or loading, or zoning...

I don't care about the time sink of it, in travel terms it's not that long. It's the simple fact I can't do anything else while it's happening. And it gets VERY annoying. I don't want to be annoyed by pointless unneeded crap when I'm playing a game. It makes me not want to travel to other planets so I logout.


Maybe your counter-argument to that is, hey if I don't enjoy the game as-is, maybe it isn't for me... guess what... maybe it isn't for a lot of people and you're gonna have a lot of fun playing this MMO with nobody because everyone quit over stupid crap like this.


It's not realistic... durrr... neither are light sabers and shooting fire from my fingertips... but at least that's fun... running through empty pointless hallways isn't




What do I do in this game while traveling? Well, nothing. Why nothing? Because 60 seconds isn't enough time to do anything! See the point? Maybe they should make the hyperspace trips last 10 minutes so you'd have time to craft?

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Quick travel anywhere on the planet you're on is totally realistic, but quick travel to your spaceship with all of it's technology isn't.


I honestly don't understand the logic. maybe it's over my head


Have you ever paid attention to what Quick Travel is?


You call in a transport ship to pick you up and take you to that location.

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Quick travel anywhere on the planet you're on is totally realistic, but quick travel to your spaceship with all of it's technology isn't.


I honestly don't understand the logic. maybe it's over my head



When you quick travel, it says "A transport will be by shortly to pick you up" or something like that. Should they add another cutscene there as well showing it pick you up?

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+1. You should be able to hearth to another planet, pure and simple.


We complained about this in beta, but were ignored. It's just another one of those things like UI customization that we asked for almost a year ago in beta that BW will finally give to us in an update, and pretend all of a sudden to be listening to us. They could have listened to us in beta and had these things for release, but instead they'd rather think we're stupid enough to fall for this when they finally give it to us. It may just be too late for me though, my sub runs out after this 30 and I won't be back.

Edited by Tiam
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When you quick travel, it says "A transport will be by shortly to pick you up" or something like that. Should they add another cutscene there as well showing it pick you up?


I don't suppose it would be too much to ask for that transport to take me directly to my ship as an option?

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No need to change things, the system works fine as is.


Just this ^^^


This is a game not a grinding machine. The space stations add flair and if you can´t see it...your loss. Why has everything always bend to an effective grinding game. Sooner or later people will complain about loot and epics not walking directly into their inventories.


If BW answeres this grinders petition then please only as optional change. Let people chose if they want to enjoy the game or run past it.

Edited by Frontplayer
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I'll even admit they borked the travel system. Yes it does suck having to go through 4 loading screens. Yes it was put there intentionally to make you waste time.


BW broke one of the game development 101 rules. No more than ONE loading screen between action. Waiting 15 or more minutes to get where you need to go is not acceptable.


It's not going to make me quit but it is an obvious time sink.

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Just this ^^^


This is a game not a grinding machine. The space stations add flair and if you can´t see it...your loss. Why has everything always bend to an effective grinding game. Sooner or later people will complain about loot and epics not walking directly into their inventories.


If BW answeres this grinders petition then please only as optional change. Let people chose if they want to enjoy the game or run past it.


Crappy travel = purples walking into your inventory

Edited by ShonaChaos
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When was the last time you toggled your toon down to a walk? If you want realism in travelling, that's the ticket! Sprinting continuously makes no sense! Nor does running forever. So why is that ok while you wait to get your speeder?


Meanwhile, for the rest of us: I don't agree with racing to get to the next content--but damn there is no point to the way these spaceship/space station interactions work. Those hangar rooms? Worthless. Utterly worthless. Just removing the hangars and letting you click something and be on board your ship would be an improvement.


Hell, lets take a middle ground and have every ship type on the ground like the shuttles are in the shuttles in the giant hangar on the second world. You still get to walk up to your ship and click on a glowy door, you just get to skip the loading screen from the elevator ride.


On walking: Actually I doing it (with my character) ever so often, when I need to.


Which is often in connection with datacrons due to male bodytype 3 being messed up on collision detection.


On sprinting: Ever thought that somebody might be in a hurry? If I have to have to quickcatch a bus or train or need to be somewhere as quick as possible, I probably will make haste.


So yeah, given that there are potentially loads of phases where you are not running (sitting on speeder, sitting in taxi, speaking to NPC, etc.) yes, I'm perfectly fine with the character running 'all the time'...


Ha, all spaceships (or at least one of each type) in the hangar?


You are kidding, right?


You want those 'worthless' hangar rooms increased in size so that you can fit all the ships into there?


Okay, fine... let the fighting begin: 'This is my ship!' 'No, it's mine!' You, get lost, this is mine!'


Or obviously on low pop servers: 'anybody here? Anybody? 4 ships sitting here and nobody there? Hm.. I'll just take that one over there... I just don't like mine today... wait, why can't I get in?'

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