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game melts pc?


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If this game "fries" computers because it makes there CPU and GPU run too hot because of the "game" how come mine is doing fine and running cool? erm makes me think that those people have a acient pc with improper cooling and dust gumed up 1" thick.
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my game plays just fine as well, but if you consider some people run minimum requirements it makes sense. With the tool CPUID I have noticed a huge increase of heat and fan speed while playing SWTOR but not so while playing many other games MMOs included..so for you guys who have a super computer saying its their computer and not the game is like sayin wow this high octaine gas doesnt burn up my racing motor, must be your motor.....of course...not all computers are built for racing
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If this game "fries" computers because it makes there CPU and GPU run too hot because of the "game" how come mine is doing fine and running cool? erm makes me think that those people have a acient pc with improper cooling and dust gumed up 1" thick.


my pc is "acient" too.....


the game's problems are not hardware specific........ instead they are engine related. which are being worked on....


read first... post later


welcome to the SWTOR forums

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If this game "fries" computers because it makes there CPU and GPU run too hot because of the "game" how come mine is doing fine and running cool? erm makes me think that those people have a acient pc with improper cooling and dust gumed up 1" thick.


No one really knows, it could have been a driver issue, something else, but yes peoples computers have been fried to the point of destruction by this games BSOD's/restarts of the PC. Don't believe me there's a whole thread in the customer support section about it.......Many of these people had aftermarket CPU coolers and cards such as a GTX 560 TI/570/580/590, it's an issue, and pretending like it doesn't exist because the game runs fine on your computer is the worst fanboiness I've seen for this game yet...

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my pc is "acient" too.....


the game's problems are not hardware specific........ instead they are engine related. which are being worked on....


read first... post later


welcome to the SWTOR forums


so your saying your liquid cooled pc is over heating? lol what kind of PSU do you have?

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No one really knows, it could have been a driver issue, something else, but yes peoples computers have been fried to the point of destruction by this games BSOD's/restarts of the PC. Don't believe me there's a whole thread in the customer support section about it.......Many of these people had aftermarket CPU coolers and cards such as a GTX 560 TI/570/580/590, it's an issue, and pretending like it doesn't exist because the game runs fine on your computer is the worst fanboiness I've seen for this game yet...


i have a 560 gtx, runs cool here... i just dont see how a game can make your pc fry.. its a bad driver issue to me, nubs overclocking there system not knowing what they are doing imo.

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No one really knows, it could have been a driver issue, something else, but yes peoples computers have been fried to the point of destruction by this games BSOD's/restarts of the PC. Don't believe me there's a whole thread in the customer support section about it.......Many of these people had aftermarket CPU coolers and cards such as a GTX 560 TI/570/580/590, it's an issue, and pretending like it doesn't exist because the game runs fine on your computer is the worst fanboiness I've seen for this game yet...


The thing is that regular programs (office, any games, internet explorer, whatever) can't cause bsod's and restarts. The only problems that can are drivers and other kernel processes that sit in ring 0.


This is windows engineering 101 and there's just no way that any game could cause this problem (except of course, by triggering a bug -in a driver- that then causes the PC to restart).

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i have a 560 gtx, runs cool here... i just dont see how a game can make your pc fry.. its a bad driver issue to me, nubs overclocking there system not knowing what they are doing imo.


I'm telling you to go read the customer service thread, you will see countless examples of people with properly cooled rigs who were experiencing restart/BSOD's with the game, and now their computers and hardware are fried beyond repair. It's likely a combination of drivers/Bioware's badly optimized/underperforming code causing the issue. Don't just pretend like something doesn't exist and blame it on people's inexperience with hardware when it's a problem caused by TOR itself. These people were running their systems fine with every other game, and people reported having their CPU's go up to stress test(Talking Prime 95/Burn Test) levels just playing the game.


So it comes down to two things, it's likely a relation between these people's display drivers, and the games software causing massive overheats and ultimately hardware failure. Another piece of the puzzle is that for many it didn't start until the xAA patch/patch last tuesday that "fixed performance". Overall TOR is responsible for part of the problem, the other part may be ATI/Nvidia drivers, though most of those with dead systems were running 500 series Nvidia cards. So overall it's a very relevant issue, and I wouldn't be surprised if Biofail tried to cover this up because it will bleed them of even more subs......


The problem is it's hard to narrow the issue because some people aren't having GPU heat issues, and just having their CPU throttled up so badly that the game is unplayable. Some people yes it may have been they didn't have proper cooling, but a majority had very nice cooled systems that are now inoperable due to this game frying them after the last patch....

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The thing is that regular programs (office, any games, internet explorer, whatever) can't cause bsod's and restarts. The only problems that can are drivers and other kernel processes that sit in ring 0.


This is windows engineering 101 and there's just no way that any game could cause this problem (except of course, by triggering a bug -in a driver- that then causes the PC to restart).


You do realize Windows will BSOD on overheats to save the system....BSOD can occur also when a program tries to access a memory address that doesn't exit...The main BSOD have occured that the game is causing because it's overheating peoples systems....The people report having restarts while playing game, BSOD's, then poof system won't turn on or is unrepairable due to the damage........So yes a program can cause a BSOD.....Ever run prime 95 to find out if your system is stable or not? You'll know if it's not because it will BSOD or lock up........So yes software can cause a BSOD, you obviously didn't take Windows Engineering 101, it will be offered next Fall.........

Edited by Yinata
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I haven't played on it since reviving my desktop, but my Desknote with SLI GTX 480Ms would overheat during character creation or during voice overs/cutscenes. Both of these times is when the higher resolution textures are used, and maybe some other quality options. Either way, it would hover around 82c outside of those, and push to 90c and crash during. No other game has ever done this. Not even the horribly optimized FFXIV had done this. Even EVE when they first rolled out walk in station did this, and that caused many other people's GPUs to almost melt it seems.


I've tried multiple driver versions, new and old. I opened it, re-applied Thermal Goo, cleaned out the dust, pretty much everything. So bug in the drivers maybe, but it seems more likely a bug in the game causing it to push something too far in certain situations. But i'm no programmer so i'm not saying that IS what it is.


Even FURMARK doesn't heat them up to 90c

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