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if you want to invite me to party, ASK ME first.


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Originally posted by LanceUppercut

sending an invite is how i ask


So you shove your money at the busdriver.

This clearly indicates your desire for him to take you somewhere, right?


Except .. he has no way of knowing where you wish to be taken to. It's not that he minds driving you there, it's that he doesn't know where you want to go.


Now imagine this:


To busdriver: "Hi, to *insert destination* please."

The busdriver accepts, or let's you know this bus isn't going in that direction.

You hand him your money in the first case, you leave the bus and wait for another in the latter.


Does that help illustrate the problem some people have with random invites? : )

Edited by Sureth
typo correction
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If im doing my thing killing some dudes, and then i see onther person doing the same thing, sure i will invite them assuming they know im inviting them for the reason to just reach the goal faster. Now yes some of them decline and i just leave it as that. Im sure they are either almost done with the mission so they are on their way out, or they just dont like to group up with people. So be it.

Now i have been on the other end of the stick, recieving an invite from sombody that wants the credit for a mob kill. Again i have accepted and i have declined these invites depending on things. so in the end, just dont be a dick about it either way.

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Some jackhole (not gonna name him) invited me 4 times while I was on the Imperial Fleet yesterday. I quietly declined each one and went back to my ship to run my space dailies. I kept getting invites even while on my ship. More than 15 total. I told him to stop but I never heard a word from him so I reported him. *shrugs*
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For the most part, I agree with the OP. There has been the odd occasion, however, that I have ninja-invited someone nearby because they are obviously waiting to kill the bonus boss mob that I currently have at about 75% HP and I would feel silly finishing it off solo and forcing them to wait for respawn for no reason other than selfishness. I think I've done that all of 3-4 times and the individual has appreciatively accepted the ninja-invite each time and thanked me.


I do, however, typically decline random invites unless it's glaringly obvious as to why I'm being invited. Sometimes, I'm in my own little world and happy to be there. That said, I'm about as social as they come.

Edited by Decemberist
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The invite popup in this game is tiny. There is nothing rude about just sending someone a join request. That IS asking.


Like anything else, it can be pushed to an extreme. But getting pissed by the very simple act of a join request because of this possibility is like being angry at telephones because sometimes a telemarketer uses it.

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Anyone who declines an invite because I "have to ask first", gets instantly ignored. Your being a pompous **** and I dont have time to deal with uppity idiots in the little bit of time I actually get to play.


Really? So everyone you invite is expected to automatically want to group with you? What if I'm busy doing something else and I have to go afk every few minutes? I decline your invite and I get ignored? That makes a lot of sense.


Now if someone sends you a message afterwards berating you for not talking to them first, that I would understand.

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Only time I ever invite someone without asking is


1) they are LFG for something, I'm not going to bother whispering them individuality, I want to make the group fast and get it done fast ^.^ or i've gotten to where I'll just say I'll join so I don't have to bother with inviting them


2) if i'm in the middle of killing a boss spawn and someone comes running up needing him i'll try to invite them in hopes they get the credit cause alot of those bosses don't respawn for 5+ mins it feels like :( so I help them out :D

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Anyone who declines an invite because I "have to ask first", gets instantly ignored. Your being a pompous **** and I dont have time to deal with uppity idiots in the little bit of time I actually get to play.


I feel the same way in reverse. Anyone who sends blind invites out willy nilly without at least asking or letting the invitee know what they are doing is an uppity idiot. They assume that I want or need to team up with them because they're too special to let me know their intentions.


After all if you're sending the invite you want something from me, not the other way around. Whether its just my time, help or company, the inviter is the one that should at least say "hey, doing this mission. want to team?". Blind inviting is a lazy way of just trying to get waht you want with little effort.

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This is, like a few others, nearly a religious issue in that there is generally no way to convince either side to change.


As for me, inviting me without talking to me first is just rude. It says, "I don't care what you're doing, I want you to do something else." Random, uninvited, no-tell duel requests fall in the same category.


It's pretty simple, if you can right click me and click group, you can right click me, click whisper and type, "Wanna group?" It's simply not that much trouble.

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Really? So everyone you invite is expected to automatically want to group with you? What if I'm busy doing something else and I have to go afk every few minutes? I decline your invite and I get ignored? That makes a lot of sense.


Now if someone sends you a message afterwards berating you for not talking to them first, that I would understand.


I tried being civil about it a few times, after being bombarded by invites. I'd send a tell back asking "what mission/s?" or "do you need help with something?". Once a person responded with "Yes, trying to kill *******"" so I helped them. But the majority of times I got no reply at all.


So I stopped replying. If the sender can't at least be bothered to let me know what they want/need why should I bother. As I said earlier in this thread, I'm not in game for your entertainment. I'm in it for mine, and if I need a team I'll ask a person first if they want to team because they're a person, just like me with their own wants and needs. They are not responsible for mine.

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Anyone who declines an invite because I "have to ask first", gets instantly ignored. Your being a pompous **** and I dont have time to deal with uppity idiots in the little bit of time I actually get to play.


In that case Sandybeaver, any time you see anyone with the Legacy name "Kindelar" on your screen, can you just save us both some time and add them to your Ignore list?

Most of the people I group with end up on my Friends list. A few idiots end up on my ignore list.

If you want to invite me to a group when I do not have my LFG flag active, without me first expressing a desire to share your content, and at the same time call ME a pompous uppity idiot, then I doubt we would work well in a group together.

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For me, outside of the respawn invites, the first one get's declined and second goes on ignore. I haven't done it much but, it's not worth my time to explain it to someone who does not want to type out their thoughts.


If nothing else, these wordless inviters should realize what they are doing is actually counter to their goal in many cases.

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I'm all for efficiency. But when someone just spams me with his party invite without any regard to what I may be doing, it just makes me NOT want to party with him on principle alone. Like, even if I do want to do the same thing he wants to do, Saving Face, Personal Challenge, whatever....if he sends an invite without asking first, it's a forgone conclusion that I will NOT group with that person.



If you receive an invite without asking if you wanted the invite, just press cancel or ignore and that's it. We don't need a post about this on forums.

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Yeah, I really hate when people invite me so quests can be completed twice as fast, with extra experience.


You do realize that some percentage of the playerbase thinks levelling is too fast? There are several threads on the topic so, don't assume everyone is in a rush to level.

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Depending on what MMO's you have played as well as your age will dictate how you feel about this issue.


Personally, unless it is 100% OBVIOUS we are doing the exact same thing, don't send me a blind invite. Have the courtesy to at least ask me. And even when it is obvious, saying "hey, wanna party up to defeat xyz mob" is not that hard to do. I could just be standing there trying to get a spawn timer. It's not really that hard to ask.


I cannot count the number of blind invites I've received. And it's not that I'm not willing to help you, I just want you to have the courtesy to at least ask me and tell me what you want help with. I did lolCoS (Chamber of Speech) the other day with someone. Now Being 30+, I stood nothing to gain by doing this quest; other than a few credits. I did it becuase the person asked for help, and I knew it wasn't going to take that long to finish. Had I received a blind invite, I would have not done it.


People complain about low server pop, not seeing people on x planet, feeling like it's a solo game, then when they come across someone, they ignore the very fact that it is an MMO and feel as though talking to another person is wrong. You don't just walk into some random persons home and start monkeying through the fridge and jewlery (and if you do... I'm guessing we will see you on COPS very soon) - you ask. So at least show me the same type of respect

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anyway, i normaly invite people who stand and wait for a special questmob without asking.

if they dont invite me first, that is.


and invite is a question to join, if you think about it. Do you often in real life get the question about going to a party or whatever, before you get the invite?

Edited by dangerusdave
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Personally, this never bugged me when someone does this to me. I take the party invite and start asking questions. If I don't like the reasoning I type /leave and go about my merry way. More often than not I do not do this to others, but in some rare occasions I do. For example, if someone is in imperial fleet saying LFG <instance> and I am forming a group for that instance I will send them a party invite and start introducing the group and myself. I probably won't do that again knowing there is a whole big thread devoted to this. Edited by bigchunk
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If I'm in a quest area with limited mobs to kill or we are competing with things to collect, blow up, etc, I don't mind joining up, even if it is a blind invite (I never blind invite anyone---always ask). Most of the times, the person doesn't say a thing, even when I say something in party chat. We finish our objective, I thank them and drop the group. Nothing is ever said.


I got a kick out of one blind invite. I was going into the Balmora Arms Factory to do a quest and got a blind invite. I declined and it came again. For giggles, I joined the group. Not a word was said, not a single quest shared. This person was a bit low level and waited for me to engage the mobs each time. When ANYTHING dropped, this person rolled need. I admit, I ventured in a bit and then dropped group right in the middle of a mob infested area. Obviously I was being used but I just chuckled and continued with my quests, passing over this poor kid's body a few times in there. Brought a tear to my little cybernetic eye....:p

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