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Month and 1/2 since release, Story worth the money?


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The problem here, is that the stories end. All of them. Successful MMOs thrive with longevity. When you gear a game toward initial box sales, it'll ultimately suffer. The game needs more than story and voice-over quests. Where's the persistence?


You are still here:D


That is your answer:rolleyes:

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I'm going to be honest:


The voice over in this game is amazing,

The voice over choices for your character are terrible, "Murder and mayhem await!" 50+ times

The story is bland, boring and written by folks who obviously weren't that much into Star Wars.


There is only about 5% of the story unique to your class so rolling alts of the same faction is a mind numbing grind.


Dont agree, if you dont like the story i guess thats a different matter and your opinion. As for only 5% being unique and rolling alts being a mind numbing grind lets give an example. Here is where i stood for story content i had experience once my Gunslinger was 50, on my gunslinger i rarely did flashpoints i did 0 PVP i very rarely did space missions just to give a background on how i was getting my XP it was mainly fromm questing. When i was level 50 here is the content i still hadnt experience, i had done 0 questing beyond class quests on these planets : Corellia, Alderaan, Quesh. I had not done all the quests on these planets : Taris, Nar Shadaa, Hoth, Tatooine, Voss. Bonus series are also very interesting sometimes they happen later on at a higher level (Narshadaa are level 32 quests, Hoth are level 47 just as an example) these bonus series lead you to new quest hubs that have quests beyond just the bonus series , the bonus series , i found, also had really great storylines. The bonus series i hadnt done: Nar Shadaa, Alderaan, Quesh, Voss, Tatooine also i didnt check as to whether they had higher level bonus series on Ord mantell or Tython but that is also a possibilty.


To me after leveling to 50 almost strictly from questing it seems as if i still have probably half of the quests left to experience maybe slightly less than that, not to mention giving your character a different demeanor can influence how your quests go and even on non class quests you can still make decisions that affect a storyliine/ can have different outcomes. So maybe I made a greedy darkside character the first time, maybe this time I make a humurous one or i Make a noble lightside character or a greedy Lightside one, regardless doing something like this will give you different responses and different conversation options. Not to mention you have another faction to roll with its own bonus series, quests, class storylines.


I also noticed in the class quests , you will get different dialogue from whoever your tallking to based on what companion yyou have out, should he be part of the conversation. Alot of time and effort was put into the leveling process of this game, if you didnt come here for the story then i dont really understand as that is what BW emphasized throughout their Hype campaign.Im sorry but this game gives players more leveling content then any mmo that has ever come out (no we arent counting mmo's where it takes months to get to max level because they make you grind for hours on end without even questing or through repeatable quests) that is the last thing people should be complaining about in this game , sure its fine to say you dont like the story, but dont complain about the lack of leveling content, its more than any mmo that has come out ever.

Edited by Samborino
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I spacebar through everything other than class quest line. I mean everything. I spam that spacebar so fast it's not even funny.


You wanna laugh?


Spamming the sapcebar is what actually makes leveling an alternate character tolerable.

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The problem is, as this is an MMO we can't play "hero" characters like we could in KOTOR.


They can't have quest outcomes that effect the whole game like they can in a single player game either, it would take them a stupid amount of time to develop it all. The choices you make in dialog should have more effect on your class story later on though, the outcome is always the same no matter what path you take.


But it's still by FAR the best leveling in any MMO so far.

Edited by NasherUK
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Sidenote, your comparing the Brothers Karamazov to the writing in this game??


Just stop.


Hold on - he has a point. You can even take it a step further compare it to the game mechanics:


You have Dmitri - he's your tank. Also, kind of a derp. Thank goodness you have Aloysha there to heal him through his massive pulls. And then Ivan... dps... more of a theorycrafter than a gamer... usually just messes around, trying to come up with new specs. Oh yeah, and Smerdyakov - obviously the guy you'll group with when we get x-server LFG.


As far as the story... wait, SWTOR has a story? Now I can't stop thinking about Karamazov. Ivan's discussion with the Devil... Grushenka's parable of the onion... the entirety of Book V: Pro and Contra... wow... Dostoevsky... wait, what were we talking about? Where am I? Oh, sweet, video games. Cool.

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I don't skip any dialog unless I have to esc and start over because my character's actual response differs from the selected responses.


I enjoy the well-written quests, which is the vast majority of them. No, it's not Shakespeare, but it's quite enjoyable. I have four characters, two of which are the same class. And I still listen to the dialog.


I'm in no hurry, and I'm certainly not on the hamster wheel like some of you are, lol.

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I'm in no hurry, and I'm certainly not on the hamster wheel like some of you are, lol.


Oh yeah, video games. I meant to say - I spacebar every darn thing I've heard before, as well as all the side-quest dialogue and half the class quest stuff. It bores me out of my mind.


My "main" (live since December 13, 2011): level 42, over 300 hours /played. Lots of spacebarring. Hamster wheel? No, son. Show me someone who plays slower than me, and I'll... well, I'll be surprised. And delighted.

Edited by face_hindu
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Oh yeah, video games. I meant to say - I spacebar every darn thing I've heard before, as well as all the side-quest dialogue and half the class quest stuff. It bores me out of my mind.


My "main" (live since December 13, 2011): level 42, over 300 hours /played. Lots of spacebarring. Hamster wheel? No, son. Show me someone who plays slower than me, and I'll... well, I'll be surprised. And delighted.


Well, I did say 'some of you'...not 'all of you'. Count yourself lucky that you've freed yourself of the hamster wheel and the Pavlovian pellet dispenser.

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