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SWTOR is like Hutball and that is : A MESS!


First of all :


1. This game is not a MMORPG even if pretends to be one


2. The pvp is not actually player vs player but mostly player vs knockbacks.


3. The endgame operations are a joke. No feeling of epicness moments like in WOW raids, even from its lower tier raids.


4. The optimization for this game is just like my grandmother wearing a mini-skirt in a disco-club.


5. This game CAN'T ever compete with WOW. Not even after 7 years. WOW beats this game to dust.


6. This game should have been called: Star Wars the Bug Republic


7. This game should be free 2 play and not pay for bugs.


8. A game, by definition should be fun, enjoyable, relaxing at times. This game is the total opposite of what I said: It's frustrating, its annoying, its irritating and it isn't fun most of the times.


9. BW should concentrate on single player games and let Blizzard do the MMO games in the future.


10. Oh and YES I am a wow fanboi but I am also a star wars fanboi. I really wanted this game to succeed but it failed miserably and I am not the only one who thinks that!

Edited by Dementza
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thanks for my posting my video man :)


I truly do wish the best for SWTOR and I really do hope Bioware can glean a little bit off of why I unsubscribed.


Best of luck to you all!


Some of your points definitely made sense to me; Especially the ability delay. Because you don't play Republic, you really have no idea how bad the delay is.. As for the PVP, I never really liked PvP. I'm shy around competitive gamers because I'm very bad at the game. I know enough to do raids, and lead them, but I don't like being relied upon against other human opponents. It's why I won't play any team-based game out there.


That being said, I still haven't made it to 50 yet. I'm enjoying the Space missions and flash points. I feel like you should have touched up more on the game rather than just PvP. Especially since PVP is kinda "In its awkward phase" right now. Still trying to decide what it wants to be.


I'd also like to point out that Operatives, etc are getting the nerf bat on the 31st, so maybe that'll help you. Not sure.


Anyway, I enjoy SWtOR and I subscribed fo ra second month. My server is extremely low pop, but I've not had much trouble finding a group for flash points such as Athiss and Mandalorian Raiders..


A lot of people seem to complain about the "Instanced feel" of SWtOR too, but I never noticed that. I'm level 24 and still haven't even started on Taris yet.. I practically live in Flash Points, but from what I've noticed so far, the worlds feel pretty alive, and I hear Republic is the under dog with population.. Not sure how that is on my server.


My opinion is still pretty moot considering I'm not 50, but I wanted to share it none-the-less.


Also, I don't like the Star Wars Universe. I never did. Just wanted to play the game because it was Bioware and I thought I'd give it a shot ^-^ ♥

Edited by Mistress-Rarity
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SWTOR does not encourage grinding for PvP items:


2h weapon = 72 Centurion Commendations

72 Centurion Commendations = 24 PvP bags

1 PvP bag = 800 Warzone Commendations


19,200 Warzone Commendations for 2h weapon


Each warzone give an average of 70 commendations, say you win/lose half half


274 games played average for 19,200 warzone commendations


274 games on average = 68.5 hours of PVP for a 2h weapon


Okay... 100 honor per BG in WoW (or less, iirc) 30 minuts per game... 1500-2000 honor per piece of substandard starter gear....


It's the same grind.


And it's not like grinding comms is the only way to get bags. I have all champion except.. legs and earpice. Now that i have about 10% expertise, i have no intention of even bothering to get those last two pieces because the mountain of crit and surge i get is helpful as a sniper... more helpful than the additional .6% expertise.


Ive bought... less than a dozen bags via comms. Got all the rest from the Illum weekly and PvP weekly, and dalies. I have 15 bags sitting in my bank, unopened. Im sorta saving them till i get 30 or so and just going to have an opening spree and see how many of my companions i can outfit.


Having played WoW since the original beta.. this guy has no co ncept of what a gear grind was. This grind is nothing. What i will give him: RNG is stupid in PvP gearing. So, agree with that point.


Also this is mentioned in the movie:



If you run forward and open your guild tab or your bags, the game will lag for 2 seconds.


Doesn't happen to me. At all. I get at most a single skipped frame or so that is slightly jarring to look at.


Lack of interesting animations, some are cool, sith lightning attacks but that's it, boring healing animations on the mercenary


This is purely opinion. I find the animations to be exactly what i expected from a Star Wars game. There isn't a lot of flash to be had in this setting unless you use the force. I play a sniper. All my animations are the same. Doesn't bother me.


Every classes has a knockback and a stun, lack of originality and uniqueness


Those stuns have different conditions, durations (i have an 8 second and a 4 second), apply different amounts of resolve, and have different ranges. The fact that this guy is supposedly a WoW pro PvPer (which i lol at just a little bit - especially when he pops off with the "WoW pvp is totaly balanced and that just cant be argued... yeah, son.. you got no clue) and cant put together the metagame of when to use what stuns and knockbacks (some have roots, different AoE ranges, different knockback ranges, apply a snare or root, add different amounts of resolve).


There's a world of strategy he's just ignoring.


I will agree that constant knockbacks can get annoying, but that is more about class comps than anything else.


Ilum performance is horrible, compared to 120v120 tol barad in WoW, plus people camping at their base waiting for kills


two things here:


models in WoW have... 1/3rd the polygons of models in SWTOR. SWTOR is a new game; WoW is an 8 year old game running on a 13 year old engine (simply a modified WC3 engine). When WoW was new, i assure you, performance in large-scale world PvP (the "holy grail" of Southsore/Tarren Mill zergfests) was as bad or worse, causing the Eastern Kingdoms to crash, characters to get rolled back, and entire servers to go down. The best computers at the time suffered the same performance results. Even when AV was first introduced, performance was sitll bad - 40v40 at Stormpike was regularly a slideshow. It would sometimes crash people's clients if the NPCs were all invovled (Lok, Windriders, Reivers and Wolf Cavalry).


That being said, there are also a host of other issues that end-users dont want to aknowledge that clear up performance. Got a Phenom CPU? Problem is on your end. Some retarded BIOS setting causes Phenom's to choke on the SWTOR app and gut performance. Got a Nehalem-era i5 or i7? your CPU is throttling at absurdly low temps and causing the issue. Flash your BIOS or change some settings in your EFI - or use THrottlestop, and watch your performance climb back to acceptable.


You cant compare an 8 year old game with a highly optimized engine to a new game and expect the same results.


second thing: try some strategy. Use some tactics. This stupid pileup happens on my server from time to time (Port Nowhere). Funny thing is it is terrible for getting kills. For both sides. So there we were int he zerg today, and i decide, hey, ill go over to their other door. No one there.


If they had taken.. 15 of their number and ridden out the other door that we had totally unwatched, they could have pincered us and wiped us in a matter of seconds. Theyd have been in our rear and inside our lines before we knew it and theyd have o bliterated us.


This isn't a failing of the zone - its a failing of players, plain and simple. Eventually, they pushed us back to our southern spawn. They had us pretty well bottled up. I got 9 guys - just a total of 10 - to fly with me to our central spawn area. We rolled into their rear and crushed them.


It's a PEBKAC problem, not a failing of the zone. (And also - the zone is pop capped now, so his claim of 1000v200 is flagrantly absurd).


Game lack skills because there's no cooldowns to play with, no real impact in a fight, spam spam spam


No cooldowns? My complaint is i have too damn many! I have an ENTIRE BAR full of 1-min - 2min cooldowns. They can all be fight-changing. Diversion, Evasion, Shield Probe, Laze Target, Entrench, Ballistic Shield, Adrenaline Probe, Target Acquired. Those are just the non-talented ones.


Nameplates are badly done, in pvp, it's a zergfest and it's hard to click someone on the screen


As ive never healed seriously in PvP, even in WoW, i cant really speak to this, but so far ive had no trouble getting the target i need with [target next friendly player] bound to shift-tab.


Raid frames don't always indicate correct health


known bug and on the fix list.


Damage over time breaks flag cap in warzones.


Though i dont play a DoT-heavy spec in SWTOR, i did in WoW. This is nothing but a giant ++++++++ from me. 7 years+ of Affliction warlock and the only way i could interrupt a flag cap was to WAND PEOPLE. God forbid your healer have to cleanse you. Keep up the good work, Bioware.


Healing feels underdevelopped, whack-a-mole type of healing. click raid frames


Did he try any other types of healing, or merely stick to his Lolypaladin clone of a Mercenary? Operative healing seems to be interesting and somewhat innovative ( using energy like a rogue, its all about managing cooldowns). Sorceror healing seems to be almost directly stolen from priest gameplay, with a healthy mix of light AoE healing, a shield, and big direct heals.


Login screen load times are long even on a Solidstate Drive.


Almost assuredly a BIOS or SATA controller problem. I have a 7200 RPM plain old drive in my machine for Windows (as i dont primarily run WIndows as my day to day OS) and it loads plenty fast. And i do have a guildie who just got a shiny new SSD...


and got SLOWER load times. Two days of searching, a BIOS flash and some settings tweaks to the SATA controller in the BIOS.. and problem solved.


Difficult to know when a node is capped in Aldeeran compared to WoW




what? The GIANT FREAKING SYMBOL floating in the air above it is hard to see? The GIANT RED SPOT ON THE MAP is hard to make out?


I dont mean the guy any disrespect, given that he's about the only person ive ever seen remain civail, but i think his expectations were horribly skewed and his .. perspective on what "PvP" and "Balance" are is out of whack with a lot of people. I can appreciate his views as honestly held and hey, he's not having so im not encouraging him to stay... but a little dose of reality due here.


He's coming from Arena, which even by Blizzard's admission, is the single worst mistake they ever made concerning PvP in WoW.


He's frankly awful at objective based gameplay, from watching his video. He's out of his depth because he's used to Deathmatch. He likes Deathmatch, and this game doesn't (and wont) offer that. So, he's right.. he probably shouldn't hang around. Game's not for everyone.


I quit PvPing in WOW seriously, for instance, after Season 2 of Arena showed me how absurdly bad LOLDEATHMATCH!!111!!!!111 was in an MMO. I quit playing WoW altogtether when they started catering more and more to the 'mine mine gimme!' crowd.


Is SWTOR perfect? NO. GOD no. But it's got a lot more potential than WoW ever did and that's coming from a seven year WoW veteran. But people expecting a freshly launched game (read this guy's blog... http://mrlizard.com/rants/why-havent-they-fixed-this-bug/) to have all the features (which take just as much dev time for Bioware to implement as they did for Blizzard) of an 8year game is just..




Itll get there. We're a whopping six weeks in. For god's sake, give it some damn time. If you're not having fun now (and i dont always have fun - Biochem is making me want to cease PvPing and, quite honestly, is a much larger issue than any this guy raised) - unsub. Come back in a month or three.


Or dont.

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I was also so hyped about this game..


I was even able to play at beta, but i never reached Max level because there was so much content to explore :)


Now in live i reached max level, i figured well what should i do..


I wants to get a bit gear so i can start off raiding, i went to Ilum and started questing there, quickly figured oh I'm actually doing Dailys now >.<..


Oh well i finished the quests around me and went back to the fleet, some players were looking for a healer for Black Talon Hard Mode i thought cool, ill do that..


We finished the Talon and the group leader asked me if i wanted to join Eternal Vault, i told him i just dinged 50 like 3 hours ago .. No matter he said well alright..


We went to Eternal Vault in a pug group, we managed to kill 1st boss without any wipes, but 2nd boss was a bit harder and we ended up having the random death bug..


The day after he reformed the group, replacing a few players, and we tried again.. We killed 2nd boss after first try that day, and moved on and took out 3rd and 4th on first try as well.. Now at this point we had spend more time killing non sense Trash that didn't even require a bit tactics it was more like hack and slash through it..


Once we got to SoA we had a bit problems as well, and actually had to coordinate our self (plus peoples bugged out when we jumped down).. And after a couple of tries we decided to go the day after again..


So we did, and after 3 tries we killed SoA..


Now here is the thing, the group was formed with 1 Main tank, 1 Off Tank/DPS, 2 Healers and 4 DPS.. The main tank was decent geared nearly everything was top PvE gear.. Off Tank was full PvP geared, but didn't matter.. Me and my co healer was very poor geared and our DPS likewise.. So we basically did the first Raid with only decent geared Tanks rest was newly born 50's..


Anyway the day after our success we decided to go to Hutt Hospital, and kill Bonesmasher.. We assembled the same group as the day before, once we entered the arena 2 peoples bugged out, 2 DPS's.. About a couple of minutes after the boss was dead.. I was like oh so thats how you empty the whole raid content within a week..


I basicly figured i could stop grind Dailys nor had to do Hard Modes, just go raid to get geared up..


So i ended up not playing anymore on that character, i now beside my level 50 Sorcerer have a 45 Powertech, 35 Operative, and a rest is below 20's..


I got really frustrated that the end-gaming content was so easy to break, i don't see my self as a hardcore raider, as a matter of fact i never completed a raid in WoW because the content was to hard for me to manage.. But then this happened..


I saw the full 30 minutes of this video, i don't PvP as i hate PvP, but i do so understand his points, and the most fun part i had in this game was my first character from level 1-50.. After wards it was to bloody boring..


TL;DR: 1-50 Great fun, most exciting thing ever, end game content to boring it's only grind for gear, or getting schematics for your crew skill, or collect the rest of the Datacrons..

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Drivel snipped -

6. This game should have been called: Star Wars the Bug Republic


7. This game should be free 2 play and not pay for bugs.




Also, there were more bugs in just the Cata launch than are currently present in SWTOR. Especially major ones. LK was even worse, and both Vanilla and TBC were nearly unplayable at launch. Vanilla alone, i racked up 33 days of complimentary game time because the game was so bad.


Perspective is good for you. Revisionist history is BAD.


There are bugs present in WoW, to this day, that have been present SINCE THE ORIGINAL BETA. 8 1/2 years and theyre still there.


In any piece of software this large, bugs happen. get over it.


10. Oh and YES I am a wow fanboi but I am also a star wars fanboi. I really wanted this game to succeed but it failed miserably and I am not the only one who thinks that!


But you're definitely in the minority (that think it has "failed"). It's got flaws. It's got a better foundation to build on than WoW ever had.

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Also, there were more bugs in just the Cata launch than are currently present in SWTOR. Especially major ones. LK was even worse, and both Vanilla and TBC were nearly unplayable at launch. Vanilla alone, i racked up 33 days of complimentary game time because the game was so bad.


Perspective is good for you. Revisionist history is BAD.


There are bugs present in WoW, to this day, that have been present SINCE THE ORIGINAL BETA. 8 1/2 years and theyre still there.


In any piece of software this large, bugs happen. get over it.




But you're definitely in the minority (that think it has "failed"). It's got flaws. It's got a better foundation to build on than WoW ever had.


Please give me some major game breaking bugs that are present now in WOW and some that were even in Beta - this is 1


and 2 - The ''minority''? I think you are actually mistaken! Severs and the constant dropping population proves otherwise.


The minority will soon become the majority or how was that saying?!

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I was also so hyped about this game..


I was even able to play at beta, but i never reached Max level because there was so much content to explore :)


Now in live i reached max level, i figured well what should i do..


I wants to get a bit gear so i can start off raiding, i went to Ilum and started questing there, quickly figured oh I'm actually doing Dailys now >.<..


Oh well i finished the quests around me and went back to the fleet, some players were looking for a healer for Black Talon Hard Mode i thought cool, ill do that..


We finished the Talon and the group leader asked me if i wanted to join Eternal Vault, i told him i just dinged 50 like 3 hours ago .. No matter he said well alright..


We went to Eternal Vault in a pug group, we managed to kill 1st boss without any wipes, but 2nd boss was a bit harder and we ended up having the random death bug..


The day after he reformed the group, replacing a few players, and we tried again.. We killed 2nd boss after first try that day, and moved on and took out 3rd and 4th on first try as well.. Now at this point we had spend more time killing non sense Trash that didn't even require a bit tactics it was more like hack and slash through it..


Once we got to SoA we had a bit problems as well, and actually had to coordinate our self (plus peoples bugged out when we jumped down).. And after a couple of tries we decided to go the day after again..


So we did, and after 3 tries we killed SoA..


Now here is the thing, the group was formed with 1 Main tank, 1 Off Tank/DPS, 2 Healers and 4 DPS.. The main tank was decent geared nearly everything was top PvE gear.. Off Tank was full PvP geared, but didn't matter.. Me and my co healer was very poor geared and our DPS likewise.. So we basically did the first Raid with only decent geared Tanks rest was newly born 50's..


Anyway the day after our success we decided to go to Hutt Hospital, and kill Bonesmasher.. We assembled the same group as the day before, once we entered the arena 2 peoples bugged out, 2 DPS's.. About a couple of minutes after the boss was dead.. I was like oh so thats how you empty the whole raid content within a week..


I basicly figured i could stop grind Dailys nor had to do Hard Modes, just go raid to get geared up..


So i ended up not playing anymore on that character, i now beside my level 50 Sorcerer have a 45 Powertech, 35 Operative, and a rest is below 20's..


I got really frustrated that the end-gaming content was so easy to break, i don't see my self as a hardcore raider, as a matter of fact i never completed a raid in WoW because the content was to hard for me to manage.. But then this happened..


I saw the full 30 minutes of this video, i don't PvP as i hate PvP, but i do so understand his points, and the most fun part i had in this game was my first character from level 1-50.. After wards it was to bloody boring..


TL;DR: 1-50 Great fun, most exciting thing ever, end game content to boring it's only grind for gear, or getting schematics for your crew skill, or collect the rest of the Datacrons..


That's pretty insane that you managed to down 16man nightmare EV without any wipes, with almost no 50 gear, and with a pug.

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I just have to disagree with him about not liking Rift and let me tell you, I was a WoW casual hardcore (lol)


I used to spend hours pvp'ing in WoW, raiding every now and then with my friends (very casual guild), but TRION's Rift launch, customer support, content updates and events make the current state of SWTOR (yes, even at the 1 month mark) look boring.


I'm still playing, yes, but I just want to finish both Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior storyline and put this game on hold for a few months, until they patch some fun in it.

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TL;DR: 1-50 Great fun, most exciting thing ever, end game content to boring it's only grind for gear, or getting schematics for your crew skill, or collect the rest of the Datacrons..


speaking only to this point:


this is different from any other MMO... how?


endgame is grinding for gear.


This game had a lot more accessible endgame content at launch than WoW did.


Try them on Hard - theyre significantly harder.


Again, though - this is not exactly rare in the MMO world. Endgame is = grind gear.

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And what exactly is wrong with that? If you think WoW is buggy and unbalanced I don't even...


If you think it isnt, i dont even....


PvP balance in WoW is, and always has been, a terrible, terrible joke.


SWTORs PvP class balance is no better or worse than WoWs was at launch and no worse than it is now.

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"I know perfection, perfection is Warcraft"


Stopped listening there.


Yea this game is broke as ****, but so was WoW before they put in diminishing returns.


It's just going to take time for this stuff to be balanced out. Yes there's a chance that Bioware will foul up and never get the game right. Many MMOs I've bought have failed due to things like that.


IMO There are 3 choices of how to go about the next year or so.


1. Unsubscribe from the game and play something else while keeping an eye on the progress of the game.


2. Unsubscribe from the game and sit on your hands waiting for whatever other game(s) you maybe be waiting for to release.


3. Play the game if some measure of enjoyment can be derived from the act of playing it. Play it and watch it evolve into what could be a really really great game.


I'm going with option 3, because unlike the guy in the video I can still have fun in the game even though things are imbalanced and broken.


I'm not saying having a broken game is alright and every single developer should just release busted software that has a million bugs.


Shame on Bioware and EA for doing that, but there's also a reason why I quit games like WoW, AoC, FFXIV, Aion, etc. Because in the end, it's all high fantasy, dark fantasy, eastern fantasy, western fantasy, yadda yadda.


If you can find it in yourself to enjoy this game. Then please do so. Keep complaints going about faults in the game. Because developers need to know that their community is royally PO'd about the state of their game.

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Please give me some major game breaking bugs that are present now in WOW and some that were even in Beta - this is 1


and 2 - The ''minority''? I think you are actually mistaken! Severs and the constant dropping population proves otherwise.


The minority will soon become the majority or how was that saying?!


Server pops aren't dropping. How you even have any idea what they are, anyway, since there's no way to measure. You know how you can tell they aren't, though? Bioware says they are climbing or stable.


You're going to try the: "But BIOWARE WILL LIE MAN!"


No they wont. Theyre a publicly held company owned by EA. EA has shareholders - ruthless, horrible mother****ing people you dont cross if you want to work in the industry ever again. They aren't going to lie about something, because in April when the Fiscal Q1 2012 shareholder's call goes out, the facts will be (legaly obligated) to be there for the Shareholders to see. If the people at Bioware still want to have jobs the day after that investor call, they dont lie. That simple.


Bug that was in the WoW beta that is still in modern WoW (unless it was cleared up in the Deathwing patch, which it might have been, haven't had an active sub since just after FIrelands, where it was still present):


Dismount as a warlock or hunter. Watch your pet's HP start at almost nothing. Watch it get blown up before it's health gets corrected.






I was there, man.


Oh, another:


bunnyhopping charges.


Since beta.

Edited by Noctournys
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Another player who sounds like he doesn't get the point of tanks in this game. Btw, paladins alone:




- class was redesigned from the ground up at the 11th hour. Still not fixed after three expansions. Waxes and wanes between grossly overpowered and utterly useless

- Seals used to lock up the entire combat system. The equivilent of a Sith Sorcerer casting Lightning and then being forced to melee.

- Hammer of Justice used to get random resists

- in combat resurrections broke encounters

- infinite mana Flash of Light




- Ret, Prot completely broken in PvP without an exact composition of classes

- completely shut down by mana burn, one of the most common mechanics in the entire game

- Holy paladins got Gladiator by having Shadow Res gear from PvE, never got it again




- one season of one shotting people, two seasons of mid level mediocrity, one season of uselessness for Ret and Prot

- Holy paladins once again comically overpowered - nearly immortal and unkillable by melee

- Judgement absorbs meant mana burn still broke paladins




- introduced entirely new combat system, having to reintroduce next expansion


Compared to WoW, SWTOR almost looks thought out.

Edited by Bakarn
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Dismount as a warlock or hunter. Watch your pet's HP start at almost nothing. Watch it get blown up before it's health gets corrected.






I was there, man.


Oh, another:


bunnyhopping charges.


Since beta.


those are/werent bugs, it was just bad decisions



man, 68 hours for a 100% chance of getting the weapon :/ that's a long time

Edited by Fentz
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I was also so hyped about this game..


I was even able to play at beta, but i never reached Max level because there was so much content to explore :)


Now in live i reached max level, i figured well what should i do..


I wants to get a bit gear so i can start off raiding, i went to Ilum and started questing there, quickly figured oh I'm actually doing Dailys now >.<..


Oh well i finished the quests around me and went back to the fleet, some players were looking for a healer for Black Talon Hard Mode i thought cool, ill do that..


We finished the Talon and the group leader asked me if i wanted to join Eternal Vault, i told him i just dinged 50 like 3 hours ago .. No matter he said well alright..


We went to Eternal Vault in a pug group, we managed to kill 1st boss without any wipes, but 2nd boss was a bit harder and we ended up having the random death bug..


The day after he reformed the group, replacing a few players, and we tried again.. We killed 2nd boss after first try that day, and moved on and took out 3rd and 4th on first try as well.. Now at this point we had spend more time killing non sense Trash that didn't even require a bit tactics it was more like hack and slash through it..


Once we got to SoA we had a bit problems as well, and actually had to coordinate our self (plus peoples bugged out when we jumped down).. And after a couple of tries we decided to go the day after again..


So we did, and after 3 tries we killed SoA..


Now here is the thing, the group was formed with 1 Main tank, 1 Off Tank/DPS, 2 Healers and 4 DPS.. The main tank was decent geared nearly everything was top PvE gear.. Off Tank was full PvP geared, but didn't matter.. Me and my co healer was very poor geared and our DPS likewise.. So we basically did the first Raid with only decent geared Tanks rest was newly born 50's..


Anyway the day after our success we decided to go to Hutt Hospital, and kill Bonesmasher.. We assembled the same group as the day before, once we entered the arena 2 peoples bugged out, 2 DPS's.. About a couple of minutes after the boss was dead.. I was like oh so thats how you empty the whole raid content within a week..


I basicly figured i could stop grind Dailys nor had to do Hard Modes, just go raid to get geared up..


So i ended up not playing anymore on that character, i now beside my level 50 Sorcerer have a 45 Powertech, 35 Operative, and a rest is below 20's..


I got really frustrated that the end-gaming content was so easy to break, i don't see my self as a hardcore raider, as a matter of fact i never completed a raid in WoW because the content was to hard for me to manage.. But then this happened..


I saw the full 30 minutes of this video, i don't PvP as i hate PvP, but i do so understand his points, and the most fun part i had in this game was my first character from level 1-50.. After wards it was to bloody boring..


TL;DR: 1-50 Great fun, most exciting thing ever, end game content to boring it's only grind for gear, or getting schematics for your crew skill, or collect the rest of the Datacrons..


More generally:


The problem here is one of WoW perception.


People are hard-coded to believe the following to always be true:


Hit Level Cap > Run level 50 instances for gear that allows you to: > Run level 50 Heroic/Hard Mode instances for gear that allows you to: > Run entry level raid, to get gear. Some slots in this equation can be filled with crafting or (badly itemized) rep gear.


Problem is Bioware went with a totally different paradigm, looking something like this:


Hit Level Cap


--- get crafted level 50 purple mods to get entry level raiding or hard mode gear

------proceed to normal mode raid > proceed to hard and nightmare mode raids


------proceed to do Hard Mode flashpoints




--- do daily quests to get level 50 purple mods to get entry level raiding or hard mode gear

------proceed to normal mode raid > proceed to hard and nightmare mode raids


------proceed to do Hard Mode flashpoints


Hard Mode's arent a stepping stone to raiding, in this game. Hard Modes are an EQUIVALENT to raiding, for people who dont have the time or cant manage to get 8 people together to raid, that provides EQUIVALENT rewards.


It's a deliberately different design decision. Leave the WoW baggage at the door.

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Bad review is bad.


its a one sided review favored in how WOWS "Perfect" with its PVP.



thats when i left the page and did /Facepalm.




the world will never find a new MMO with people always looking to bash the new MMO's.



its sad really how people want to feed blizzard money fore bad expacs and bad pvp and no real competition.

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those are/werent bugs, it was just bad decisions



man, 68 hours for a 100% chance of getting the weapon :/ that's a long time


... are you mental? those are CONFIRMED bugs. It was never a deliberate decision to make it so your pets dont get full HP when you dismount. It's bad coding that theyve NEVER been able to fix.


bunnyhopping (exploiting a flaw int he predictive pathing algorithm of the client) to prevent charge from rooting you or rooting you more than 8 yards away.. that's a bug, man. That's not a design choice.

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I agree with a lot of what he said.


Playing a healer in PvP is much more like PvE "whack-a-mole" than other MMORPGs I've played. It lacks a dynamic quality to it, and the skill cap is just way too low. There is no offensive dispelling. Defensive dispelling... I have a power that removes physical, mental and force effects and I can't get rid of the stuns, the bleeds, the roots that people keep applying. If it's not physical, not mental and not force, then what in the name of Star Wars is it? Magic?


Really, outside of PvP Whack-a-mole a good healer throws out their stun, uses their interrupt and adds a little extra damage when a critical enemy is about to drop, but that's really the extent of what you can do.


With the ability to pop stims and relics, there is just too much of an advantage to the aggressor. Good offense destroys good defense in this game. You get three well geared characters, have them pop their steroids and there is just no way you can survive it... as soon as they jump or start shooting you, they are rotating their stuns on you. If they are ranged, you can sometimes LoS them if you use your CC break, but if they are melee, they are just going to keep running after you and the next guy is going to stun you and chances are you'll be dead afterwards.


All of our defensive cooldowns... well, the tanks have to use most of them for us. If you don't have a tank, and you playing against good players, they just run roughshod right over you. See above.


It's incredibly frustrating to get DPSed down by one person through my heals, and then they get to throw stuns and interrupts as well? The reason why stuns and interrupts were so necessary in WoW was because of how powerful healing was. This game has more stuns and interrupts and the healing starts out nerfed by -30%.


The abilities in this game are not fun. I'm glad he came out and said it.


I'm glad he called BioWare out on their stupid idea of giving everyone stuns and knockbacks. It's not fun. It's just annoying. It's not good game design. The classes already feel homogenized enough.


Just look at the sage healing tree compared to the DPS ones. The DPS tree has % chance to proc free attacks, % chance to double cast, spells that double crit. The sage tree all but locks you in to a rotation of HoT, Big Heal, Healing Trance. Not fun.


The expertise stat is just this made up number that they tack on to your gear that is completely nullified by anyone wearing similar quality that makes the game feel like you are a fresh level 50 except the enemy now has +5% extra crit chance and +12% extra crit damage.


I mean, what it comes down to is that whoever designed this game and the PvP plays DPS, hates healers, and isn't very imaginative.


My sympathies to the guy in the youtube video, because this game is not kind to the healers.

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Also, there were more bugs in just the Cata launch than are currently present in SWTOR.


Sorry... But you're wrong there.


The launch of Cata was almost absolutely flawless. I have a screenshot of Hyjal 20 minutes after midnight, that is insane with the amount of players and elemental corpses in the shot.


I played at launch from midnight into the following day (over 24 hours) and never experienced any issues what so ever.


I even made a post on the WoW forums commenting on how flawless it was.


I like this game, but Blizz has MMO'ing down to an art and a science.

Edited by LeonBraun
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Sorry... But you're wrong there.


The launch of Cata was almost absolutely flawless. I have a screenshot of Hyjal 20 minutes after midnight, that is insane with the amount of players and elemental corpses in the shot.


I played at launch from midnight into the following day (over 24 hours) and never experiences any issues what so ever.


I even made a post on the WoW forums commenting on how flawless it was.


I like this game, but Blizz has MMO'ing down to an art and a science.


Good for you i guess. The entire zones that didnt work some servers - never happened because it didnt happen for you. Busted phasing, non completable quests (some of which simply never got fixed, ever, and are still broken if they broke for you), abilities that didnt work right, didn't do the right damage.


People who simply couldn't ever gain rep with certain factions (actually happened to a guildie of mine), random performance issues, client freezes and crashes that happened if you had a certain set of drivers, a certain model of video card, or a certain motherboard chipset. Took them a month to fix some of them.


Almost none of those happened to me - much as you, family permitting, i was on and playing from server up and was out of Hyjal in a few hours, having had no problems, and didnt really suffer from a lot of these bugs.


A ton of people did, and unlike you, i can accept that they exist(ed), even if i was one of the lucky ones.


Simillarly with the bugs in SWTOR. Ive never been troubled by this "ability delay" - i play a sniper, maybe its not a big deal for us - i dunno - but i believe people when they say it is a problem. Ive never had performance issues with the game - ever. I get a solid 60fps (play with vsync) everywhere but Illum, and its still playable there (~25-40). But ive had three guildies be unable to Warzone or go to Illum, so i know they exist.


Just because it didnt happen to you, doesnt mean it didnt happen.

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