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What SWTOR will be


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Not that bugged, I have been playing computer games since C64 and ZX80 Spectrum. Haven't seen anything like TOR in my life. I'm still in shock. And game is made buy company who made Never Winter Nights and Baldur's Gate. Hard to believe.


im sorry but I have played much buggier games than this, this game has a lot of bugs but lets not get too crazy here, this isnt even the buggiest game released in the recent past.

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Server populations are NOTICEABLY smaller. People are simply not logging in much. My guild of 60 people went from 10-15 on a night to 3-4 (right now, no one is oN0.


This logic of letting things grow is flawed; The Game is terrible, there are other games from no name creators which are far better than this game were during their own launches. There is no excuse for a product this flawed that took TWICE as long to create than similar MMO's (like Rift) and had almost 10 times their budget.


Bioware chose to focus their attention to voice overing standard quest text, and nothing else. PvP shows that it was given no/little thought and not tested. The over simplistic end game PvE content shows the same. Where did they spend the last 5 years?


Even from the games producers mouth, players today should not expect a sub par game that is lacking features. A games success is determined in the first few weeks. Thats a quote form the games producer, not myself (go google the interview if you care).


Here are some points


A) i could list every major and basic feature that his game is lacking, is bugged out of its mind, or otherwise poor but you have other threads for this but I wont

B) Bioware has communicated nothing to instill confidence in players. 1.1 was a failure. It released some fixes, minor balance items and basically no content. Rise of the rathgouls?> have you played this crap? All they did was release some bosses into an incomplete instance (this isnt an update, this is them simply finishing work that should have been there at release). Look at Rift 1.1? A whole new zone, series of quests, dungeons, a new (NEW) raid zone, LFG system, and pages and pages of small tweaks and improvements. Rift 1.1 came out 3 weeks after its launch.


Now lets look at 1.2? This is on the table for March, and the only feature which BW has talked about is Guild banks.


Lets reflect on that a second; Guild banks. They are choosing to implement guild banks in a game in which crafting has no end game relevance what so ever unless you take Biochem. What are we gonna put into our guild banks perse, items for our alts?

Edited by Meluna
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What will TOR be?


Today, while fighting mobs in Black Talon, I panned my camera upward to stare at the ceiling, and just watched my hotbars light up, tapping keys when I could. I didn't watch exciting lightsaber action, or see a great story unfold before me... I watched cool-downs on little icons, and succeeded at it.


Oh, and there was that time a few weeks ago when I was questing on Tatooine. I needed to PUG to take care of Supply Lines. Grabbed a tank and set off. He wasn't taunting, and all of the mobs were ganging up on me. When I asked him why he wasn't taunting the enemy, he said "I don't have taunt." Upon further discussion, we discovered he never found the "Juggernaut" tab of his trainer window. He managed to go from 10 to 30 without a single advanced class skill...


Long story short, you could be brain dead and play this game. There's no depth. In fact, it's shallowness is insulting.


If it weren't for my friends and a great guild of people, I wouldn't be here.


And it's a shame.

Edited by Dezzi
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Blizzard has allways produced High quality games, im not denying that.


but wow's release was extremely buggy, i remember getting ctd's when mouseovering a mob .... it got fixed by a hotfix 2 mounths later

Wow's release was not very buggy at all. There were few bugs; most of which were server / backend problems. All games come with bugs, but you can EASILY see which companies take the time to fix the obvious ones pre-release. This game is still in beta but we're paying full price for it.


Also got to remember that wow has had 7 years of Polishing. It wasnt after 5 years they changed the Graphics engine to be more "graphical"

The graphics were upgraded because of how long the game had been out. Using the 7 years of polish excuse is pathetic and lame. Are you implying that we should compare this game to one we could have had 7 years ago? Do you think that's a good thing? No, just no.


i firmly believe thay did an OK job with this release, with some points i do find weird but thats debatable. And they allready adressed certain issues, so thats a good sign. More fixes to come i guess, UI changes will be comming in 1.2 according their Community movie they posted.


The release was rushed, and we're paying for it. It's unlikely the majority of the people that left due to the lack of polish will ever give this game another shot. You only get 1 chance to make a first impression. Obvious bugs should not be released in a 'finshed' product.



Having said that, I personally like the game. I also know that I'm not enough to fund this game. It takes a lot of people to fund an MMO of this nature; you should probably work on providing correct information that is more geared to what they have done wrong/right so that we can have more people playing and the MMO will survive. Blindly saying things that aren't true in order to cover up massive flaws is fail, you are hurting this game.

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I agree with the OP.


This game will get better and better. It will be interesting what it eventually morphs into. When you look at the 800lb gorilla in the room, that game has chaged drastically from it beginings 7 years ago to the point where it no longer resembles the original game. Like it or not, things change and SWTOR will do the same. Fun times ahead!


I also love the hater trolls on these forums. They are sad sad souls who live for "forum PvP". They are in every game and are always fun to read. "Ths game will fail because of blah blah blah" has now become standard for the game community.


As far as the MMORPG community proclaiming this game dead ... I don't think so. Only the hater trolls have procliamed the game dead ... like they still do in WoW 7 years later. They use the same old arguments with the same tired old metrics. Sadly, they aren't quite as creative as they used to be which ruins the entire hater troll concept.


What I would like to see is some new hater troll material. They always whine about the same old stuff and for once, I would love to see something new. Maybe "This game will fail because the butts on female chars don't offer a subtle graduation form char body 2 and 3"? Yes, its lame but maybe a few of the hater trolls can at least get some ideas from it.


This game launched smoothly. VERY smoothly. It has a great concept and is very well put togther. This game is already a winner and will only get better. A new standard has been set ... unless of course you are a sandboxer hater troll who is looking for the next great sandbox game. Well, trolls keep looking because they are dead and will never come back. UO is that way -----> Just use the time macnine ....

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Using the 7 years of polish excuse is pathetic and lame. Are you implying that we should compare this game to one we could have had 7 years ago?



no i get it, you want dev's to be; after a month, as good as dev's who've been working on the same game with mostly the same teams for seven years, that seems fair... i guess.


and you want the content that wow has now thats fair too, just pay bioware an additional $400

(the two years it took wow to make some raids and BGs) and im sure they'll get right on that for you

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no i get it, you want dev's to be; after a month, as good as dev's who've been working on the same game with mostly the same teams for seven years, that seems fair... i guess.


and you want the content that wow has now thats fair too, just pay bioware an additional $400

(the two years it took wow to make some raids and BGs) and im sure they'll get right on that for you


I will never understand this argument...


If they make a new game that can't compete with older games on the market, we're just supposed to suck it up and wait?


I'm sorry, but I'm not forking over money I could spend on a more polished, content-rich game just so the team has time to make the current game better.


You might as well pay to beta test then.

Edited by Dezzi
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This will be the best MMO on the market by far soon, maybe even the best ever, all in due time, all of the haters will come crawling back... Or not, their egos are far too big to admit they were wrong.


Thus far, i am very much regretting my decision to cancel my WoW sub. I mean even at lvl 85 i still felt like i had more to do than i do in SWTOR. probably due to a lack of a rdf. I just really can not bring myself to play this game anymore.


I took prolonged breaks from WoW before, but when i logged on i was on for at least an hour, i can barely stay logged on for 15 minutes in this game now. Lvling was nice at first "voiceovers" and what not, and also how it appears as though your decisions have a real impact, that is awesome. But all the loading screens, and the very linear nature of most zones just kills it.


WoW may be old, but there sure as heck were less loading screens (is it like 3-5 minimum just to zone into a planet?), with many more polished items. I mean Wotlk had a rdf and SWTOR could have at least used the RDF tool WoW had in bc/wotlk (a step or two higher than what we have), or allow addons. Addons are such a no-brainer.


I do hope SWTOR will become better, but i am not holding my breath. I probably won't go back to WoW because I just don't go back to games for which i have cancelled my sub for. Like with BF3, i got a refund for it, i miss it, but i won't spend 60 bucks again. Just my 2 cents.

Edited by Red_Vs_Blue
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I will never understand this argument...


If they make a new game that can't compete with older games on the market, we're just supposed to suck it up and wait?


I'm sorry, but I'm not forking over money I could spend in a more polished, content-rich game to play one that's lacking just because it's new.


I never will understand why people feel the need to apologize for a company that is charging you money for a service. Then tell you that it's your fault for not waiting for the service to be worth what they charge for it.


Biodrones are so ridiculous.


*Disclaimer: other games' rabid fans are also ridiculous.

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The game is great, but people will have to be patient. The forums aren't going to give much of a positive response, but I am currently loving this game. It is a huge relief after playing WoW for six years and many other MMOs for years/months. This game has hardly been out a month and people try to say it is a failure. I never worry about that, because every single game is a "failure" to the forums it seems. I really do hope SWTOR becomes the next MMO to gain twelve million subscribers.
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The game is great, but people will have to be patient. The forums aren't going to give much of a positive response, but I am currently loving this game. It is a huge relief after playing WoW for six years and many other MMOs for years/months. This game has hardly been out a month and people try to say it is a failure. I never worry about that, because every single game is a "failure" to the forums it seems. I really do hope SWTOR becomes the next MMO to gain twelve million subscribers.


Why? The game engine goes apoplectic any time there are more than a dozen or so people in the same area as you as it is.


How are people gonna stick with a game when you can complete the content (or the vast majority of it) in a month or two?


This game probably should have been B2P with DLC or something. As it stands it is not worth a monthly fee.

Edited by Orkayl
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I remember seeing posts like this in the Vangard: SoH forum not long after release.


I remember seeing all of these same exact negative comments running rampant right when WoW launched.




Yeah, see... it's all speculation unless you have a time machine. In which case we would have ceased to exist.

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You fail to realize what bad word of mouth among the veteran MMO community will do to a game and believe me that message is being spread loud and fast. You can cheerlead all you want, hell, I'll even give you a pom-pom set: *(_)* *(_)* It won't help.


You fail to realize that the "veteran MMO community" and those who care about/know where to find their opinions are less than 1% of the number of people who bought SWToR. As always happens in these games, people will decide for themselves and if the predictions of the "veteran MMO community" end up being right, it will be due to coincidence, not a knowledge of what gamers want.


The fact is, this game is no different than any game at launch. Light in content, buggy, and predicted to fail on the forums. While the OP is rather overly optimistic, the Star Wars IP alone will keep this game thriving long enough to gain the same polish every other thriving MMO that started out just as unfinished now has.


The only measure the game will fail by is trying to use WoW as a comparison. WoW is an anomaly. There is no formula for recreating its popularity. In fact, the only likely way any game is going to ever come close to, or surpass it, is to completely ignore it. That would be true innovation.

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I remember seeing all of these same exact negative comments running rampant right when WoW launched.




Yeah, see... it's all speculation unless you have a time machine. In which case we would have ceased to exist.


True, I don't know if the game will fail. I do BELIEVE it will fail if they don't change the direction quickly though.

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You fail to realize that the "veteran MMO community" and those who care about/know where to find their opinions are less than 1% of the number of people who bought SWToR. As always happens in these games, people will decide for themselves and if the predictions of the "veteran MMO community" end up being right, it will be due to coincidence, not a knowledge of what gamers want.


The fact is, this game is no different than any game at launch. Light in content, buggy, and predicted to fail on the forums. While the OP is rather overly optimistic, the Star Wars IP alone will keep this game thriving long enough to gain the same polish every other thriving MMO that started out just as unfinished now has.


The only measure the game will fail by is trying to use WoW as a comparison. WoW is an anomaly. There is no formula for recreating its popularity. In fact, the only likely way any game is going to ever come close to, or surpass it, is to completely ignore it. That would be true innovation.


Well... while I'm not a fan of wow, I have to say its no anomaly. It was the perfect game at the perfect timing. I mean... it was like winning the lottery. Remember all those games before (and yes I've played them) and remember how WoW changed EVERYTHING? Not that I like the changes myself... but WoW to MMos is like... the Ford T... it wasnt the first car, not the best, but that is not the point. The point is the Ford T changed EVERYTHING.


To have the impact that wow had, a game should have the right recipe at the right time... well sometime will happen. Its not like theres a "tendency book" on games... like fashion or design - it will be another lucky draw, but... not that I like being pessimist cause I do love this game, but... lets face it, SWTOR didnt pick the right straw.

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why must it always be "best MMO evah" or "fail trying"


I just think that it will improve and be here for many years as new content sinks in.


With decent amount of players that is (not 11M but decent to be alive enough)

Edited by Agasius
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You highly over estimate the Totanic failure that the MMO community has already dubbed this game to be and how unforgiving the MMO community is.


SWTOR will never see the potential it has is realized.


herp der TORTANIC, the new cool kids word of the month. Just stop talking.

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Any money that most of the gamers that will be playing SWTOR for years to come haven't even hit 50 yet...


The elitists have a pretty high opinion of themselves... And their opinions.


You actually speak the truth. Both your statements are correct in ways that you don't realize.

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Why should i need to give the game a chance? I paid $60 for it and they want me to pay $15 a month just to give the game a chance? All they did was fail 100% at copying WoW.


The PvP loot system is a joke. Warzones lag and people get horrible Fps not to mention hutball over and over.


PvE is broke as well. Killing bosses just to find out you can't open the chess and just wasted time to get zero loot.


Companions are USELESS at 50. You can't use then in Ilum or Warzones. They also take up space in partys and raid so they are only good for dailys. They is nothing to buy at lvl 50 in this game unless you want the 1.5 mil mount which you should have by the time you hit 50 from questing.


Space missions and all the epic parts for your ship at worthless at 50 as well. I enjoyed the missions while leveling up only to find out at 50 I do not get new ones??


Why is there a legacy system in this game when it does absolutely nothing? Just another feature to prove the game was rushed and released half-azzed.


Leveling a char to 50 is probably the only enjoyable thing to do in this game.


So go ahead and make fun or my grammar or tell me you "Have fun" and I should just quit cause thats all the fanboys ever do. The people who hate on the game also pay for it and have just as much of a right to express their opinion as the people who love the game do. The game has ALOT and bugs and problems saying its fine and you "have fun" just makes its worse.


then get out... simple as that. You actually like staying here and fooling yourself into "thinking" you are having fun "trolling"? If you don't like the game...gt F o. Don't bash the game..or be here anymore. get out. Is it THAT hard for you?

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