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so now im a Fanboi?


This engine has its problems, i never said it didnt


all i said was that some machines can run it without problems and others cant

i dont see how that makes me a fanboi in any way shape or form


Thats the nature of the beast PC gaming, where in console gaming you have a uniform platform where games are easier to program. Pure facts


Games have diffirent engine, diffirent engines means diffirent Hardware demands or capabilities


Take Frostbit 2.0 engine (from BF3) a marvel of a engine, Highly optimised yet some people epxerience troubles, why? Hardware limitations, simple as that


Same goes with the Hero engine, Is focusses heavily on CPu in some area's and heavily on GPU in others, the balance is not yet reached, but if you have a Powerfull rig you can negate those changes and have a more Streamlined experience overall

I never been bothered about engines. But as matter of fact, I'm still using my 3 years old laptop and it's been serving me well. What I have been playing with it: Lotro, WoW (including 2 weeks Cata, got bored, done with it), a lot of F2P MMO's (don't remember all names now).

Never had any problems and now with TOR I hit in to wall. But pre launch was working perfectly. So was pre launch then TOR, or was it different game?

I could live with bugs but if game trying melt my CPU and GPU trough motherboard, that's no good at all.

Edited by Chaffery
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You don't realize that most of the problems aren't the hero engine, it's how they programmed/coded the game itself....It's inefficient/unoptimized programming, that's where the performance issues are coming from not the engine itself. They are claiming it's the engine so they don't have to take blame. In reality it's the programmers and coders who wrote the game that didn't optimize or focus on performance.


So in closing keep hoping they will fix the hero engine, that engine in itself is a garbled mess and does lead to ability delay, but it's not the problem itself, the problem is the programmers working on the game, and their lack of ability to optimize performance.


Have fun being a fanboi and never allowing Bioware to fix the broken code they have running their game.....Also don't forget about those that lost their computer to this garbage game, there's a whole thread in the bug section for them.


Stop blaming the engine, blame the programmers and developers that allowed unoptimized/performance degrading code to make it to the market.



ill try to keep it civil so bare with me


upon creating a game one needs a base, call it a Foundation (the engine)


Without an engine you cant build anything

The codes they used are related to the engine, how would the game know what to do otherwise? it cant guess, it need direct input


So basicly everything the code is woven into the Engine, thats what makes the game


the problem IS the engine, as the engine itself is Written code, the very code that instructs our hardware to react, so when that base is flawed, nomatter how good or bad their programming of their owns is, it will effect us

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I could live with bugs but if game trying melt my CPU and GPU trough motherboard, that's no good at all.


This has actually happened to people too, those with proper cooled desktops and machines where the game literally heated up their CPU/GPU to the point of frying it, and Bioware has yet to take responsibility or cover these customers losses of equipment, and likely never will. The fact is it's not their game engine, it's the code they programmed that makes up the game that is unoptimized, failed, and causing these problems......

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I don't get all the doom and gloom posts.


1. Why does everyone feel like needing their own doom and gloom post

2. There is a suggestion box please stop spamming doom and gloom in Gen chat.

3. Yes they devs really know people are upset and they will not ignore that however you may fell about that.

4. Posting doom and gloom is not only pointless since hundreds of threads of it already.

5. Devs cannot fix things right away so posting "DO IT NOA OR U FAIL LOLOLOLOL" is retarded.

6. If you do not like the game, unsub and leave the forums these forums are for the SW:TOR community and us alone.

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...This is their baby and they are proud of it...


Maybe they should have taken it to full-term.


Only Bioware could be proud of the kid who sits in the corner and eats paste.


This is a metaphorical "child", not a real one.


Because we all know real babies are aliens.


And nothing is alien about SWTOR, it is actually FAMILIAR.


Too familiar, kind of like when a simple handshake with an acquaintance turns into something... uncomfortable.

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This has actually happened to people too, those with proper cooled desktops and machines where the game literally heated up their CPU/GPU to the point of frying it, and Bioware has yet to take responsibility or cover these customers losses of equipment, and likely never will. The fact is it's not their game engine, it's the code they programmed that makes up the game that is unoptimized, failed, and causing these problems......


The fact that they used an engine not their own, and that was not finished was not a goo choice to begin with. As the code they use, is directly in touch with the engine


you can not have Upperlayer code loose from Base code, it can not happen

Everything you code into the game has to be related to the engine, or things would not even boot

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The fact that they used an engine not their own, and that was not finished was not a goo choice to begin with. As the code they use, is directly in touch with the engine


you can not have Upperlayer code loose from Base code, it can not happen

Everything you code into the game has to be related to the engine, or things would not even boot


You still fail to realize that game optimization/control of computer hardware is done through C++ codes for this game, it's not the engine bro, it's the code Bioware put behind the engine causing these performance issues. The sooner fanbois and Biofail realize this they might actually fix the garbled mess of programming they did for this game. You set the ammount of memory/cpu/gpu usage through C++ programming not the engine itself. So system performance is the fault of their C++ code, not the engine itself.


Sooner you and Bioware realize this the sooner they can actually fix this.


It's not the engine, it's the code itself, there are other hero engine games out, they didn't have the severe performance issues this game displays.......

Edited by Yinata
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... and Bioware has yet to take responsibility or cover these customers losses of equipment, and likely never will. The fact is it's not their game engine, it's the code they programmed that makes up the game that is unoptimized, failed, and causing these problems......

Well, we already have good example, they will do like Blizz did, after Starcraft started frying GPU's. They will "apologize sincerely" but no refund.

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You still fail to realize that game optimization/control of computer hardware is done through C++ codes for this game, it's not the engine bro, it's the code behind the engine causing these performance issues. The sooner fanbois and Biofail realize this they might actually fix the garbled mess of programming they did for this game. You set the ammount of memory/cpu/gpu usage through C++ programming not the engine itself. So system performance is the fault of their C++ code, not the engine itself.


Sooner you and Bioware realize this the sooner they can actually fix this.


It's not the engine, it's the code itself, there are other hero engine games out, they didn't have the severe performance issues this game displays.......


Adress aware flags are set like that, ie 32 46 bit.... problem is GPU vs CPU usage and HT use

it uses all my core but only for 10% at max my gpu usage fluxuates between 10% and 80%

even if you set the usage through c++ for the game, its ultimatly up to the engine when to allocate that memory or usage, its an underlying problem, look at Skyrim


Thats a prime example, nomatter how good you set your flags internally, it will never be able to take full advantage of your system... why? becus the engine itself isnt optimised to have a loads spread effeciency


hows that for c++?

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You prefer sanbox MMO's, there is nothing wrong with that. It also doesn't make TOR (or themepark games in general) bad games, it means you prefer one sort over the other. Play what you enjoy.


On the topic of linear, themepark games in general are very linear, they give direction and a sense of purpose to the players. There are varying degrees of it of course, and TOR may be more linear than most, the reason being it's heavy focus on story. Where other games led you around zone to zone for no apparent reason, TOR does so while going through different chapters of a story. I don't know about you, but when I read a book, I don't just choose chapters at random and read them in no particular order, I read it page by page from start to finish.



Well when I want to read a book I read a book and when I want to play a video game I play a video game. I know TOR is very strong on story, and TOR's class stories are really good. I'm just having difficulty justifying a $15 a month sub for a story-based MMO the tries it's best to limit what players can do. I fully admit I am biased towards sandbox and that's probably the reason I'm not happy with TOR right now. But when I think of MMO I think of player interaction, conflicts, drama w/e. There's so little of that here. The different factions can't even speak to each other. It seems like BW went out of their way to limit the interaction between the separate factions except in WZs and Ilum as much as possible.


I would like to PvP on Alderaan after lvl 50 (and I don't mean the WZ). I would like to fight in the swamps on Nal Hutta on my Republic toon or try night time urban hit-and-runs in the debris on Taris. I might like fighting the opposite faction over control of spawns. I would have liked to do a whole number of things in this great looking game (minus the muddy player textures) but I can't because BW doesn't allow me to.

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You highly over estimate the Totanic failure that the MMO community has already dubbed this game to be and how unforgiving the MMO community is.


SWTOR will never see the potential it has is realized.


Not sure what "community" we are speaking of here. Just not seeing it beyond these boards.


We saw quotes like this all over the WoW boards a month after release also. Most of it really unfounded. Lots of it from people expecting, Call of Duty.


This game offers a great deal. Its already FTP (Fun To Play). Its here for the long haul.

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Actually you can speak to the other faction, it's just in "say" if you are within their vicinity. I play Republic and I've spoken to many a Sith on my server.


Well I play on a PvP server Red=Dead. I would have liked to sent/received a "Good Fight" /tell after a fight or even "Gank more", "You're terrible" and "Rez again so I can kill you". :p

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you highly underestimate what this game offers and people don't give games a chance these days. It's sad really


The thing is that you can only make a first impression once and that first impression goes a long way when it comes to games. MMO gamers are especially ruthless in this regard.


Look at Age of Conan as an example. It has a great IP. Really nice graphics and somewhat different combat and cool fatalities. It got glowing reviews and was an absolute blast for the first 20 levels, while you were in Tortage. However, the game was incredibly buggy at launch, lacked content past level 20 and had really terrible customer service. And even though Funcom continued to develop the game and fixed most of the issues, AoC never fully recovered and went F2P with an item shop recently.


Gone are the days when we had a handful of MMOs to choose from. This genre is saturated and each year we get more AAA launches. Look at the AAA line up for this year alone: Guild Wars 2, Tera, Planetside 2, Firefall, WoW's next expansion... People will be more likely to try out one of those than go back to the one that already disappointed them.


I do hope that BioWare makes this game better. I love Star Wars and want a good MMO in that setting but I highly doubt that it will become as successful as it could have been.

Edited by krookie
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Not sure what "community" we are speaking of here. Just not seeing it beyond these boards.


We saw quotes like this all over the WoW boards a month after release also. Most of it really unfounded. Lots of it from people expecting, Call of Duty.


This game offers a great deal. Its already FTP (Fun To Play). Its here for the long haul.


1) Um..do you not read many web sites? Massively forums, Giant in the Play Ground, Cursed? How about 2/3 of the post on this forum? The community has already dubbed this game a failure.


2) I was in WoW at its original release; what crack are you smoking. People were praising it because it was much more player friendly than its competition in the day, Asherons Call and Everquest. It had an actual quest system, auction house, more interesting class interaction mechanics, etc.


3) What does this game offer? People say this and I always find it bemusing.


It offers voice overs. Other games have similar plot, its just in quest text so people ignore it. In SWTOR, after 20-30 levels, you end up space barring through it.


Companions are dressed up class pets. Very well dressed up mind you, I will concede that it is 'unique'.


Space Combat is at most a mini game, other games have mini games ..


The class design is stolen from WoW, almost verbatum in certain classes cases (Sith Warrior=WoW Warriors, complete with sunder, charge(force lead), a rage mechanic system, etc).


Lets count instead how it failts



GTN is horribly implemented


PvP was horribly implemented


Operations are a joke. Most guilds cleared out EV within 2-3 days of starting it. No WoW raid was ever that easy, even the Cata starting content that players critisized heavily for being too easy (and thus leaving them with nothing to do) was not that easy.


The game lags to all **** if there are 20 + players on the screen, regardless of your system specs. This has been confirmed on a number of forums, even with INI changes and driver updates. The issue is the band game engine.


No LFG Tool (most modern games launch with this)


No customizable UI (games launch with this since 2008. Every MMO since warhammer had a customizable UI at launch)


No Combat Log (Hello Kitty Online even has this)


No Macros (Again, Hello Kitty Online even has this)



What SWTOR Offers is simple; Star Wars. And some of you are blind to this being a crappy game because ZMOG LIGHTSABERS AND DARK SIDE POINTS(Which mean nothing at all).

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You know the best thing about your posts? They are all negative. This means that you are so butthurt over this game that it is killing you inside to the point that all you can do is... well... be negative. Why not try being positive and play the game for what it is and enjoy? The other option is to renew over at HKO and complain there. :D

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You know the best thing about your posts? They are all negative. This means that you are so butthurt over this game that it is killing you inside to the point that all you can do is... well... be negative. Why not try being positive and play the game for what it is and enjoy? The other option is to renew over at HKO and complain there. :D


He should play a game he dislikes and imagine its good? Should people in bad relationships ignore the issues and just act peachy keen and think everything will work out?


Or should they vocalize their concerns in an attempt to hope things are recognized and issues are addressed?


Which seems to make more sense?

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you highly underestimate what this game offers and people don't give games a chance these days. It's sad really


Why should i need to give the game a chance? I paid $60 for it and they want me to pay $15 a month just to give the game a chance? All they did was fail 100% at copying WoW.


The PvP loot system is a joke. Warzones lag and people get horrible Fps not to mention hutball over and over.


PvE is broke as well. Killing bosses just to find out you can't open the chess and just wasted time to get zero loot.


Companions are USELESS at 50. You can't use then in Ilum or Warzones. They also take up space in partys and raid so they are only good for dailys. They is nothing to buy at lvl 50 in this game unless you want the 1.5 mil mount which you should have by the time you hit 50 from questing.


Space missions and all the epic parts for your ship at worthless at 50 as well. I enjoyed the missions while leveling up only to find out at 50 I do not get new ones??


Why is there a legacy system in this game when it does absolutely nothing? Just another feature to prove the game was rushed and released half-azzed.


Leveling a char to 50 is probably the only enjoyable thing to do in this game.


So go ahead and make fun or my grammar or tell me you "Have fun" and I should just quit cause thats all the fanboys ever do. The people who hate on the game also pay for it and have just as much of a right to express their opinion as the people who love the game do. The game has ALOT and bugs and problems saying its fine and you "have fun" just makes its worse.

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