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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A few suggestion nerfs to healing.


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I think it's funny how you don't show a shread of proof to support your claim. You just go on the defense and throw your hatred at someone. Even if I would've said that they should extend the cast time on healing you'd cry and complain. Again, I ask that you read my thread through and through. I never said I couldn't beat a sage 1v1 in warzone. I said that with 3 of them stuck together it becomes rather stupid rather fast. Like I stated so many times before if it's 1v1 they stun and then flee to heal themselves.


Now. I'm sorry if you're offended by this, but really I don't care. I'm not going to get emotional over a game. This is my opinion. Coming from someone who leveled multiple classes while waiting for Warzones to get a little better on my server. I think I have more expertise on this subject when I talk about it. You think Trooper needs a nerf? Go play it. You think Bounty Hunter needs a nerf? Go play it. I have.


I'm so sorry I doubted all your hard evidence in your OP. Again take my advice stop arguing a winless battle. I love spewing hate so thanks.

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My god, I wish people would make up their minds.


For every "nerf healing" thread there's a "no healer in my wz" thread.


So, which is it to be? Do people want to be healed, or do they want healing to be useless?


I think they want healing to be balanced. Just as much as they want DPS to be balanced etc. I dont think this is to much to ask though.

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One thing I've noticed lately when playing PvP in either Warzone or Ilum is that if you're up against a healer you're pretty much either going to tie or lose. I'm an Operative, so I can't use a move that'll give me enhanced movement speed unless I want to blow my stealth which has a 2:00 cooldown. So here are a few suggestions for me when it comes to all healing and then something about the sage/sorc.


1: Healing-

It would be a really simple and effective change if they just added a cooldown timer. Hell even a 3 second cooldown for all healing spells would go a long way into helping with the healing fiasco. I once seen a group of three Jedi Sages hugging each other in Cival War and our group of 4 couldn't kill them. We had to get another guy there to help us with the final DPS. I'm all for extending the length of heal time as well, but it's not really important as the cooldown.


2: The Sage/Sorc bubble shield-

Now this one I'm not too sure about. I would also think that a safe method is to extend the cooldown time of this move. I have a shield on my Operative, but it's nowhere near as powerful as this one. Not to mention mine only affects me and not the entire group. I would either be for extending the cooldown timer or weakening the shields absorbtion rate. I wouldn't mind having both of these, either.


I hope that some of you agree with me on these two suggestions. I'm only stating them because if I'm having trouble now on Operative, which is supposed to be the most "overpowered" class in PvP........Then after nerf of me how the hell will I kill them then?


These are terrible suggestions, no offense. They all seem to revolve around making it easier for you.

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< Not a healer.


Healing doesnt need nerfing you clown. They already have a %30- reduction in PvP.


Theres two skills in this game that need tweaking. Tracer Missile/Grav Round (Longer CD, damage cap, various other suggestions) and Force Lightning/Tele Throw (Remove root).


If BW took those two steps, balance would improve drastically. Beyond that I dont really think theres too many imbalances.


Tele throw is not a root. Its a snare..

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Please, just go troll somewhere else. Seriously. What did I suggest? exactly nothing of big impact or anything. Hell I clearly said I dont want there cooldowns or casting times increased or them to be nerfed so much they are no longer viable. All I said was the healing needs to be SLIGHTLY lower. That does not mean 50%, not mean 25% it does not even mean 5%.


Healing does not need nerfing. Do you even play a healer?

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Then why do you think healing needs a little nerf if you can kill decent healers but can be outplayed by a really good healer?


LOL, You caught him. Perfect example of a whiny kid that wants it all. Lets cry nerf over everything so we can distract the developers from the real pvp issues that need fixed.

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Tele throw is not a root. Its a snare..


and the snare isn't even useful unless at max range, because we have to stand still to use it, meaning at medium range it lets the melee get in range. Now I think the lightning is a root but I can't tell. Thats half the problem with the sorc abilities, they all look alike and nobody can see what they are getting hit with.

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LOL, You caught him. Perfect example of a whiny kid that wants it all. Lets cry nerf over everything so we can distract the developers from the real pvp issues that need fixed.




Seriously lol. With the CRAZY damage that flies around in this game and he wants to nerf the only defensive ability on the squishiest class in the game AND make it so they can only cast a heal every four seconds? And all of this based on one encounter with a few stacked healers who HE KILLED ANYWAY?



Nah, he's trolling. Gotta be. I don't buy that anyone is really that dense.

Edited by Kehtal
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I'm only stating them because if I'm having trouble now on Operative, which is supposed to be the most "overpowered" class in PvP........Then after nerf of me how the hell will I kill them then?


Bad players should stick to tracer missiles and sorc. Thanks.

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Sorc and Sage bubbles are WAY OP, IMHO. Great absorb, fast recast and cool down.... yeah.



I've run into quite a few who (with bubble and heals) could easily out heal my DPS. (sniper)


Healing, by itself is not OP, but combine the good heals with the awesome bubble ability, they have a massive advantage in 1v1 fights. Add two, working together, and you will need to have a coordinated group to take them out.

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i think heal is too weak and there is people complaining about how strong it is :o


the only healer that can survive more than 20 secs vs me (operative) is mercenary and he need to use everything , sorcers can kite and run away ye (but since i am playing objective wz i guess) and he run away i won , i ll do my obvjective easy.


operative healer is just a lol , is hard for them to heal my auto-atack.


in my opinion , heal is ok , just need some more medals for healers in wz , so they can do their job "heal" instead of look for kb , and assists to get in pair with dps medals

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Sorc and Sage bubbles are WAY OP, IMHO. Great absorb, fast recast and cool down.... yeah.



I've run into quite a few who (with bubble and heals) could easily out heal my DPS. (sniper)


Healing, by itself is not OP, but combine the good heals with the awesome bubble ability, they have a massive advantage in 1v1 fights. Add two, working together, and you will need to have a coordinated group to take them out.


Whoa whoa. You'll need a team? To work as a team?




Whoa. Stop that nonsense. Stop it right there. This is 2012, we don't do the "Team" thing. We just want to face roll omnom everything by ourselves.

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I am a good healer and know my class well, but I am no match for any DPS class that knows what they are doing. Yeah I don't die fast but they will wear me down and kill me. Most of the time though I get marked and get gang stunned and interupted to death by good groups. If your going 1vs2 or more you are going to lose if they have a healer. Its not that the healer is overpowered its that they out played you.
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One thing I've noticed lately when playing PvP in either Warzone or Ilum is that if you're up against a healer you're pretty much either going to tie or lose. I'm an Operative, so I can't use a move that'll give me enhanced movement speed unless I want to blow my stealth which has a 2:00 cooldown. So here are a few suggestions for me when it comes to all healing and then something about the sage/sorc.


1: Healing-

It would be a really simple and effective change if they just added a cooldown timer. Hell even a 3 second cooldown for all healing spells would go a long way into helping with the healing fiasco. I once seen a group of three Jedi Sages hugging each other in Cival War and our group of 4 couldn't kill them. We had to get another guy there to help us with the final DPS. I'm all for extending the length of heal time as well, but it's not really important as the cooldown.


2: The Sage/Sorc bubble shield-

Now this one I'm not too sure about. I would also think that a safe method is to extend the cooldown time of this move. I have a shield on my Operative, but it's nowhere near as powerful as this one. Not to mention mine only affects me and not the entire group. I would either be for extending the cooldown timer or weakening the shields absorbtion rate. I wouldn't mind having both of these, either.


I hope that some of you agree with me on these two suggestions. I'm only stating them because if I'm having trouble now on Operative, which is supposed to be the most "overpowered" class in PvP........Then after nerf of me how the hell will I kill them then?


There is so much insane burst damage and CC in this game that playing a healer is almost pointless.


I think it is funny that anyone would say healers need to be nerfed... It is the burst damage and massive amount of CC that needs to be nerfed.

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operative healer is just a lol , is hard for them to heal my auto-atack.



as an op healer, I eat concealment ops that open up on me when i have full health for breakfast. Once you live through the first burst, which i always do now in full champ gear (which is funny how tanks in full champ gear say they always die to ops), they're pretty worthless unless they have a healer on them. But if they have a healer on them chances are you're fighting either in or nearby other teammates, that can help you.


As far as this topic is concerned, the OP is retarded. Nerf healing more than the 30 percent all healers are currently nerfed by? Try playing a healing class yourself rather than crying as an Op that can't kill a sorc because of the various knockbacks/snares they have. Maybe you should pick your targets better? Don't try and kill a sorc in full champ gear with a bubble on 1v1 on the upper plats of huttball as an Op since you have 0 gap closers and no cc immunity. Know your class, and its limits, and you'll find yourself successful in your adventures.

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< Not a healer.


Healing doesnt need nerfing you clown. They already have a %30- reduction in PvP.


Theres two skills in this game that need tweaking. Tracer Missile/Grav Round (Longer CD, damage cap, various other suggestions) and Force Lightning/Tele Throw (Remove root).


If BW took those two steps, balance would improve drastically. Beyond that I dont really think theres too many imbalances.


I agree with both of these.


I do think the Op nerf goes too far though. Instead they should nerf some but add a bit more survivability against groups. As anerf will beat people 1v1, that's because they're a burst DPS class but if there's anymore than 1 around they might as well QQ.

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as an op healer, I eat concealment ops that open up on me when i have full health for breakfast. Once you live through the first burst, which i always do now in full champ gear (which is funny how tanks in full champ gear say they always die to ops), they're pretty worthless unless they have a healer on them. But if they have a healer on them chances are you're fighting either in or nearby other teammates, that can help you.


i dont know , maybe i just met bad operatives healing i dont know , the game is new and i am restricted to my own server! thats why i d like to have Xrealm , i ll face then some good players with some classes that i never thought they could be that good:)


i dont know what you do different , but i ll say what i do:


i open on you , if you have no trinket you go 30% health for sure , then i ll check if you have tactical advantage up , if you have then you will spam heal on yourself till you above 30% health , then i ll just atack you normally till you get no resolve bar , then is just flashbang you

and w8 till your tactical advantage end , then i ll atack , stun , and then you ll need to cast to get tactical advantage unless your probe ticks give you one , if this happens ok i ll need to vanish HS to put a kill , if it doesnt than i just need to interrupt your heal , and dont let you get TA , and i won.


YE, i am ignoring all the cc you have to kite me , but never faced a operative healing using all them good , so ye maybe you survive if you use them :D


ah and forgot the shiv to get tactival advantage as healer vs melee dps , but that is too skilled for op healers in my server lol

Edited by akunamatata
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When a dps and a healer of equal level/skill/gear lock in combat the result should be a tie.


If you are a dps and can't kill a healer and the healer can't kill you that means you both are equally skill and the game itself is pretty balance.


If a healer kills a dps, said dps player is unskill. If a dps kills the healer, healer is unskill.


I like healing the way it is now, sure I have trouble taking down a healer once a while as a dps but that doesn't make me jump on forum and start making nerf threads just because some player is more skill than I am.

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When a dps and a healer of equal level/skill/gear lock in combat the result should be a tie.


If you are a dps and can't kill a healer and the healer can't kill you that means you both are equally skill and the game itself is pretty balance.


If a healer kills a dps, said dps player is unskill. If a dps kills the healer, healer is unskill.


I like healing the way it is now, sure I have trouble taking down a healer once a while as a dps but that doesn't make me jump on forum and start making nerf threads just because some player is more skill than I am.


Not worded perfectly, but pretty much this. A good healer in WAR could kite full parties and heal their group at the same time. No chance of that in this game, healers absolutely don't need a nerf. Getting buffed is the only change healers should be getting.

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My god, I wish people would make up their minds.


For every "nerf healing" thread there's a "no healer in my wz" thread.


So, which is it to be? Do people want to be healed, or do they want healing to be useless?


I think people want to be healed themselves, but they don't want the other team to be healed too well.

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