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Force Speed should be removed from the game


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Does the job that other talents should be doing and is way too overpowered, no other class has such an easy escape ability whenever they find themselves out of position or outnumbered




Dear God what the hell were they thinking when they made this ability


Ill glady give up force speed...... if you give me vanish.

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Wow I've never had a thread get over 2000 views before or 100 posts! Clearly this is an issue that BioWare should address since it's as sensitive a topic as it is.




I feel like I really accomplished something today thanks guys :)


You should get a gold star for such successful trolling.

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Jedi Sentinel doesn't have a stun, save for a lame 3 second channeled stun that stops us from attacking or moving as well.


Im not sure if this kid is serious, as my marauder aka the sentinel mirror, they force speed away u charge then crippling slash, now what? u can run with them and melt their face in now that they cant get away. Like come on people, stop crying about this ability. If anything, im playing a shadow and by god i would trade force speed for force charge ANYTIME OF THE DAY

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Wow I've never had a thread get over 2000 views before or 100 posts! Clearly this is an issue that BioWare should address since it's as sensitive a topic as it is.




I feel like I really accomplished something today thanks guys :)


You have a lot of hits because it's such an absurd nerf request. I see names in this thread who are advocating FOR sorc Nerfs in other threads, but are calling your idea bad. Plenty of people agree that certain specs of sorcs have too many tools in their toolkit.


I for one agree that light/madness hybrid builds have too many tools. But removing a baseline ability? One that's baseline to ALL Inquistors, not just Sorcs. I mean, how absurd. Focus your aggression where it should be. Move 1-2 talents around so they don't have the blind, stun, instant mez, reduced cooldown mez, extra long lockout on interrupt, stun on mez break, knockback root in one build. Don't hurt very balanced specs, like healing, or the other AA, Shadow, in your blind hatred.

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Im not sure if this kid is serious, as my marauder aka the sentinel mirror, they force speed away u charge then crippling slash, now what? u can run with them and melt their face in now that they cant get away. Like come on people, stop crying about this ability. If anything, im playing a shadow and by god i would trade force speed for force charge ANYTIME OF THE DAY

Force speed is not a problem on shadows. In fact you may need it to close a gap with ranged or chase them. It is problem for Sorcs who already stand at max distance spaming their lightnings.

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Force speed is only a problem on sages/sorcs, a class with so much cc and control doesn't need that silly sprint.


Therein lies the problem. ALL sorcs have force speed. NOT all Sorcs have "so much cc and control." Only certain specs do. So why remove force speed, and hurt the unrelated specs, when you can deal with the real problem: the cc and control?

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I really dont see the problem with that ability and i main a marauder, i guess its because i actually use my snares unlike 80% of the population. the ability has many counters as people stated earlier. I just think people are mashing abilities and not think about stuff. its not hard when they start sprinting u stun them. I think most of the people crying for this nerf are the people that start the fight with a stun so when the sorc/sage decides to peace out, they have nothing to stop them from getting away
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Therein lies the problem. ALL sorcs have force speed. NOT all Sorcs have "so much cc and control." Only certain specs do. So why remove force speed, and hurt the unrelated specs, when you can deal with the real problem: the cc and control?


Fairly sure without that CC you'd be useless aswell

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Fairly sure without that CC you'd be useless aswell


Wha? Did you read my post? Not every Sorc/Sage spec has all of this fabled CC. I play a healer. My healer has the baseline stuff. The 4 second stun. The mez that has a cast time, heals you, and DOES NOT stun on break. And very short knockback that DOES NOT root.


I don't consider myself useless, even without this CC, but if you start taking away baseline things like force speed. I definitely will be.

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Force Speed is what makes playing an assassin/shadow possible. It's pretty much a golden rule in games that there's a trade off between endurance and mobility. We wear a bed sheet for armour, so therefore get mobility to balance that. This is justified by the fact we're more mobile than warriors/knights. At the same time, we don't have a charge. Some sort of gap closer is absolutely necessary for such a fragile melee class, otherwise, knockback+slow = nerd rage, every single time.. Especially when force cloak bugs, every other use.
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Wow I've never had a thread get over 2000 views before or 100 posts! Clearly this is an issue that BioWare should address since it's as sensitive a topic as it is.




I feel like I really accomplished something today thanks guys :)


Have you ever read 10 of them?

Edited by aritha
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So when Bioware decided to nerf operatives and smugglers that were owning everyone, it wasn't broken even though bioware fixed it?




This is the reason he is QQing. Obvious person that is getting nerfd and is mad is obvious.

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This is the reason he is QQing. Obvious person that is getting nerfd and is mad is obvious.





Except I play merc and juggernaut (prefer to merc when I'm pvpin and just having fun and use juggernaut when my guild needs a spare tank)




I bring it up because so far it's the only class that has been nerfed, so it's the only actual example to draw upon as far as what BioWare has done in the past in regards to nerfing.

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*** does that have to do with force speed?

Wow you are awfull.

This is really one of those L2P cases.




And this is really one of those learn to read cases




It was a response to what I quoted, some guy said "just because something is owning you doesn't mean it's broken"



so I said what about that time this class was owning people and bioware fixed it




because logical phalluses

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Does the job that other talents should be doing and is way too overpowered, no other class has such an easy escape ability whenever they find themselves out of position or outnumbered




Dear God what the hell were they thinking when they made this ability


K, I'll trade my force speed, for three force leap abilities on lower CDs.


Make this happen BW- force speed is apparantly better than anything else- so giving us multiple leaps would be a nerf in replacement.

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K, I'll trade my force speed, for three force leap abilities on lower CDs.


Make this happen BW- force speed is apparantly better than anything else- so giving us multiple leaps would be a nerf in replacement.




Uh I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, because it seems like it'd be just the same as a warrior/knight giving up force leap for 3 force speeds on lower cds than the force leap





Could you clarify what you're trying to say here first? If it's just "force leap is op too" I'm not disagreeing, I'll just respond the same way I did earlier when this was brought up, "that's a different thread but you're welcome to make that one and I'll be sure to post in there, this thread is about force speed though"

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Can OP be baned already? Why such blatant troll topics still on? Mods should be able to recognize a genuine (if dumb sometimes) concerns of concerned (or bad, that happens too) players from someone trying deliberately to troll the forum with nonexistent issue.


Its like the other guy who demanded to remove ability to pass ball in Hutball since its apparently OP...





Wow, you want me to be banned? What have I ever done to you?

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