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Definitely worth 30 mins of my life. I'm still here for another month or two because I simply am burned out on WoW and nothing else going on with my free time but man, BW better be running 24-7 if they expect to fix this game in time to save it.


Dude speaks truth.

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He wants "cool looking animations" for his heals that "flash and stuff" instead for thanking BW for not doing that to a PvP healer, something which will light you up saying "HELLO I AM THE TEAM'S HEALER PLZ ALL FOCUS ON ME, KILL ME AND LETS BE DONE WITH IT".


At least now they don't know your spec for the first few engagements in a wz at least, you could be anything. Unless ofc they know you by name.


However, I can't argue about Illum. He hit the nail on the head with this one.

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Here is the problem.


Some of the issues he mentioned are very obviously a problem. Some of them are a little bit more biased when it comes to personal opinion, animations for example. However, what killed his review is the start of it.. He says that WoW is perfection and basically compared every single thing to WoW. This is a huge mistake if you honestly want people to hear you and believe that you're taking a somewhat median path when it comes to deciding if you're gonna play or not.



This game has problems but for me, WoW is a joke. That's the last game on my list to actually compare PVP to. I've played EQ, FFXI, Aion, Rift, DAOC, WAR, UO and WoW and all those games had something special about them that set them apart. If he actually talked about that and how it compares to SWTOR and work and what doesn't, people would take his videos a bit more seriously.


I'm a very indifferent person so I don't give a **** what anyone else says about the game but he just came off like a butt hurt WoW fan boy.


By the way..


Force Lighting or Project > Any animation in almost any MMO



I think only game that comes close is FF14... Yea, I know it sucks but when you summon Ifrit on there, the whole fricking world knows you just summoned a god.. the skies turn red and **** and it really is amazing.

Edited by Balmuck
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I'm glad he quit.


Most classes having a knockback IS annoying, give roots, slows etc, be *********** creative knockback is just annoying when most people can do it.



Anyway, most of his complaints are minor things, ui problems etc.

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It's a silly joke that he actually defended comparing SWTOR today to WoW today.




How is it a joke bro? Which games are competing against each other? You aren't deciding to subscribe to either SWTOR now or WoW from 2004, it's WoW with 8 years of polish against SWTOR now




This whole thing is about where our money goes. The only joke here is everyone kissing BioWare's *** that they tell people who aren't satisfied that they should give their money to EA just because.

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Lost me at (OPS OP arguement). We all know they are OP and they are being fixed. Classic case of judging a game way to early, MMO's rarely are at their best the first few months of release. But too each his own, I enjoy it, so let him go enjoy whatever he wants.
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How is it a joke bro? Which games are competing against each other? You aren't deciding to subscribe to either SWTOR now or WoW from 2004, it's WoW with 8 years of polish against SWTOR now




This whole thing is about where our money goes. The only joke here is everyone kissing BioWare's *** that they tell people who aren't satisfied that they should give their money to EA just because.


Do you want to know why WoW survived so long? It's not because it's an amazing game, nor original, nor more fun than the others.

It's because it was released in an advantageous period where it had no real competition. Ever since then, people like you kept comparing the WoW that continually refined itself over the many years to up and coming MMOs. It became a juggernaut because people didn't give any other MMO a chance because they kept comparing the budding MMO to the mature WoW.

Your attitude killed countless MMOs before, and it will kill SWTOR.

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he complains about knockbacks in huttbal for first 5 minutes. Winning huttball is mostly about passing and teamwork.


I gave his video about as much chance as he gave the game. SWTOR is not EQ, EQ2, AION, RIFT, WOW, anarchy, conan, etc. it is it's own thing. he is still hung up on wow and should go back to it. It is so obvisous that he loves that games "perfection" and nothing will compare. No one can make another wow, because , why would you. THis game needs to be differnent and it is.


Nothing wrong with him having an opinion, I just disagree with it.

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Do you want to know why WoW survived so long? It's not because it's an amazing game, nor original, nor more fun than the others.

It's because it was released in an advantageous period where it had no real competition. Ever since then, people like you kept comparing the WoW that continually refined itself over the many years to up and coming MMOs. It became a juggernaut because people didn't give any other MMO a chance because they kept comparing the budding MMO to the mature WoW.

Your attitude killed countless MMOs before, and it will kill SWTOR.


Games succeed or fail on their own. If swtor is around in a year and maintaining a steady subscriber base it will be on the merits of the game. If not it will be because the game was not good. It really is that simple.

Edited by Kolbenito
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Games succeed or fail on their own. If swtor is around in a year and maintaining a steady subscriber base it will be on the merits of the game. If not it will be because the game was not good. It really is that simple.


Nothing is that simple. Only a child thinks there are no factors to the success of games besides the merits of the game itself. One important factor, that I mentioned before, is the attitude of the playerbase and the chance given to the game.

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Nothing is that simple. Only a child thinks there are no factors to the success of games besides the merits of the game itself. One important factor, that I mentioned before, is the attitude of the playerbase and the chance given to the game.


No. CS had one of the worst communities of any game ever, and it thrived and became one of the longest running professionally played games ever. Starcraft has one of the best communities in gaming if not the best as well as being one of the original e-sports. These games succeded because they are good games.


No MMO has ever failed because of forum posts. The wow general forums has been a pit of QQ and trolling for the lifetime of the game.


You are misdirecting blame to the feedback, and not what the feedback is about.

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No. CS had one of the worst communities of any game ever, and it thrived and became one of the longest running professionally played games ever. Starcraft has one of the best communities in gaming if not the best as well as being one of the original e-sports. These games succeded because they are good games.


No MMO has ever failed because of forum posts. The wow general forums has been a pit of QQ and trolling for the lifetime of the game.


You are misdirecting blame to the feedback, and not what the feedback is about.


true that.

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No. CS had one of the worst communities of any game ever, and it thrived and became one of the longest running professionally played games ever. Starcraft has one of the best communities in gaming if not the best as well as being one of the original e-sports. These games succeded because they are good games.


No MMO has ever failed because of forum posts. The wow general forums has been a pit of QQ and trolling for the lifetime of the game.


You are misdirecting blame to the feedback, and not what the feedback is about.




Considering how condescending the guy seems to be in addition to his rush to call other people childish, I'd wager that he's not going to pay attention to how completely correct you are.



I mean I didn't think he could disagree with the fact that SWTOR is competing for dollars with WoW from 2012 but somehow he did, so it doesn't matter how completely 100% right you are, he's going to disagree for the sake of it.

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For a geared 50, the guy is SHOCKINGLY ill informed.


He actually thinks vast majority of classes in the game has a knockback? 37.5% have none at all. Another 12.5% has it only single target and on 1 min cooldown. Which makes for 50% of all classes. That's hardly vast majority.


He has some good points, but most of it is just whining. Don't want to get knocked off the bridges in Huttball? Don't go to the bridges! lol It's that simple. Have stealth cross over and wait, run into the pit, pass to them, have them cap. Or wait until the enemy is sticks his head out and charge them up. L2P issue, it seems.


I could go on, but really it's not worth dissecting 30 mins of that.

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No. CS had one of the worst communities of any game ever, and it thrived and became one of the longest running professionally played games ever. Starcraft has one of the best communities in gaming if not the best as well as being one of the original e-sports. These games succeded because they are good games.


No MMO has ever failed because of forum posts. The wow general forums has been a pit of QQ and trolling for the lifetime of the game.


You are misdirecting blame to the feedback, and not what the feedback is about.


You don't seem to understand the economic implications of an accepting market, and a market that isn't.

Where did I talk about the maturity of the community? Who cares if CS has one of the "worst" communities, they played the game religiously, they gave it a chance. I wonder how many FPSs failed because they didn't live up to the standard of CS though. How many people picked it apart by comparing their start to the refined CS game after years of activity. That's the point being made.

People like the familiar and comfortable. They have a hard time transitioning to something new, especially if it isn't as perfect as the thing they played for years. They don't understand that their game had just of a rocky start as the new one.

Especially in a game that requires a monthly payment. The only reason WoW has survived is because people don't like leaving the comfortable.

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