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Server population is dropping...


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Yeah. Even if they keep 1.2 - 1.5 million active subs, that ignores the fact they have a server farm designed to comfortably hold about 2.5- 3 million.


The optimal goal is to have servers at heavy to very heavy population.


However, merging servers is something that has to be seriously considered. It makes for bad publicity, for one. Second, there are people who will quit IF they have to join a new server. It's an indication (fair, or not) that the game is dying - even when it's actually not.

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Well, that website display population figures based on status concepts like "standard", "heavy"etc without taking into account even which exactly are the ranges for each of those status concepts. It's deceptive and misleading, and a complete farce from a serious statistics/sampling point of view.


But the story doesn't end here: i have noticed that the chart you've posted doesn't hit heavy not a single time, which is 100% false.


If I was a conspiranoic, I'd say the website you are basing your data on is nothing more than a part of the cyberwarfare some "interested parties" are carrying out against this product. Funny thing is that I might be right, considering how things currently are regarding "new online marketing methodologies" and "social media strategy".


Wow. Paranoid much?

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Yeah. Even if they keep 1.2 - 1.5 million active subs, that ignores the fact they have a server farm designed to comfortably hold about 2.5- 3 million.


The optimal goal is to have servers at heavy to very heavy population.


However, merging servers is something that has to be seriously considered. It makes for bad publicity, for one. Second, there are people who will quit IF they have to join a new server. It's an indication (fair, or not) that the game is dying - even when it's actually not.

Character transfers between servers is being worked on and will be the preferred option soon ... long before merges are ever considered. I realize some would really enjoy hard evidence that the game is dying. But it's not and it won't. The game will grow up to be what BioWare and LucasArts envisioned because there's too large of a community backing it up.


Per Stephen Reid: http://tor-talk.com/exclusive-interview/. Have to listen to the podcast, not just read the synopsis.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Hmmmm.just noticed Bioware is so happy to say they are expanding to other countries based on the fact the game is doing so well in the US(False)It seems they are pulling all their resources to expand and not fix the original issues with the game(Fail)The game does have potential but, nobody seems to be doing their jobs as developers and fixing the OBVIOUS issues with US servers.#1 they Created too many servers in the first place.#2 they are not implementing enough updates/patches to fix issues that people get tired of and quit(Bugs,non-user friendly Galactic Trade market,bugs,bugs and more bugs)#3 There are no Character Transfers for the people sticking through the bad and thus are left on a server that is DEAD and pointless to play after 50 for the lack of people.#4 Bioware obviously does'nt care about whats happening to the US servers(It's a very Obvious problem thats Declining ever so fast)#5 Bioware is only focused on releasing this Unfinished,Unbuffered version of SWTOR ASAP to other countries as their MAIN priority."I mean really act like the game is doing so well in the US"hahahaha."Get off your butts and actually work to get issues fixed correctly and make the game something worth BOASTING about". Don't mislead other countries into thinking This Game is the best thing since sliced bread."Hell this game is Still baking in the oven and not even ready to be sliced" BOTTOM LINE....
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Hmmmm.just noticed Bioware is so happy to say they are expanding to other countries based on the fact the game is doing so well in the US(False)It seems they are pulling all their resources to expand and not fix the original issues with the game(Fail)The game does have potential but, nobody seems to be doing their jobs as developers and fixing the OBVIOUS issues with US servers.#1 they Created too many servers in the first place.#2 they are not implementing enough updates/patches to fix issues that people get tired of and quit(Bugs,non-user friendly Galactic Trade market,bugs,bugs and more bugs)#3 There are no Character Transfers for the people sticking through the bad and thus are left on a server that is DEAD and pointless to play after 50 for the lack of people.#4 Bioware obviously does'nt care about whats happening to the US servers(It's a very Obvious problem thats Declining ever so fast)#5 Bioware is only focused on releasing this Unfinished,Unbuffered version of SWTOR ASAP to other countries as their MAIN priority."I mean really act like the game is doing so well in the US"hahahaha."Get off your butts and actually work to get issues fixed correctly and make the game something worth BOASTING about". Don't mislead other countries into thinking This Game is the best thing since sliced bread."Hell this game is Still baking in the oven and not even ready to be sliced" BOTTOM LINE....


BW is pretty much making a margin call. Supply enough Ops, etc. content... to keep enough players to break even (500k subs). I suspect their goal is hopefully gain enough foreign purchases / subs to offset any possible bleeding from the States.

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You must have not been their when they added ten servers. You liked it when you waited in 500 person queues? The game is fine. They have many players subscribing anyways.


It really is comical. Shortly after release people were whining up a storm that they couldn't play and the long queue posts were all the rage.


Now after adding servers we have the exact opposite in that the servers are dieing, not enough people ..blah blah.


All of this within about a month or so after release. MMOs are a brutal business these days.

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1.7 million subscriptions would tend to point to success in the US being actually true.




1.7 million and 300,000 are in their free month and many more thousands gave the an addition month to see if anythings was going to be done along with all the people who used a timecard to activate the game (the time card doesnt take effect for the first month) and all the players that activated the game with multi month subs.


The number just gets smaller and smaller if you look at the real numbers.

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It really is comical. Shortly after release people were whining up a storm that they couldn't play and the long queue posts were all the rage.


Now after adding servers we have the exact opposite in that the servers are dieing, not enough people ..blah blah.


All of this within about a month or so after release. MMOs are a brutal business these days.


What 10 servers were added? I didnt hear about this and it could be true but a link would be nice


Also why exacly would they double server capacity on the full servers and then add 10 more servers? Wouldnt doubling the servers be enough.

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I cancelled my account today, they have 4 days to announce a solution before I'm gone for good. Since I have been subscribed since early access, I'm assuming many more resubs will expire around the same time.


Not only is my server almost dead repub side, but we are outnumbered easily 3/4-1. Our illum battles are a 7 man repub ops group vs 2-3 full imp groups. How is that fun? If you are lucky you can spend 5 hours roaming illum picking off stragglers and hoping to not get trampled.


There are 3 active guilds that are of a decent size, and all 3 have had a steep drop off in the last 2 weeks. The guild I'm in now was one of the most active on the server, 20+ at prime time. The last few weeks we have been lucky to break 10.


Something needs to be done to address this issue, right now it's looking like Warhammer 2.

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Yeah this bad boy will be f2p by the summer. Ty EA/BW for ruining a smash hit. This game is a hot mess. Pile of hot steaming garbage. SWTOR was the biggest misrepresentation and false advertising campaign i've seen in a minute and they are getting away wit it. Just sad. Well they won't get another dime out of me......................
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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


Sounds like you haven't even bothered checking the "Server population" information on the server selection screen... lol. Almost every server in the U.S. and Europe has a "Standard" population level. In other words, the server pop. decline only exists in your mind. Not everyone that purchased the game subbed, therefore not everyone playing at launch stayed after launch. So yes, the servers did lose a some people, but not many.


SWTOR doesn't "suck". In fact, and for more than one reason, it's the better choice when you compare it to all of the other mmorpgs in existence. Most mmorpg players are severely spoiled though, they expect the game to be polished and perfect at launch. Such an expectation is foolish. Not even mentioning the fact that SWTOR had the most record sales at launch and the smoothest launch recorded in mmorpg history, little fact you should keep in mind.

Edited by Seeiphiel
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I don't think they are going to merge servers, atleast not for a looong time... makes them look bad


Yeah its pointless anyway this joint will be f2p by June so they might as well just leave the servers like they are theY might need them again when people return because it will be free. Although I won't be back unless they bring this joint up to a 2012 release instead of 2004. SWTOR is just lol and Rift blows it completely out the water...Completely...you hear me COMPLETELY LOL:p

Edited by Poisonsenvy
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Sounds like you haven't even bothered checking the "Server population" information on the server selection screen... lol. Almost every server in the U.S. and Europe has a "Standard" population level. In other words, the server pop. decline only exists in your mind. Not everyone that purchased the game subbed, therefore not everyone playing at launch stayed after launch. So yes, the servers did lose a some people, but not many.


SWTOR doesn't "suck". In fact, and for more than one reason, it's the better choice when you compare it to all of the other mmorpgs in existence. Most mmorpg players are severely spoiled though, they expect the game to be polished and perfect at launch. Such an expectation is foolish. Not even mentioning the fact that SWTOR had the most record sales at launch and the smoothest launch recorded in mmorpg history, little fact you should keep in mind.






I dont know if you noticed but "standard" servers feel empty, only the fullest servers feel some what populated

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I'm also in favor of server merges.

The game with all it separate instances never felt as busy as other MMO do despite an apparently healthy population and I think it got worse a lot in recent time.

I'm playing on one of the lets say not so full servers and nowadays it only reaches the middle field of the “Standard” population during peak hours.

It just does not feel like an MMO when you log in and the planet instances is hosting around 20 players of your fraction (Imperial btw., Republic is even worse of). Queue times for Warzones increased as well not to mention the 8 out of 10 times you play Huttball (of course that is mostly an Imperial problem).

When you play off-peak time it sometimes feels out right dead and that's not a good sign.

I think it would be better to merges servers like mine with other weak populated servers to create a new server with a strong population. In general I would like to see an increase in per server capacity. The player limit never felt that huge to me. Of course my perception is faulty thanks to all the instances however when I think back to e.g. Lineage 2 during it's climax you ran into people all the time compared to SW:ToR where I can complete planets without meeting anyone at all...


I hope BW/EA does act fast on this one because I think under populated servers are a huge turn off.


Btw. Of course if you play on “Tomb of Freedon Nadd” you don't have a problem with this but try to understand that the guys from “Senator Contisepx” certainly have it.

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