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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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Here is my suggestion:

Every spaceport in the game (Starting location for each planet) Should have a shuttle to fleet (Republic and Imperial for late-game planets) right next to the speeder at the spaceport.


Problems solved?


I think traveling to a planet from fleet is fine as is, although I dislike the hanger, if it wasn't there I think people would complain about not being able to see their ship.


People always complain about something, regardless of how you do it.


Like George W. Bush. He figured that out



As I said before, the majority of complaints could be curbed by doing a few things


-What I described above

-Enter your ship from fleet in the following way

~Activate the doors near the cantina in fleet

~Enter an area with the 4 hangers (4 zones) and you can simply walk to your ship (perhaps make the distance between zone entrance -> ship door as short as possible.


This not only shortens the fleet -> player ship travel, it also creates a new social "community" center where RPers and players can hang out.


I know that RPers would enjoy having a community area (Lack of a better term) in addition to the cantina's.


Oh. And while I'm at it.



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The movies takes place about THREE THOUSAND YEARS LATER!!! There's absolutely NO way people may have had different views when it comes to in person interactions 3000 years ago.

Yeh I'm seeing it now.


you're either trolling or you genuinely believe what your spouting.


Not sure which is worse.


I'll bet you'd still be against getting rid of useless airlocks and stations even if they kept them in and just added an option upon leaving ship to go straight to the surface wouldn't you?


You couldn't be more transparent if you were a sheet of plain glass.


Whoha lotsa pages while I was 2 work today. Couldn't get on. Too busy.



So just because I had a logical statement about a possible reason why behavior could of been different 3000 years ago I'm a troll? Bravo. Great counter argument.


My dad method of thinking is vastly different to mine wen it comes to technology. If your boss wants you to come in to see you just to give you information he/she could of given you over the phone you deal with it. You are their peon!

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So... running a few minutes to the nearest taxi location, driving the speeder to a place somewhere outside the actual spaceport, running a few more minutes to the spaceport, moving through it, entering your class hanger, run to the ship, enter the ship, run up to the galaxy map, travel to new planet, and then reverse all these steps... is something that helps form friendships?

If that doesn't solidify your friendship nothing will.

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You may say get a faster computer, I am not selling my product to the consumer. I am the consumer and have buying power, BW should accomodate me and the thousands of customers with slower PCs to avoid losing sales.


Get a faster computer. Thankfully Bioware didn't dumb down their game to cater to people who refuse to put money into their hobbies.


Time to spend some money on your hobbies!

Edited by sciiwalker
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Get a faster computer. Thankfully Bioware didn't dumb down their game to cater to people who refuse to put money into their hobbies.


Time to spend some money on your hobbies!


have you seen the graphics of this game?


Bioware and EA totally toned down the graphics of the game, at the core levels of game design (More accurately level design) to cater to the casual PC user. So the game looks very good for someone with a bad computer, the downside with the way they did it is that the people with $200 graphics cards, $300 CPU's, and other nice PC parts, don't really get anything from their impressive hardware.


They have locked the texture quality at medium, and when they sent review copies of the game to companies, they had the high and very high textures unlocked.


So don't say Bioware didn't dumb down their game (Visually). They did, and I hope to god they unlock those textures.

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Here is my suggestion:

Every spaceport in the game (Starting location for each planet) Should have a shuttle to fleet (Republic and Imperial for late-game planets) right next to the speeder at the spaceport.


Problems solved?


I think traveling to a planet from fleet is fine as is, although I dislike the hanger, if it wasn't there I think people would complain about not being able to see their ship.


People always complain about something, regardless of how you do it.


Like George W. Bush. He figured that out



As I said before, the majority of complaints could be curbed by doing a few things


-What I described above

-Enter your ship from fleet in the following way

~Activate the doors near the cantina in fleet

~Enter an area with the 4 hangers (4 zones) and you can simply walk to your ship (perhaps make the distance between zone entrance -> ship door as short as possible.


This not only shortens the fleet -> player ship travel, it also creates a new social "community" center where RPers and players can hang out.


I know that RPers would enjoy having a community area (Lack of a better term) in addition to the cantina's.


Oh. And while I'm at it.

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Belsavis has Rakata Teleporters...


let us purchase a Rakata Teleporter on Belsavis for our ship



then we can call a crew member to teleport us off the planet when we are done.



problem solved with an in game method :)




Add the Belsavis Rakata Teleporters as ship equipment purchasable as a ship upgrade.


it would solve a lot of problems.

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Get a faster computer. Thankfully Bioware didn't dumb down their game to cater to people who refuse to put money into their hobbies.


Time to spend some money on your hobbies!


Actually they did. Like a lot. They also paid for a terrible beta engine. You can't blame this mess on people not wanting to spend money.

Edited by Meluna
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So don't say Bioware didn't dumb down their game (Visually). They did, and I hope to god they unlock those textures.


True they did disable a few things, and I am looking forward to hi-res textures as well, but they did not dumb down the graphics to the point that you can run it on a dinosaur of a computer like some other devs do to "appeal to the masses."

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Intra-planetary travel is pretty much like SWG (once you've discovered a location). You just speeder there instead of insta-travel.


As for interplanetary travel, if you made it like SWG you've basically be negating any reason for having personal ships in the game.


Not entirely true, you could just launch into space like you did in SWG when you need to talk to NPCs or to do your space missions.

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If you can't read the thread maybe you shouldn't be commenting.


I did read the thread. Its exactly what people are complaining about. Too many "load" screens. The only real load screens are when going from world to ship to world.


People are calling the black screens to go from airlock to space station and space station shuttle to planet "load" screens. They aren't load screens - they are just to explain how you are traveling between the two areas. It goes black for 5 seconds to explain your travel time to the planet instead of taking 30-60 seconds of being in a shuttle and watching yourself land.


Its called "atmosphere" and they are trying to stay inside of it.


Most of the suggestions here, while possibly more convenient, would completely break the atmosphere of the game. You might as well take the classes from WoW and put them if in you are going to have instant transport to and from any location through means of magic. Which is exactly what most people are wanting.


Not to mention all of the quests and such that would have to be completely redone in order for this "magic" method to work.


People saying it takes their computer 15 minutes to load a zone are completely full of crap. I have a 5 yr old laptop that won't even run the game on a playable level (1 fps) and it loads zones within 2 minutes.

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True they did disable a few things, and I am looking forward to hi-res textures as well, but they did not dumb down the graphics to the point that you can run it on a dinosaur of a computer like some other devs do to "appeal to the masses."


but that is exactly what they did. The difference is, is that Bioware did a very good job at it. They didn't go the usual high quality route, they chose a different artistic style, and it works very well. The landscapes and scenery look elegant without anywhere near the detail of a game like Skyrim /w 4096x4096 textures. Which is my point of reference for saying that they did dumb down the graphics. When looking at games like Battlefield 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the graphics of The Old Republic are not as good, but they still work on the artistic level.

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I did read the thread. Its exactly what people are complaining about. Too many "load" screens. The only real load screens are when going from world to ship to world.


People are calling the black screens to go from airlock to space station and space station shuttle to planet "load" screens. They aren't load screens - they are just to explain how you are traveling between the two areas. It goes black for 5 seconds to explain your travel time to the planet instead of taking 30-60 seconds of being in a shuttle and watching yourself land.


Its called "atmosphere" and they are trying to stay inside of it.


Most of the suggestions here, while possibly more convenient, would completely break the atmosphere of the game. You might as well take the classes from WoW and put them if in you are going to have instant transport to and from any location through means of magic. Which is exactly what most people are wanting.


Not to mention all of the quests and such that would have to be completely redone in order for this "magic" method to work.


People saying it takes their computer 15 minutes to load a zone are completely full of crap. I have a 5 yr old laptop that won't even run the game on a playable level (1 fps) and it loads zones within 2 minutes.




Next people will be complaining that they have to read quest text and go to different places to kill mobs.

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I did read the thread. Its exactly what people are complaining about. Too many "load" screens. The only real load screens are when going from world to ship to world.


People are calling the black screens to go from airlock to space station and space station shuttle to planet "load" screens. They aren't load screens - they are just to explain how you are traveling between the two areas. It goes black for 5 seconds to explain your travel time to the planet instead of taking 30-60 seconds of being in a shuttle and watching yourself land.


Its called "atmosphere" and they are trying to stay inside of it.


Most of the suggestions here, while possibly more convenient, would completely break the atmosphere of the game. You might as well take the classes from WoW and put them if in you are going to have instant transport to and from any location through means of magic. Which is exactly what most people are wanting.


Not to mention all of the quests and such that would have to be completely redone in order for this "magic" method to work.


People saying it takes their computer 15 minutes to load a zone are completely full of crap. I have a 5 yr old laptop that won't even run the game on a playable level (1 fps) and it loads zones within 2 minutes.




Have you been to the planet Belsavis yet?


There are Rakata Teleporters there.. they work like "Star Trek teleporters"


bioware already put Rakata teleporters in the game, so it wouldn't break the atmosphere to allow us once we get to the planet Belsavis and complete it's quest line to be given or have to purchase a Rakata teleporter for the ship.


it would fit with in game lore, wouldn't break "atmosphere" and would solve all the problems allowing us to call a crewmate to teleport us off planet directly to ship when we were finished on a planet.


We'd still have to travel to planets old way, but leaving them we could teleport directly off to our ship using Belsavis Rakata Teleporters.



Would be a perfect fix in my opinion.

and the lore is already in game and wouldn't break anything.

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Have you been to the planet Belsavis yet?


There are Rakata Teleporters there.. they work like "Star Trek teleporters"


bioware already put Rakata teleporters in the game, so it wouldn't break the atmosphere to allow us once we get to the planet Belsavis and complete it's quest line to be given or have to purchase a Rakata teleporter for the ship.


it would fit with in game lore, wouldn't break "atmosphere" and would solve all the problems allowing us to call a crewmate to teleport us off planet directly to ship when we were finished on a planet.


We'd still have to travel to planets old way, but leaving them we could teleport directly off to our ship using Belsavis Rakata Teleporters.



Would be a perfect fix in my opinion.

and the lore is already in game and wouldn't break anything.


Perhaps a level 50 item for your ship? Perhaps they could add that with some decent ship customisation options later on?


Do these transporters feasibly work over the large area of space? Or are they limited in range (i.e. to a planet) - if so, then leave them out. Being true to the experience > convenience. You'd still have to get to your ship and fly to the planet as you do now, which I suppose is fine. If they leave it for level 50s, or 45s or something, then at least they won't be wasting the large hangar bays and such.


It's pathetic to complain about it really.


An MMO is all about the illusion. The ILLUSION that you're progressing, or that you're doing something meaningful. Video games rely on the illusion of atmosphere. That's why it's important to FEEL that you're in a big, bustling universe, even though it is in reality lifeless and hollow. If they simply gave you "Click for this world" "Click to gain exp", it would become a simple mindless click/grindfest.


I play RPGs to feel like I'm playing a character, in a world/universe, and I want to feel that concept of movement, of distance, not just click things for convenience.

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An MMO is all about the illusion. The ILLUSION that you're progressing, or that you're doing something meaningful. Video games rely on the illusion of atmosphere. That's why it's important to FEEL that you're in a big, bustling universe, even though it is in reality lifeless and hollow. If they simply gave you "Click for this world" "Click to gain exp", it would become a simple mindless click/grindfest.


I play RPGs to feel like I'm playing a character, in a world/universe, and I want to feel that concept of movement, of distance, not just click things for convenience.




Nothing about the current set up gives you an illusion of travel or the journey.


It gives you the reality of running for a loading screen.


Which is the daft thing, the actual hyperdrive bit is done in seconds (from anywhere to anywhere), but the running and the loading screen.... they drag on and on.


There is no illusion there, just artefacts of the story telling system.

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When you're on the station, the planet is already loaded. Sure, it sucks, take 20 seconds to run to the drop ship, head down to the planet, WHAT DO YOU KNOW ITS ALL LOADED, NOT ANOTHER LOADING SCREEN UNTIL YOU LEAVE!


Stop crying.


Not crying. As I said in an earlier post, the act of going to a space port, hangar, ship, wherever and back doesn't really bother me. The elongated load time of certain planets do. In my case, I've only noticed it on Tatooine and Alderaan. And it does take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes. It doesn't just happen with interplanetary travel either. It happens when I initially load the game.


The argument over whether you can insta-click to go anywhere doesn't really concern me, though I can see why some players would like the current system to change and others wouldn't. I think both sides have valid points. My point is that for me and apparently quite a few others, those particular load screens that take a lot of time become a massive pain.

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This is seriously a complaint? wow that's all I have to say.


It's a fair complaint.


The game's traveling deseign sucks and really holds the game back in a big way.


Adding actual space travel to where you can freely navigate and explore space with your ship should really be Bio Ware's top priority right now for this game.


They have a foundation for it, so I"m crossing my fingers. Maybe it will come.


Regardless of what people say about us, I think most of the people on this forum pointing out the negative aspects of this game DO want SWTOR to succeed, and are only trying to push the developers to make this a better game that can keep us occupied and having fun for years to come.


The crowd that just says "the game is fine as it is" are not helping anything, and they are the real impediment to this game's success.

Edited by JeremyDale
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Artificial time sinks in MMO's are bad game design, period. The fact that other MMO's have them doesn't make it any less suckier.


Running through three areas per planet to get from my ship to/from questing areas is boring. There are no players in shuttles/hangars. There are rarely any other NPCs to interact with, whether it be a vendor or a quest NPC. It is boring, and it isn't immersive.


In fact, the issue takes me out of the game, because I'm irritated with the design of the game instead of enjoying questing/fighting/interacting with other players.


I wish they would:

1. Have fast travel points near our hangars

2. Let us use our speeders in space stations

3. Put content in transition areas, and allow other players access there too.

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