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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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all they need to do is remove hangars and orbital stations


then, on the space station on the planet ..... take those elevators and have them load you right into the ship


ship door shows cinema then loads the planet space station

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I dont mind all the travelling. I play MMO's for escapism and this adds to the feeling that I am in a living universe. Its called willing suspension of disbelief and I am all for it, getting sick of people wanting a care bear game where everything is made quick and easy for them.
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I dont mind all the travelling. I play MMO's for escapism and this adds to the feeling that I am in a living universe. Its called willing suspension of disbelief and I am all for it, getting sick of people wanting a care bear game where everything is made quick and easy for them.


And the run-loading screen-run-loading screen helps that how? :confused:

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I dont mind all the travelling. I play MMO's for escapism and this adds to the feeling that I am in a living universe. Its called willing suspension of disbelief and I am all for it, getting sick of people wanting a care bear game where everything is made quick and easy for them.


Good. Then when they add better travel options for those of us who think it is tedious, you can still feel free to use the old method. Everyone wins.

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Bioware is dealing with a very slippery slope here. If they allow instant travel between planets people will expect instant travel everywhere. The next batch of complaints would be there's no traveling and the game is all teleporting place to place.


They could reach a compromise with planet hearths.


If you complete you class quest line on a planet you recieve a skill, very similar to Emergency Fleet Pass in your general tab. The cooldown would be 5 hours and it allows you to instantly hearth to any class completed planet. That seems fair to me.


I would be happy with a 30 min cool down that gave you fast travel to your ship and removed the station and flying between planets was as simple as no space station no zone to get to your space doc.


1. Loading screen to get on your ship.

2. load screen when you get off your ship to the new planet and done.


Thats all we need.

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The solutions offered in this thread would very easily (by the addition of one switch on a wall) make it so every side of this debate can have it exactly as they personally want it.


I don't understand why so many people don't want that. It's not even a choice between player A and player B. It's a simple solution that gives both groups exactly what they want. Why would anybody fight against having more happy people playing the game?


There are some good ideas. I hope you didn't infer from me that I am against reasonable quality of life improvements.


My issue is that they exaggerate their claims to astronomical proportions. It does not take 30 minutes to travel. It doesn't take 10. It takes, at most, 5 minutes to go from one spaceport to the next. Some people in this thread think that overstating the problem will lead to BioWare overcompensating and making a port from one spaceport directly to the other.

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I would be happy with a 30 min cool down that gave you fast travel to your ship and removed the station and flying between planets was as simple as no space station no zone to get to your space doc.


1. Loading screen to get on your ship.

2. load screen when you get off your ship to the new planet and done.


Thats all we need.


/agree It isn't hard to suspend my belief in allowing teleportation to my ship. Lot better than load screens IMO. OF course, then Star Wars episode 4's plot would have to be radically changed but...actually no it doesn't because who cares?

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Again the problem is there are quite a few quests that utilize the hanger your ship is actually in.


yea i forgot about that - well then, didn't anyone test this damn thing? I've been telling the haters to shut up but I'm going to have to be upset about the lack of thought on this one.


I got an SSD drive with SATA III and it's still a pain waiting for zones to load. I can't imagine anyone on a regular HD.

Edited by Baracca
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The travel system will keep me from joining a group for a quest on another planet... its like, why bother. Maybe have a "quick travel" feature for group quests on other planets perhaps..... I do think they can do away with the airlocks though. It takes longer to walk down the airlock then it does to travel to the planet itself, that is a bit silly.... :-)


and the Droid on the ship is ANNOYING, cant we have a option to tell him to not talk at all? lol.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Bioware is dealing with a very slippery slope here. If they allow instant travel between planets people will expect instant travel everywhere. The next batch of complaints would be there's no traveling and the game is all teleporting place to place.


Yeah, clearly if they remove the pointless airlock screen they have to let you auto level to 50.


How about this... let us bind to our ship. You can port to it and it puts you in space. If people want to play Happy Fun Airlock Run 2000 they still can while the rest of us get on with the game and story.

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There are some good ideas. I hope you didn't infer from me that I am against reasonable quality of life improvements.


My issue is that they exaggerate their claims to astronomical proportions. It does not take 30 minutes to travel. It doesn't take 10. It takes, at most, 5 minutes to go from one spaceport to the next. Some people in this thread think that overstating the problem will lead to BioWare overcompensating and making a port from one spaceport directly to the other.


While I personally am all for improved traveling from starports, I'll completely concede your point. The exaggeration is pretty extreme on both sides.


"It takes me 3 months just to get to another planet!"


"I don't know what game you're playing! It takes me approximately .0007 seconds to visit every planet in the galaxy. Twice."

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Really? You think the travel between planets is fun? Or even remotely engaging? Or does it make you want to stab yourself in the head with a fork?

This is supposed to be a fun game... not a drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco.




Feels like being stuck in traffic on a 100 miles driveway.

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I dont mind all the travelling. I play MMO's for escapism and this adds to the feeling that I am in a living universe. Its called willing suspension of disbelief and I am all for it, getting sick of people wanting a care bear game where everything is made quick and easy for them.


Hey, if you want an optional timesink fulled refeuling and spaceship maintenance sim to properly challenge your hardcore MMO-ness I'd even sign for it.


But I cant manage that hard airlock level, and am too dumb to l2p, so just throw me a bone....


LFM Orbital Station Load Screen, need 1 healer

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Again the problem is there are quite a few quests that utilize the hanger your ship is actually in.


I don't see how that changes. When you go into the hangar, it automatically activates the cut-scene. Now, instead of it being activated by crossing a threshold, it's just activated by pressing the travel button.


Press switch, it automatically cuts to you in the hangar and the cut scene begins.


I mean, from an immersion standpoint, the trip through the hangar is still happening. It's just an off-screen action. In cases where the quest needs it, it cuts to the hangar.

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There should be a way to have your ship pick you up straight from the planet...



Here is an idea for the DEVS


You know those Rakata teleporters on Belsavis?


well give us a quest that lets us get that chick npc who was researching them from the planet questline to sell us the parts to equip our ship with a Rakata teleporter.


then to get to a planet we use normal means as it is now.


but to leave a planet we could request a crew member use the rakata teleporter to teleport us off the planet onto our ship thereby avoiding multiple zoning screens to leave a planet.





Please give our ships the Rakata Teleport device that is seen on Planet Belsavis.


That will fix our problems!!!



we can use a crew member to teleport us back, put it on a 1-4 hour cooldown if need be.

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My question is, how often are these people traveling back and forth between planets that the few minutes it takes to get from one extreme point of the galaxy to the other extreme point is actually a problem? Don't you travel somewhere and then spend most of your time actually doing something there? I know there a handful of quests that require going around and talking to people on different planets, but they are relatively rare, and the traveling is part of the quest.


I know what the answer really is. I know the sort that goes insane just thinking about a load screen. It would be tragic if Bioware listens to this nonsense and actually removes space ports, for example, from the game. I hope they don't. I don't think they will.


On every planet is a shuttle to the Fleet. You already have a quick travel to the Fleet from anywhere, albeit with a once a day use. You have a short cooldown on your quick travel to another point on a planet. It's actually quite funny that someone "can't take it". Doesn't it make you want to group up with them, so they can tell you all about all the other things they "can't take"?

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There should be a way to have your ship pick you up straight from the planet...


Kinda like what I said a few dozen pages back. If I may be so bold as to quote myself.


How about a system where you call to your useless droid and say "Hey, I need to get to Tatooine, set coordinates and come pick me up!" "Ok sir, after I finish applying this coat of paint to your cabin I will be on my way!" *5 minute countdown timer starts while you check mail, or set crafting missions or chat with friends, or go afk to get something to drink, or whatever* Menu pops up on screen "Are you ready to board?" Yes I am... then you loading screen right to the next effin planet.


Time sink - check

Not having to see 8 loading screens - check

Other people can still use the old clunky way - check

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Though I don't really have a problem with the spaceport portion of interplanetary travel, I don't really see how it could be called fun or entertaining either.


That said my biggest gripe is with various planetary load screens. On some, not all, planets it takes me anywhere from 5-10 minutes just to get from my ship to the hangar. Last night, I made two sandwiches and was able to eat one while waiting on Alderaan to load. I ate the other one while travelling through the spaceport. Later, I cleaned my entire kitchen while waiting on it to load again. Shortly after that load, I realized I was undergeared and would need to make a trip to the fleet but didn't because at that point I had run out of house work to keep me occupied while waiting.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't have a problem with travel at all (airlock removal would be nice). I don't really have a problem with the shorter load screens in the spaceports. But those long those long screens that I encounter when trying to enter a planet eventually make me want to cut the game off and just watch tv.

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Switching planets takes me about 3-5 min. My wife takes about 10-15 min. Each black screen takes 1-3 min to load. Her system ran great in beta and for 28 levels but 2 weeks ago since the patch it takes 10-15 min to get places but I find the 3-5 min it takes me a pain as I would rather that was not me loading screen after screen. I would be happy if they cut it down to 2-3 loading screens.


Is she playing on a toaster? Black screens taking 1-3 minutes is kinda crazy, her system is F'd. I play on a 4 year old machine, no SSD. My black screens are 5 seconds at most. Regular load screens are about 45-60 seconds.


There are only 2 or 3 loading screens already... so your last sentence is lost on me.

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Agreed. Right now we couldn't be further from the vibrant engaging world, with the current: run, click, loadscreen, run, click, loadscreen, run....etc.......


^ Do people not understand this SIMPLE, common-sense context?


All this about the experience, engaging blah blah blah is bologne. Imagine if you don't have a powerful computer (my case) running through this every time (which happens).


My friends invite me to another planet, I have to say wait 15 minutes.


You may say get a faster computer, I am not selling my product to the consumer. I am the consumer and have buying power, BW should accomodate me and the thousands of customers with slower PCs to avoid losing sales.


Imagine you are going to buy a 50 inch TV, think the salesman will tell you to buy a bigger house if you want the big TV? Non-sense.


current Traveling: current: run, click, loadscreen, run, click, loadscreen, run....etc.......

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Proposed solution:


Click button anywhere, ship picks you up in 10 seconds. 1 Load screen.

On ship, pick destination. You can choose 1 of 2 routes.

1. The "safe" hyperspace route that takes 5 minutes. During this time, you can play Pazzaak or Holo chess with your crew, help them craft via some minigame, try out different specs via a combat simulator, or take a whiz.

2. The "quick" hyperspace route that takes 30 seconds, but with a chance that you get ambushed and need to do one of the Star Fox minigame like things.


Once complete, you click the rear door and end up in the bottom-most hanger.

Edited by LordArioc
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But those long those long screens that I encounter when trying to enter a planet eventually make me want to cut the game off and just watch tv.



I have actually not done things I wanted to because of this. I have skipped helping guildmates on other planets because of this. Super long load screens, and the annoyance of interplanet travel needs some love.


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