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Level 50 Gunslingers/Snipers in WZ.


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Actually, what he said is mostly true. Entrench could be replaced with huge "Shoot me, I will stand still" sign. Only decent benefit that cover actually provides is not being able to be force leaped. Thats it.


If half of what he said is true is "most", then I agree with you. I guess you need to work on your positioning as well. I'll agree a lot of people see me in cover, or i'll pop my big bubble shield, and they'll think, hey, I should attack that guy.


But with superior positioning, attacking me is hurting their team and usually ends up with them being dead, and me continuing to pew pew.


The only reasonable points brought up in this thread is there's not enough we can do when we're not in cover, unless you spec into letahility, which still is rather dependent on cover. Things like diversion and roots are a big nuisance for sure.

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Stop posting about your great 10-49 pvp experience and numbers in the table that really show nothing, every class can pull out the same damage and even more. In fact, Gunslingers/Snipers DO have serious issues.


First, in Sharpshooter/Marcksman spec all damage abilities are weapon (white) damage and get deflected and mitigated by everything, tanks and all heavy armored laugh at your damage not to mention low mobility, buggy cover and LoS. The only positive thing I can say about this spec - it is good to fight sorcs.


Dirty fighting/Letality is also so easily contered by every AC that has Dispell, that it makes me cry.

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I'm a sniper so when you say Cover is on GCD, it makes you sound retarded. When you say there's no defensive perks, then you have clearly never played the class.


If you don't like the class fine, but don't go around talking about things you know nothing about.


Compare, say, commando knockback to gunslinger knockback (start out of cover). I know for sure which one goes off first. Do you also think Dirty Kick can be used without stopping for animation?


And no, I don't like sniper class at all... thats why I have TWO of them. *rolls eyes*

Edited by Shendar
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Actually, what he said is mostly true. Entrench could be replaced with huge "Shoot me, I will stand still" sign. Only decent benefit that cover actually provides is not being able to be force leaped. Thats it.


Yeah, but since Entrench is cover-based, we're "lucky" that it's about a 50-50 chance it will actually fire when you press the button....just as Cover Pulse, Snipe, Ambush etc. It's broken, there's no point discussing it until it's fixed.


And whether cover/crouch is on GCD or not is irrelevant since the animation still takes as long (once again: if we are lucky...) as a GCD.


I tried it outside of PvP and even though I don't use cover (since it's worse than crouch) I managed to CLICK Cover Pulse three times before the char even sat down. That's with clicking the skill + not in pvp. So in pvp you will spend 2-infinity seconds trying to sit down and then it won't fire anyhow.

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Yeah, but since Entrench is cover-based, we're "lucky" that it's about a 50-50 chance it will actually fire when you press the button....just as Cover Pulse, Snipe, Ambush etc. It's broken, there's no point discussing it until it's fixed.


And whether cover/crouch is on GCD or not is irrelevant since the animation still takes as long (once again: if we are lucky...) as a GCD.


I tried it outside of PvP and even though I don't use cover (since it's worse than crouch) I managed to CLICK Cover Pulse three times before the char even sat down. That's with clicking the skill + not in pvp. So in pvp you will spend 2-infinity seconds trying to sit down and then it won't fire anyhow.


I get the in cover animation / ability lag issues. But you guys are exaggerating the cover lag so hard. I can literally hit my cover hotkey and, for example, snipe, immediatly with no issues, at all. It's immediate.


And the chick with a gunslinger and sniper, everything you post is irrelevant because you think cover is on the GCD.

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there is simply no reason why you should choose gunslinger/sniper.


Other classes just offer the better packages. Options to Heal/Tank . Doing insane amounts of damage while still having heals. Mercs can easily hit 450 k damage (tracer spam)

same with sorc ...


not saying class is bad, but we just have nothing from being the pure dps class

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it takes skill to sit above the enemy on a platform spamming snipe? LOL


Especially on ilum skirmishes or void star. I know you are imperial tracer missile turret and all, but here, on republic side we play actually other warzones more often then huttball. :rolleyes:

Edited by Lerdoc
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They seem to take a bit of getting used to, which this community seems to shun.


Their cover mechanic could use... well, scrapping completely. Other then that they are fine.


They are not fine. Whatever a Sniper can do, another class can do much better.

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there is simply no reason why you should choose gunslinger/sniper.


Other classes just offer the better packages. Options to Heal/Tank . Doing insane amounts of damage while still having heals. Mercs can easily hit 450 k damage (tracer spam)

same with sorc ...


not saying class is bad, but we just have nothing from being the pure dps class


^ This...

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I get the in cover animation / ability lag issues. But you guys are exaggerating the cover lag so hard. I can literally hit my cover hotkey and, for example, snipe, immediatly with no issues, at all. It's immediate.


And the chick with a gunslinger and sniper, everything you post is irrelevant because you think cover is on the GCD.


Actually, just because you don't have the same issue...doesn't mean I am exaggerating. In fact, when I describe how bad crouch/cover is - I am talking about things that actually happen. Sure, not every single time (which is why I write "2-infinite seconds" since sometimes it only takes 2 seconds), but very very often.


I don't get LOS issues every time, but this still happens:


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There's definitely things that could be improved. The sniper's survivability isn't great. I don't understand why our absorption shield is significantly worse than a sorcerers absorption shield (so much so that the armor difference does not make up for it).


Our range stun is interrupted upon damage, but bounty hunters get a range stun that does not break on damage.


Ability delay is a huge issue for snipers. It's not as big issue with cover itself, which people have said in this thread, but a lot of abilities are affected (series of shots, ambush, cover pulse, Shield Probe, Evasion etc).


Our snare (leg shot) is really annoying because it's instant, but you have to wait for the animation to reach the enemy. This often leads to the enemy getting around a corner by the time they are snared. Also, there is an animation issue where it appears the enemy is snared in LOS, but when you try to attack them, it states they are not in LOS. Once the snare effect wears off, the enemy bugs out and appears around a wall or corner (so the snare animation is not matching where the enemy is actually snared. Very annoying).


We have very few abilities that are really useful when we are not in cover. This makes for things like roots, snares, and effects such as diversion that knock you out of cover to be very severe (which was mentioned in this thread, kudos).


It's also very frustrating that as a pure dps class, I can not get alot of medals that other classes, spec'd in full dps, can still obtain just because of a tree (which they have little to no points in). Hopefully something can be done to balance this a bit.


Yes, the sniper / gunslinger sacrifices alot of mobility, but their damage is quite good. I don't think snipers need a huge buff. They simply need to fix the ability delay issues, and maybe improve our shield or defensive abilities just a little bit.


I put together an album of a few SS's I have of warzones I've done. Take a look through the album. It's pretty easy to consistently put up good damage and have a good k/d ratio with good positioning, and smart play.




It also shows that yes, I am a sniper.

Edited by ihateyouall
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50 Sniper nearing 60 BM now. MM spec.


I love the job. And the fact that so few people play it/ can figure out how to play it just makes it that much more special to me. There are ALOT of ****** Snipers. Good ones stand out. At 50, I'm usually one of, if not consistently top dmg in WZ's. And PvE obviously there are no meters but most people I run with seem to think my Sniper is the highest DPS we bring. "Spamming Snipe" is probably a good contribution to why some Snipers suck so much. I'm probably better geared then most, but still, this job, IMO, is not as broken as people seem to think. I think people just want an "Easy button" job, and this isn't necessarily it.


It's not for everyone, either. I'm leveling an Assassin right now, (Darkness), and while I don't get ANYWHERE near the damage my Sniper does in WZ's (Huttball mainly), I have alot more fun, and... I can actually runt he ball well. Sniper, can not.


Also, there are alot of incorrect statements in this thread. Play the job before you post utter ********.


If you don't want to put the time in to not suck, don't play it. If you will take the time, keep at it. Show everyone how good the job *can* be. It's really not that hard.


I've actually had about 3 or 4 guildmates start leveling Sniper now after seeing mine in WZ and our Operations.

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I should clarify that I'm not saying the job doesn't have issues. Cover can be INCREDIBLY frustrating. Alot of the other things peoplecomplain about, though, I just don't have issues with. (At least myself.) In fact, survivability is actually rather impressive at times. I've been able to hold 3-4 people off in Voidstar while someone get's a door, or hold them back. With 3 people wailing on you, Evasion, Shield Probe, knockbacks, legshot, Flashbang, GIANT SHIELD BUBBLE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS, you can actually hold out quite awhile. If not for a healer to come to your aid, longenough as a solid distraction for a teammate to score, planta bomb,get a headstart in a hallway, take a turrent, anything.
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I should clarify that I'm not saying the job doesn't have issues. Cover can be INCREDIBLY frustrating. Alot of the other things peoplecomplain about, though, I just don't have issues with. (At least myself.) In fact, survivability is actually rather impressive at times. I've been able to hold 3-4 people off in Voidstar while someone get's a door, or hold them back. With 3 people wailing on you, Evasion, Shield Probe, knockbacks, legshot, Flashbang, GIANT SHIELD BUBBLE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS, you can actually hold out quite awhile. If not for a healer to come to your aid, longenough as a solid distraction for a teammate to score, planta bomb,get a headstart in a hallway, take a turrent, anything.


I'm not saying I can't survive well at some times. I can take a beating, but I think my expertise helps alot, although evasion then shield probe is solid. Same with an ambush knock back then a cover pulse if they aren't fully resolved yet...


I just don't understand why it absorbs so much less than the sorcerer shield. I understand they have light armor, but the difference in armor does not make the gap any better in terms of the difference in absorption.


And the giant shield bubble is usually only worthwhile when entrenched (which to be fair is a 45 sec cooldown for me, so it's often up, since it lasts a good while as well) as most people attempt to knock you out / cc you.


I guess it's hard to complain too much about survivability when I'm only dying 2-5 times per warzone, sometimes less, but I can't help but feel we could use a small bump when compared to other classes. Especially when compared to some of these hybrid classes.


Edit: Also, just re-read the last part of your post, and I will say, my favourite part about voidstar is when we are trying to cap and the other team is all dead waiting to come out. Throwing flashbang and stunning 5 of them is very satisfying. I try to save my stuns for doing that and single stunning anyone who might get through when I can.

Edited by ihateyouall
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The real problem is gunslingers and snipers are basically a regular person who is a good shot with a gun. It pretty much ends there, they don't have any sort of heroic abilities like other classes and they move the slowest on the battlefield, both in speed and attacks. Melee classes have so much CC and gap closing abilities that they aren't true melee at all. About the only thing that would bring more gunslingers/snipers into pvp would be if they allowed them to fly around OR, they designed warzones that were actually strategic and didn't favor melee. All of the warzones are flat, sure some of them have raised areas, but nothing significant. If defense areas were not so flat and easy to run/force jump/force run into then perhaps gunslingers and snipers would be allow to be more strategic. As it stands though, it's mostly zerg with melee, hit with incredible power on anyone who isn't melee.
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The real problem is gunslingers and snipers are basically a regular person who is a good shot with a gun. It pretty much ends there, they don't have any sort of heroic abilities like other classes and they move the slowest on the battlefield, both in speed and attacks. Melee classes have so much CC and gap closing abilities that they aren't true melee at all. About the only thing that would bring more gunslingers/snipers into pvp would be if they allowed them to fly around OR, they designed warzones that were actually strategic and didn't favor melee. All of the warzones are flat, sure some of them have raised areas, but nothing significant. If defense areas were not so flat and easy to run/force jump/force run into then perhaps gunslingers and snipers would be allow to be more strategic. As it stands though, it's mostly zerg with melee, hit with incredible power on anyone who isn't melee.


I don't know if I agree with that entirely. We can position ourselves pretty well, and melee classes cannot charge us when we are in cover (although many seem to not realize this :p).


Alot of times, if somebody wants to come kill me, they'd have to go through my entire team. By the time they would get to me, they'd either be dead or close to it. Obviously this isn't the case all the time, and those stealth classes can **** your day up if you are not entrenched / cc cooldown is down etc...

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there is simply no reason why you should choose gunslinger/sniper.


Other classes just offer the better packages. Options to Heal/Tank . Doing insane amounts of damage while still having heals. Mercs can easily hit 450 k damage (tracer spam)

same with sorc ...


not saying class is bad, but we just have nothing from being the pure dps class


That sums up the class issues if you add all the bugs and the mitigation problems

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As far as PvE goes I think the class is more than fine...wouldn't be suprised to see them as top damage if meters were released. As for PvP they're the worst class by far...I don't know how anyone can even argue this. They're a pure dps class with no heals and no mobility that doesn't even do more dps than any other class specced for dps. That's all you need to know really.
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50 Sniper nearing 60 BM now. MM spec.


I love the job. And the fact that so few people play it/ can figure out how to play it just makes it that much more special to me. There are ALOT of ****** Snipers. Good ones stand out. At 50, I'm usually one of, if not consistently top dmg in WZ's. And PvE obviously there are no meters but most people I run with seem to think my Sniper is the highest DPS we bring. "Spamming Snipe" is probably a good contribution to why some Snipers suck so much. I'm probably better geared then most, but still, this job, IMO, is not as broken as people seem to think. I think people just want an "Easy button" job, and this isn't necessarily it.


It's not for everyone, either. I'm leveling an Assassin right now, (Darkness), and while I don't get ANYWHERE near the damage my Sniper does in WZ's (Huttball mainly), I have alot more fun, and... I can actually runt he ball well. Sniper, can not.


Also, there are alot of incorrect statements in this thread. Play the job before you post utter ********.


If you don't want to put the time in to not suck, don't play it. If you will take the time, keep at it. Show everyone how good the job *can* be. It's really not that hard.


I've actually had about 3 or 4 guildmates start leveling Sniper now after seeing mine in WZ and our Operations.



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