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SWTOR is like Hutball and that is : A MESS!


First of all :


1. This game is not a MMORPG even if pretends to be one


2. The pvp is not actually player vs player but mostly player vs knockbacks.


3. The endgame operations are a joke. No feeling of epicness moments like in WOW raids, even from its lower tier raids.


4. The optimization for this game is just like my grandmother wearing a mini-skirt in a disco-club.


5. This game CAN'T ever compete with WOW. Not even after 7 years. WOW beats this game to dust.


6. This game should have been called: Star Wars the Bug Republic


7. This game should be free 2 play and not pay for bugs.


8. A game, by definition should be fun, enjoyable, relaxing at times. This game is the total opposite of what I said: It's frustrating, its annoying, its irritating and it isn't fun most of the times.


9. BW should concentrate on single player games and let Blizzard do the MMO games in the future.


10. Oh and YES I am a wow fanboi but I am also a star wars fanboi. I really wanted this game to succeed but it failed miserably and I am not the only one who thinks that!


11. You don't know what you're talking about, even though I'm sure you tried really hard.

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That's pretty insane that you managed to down 16man nightmare EV without any wipes, with almost no 50 gear, and with a pug.


Give me 1 - just 1 raid in WoW you could solo with only level up gear, no matter the difficulty..


I was stunned how easy it was to complete normal mode - I do know that we got Nightmare and such - but again i am no Hard core raider :)


I see you point tho - but still you shouldn't be able to take down a raid so easily in a PuG..


Peoples say that Raiding in WOTLK was a walk in the park, i never managed in 2 month to kill Lich King on normal 10 man mode - Thats where my Raiding status is..

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speaking only to this point:


this is different from any other MMO... how?


endgame is grinding for gear.


This game had a lot more accessible endgame content at launch than WoW did.


Try them on Hard - theyre significantly harder.


Again, though - this is not exactly rare in the MMO world. Endgame is = grind gear.


Probably i never played WoW at launch, was to busy playing SWG at that time..


At WoW you got something called Achievement, its a little side bonus you can go hunt for when your bored grinding gear..


Now what do SWTOR got beside grinding gear?...

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Who is this guy and why should I listen to him for 30 minutes?


Edit: First he complains about the RNG system. While the RNG system is bugged/needs polishing, this sounds to me like he started playing WoW during or after TBC where you could PVP for an hour then choose your purpalz (as opposed to Vanilla where you had to grind your gear for 6 months and actually earn it) = a spoiled WoW-kid in my book. The RNG compared with BM grind is a good solution in my opinion.

Then he compares the bugs to WoW. WoW has been out for 8(!) years. He's comparing a 1 month old game to an 8 year old game...?

Stopped watching there. WoW-kids' (ie post-vanilla, after everything got noobiefied and they catered to the crying kids) opinions is like tween girls' opinion of Justin Bieber.


swtor was released to compete with games such as WoW, customers have every right to compare them so. And please stop with the WoW bash, seems to be the standard defence to any Swtor criticism these days - "you dislike our system? you must be a spoiled WoW-kid". I, for one, have never played WoW, yet I find RNG system extremely frustrating. May I ask your age btw, to be calling everybody a WoW-kid, are you that old?


Even if we laid aside the issue of bugs, you must have some grade 1 fanboi goggles on if you can ignore the numerous missing basic features of any AAA MMO, past and present. Let me list a few as examples:


Missing combat log

Non scale-able UI

Lack of camera options to disable auto adjust

Limited graphic options (is it acceptable to be manually editing ini files to change draw distances in a 2012 game?)


Anyways, I understand your love for the game, I too (and the dude in the video) want it to succeed. That said, ignoring the problems aren't going to help this game, criticisms should be encourage, especially constructive ones.

Edited by painsponge
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More generally:


The problem here is one of WoW perception.


People are hard-coded to believe the following to always be true:


Hit Level Cap > Run level 50 instances for gear that allows you to: > Run level 50 Heroic/Hard Mode instances for gear that allows you to: > Run entry level raid, to get gear. Some slots in this equation can be filled with crafting or (badly itemized) rep gear.


Problem is Bioware went with a totally different paradigm, looking something like this:


Hit Level Cap


--- get crafted level 50 purple mods to get entry level raiding or hard mode gear

------proceed to normal mode raid > proceed to hard and nightmare mode raids


------proceed to do Hard Mode flashpoints




--- do daily quests to get level 50 purple mods to get entry level raiding or hard mode gear

------proceed to normal mode raid > proceed to hard and nightmare mode raids


------proceed to do Hard Mode flashpoints


Hard Mode's arent a stepping stone to raiding, in this game. Hard Modes are an EQUIVALENT to raiding, for people who dont have the time or cant manage to get 8 people together to raid, that provides EQUIVALENT rewards.


It's a deliberately different design decision. Leave the WoW baggage at the door.


Yeap i can see i got a wrong perspective about this - But SWTOR supposed to be a WoW Clone, just in a Star Wars Universe..


I really tried to keep my focus on SW:TOR i loved the game very much - I don't care if their is a bug here and there, as long as they're getting fixed by the time..


Have you tried to report a bug ?


Getting that This is M0-T0 bla bla bla.. standard respond - That is not what i want to see for a Customer service, perhaps a person behind the screen to chat to you and perhaps wants further explanation of the bug, if your report wasnt fullest.. Just an example..

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I agree how ridicilous are the champion bags. I put so much effort in to PvP and I don't get rewarded at all.


Some guy who has no clue at pvp runs around with 2 purple sabers and nearly all Champion Gear at valor rank 30.


I am Valor Rank 40 on my sorcerer - I have 5 implants and Main Hand

On my Marauder I am Valor Rank 54 and i still miss 9 PvP Pieces.


I put so much effort in this, literally, only thing i do is PvP. And this is how i get rewarded?



Edited by yokubou
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Yeap i can see i got a wrong perspective about this - But SWTOR supposed to be a WoW Clone, just in a Star Wars Universe..


I really tried to keep my focus on SW:TOR i loved the game very much - I don't care if their is a bug here and there, as long as they're getting fixed by the time..


Have you tried to report a bug ?


Getting that This is M0-T0 bla bla bla.. standard respond - That is not what i want to see for a Customer service, perhaps a person behind the screen to chat to you and perhaps wants further explanation of the bug, if your report wasnt fullest.. Just an example..


I agree, my respec cost is stuck at 100g despite not respecing for over a week and my rez timer has been stuck at 10 mins for almost 2 weeks now without a response from Bioware... its these little things that adds up to a overall, lackbuster experience.

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First I want to say, yes, I did watch the whole video through.


Second, you are very ignorant of every class that is not your own.


Also, IMO (and i'm not trying force my opinion on everyone else ill just make a video to release my frustration) IN MY OPINION, you just like to hear yourself talk. And that's the truth, you wouldn't make videos of videogames if you didn't.


I'm sorry but the game just came out? Sorry it hasn't quite perfected every balance and glitch, it's barely been a month. Oh WOW is such a great game you say? That's really weird because I'm pretty sure the reason people switched to this game was because they were SICK AND *********** TIRED OF THE SAME ****; not because they thought it was bad.


Personally, I thought leveling in WOW sucked, and so did the lack of questing/story depth. Oh thanks little scroll, yeah i'll go do whatever you say. This game has turned a complete 180 in that department. You're being very biased about what you talk about.


Bioware is doing it's best and they will get around to the problems if they wish to be successful, obviously. This video is not going to speed that process up, and neither will you unsubscribing. Posting ideas on how to help, not what you hate, would actually be appreciated.


So go ahead and unsub. It won't make a difference, truly. It's kind of like Robert's Frost "The Road Not Taken." I have a strange feeling you'll be back anyways.


Oh and I almost forgot, don't let the door hit you on the way out.


PS - Bioware employees, you've done a fine job. Keep up the hard work, you're not out of the woods yet... But you already knew that.

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bunnyhopping charges.


To be fair, this has been fixed then broken in different ways about four times. It's recently been fixed again. So yeah.


I wouldn't really call that one bug. It was a new bug/problem that broke the ability several times after periods of working great.


So not exactly "since beta". It worked near flawlessly for most of TBC before they changed stuns so you keep your forward momentum.

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Personally, I thought leveling in WOW sucked, and so did the lack of questing/story depth. Oh thanks little scroll, yeah i'll go do whatever you say. This game has turned a complete 180 in that department. You're being very biased about what you talk about.


uh, he said that he enjoyed the lvling in swtor

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Regarding PvP gear, I agree that the system is not the best. The random loot is a bit annoying, but the grind isn't nearly as bad as WoW. True, you can get lower end pvp gear after a few hours of BG'ing, but it takes months to get a full set of TOP END gear (i.e. arena gear).


If anyone thinks that getting geared in this game is hard, they need to get their head checked.

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Sorry, this guy seems a bit to full of himself. Every 5 minutes he makes a good point, the rest of it is fluff. I dont know if he is someone "famous" in the gaming world, but I dont need to know why you are "raging in guild chat" and I dont need to listen to you tell me that you are about to give me good points for 10 minutes, just give me the good points. video could have been a 5 minute long clear and concise video. FFS he wasted 4 minutes telling you it was going to be a long video.


He lost me when he said "Im raging in guild chat making logical arguments..." those two points are counter intuitive =)


Im sure his points are good ones, but I wouldnt mind him re-editing the video and removing all the fluff and just getting to the meat and potatoes of it.

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Great video. I totally agree. For me it was the bug where your dailies aren't being updated the reason to quit. Imagine winning warzones for daily, that don't count. So you have no chance to get a gearbag and a chance on some gear to last 1sec longer against full bm's. I'm happy I left!
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''Full Geared pvp feels the same like you just dinged 50''


Guy makes a ton of valid points but 2 things I want to add that make ZERO sense is:


1. World PvP, alot of people are wearing rose tinted glasses here and I say this from a World PvP backgorund in Asherons Call, DAoC and WAR. The very nature of world PvP is a zerg fest and is not very fun for alot of classes namely people who enjoy melee or those who want skill to matter. So nothing can prohibit the sense of ZERG'don in world PvP IMO, unless its a 3 faction game whereas 2 lower level factions can team against the 3rd.


2. Jumping in SWTOR slows you down is a god send because nothing is more annoying in WoW then circle straffing bunny hoppers who think rigging the poor coding of a game to allow melee skills to miss or whiff or casting spells to not go off because some idiot jumped around you, plus its is unrealistic as hell.



The game from 1-49 is amazing and im working on 2 seperate alts right now an Operative and a Trooper Vanguard trying to delay me getting to 50 because after getting my Assassin to 50 with full champion gear it became boring. SO in hopes of decent fixes, balances, and bugs are implemented or GW2 or TSW release then I will contniue to enjoy the story elements of the game.

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terrible video, takes 4 mins to get to any actual point and then repeats the same things 3-4 times. Not going to watch a 30min video of some terrible pvp healing listening to a guy say a few points over and over that could have been put in a list form. I don't see too much of a problem with people having similar moves, and a lot of people are acting like there is only 4 different classes when AC's matter a lot. Assassins and Sorcs play completely different and having widely different abilites.
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terrible video, takes 4 mins to get to any actual point and then repeats the same things 3-4 times. Not going to watch a 30min video of some terrible pvp healing listening to a guy say a few points over and over that could have been put in a list form. I don't see too much of a problem with people having similar moves, and a lot of people are acting like there is only 4 different classes when AC's matter a lot. Assassins and Sorcs play completely different and having widely different abilites.


If you didn't watch the whole video, then why are you even bothering to reply. He has a lot of good points that needs to be discussed and if you dont want to contribute then ****.

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While I think SWTOR is a meh MMORPG and I agree with some of the things he says.. I dont agree with him on pvp gear and on how long it should take.. If you raid and you are in a raiding guild, you dont get a new piece of gear every 5 to 8 hours... he is acting like you sould get a new piece of loot every 5 hours... Thats retarded....


Its perfectly acceptable to get a piece of entry level gear every 5-6 hours, which is exactly what centurian gear is. Infact I believe its much easier to get Champion tiered gear then Centruian gear and thats is just asanine IMO.


Bioware needs to redo the whole PvP gear thing and do away with bags/commendations/tokens and instead implement a low cost, low valor requirement way to buy centurian gear with "ONE" PvP currency, call them Warzone commendations (I would rename them Valor Commendations though not to confuse how you can get them) since they are already in the game. Each tiered set of gear requires a certain valor rank and have the low cost Centurian gear cost about 200 Warzone Commendations (Valor Commendations). that way you can get a piece of the low cost gear every 3-4 Warzones.



The other thing I would do IS REMOVE KNOCKBACKS FROM THE GAME, and while you add it have stuns or any other CC effects moved to the least damaging aspect high up in the talent tree that way each class decides do you want to do damage or do you want to control. Thank God ALMIGHTY that Anet and GW2 is following this specific plan of action in curtailing the use of CC.

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It is actually really nice that gear does not affect pvp that much.

Im for a totally PvP gear free PvP.

it should be just cosmetics, ranking, etc.

So this is the video of a typicall WoW carebear, QQing cause his gear does not allow him to **** people instead of his skill.

Nice that this kind of baby goes back to wow.

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basically hes crying about strategicall knockbacks in huttball and crying he doesnt have 100 + mods playing the game for him


also comparing 7 year old game to game 1 month old


People should stop saying it is only 1 month old. Bioware had YEARS to compare the good and bad stuff from other mmo's.

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I'm neither a WoW fanboy or a SWTOR fanboy, but I logged onto my server at 12:01am on cataclysm's release, and suffered ZERO problems with my rogue. No fps issues. No crashing issues. No gameplay/quest issues. Everything worked as intended. What I will say is that cataclysm in general sucked, compared to BC/LK. I just feel both of those expansions were more thought out in general. The only thing I applauded cataclysm for was the increase in general difficulty on the PVE side of things. I also preferred cataclysm's pvp balance over LK.


You see this is the exact reason why I despised Cata nd it made me quit. Having arbitrary harder PvE for no reason after an expansion of lolAOE was bad. Not to mention having to gear up in blues instead of epics made me feel dirty and noobish. I think Blizzard should of never changed their WOTLK philosophy because it broke the fu nfactor for alot of players.

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Gotta agree with most of the stuff the guy complains about in this game. Luckily most of it can be fixed by devs, if they are smart enough to recognize those mistakes and put fixing them as priority number one. Because if leveling is the main point of this game it's gonna be real fail real soon.
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