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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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uhhh, ok brarh


i have traveled countess times between planets

and never used an orbital station

how do you explain that brah?


brarh? So not only are you so clueless you don't even remember the orbital stations you have to travel through to get to most planets, but you also say brarh...

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brarh? So not only are you so clueless you don't even remember the orbital stations you have to travel through to get to most planets, but you also say brarh...


do you see orbital station on this list?


1. enter spaceport

2. go to your ship

3. enter your ship which causes it to leave the planet

4. walk to the bridge and set course for a new planet

5. enter hyperspace and arrive at new planet

6. walk to ship exit and click on it which causes ship to land on planet

7. you are now on a new planet


Those are 100% of the steps involved in traveling between planets. And you can even use spacebar if you don't like to watch the animations...


You never need to use any Orbital station.


Got it yet?

Edited by Gilbara
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do you see orbital station on this list?


1. enter spaceport

2. go to your ship

3. enter your ship which causes it to leave the planet

4. walk to the bridge and set course for a new planet

5. enter hyperspace and arrive at new planet

6. walk to ship exit and click on it which causes ship to land on planet

7. you are now on a new planet


Those are 100% of the steps involved in traveling between planets. And you can even use spacebar if you don't like to watch the animations...


You never need to use any Orbital station.


Got it yet?




Not sure if serious or stoned.

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Travel time sinks in this game really detract from gameplay. Once I hit 50 and finish my main characters storyline, I'm going back to WoW. At least there a max level char can avoid all that nonsense.


After a promising start, there are some glaring annoyances in swtor that I hope they fix and I will be back in a few months to see how they've done.

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At least that has the benefit of realism and therefore adds to the whole "immersion" effect. I still remember some of my hour long boat rides from Final Fantasy 11, and I remember them fondly. I spent them fishing, talking with friends, or just watching the scenery.


The problem with SWTOR's travel system isn't that it takes a lot of time. It's that it's boring and redundant. I will often times simply log off instead of traveling to another planet because I don't want to run through another boring corridor and watch a load screen.


There was a time, back in the old days when MMORPGs actually attempted to recreate a realistic world for players to play in. Gone are those days it seems....and I miss them.


Asheron's call was once huge continent. You could log in and start running in one direction for hours. It had day and night cycles where you could sit and watch the sunset or sunrise... Granted the graphics are dated by todays standards but I had so much fun exploring in that game.

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This article below describe the time sink very well:


"gameplay traps intended to waste your time and keep you playing longer"



in the long run they will get more of our play time if we are happy and less annoyed about that travel stuff then if we instead just shut up and cancel.


Took me 25 minutes with all loading and stuff to get to fleet (i wont mention the terrible lag and hooking at fleet with more then 160 people on it), click at a chick and get back to dromund, click another one and then to get back to my ship. time sink is fine and all that jazz but hey theyre overdoing it a little.

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Aren't you the guy who said there was no orbital station on Belsavis, then someone posts a picture of the orbital station on Belsavis?


Yeah, you're real credible.


Nope. Try again.


And now that you have no credability.....

Edited by Surakis
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Seriously, you're not willing to compromise the amount of time it takes to add a single button to activate a feature that's already in the game, even if it makes quite a few players happy and doesn't hurt you at all?


It's not a compromise when one side gets everything it wants while the other is ignored.

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What the hell are you rambling about?


This isn't about mods to equipment, or women in cat suits.

it's about a pointless non-fun, non-immersive journey through hallways and purposeless zones that don't need to be there, which add nothing at all to the game.


For the life of me i can't understand why even one single person on the entire planet would defend it.


Generally when people don't like something, they stop doing it, or avoid it. It's clearly an issue to enough people to the point that threads like this continue to pop up. Many people have opinions on whether it's good or bad. Most tend to think the travel system in its current form stinks and could use some improvement. People are going to get to the point they stop playing this game because of all this stupid orbital station/airlock crap. Some stated they already have quit playing because of this.


Problems don't go away because you wish them to, and this is clearly a problem for many people. You can at least admit that much.


...continue on with your T&A nonsense babble...


Jeeez, you are clueless, ain't ya?


Oh, wait, yeah, one only has to look that that quote a bit further down to confirm this.


But first to straighten this one:


Is the travel system as it is right now not working?


Nope, it works!


So threads like this one are basically 'I don't like the way it works'...


which is not even a dot different from when I say 'I don't like that there isn't more T&A in SWTOR' or 'I don't like that not all the women in SWTOR are wearing latex catsuits'.


I assume this is not too hard for you to understand?


Right... so, will the fact that SWTOR lacks T&A make quit SWTOR?


I'd say no. Because there is still enough to counter that 'downfall'.


Are you going to quit SWTOR because of the fact that a) between spaceport entry and ship interior there is one (1) loading screen, and b) you actually have to make your character run for something like one (1) minute (with interruptions) to get from the spaceport entrance and starship cockpit?


(oh, wait, of course I forgot to put in that the spaceport and the hangar and the ship are actually all lifeless because there is nobody there... err, you have been to airports, have you? Not just the part where one welcomes arriving friends, family, etc.?)


If your answer is yes, all I can say is 'bye' as obviously SWTOR doesn't have enough other content to tide you over what should only be considered an issue for people who have never played any MMORPG before, only onlineFPS.


But please, if your answer is yes, please actually quit! I mean 'stating' that you do something and actually doing it are two different things.


I assume you understand that?




You make it sound like fixing travel would be some sort of monumental achievement for a company that has worked on countless games. One person could probably fix it in 3 minutes.


Right, how much time have you invested into this thread trying to make your 'point'?


More than 3?


Well, guess what: that time could have invested into 'fixing' the 'issue'!


Tell me, why didn't you contact BW and pointed out to them what the 'issue' is and then 'fixed' it for them?


Could it be that you are so selfish that you'd only do it for big money and a contract?


Or maybe... could it be that you have utterly no clue when it comes to designing and programming a game like SWTOR? :eek:



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When defenders of this travel system resort to making straw-mans like this:


"You just want to instantly travel everywhere you go."


It's because they can't produce any actual counter arguments and don't understand distinction been travel and excessive travel. There's only two options to them.


What other point is being brought up? Do you not realize that people are complaining about a 60 second time frame from exiting your ship, running through the airlock, running through the space dock, and taking a shuttle down?


Its seriously like 60 seconds to do this and people are complaining as though it taking hours of their time (and some ARE actually claiming this).


So yeah, it is that people want to travel instantly everywhere they go.

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Come on guys, i come from mmo's where it took a half hour to run places but even i think its stupid i cant skip the orbital space port, and land on the planet side space port. they both look the same and there is nothing in the orbital station that i need just let me get out there already!


There's isn't a planet side space port on planets where they have an orbital station. If you didn't spacebar through the people talking when you first go to these locations, you'd understand WHY there is a station there and not a space port on the planet.

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people are complaining about a 60 second time frame from exiting your ship, running through the airlock, running through the space dock, and taking a shuttle down?


can you please explain when one must do this?


when i fly to a planet all i do is walk through my starship to the exit, click the exit, and a video appears of my ship descending to the planet. then a loading screen appears with some gameplay hint and an image of the planet. then i appear standing on the planet surface in the spaceport. now i simply walk or speeder through the space port to my destination.


at no time did i ever have to interect with any orbital station.


please explain why you must enter orbital stations when i don't?


(to be totally clear, i am level 30, and have flown my starship to tython, ord mantell, corscant, taris, nar shadaa, and tattooine)


at no time have i EVER even been on these orbital stations.


i have been on the republic fleet, but i am quite sure this is not the "orbital station" all you people are talking about...

Edited by Gilbara
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Travel time sinks in this game really detract from gameplay. Once I hit 50 and finish my main characters storyline, I'm going back to WoW. At least there a max level char can avoid all that nonsense.


After a promising start, there are some glaring annoyances in swtor that I hope they fix and I will be back in a few months to see how they've done.



Yeah, in WoW you totally don't have a load screen when taking the zep from org to WOTLK content. And you never have to wait on the zep to get there. You just press 1 button and the zep magically appears and you are instantly where you want to go with no load time whatsoever.


Totally how WoW works.

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