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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Huttball Arena Design (Airvents)


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Hi there. Neox here.


I have been playing alot of WZ lately and i noticed one thing that keeps destroying my enjoyment of the game. The curret design of the Huttball WZ is pretty basic and ppl should know it by now, so im not going to explain it.



My critique it to the use of airvents at the "inner circle" of the arena (By airvents i mean the small area on the ground that shoots you up in the air close to the Neutral Ball spawn).


Is this mechanic random? From all the games iv played, i have NEVER found a way to controll the place i land.


If this is random, its a huge blow to competetive Huttball play.

Being shot the wrong way can be devestating for the entire game


For example:

At the beginning of the match. I run in and use my Force Speed to jump over the middle acidpit. I get the ball and run for the closest airvent, just to be shot BACK into the middle of the arena. Ofc i got destroyd by the enemy team.


I have also been shot the same direction 2-3 times in a row...


My point is, if BW wants any kind of competetive play. They have to remove the randomness of the arena. WoW did something like this a long time ago, and it also failed (im refering to the Tornado that spawnd in the Ring of Trials arenamap).

2 ways to fix this issue:

1: Remove the airvents and put normal ramps there. If you want to keep some sort of delay on the ramp, add an acidpit effect.

2: Make diffrent zones inside the airvent area. So if i walk on the left side of the airvent, i got shot to the left.


By having this random mechanic, you basically take away controll from the player.

Who again, end up hating the map.

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It is random and it is meant to be that way....


How can you defend having a random element in you arena?

This one thing can make or break a game.


Would you like to have your WASD movment keys just change randomly so you ended up at the other side of the arena? My guese is no.

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EDIT: Ah, my post went too late.


I think it's an excellent addition because it's NOT necessary to take that airvent. You have the CHOICE, as does your opposition, to take it and hope it leads to a short cut. If it works, congrats, you've been provided a benefit. If it doesn't, you gambled and failed. It treats all players the same, regardless of faction.


Because it's not an aspect of the arena that needs to be engaged, I see no problem with it.

Edited by lJustAlexl
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How can you defend having a random element in you arena?

This one thing can make or break a game.


Would you like to have your WASD movment keys just change randomly so you ended up at the other side of the arena? My guese is no.


Because just as the acid and fire pits, its a random trap element. It is kind of boring when the map always has the same outcome in turns of traps...Thats why they randomize it. I hope in the end they will do more things like it in future maps. But then with say acid geysers or fire geysers etc. Were if you walk on it, you have a change of it going off or not.


It is an exciting element. makes you think if you want to risk taking it.


Besides the high route, which the air vents are connected to is the long way around anyway. Easiest is just to take the ramp near the acid pit.

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Not to be a dick, but if you want a more controlled, surefire option, run around the back side of the platform to the ramp, or make a pass to someone (who should already be) up ahead on the main ramps. The airvent isn't a required element for the match.
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Because just as the acid and fire pits, its a random trap element


Since when is the acidpits and firetraps random ?


The firetraps go on a timer and the acidpits deal the same amout of damage all the time. So no, they are not random.


Am i the only player here that doesnt like to loose controll of my character?

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Why would you even want to make each map static in the first place, its boring that way.


The reason is that i want to win / score in Huttball because of skill, not luck.


Seeing the enemy ballhandler being shot straight to my upper ramp, when i 1 second later get shoot to the opposite side is frustrating.

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Am i the only player here that doesnt like to loose controll of my character?


By all means, KEEP CONTROL OF YOUR CHARACTER BY CONTROLLING YOUR URGE TO USE THE AIRVENTS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Problem solved. I could understand if it were an element that you were forced to traverse, but it's not. Like I said earlier in the thread: if you don't like it, don't use it. There are wildly numerous other options after grabbing the ball.

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By all means, KEEP CONTROL OF YOUR CHARACTER BY CONTROLLING YOUR URGE TO USE THE AIRVENTS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Problem solved. I could understand if it were an element that you were forced to traverse, but it's not. Like I said earlier in the thread: if you don't like it, don't use it. There are wildly numerous other options after grabbing the ball.


Just an example.


Your chasing the enemy ballhandler. He is on ur ramp and you have to catch up.


Do you:

A: Run around to the other side and take the safe ramp. Guarated to loose 10-15 seconds.

B: You gamble, taking the airvents.


Yes, i have a choice. But is it really a choice? When your standing in the middle of the arena pressed for time, 90 % of the players will go with the airvents.


The result here can go both ways ofc. But my point is, if BW wants reliable and / or competetive gameplay to happen in Huttball, these random elemets have to go.


WoW understood it. Bw doesent, yet.

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Huttball is a gametype that adds Random Elements like traps into the mix. This makes it fun. The randomness of a trap, given in our current huttball map it is only the airvents, but I am hoping that in future maps, acid traps and fire traps, or ice traps etc are all going to be 100% random, makes it that fun.


If everything was darned static it would get boring. No skill involved either, just zerg and stun, kill. repeat if passed etc. Boring!


Also, you do not loose control of your character. You have the choice of taking the vent or the ramp. try some of your skills. You are never forced to do anything.


WoW never had anything random in there pvp. It was all set and static. Boring elements that people got tired of off and turned into honor farms cuz ending it in 10 minutes was quicker then the 20 minutes it took.

Edited by Syrellaris
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WoW never had anything random in there pvp. It was all set and static. Boring elements that people got tired of off and turned into honor farms cuz ending it in 10 minutes was quicker then the 20 minutes it took.


They did, not in the battlegounds, but in Arena. After a while, a tornado spawnd at a random location and went in random directions inside the arena. This was early in Ring of Trials.

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airvents are a gamble or a good escape route...... knowing where you are going is pointless and would be used as an exploit on a timely pass..


go around or go center... i swear, one other thing i never see taken advantage of is that i never see anyone jump down on offensive side which is just as good as a strategy as any... as you can pass up and avoid lots of damage from behind etc.. Amazing i dont see more of it

Edited by Shrug
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Do you:

A: Run around to the other side and take the safe ramp. Guarated to loose 10-15 seconds.

B: You gamble, taking the airvents.





C: Run concurrent to the ball carrier on the lower ramp and (1) get pulled to the action by a competent teammate (2) use a leap ability to engage (3) run ahead and engage the handler from the direction of your endzone (4) use ranged abilities to engage.


D: Hang out in the center, not chasing the carrier at all, waiting for a goal or incomplete pass to respawn the ball.


I bet I could go the length of the entire alphabet. That's my point: Huttball gives the individual and the team SO MANY OPTIONS on how to be successful. That alone is why I love the particular WZ so much!

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They did, not in the battlegounds, but in Arena. After a while, a tornado spawnd at a random location and went in random directions inside the arena. This was early in Ring of Trials.


Oh that. (the one in Nagrand, Burning Crusade) Yeah but that was just 1 thing. Most of the arena's didnt have anything like it. Besides wow's pvp got ruined with resillience and Arenas in the first place. Hell Blizzard even admitted they made a mistake implementing it.


But regardless, that Tornado was easy to avoid and not impressive at all.


Huttball is just a Gametype were you Run, pass, overcome obstacles etc. Its not a team deathmatch. The traps make the entire gameplay fun. Why would you even want to remove that.

Edited by Syrellaris
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C: Run concurrent to the ball carrier on the lower ramp and (1) get pulled to the action by a competent teammate (2) use a leap ability to engage (3) run ahead and engage the handler from the direction of your endzone (4) use ranged abilities to engage.


D: Hang out in the center, not chasing the carrier at all, waiting for a goal or incomplete pass to respawn the ball.


I bet I could go the length of the entire alphabet. That's my point: Huttball gives the individual and the team SO MANY OPTIONS on how to be successful. That alone is why I love the particular WZ so much!


Lets not get sidetracked here. I also like Huttball alot (except the vents or i wouldt post).


Its a unique WZ with alot of options as you mentiond. There are alot of tactics that can be used, and it ecurages teamplay (sages pulling ballhandler etc).


My point is still the randomness of it.


I can see the point that BW wants us to think on the fly, and i like that idea. But having it affect you position with more the 10 - 40 meters is alot!

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But thats the fun of it. Never knowing were you are going to end up, never knowing what your next move is going to be. It is called adapting to a situation for a reason! More traps, more random elements to the trap adds in a whole new dimension of thinking and dealing with problems.


Its fun! If I know all the time that if I take the left vent, ill end up on the left ram, 2 meters away from the ramp to the overlay or if I walk up to a firepit trap and know exactly that I got to wait 10 seconds before the fire stops gushing out etc is going to bore me out since it never changes.


Off to bed! its 4 am! :p

Edited by Syrellaris
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I'd love to see some more random elements..


a jet that randomly sprays - fire/acid/healing bacta/buffs/speed....


on triggerspot.. but you never know what you're gonna get...


that would be a gamble..



am I gonna get healed, or die?


pull the ball handler hoping for damage, instead it heals him, or speeds him up.

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