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Best Companion for a Sith Juggernaut?


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I tend to find people will try to use logic to justify their personal favourites. It’s almost entirely dependent on your playstyle, your spec, and your feelings on what makes a “good” companion. Gear any one of them and they become very powerful.


For me, it’s Jaesa – she is my apprentice after all. :)

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What level, planet do we get Jaesa for a companion? I'm at the point of, just slaughter her parents and some Jedi filth.


You'll get her at the conclusion of your class quest on Alderaan.


And I did prefer her while leveling in beta. Usually, with her around you can kill things before you need any heals. Leveling a SW now, I'll be playing with my BH friend so it won't really matter what companion I use. Though, I'll definitely be using Broonmark when I eventually get him. How do you pass that thing, whatever the hell it is, up?!

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Rage spec, leveled 1-50 solo with Vette and then Jaesa. Quinn felt completely worthless to me; sure, heals are nice, whatever. I never had any problems with the "kill stuff before it kills me" approach, and downtime was minimal. Even gold elites on Corellia can't chew off 1500 of my HP before Jaesa and I have drained all 30,000+ of theirs. I haven't touched a defensive cooldown in a fight other than

Draahg and Baras

in a long time.


I don't even consider myself to be an "elite" player or whatever; it's all about situational awareness. I hate Quinn, so I don't use him, and I do just fine. DPS spec with DPS companions is totally viable as long as you're not a window-licker.

Edited by SidewalkofPain
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I don't understand all the hate for Broonmark, I've been using him since I got him and well Its been great, lvl 43 Rage spec atm and with him tanking for me while im obliterating the mobs, im just not having any problem at all with mobs and even elites aren't really a threat.


Plus being able to taunt off each other makes the mobs do 30% less damage which is pretty huge.


Broonmark ftw :D

Edited by Metich
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I'm rushing through balmorra only to get quinn. Vette is good, but healing gets tight on some battles (fortunately I never run off of stims or medpacks. Biochem + bioanalisis rocks big time). Precisely with my jug, I miss terribly a character like Mako (of the BH class), I really hope that quinn is worth the rush.
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IA 50. Jugg 46. Assassin 36. Quinn is silly awesome. He makes it easy street. I kill elites with rage spec with only 20 percent health gone. I just steam roll in pve, wishing my other classes had the same.


What I did was buy him a complete pvp healing set. Sometimes he crits for 2800. Pretty nice.


Play what you enjoy. It is a game after all. But Quinn's cc and heal make him hands down one of the easiest pets in the game to use.

Edited by Redbeers
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Outside of a few fights, like that champion on Quesh, Foreman Elleos I think, I never got very low on HP (except when a medic became untargetable for some reason and the two officers killed me since I couldn't stop heals) to justify Quinn. Sure Quinn heals, but he's not very smart about it and with him just healing and Immortal's low damage compared to veng-spec or Marauders (I accept that), then fights drag on longer and longer.


If I can gear up Vette or Jaesa and keep aggro on me, then they tear stuff up like no one's business.

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it depends on spec and playstyle.. but when i'm dps i use quinn just cause i can run through mobs faster without having to heal up inbewteen. And when i spec tank i use jess.

But i stopped lvl'n as tank becasue nobody wants to do heroic missions or lvl'n flashpoints :( .

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  • 4 weeks later...
Believe it or not, I use all of them except the droid when I'm out in the world. I like all of them immensely. From SWTOR's version of Grunt from ME2(Pierce, believe it or not), to the naughty ladies, the posh combat medic, and even that lovable mothman(even if he takes forever to say "Raaargh!"(seriously, it's like 5 seconds of different sounds rather than one sonic blast)).
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Got Quinn and never looked back. I kept his gear better than mine at all times, put him in DPS mode, and went to town. Died once (To that d-bag Dragh and that was a player failure, not a Quinn failure. I didn't realize he was dropping aoe, so I was fighting him on top of Quinn. I'm sure you can imagine how ell that went. :rolleyes: Realized what was up, did it again, finished at 90% health. Danced on his corpse) and ran through things insanely fast. Quinn is more than able to pick off the ranged mobs on his own while I charge/choke/smash the melee things.


Would Vette do it faster than him? Yeah, I guess, but there would also be downtime which is nonexistent with Quinn.




Having said that, preference is preference. I couldn't imagine leveling without Quinn, but I also don't agree with people who say Healing Companions > All. My Sorc did it with Revel (Let him pull and grab threat, bubble him, then go to town.) and my Gunslinger kept Corso at her side the whole way. It's about play style.

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I have been using Vette a lot. I haven't used Quinn in a long time. I love the dps that she does and the speed at which I can quest. However, I was getting stuck on a Heroic 2+ on Alderaan and just was not able to beat the Champion Jedi at the end with her.


I've been keeping her gear up to date and haven't with Quinn. So I swapped all the same gear from Vette and put it on Quinn. Holy cow!!! The guy kept me up the entire fight and even added some nice CC from time to time. It was a long fight, but I didn't have much trouble finishing the quest where it wasn't even close with Vette.


I'll still use Vette most of the time because I don't always need healing like that, but it's nice to know that Quinn will pull his weight when I need it.


I think the moral of the story is that the companions are situation and should be used when the situation calls for it.

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41 imm jugg here. I got Jaesa and never looked back. We destroy everything so far and I rarely even have to use a medpack. Easy mode. I still gear up Quinn on the side just in case things get a little tougher in the future.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Peronally you can't go wrong with Quinn or Vette. I used Quin as Vengence from 25 on and probably didn't kill as fast as a another Vengence DPS with Vette but I also had less downtime and less deaths. Plus you can do many of the Heroics solo with a well geared Quinn.


The downside is Quinn is booring and Vette is hot.


The upside is its easier to go darkside decisions while gaining affection with Quinn which you can't always do with Vette.


So the tiebreaker I think is if you are going darkside level with Quinn - Lightside level with Vette.

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So the tiebreaker I think is if you are going darkside level with Quinn - Lightside level with Vette.




I'm Immortal (tank) spec, so running with a healer seems kind of silly. I do keep Quinn's gear updated so he can be used against hard bosses if I need to or if I group with someone who doesn't keep their healer companion geared.


I like Jaesa. She's dark side and agrees with all my evil intentions, unlike Vette who is a goody goody. Plus, there is that Master/Apprentice component with Jaesa that adds a bit of depth to gameplay.

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For my playing style as a Vengeance Juggernaut, it’s been Quinn.


I did switch to Jaesa after I turned her to the Dark Side, and used her until around level 38, but we both died far too often for my liking, so I went back to Quinn and raced through the remaining levels to 50 without a problem.


Quinn's healing was extremely useful; I turned off all of his special attacks and kept him in medic mode. Of course, I did die a couple of times, but the downtime between fights was much less than with Jaesa. Quinn’s constant small heals just kept me topped up and hacking away with my lightsaber. Often the pauses during elite battles, when using Force Choke or Force Push were enough time for him to restore a lot more of my health, and many times I finished the battle on 90% or more health.


If I had it all to do again, I'd maybe give Vette a try out of curiosity, but I think Quinn suits me best.

Edited by KaneMaelstrom
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  • 5 weeks later...

I think all of the different posts are missing perhaps the most important reason to why each of their companions are good to them and that is their level and planet of their current quest.


I just made a run from 1-50 with a sentinel and I had absolutely no problems, whilst using a healing companion.


I discovered that I was 2½ levels ahead in content with my healing companion, when I ended my class story. This is where things get interesting.


Without the healing comp, taking on higher content becomes difficult and sometimes close to lethal to your health ;)


This is why, people are having such a hard time defining the best companion, because it is solely based on your style of "CONTENT". The fastest way to level in the game, is to be on the planet which is "EXACTLY" your level range. Going beyond content or falling behind the content of your "SPECIFIC" level range, will decrease your speed greatly.


This also affects your choice of companion. Having DPS comps, will be absolutely enjoyable, when playing within your specific level range. The healing companion will be prefered for players that are able to crash and burn content without using little to any effort.


I will take a dps comp on my current levelling juggernaut, because I will be doing content to my specific level range and nothing else. Vette untill Jaesa. Quinn will be used when I do heroics +2 on my own for the remaining XP I would need.


Your level range allows for the best use of each of the companions.


In the end, your skills will show you what is best, yet experienced players will give you good hints and taking the time to read their posts, will only give you more wisdom to perform better ingame.


Thanks for reading.

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As an Immortal Juggernaut, I think that a dps-based companion is the best. It just helps you drop the enemies much faster, especially considering that the Immortal Juggs don't pack that much of a punch.


Personally, I find Vette to be better than Jaesa. Perhaps it's because she's ranged dps and I can more easily grab the enemies' aggro in the beginning while she blasts away. Jaesa, being a melee dps, jumps into the fray with me and I have a harder time of keeping track of her aggro. The time of the killing rate is about the same, but Vette is more survivable.


Quinn is useful, but for anything tougher than a strong-type mob, I'm left high and dry without the extra firepower of the dps gals and the fight slows down while my rotation recharges. I do use him when I play in groups, though, if the other person uses a dps or a tank companion. In Heroics and Flashpoints you need the extra heal, but only if you already have the extra firepower.


I have never used Pierce and Broonmark and I never will. They are for the Marauders.


So, my two cents - the best companion for a Sith Juggernaut is Vette.

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