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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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Really? You think the travel between planets is fun? Or even remotely engaging? Or does it make you want to stab yourself in the head with a fork?

This is supposed to be a fun game... not a drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco.


Lazy much? Doesnt take long to run from the terminals to the damn planets.

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Lazy much? Doesnt take long to run from the terminals to the damn planets.


It wouldn't be a problem if BioWare didn't have so many quests that involve completely pointless travel. I have a friggin' holonet communicator aboard my ship. Why the hell do I have to travel from Coruscant to the Republic Fleet for some rest, then to travel back to Coruscant to meet that old bat; and that after two pointless go-and-talk quests already that easily take you half an hour just for a conversation that doesn't last a minute.

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You do realize we're complaining about the tedium of going through 5/6 zones just to travel around right? not that it takes 6 mins?


You've seriously not read anything anyone's been posting?



You do know in other games you have to travel THROUGH multiple zones?


You get to see 2 load screens (elevators are NOT load screens, I got a pos computer without a ssd and don't get load screens in elevators. I get a fade to black) a 3-5 second warp and some walking through a building. If we include orbital stations another building and elevator.




My only gripe is that the time spent in hyperspace is WAY too short.



Now I know you guys are going to say the load screens are a pain to look like (nice art work BTW BioWare) so I have made a suggestion to BioWare to eliminate those load screens during travel.


Check out the post @







It wouldn't be a problem if BioWare didn't have so many quests that involve completely pointless travel. I have a friggin' holonet communicator aboard my ship. Why the hell do I have to travel from Coruscant to the Republic Fleet for some rest, then to travel back to Coruscant to meet that old bat; and that after two pointless go-and-talk quests already that easily take you half an hour just for a conversation that doesn't last a minute.

FYI: Some people like to talk to others face to face. Go figure.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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To be honest, even in game lore that doesn't make sense. You don't travel from planet to planet just for a minute long conversation - you just don't.

The movies takes place about THREE THOUSAND YEARS LATER!!! There's absolutely NO way people may have had different views when it comes to in person interactions 3000 years ago.

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The movies takes place about THREE THOUSAND YEARS LATER!!! There's absolutely NO way people may have had different views when it comes to in person interactions 3000 years ago.


They only like the immersion if it is a burden on people who don't share their views.


Yeh I'm seeing it now.


you're either trolling or you genuinely believe what your spouting.


Not sure which is worse.


I'll bet you'd still be against getting rid of useless airlocks and stations even if they kept them in and just added an option upon leaving ship to go straight to the surface wouldn't you?


You couldn't be more transparent if you were a sheet of plain glass.

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The movies takes place about THREE THOUSAND YEARS LATER!!! There's absolutely NO way people may have had different views when it comes to in person interactions 3000 years ago.
They didn't have a conversation about Hello X! Do Y on planet Z. That could've easily been done over the holo... It doesn't make sense to do a day long trip for a minute long conversation, seriously, do you travel a day for a conversation lasting a minute? Edited by Aerevan
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For my point of view, there's a difference between things I have to do a certain number of times, and things I have to repeat endlessly.


I agree that it can be a bit daunting if you want to do a quick jump between zones with orbital space stations, and that silly jumping to and fro coruscant just for a quick tea with General Garza.


But, will I have tea with Garza every evening? No, probably not. Now when I have completed my class quests, I guess that my main travelling will be to Ilum or Belsavis and then taking the quick fleet pass back. Perhaps some outings to enjoy the nature and farm flowers now and then. I expect that all PvP and flashpoints will be from the fleet.


All in all, my point is that the silly travelling is something you have to do a few times and then you'll be rid of it. Kind of ripping of a band aid, it hurts at first, but you'll get over it and look back with fondness.

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All in all, my point is that the silly travelling is something you have to do a few times and then you'll be rid of it. Kind of ripping of a band aid, it hurts at first, but you'll get over it and look back with fondness.


You're not 50 yet are you?


It kinda shows, trust me the band-aid doesn't come off.


Nor should anything in a game be described as "ripping off a band-aid"

Edited by darkcerb
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I'd rather have 10 minutes of flight time while i can afk and DO something else like a wc break then :


location mount up> speeder>speeder flight > spaceport > hangar > space station>airlock >


my ship with the moronic robot > finally click and change zones < again moronic robot


airlock < space station < hangar < spaceport <speeder flight< mount up zzz < location YEY!




Havent figured out the purpose of space stations and spaceports yet. They are like empty placeholders, never to be filled. And why cant I use a speeder on them? I can use a speeder on the Republic space station, but not in the Coruscant Spaceport? Neither can I port out of Coruscant Spaceport...


Ahhhh... sigh... it is so booooring.

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I am a couple of hours game-time into 50 so, yes, I'm still new (that's why the "I guess" is in my post), and my main point was that the class-quest (un)necessary travelling is over which might have been unclear.


One actual suggestion to compensate a bit for long-time travelling is to use the ship/space stations for pre-loading content to minimize actual loading screens. But that depends on what the engine can do...

Edited by Treefinger
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It seems a bizarre inclusion to make it so time consuming. It certainly puts you off going off planet to help someone else because it's so god damn long winded to do it. I try not to leave a planet until I have to. The whole process of having to get up and down to one's ship is such a bore.
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I agree, its all a bit tedious.


I dont think the fast travel to anywhere is a good idea. I do like the concept of actually going to your ship and flying somewhere else, however I would like (in order of preference).


  • remove the airlock bits, they do nothing. Cant even see your ship from them.
  • Remove the intervening lobby area in each (private) hanger, we should go through the door straight to the hangar. Its not like the lobby area would fit given where each class entrance is so opening instantly to your ship would be great.
  • It would be nice if we could mute our neurotic robot assitant, or add a lot more lines.
  • It would be great if I could tell where I was just from looking around when I get out of my ship. It would at least make the running around feel like Im getting somewhere.

Edited by LongGui
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Ugh, you have things to do while traveling crafting skills.


While your traveliung can send your npcs to do things and make sure you resend them out when they finish.


But yeah time sink for your pleasure, its no big deal

Edited by Talosred
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Ugh, you have things to do while traveling crafting skills.


While your traveliung can send your npcs to do things and make sure you resend them out when they finish.


But yeah time sink for your pleasure, its no big deal


It's ok at the start but by the time you advance your class the crafting mission are all 20 minutes plus, and you dont need to be minus a companion while you have your max 3 missions running.

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I don't dislike many things in this game but I do dislike the amount of time it takes to travel around.


I have a very large guild and its a pain when I have to go to 10 different places a day to help people.

I also want to kill or mute C2-N2.

Edited by Kanharn
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If you have a older computer or slow load times its a nightmare, lucky a simple ram upgrade turned 2-3min load times into 15-30 seconds for me.


My computer is pretty fast, even without an SSD (though I do run my harddrives in Raid 0), but loading Tatooine or Alderaan just takes ages. I don't have this problem in other games...

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