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Server population is dropping...


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I was playing on The Constant until a week ago, a server that never went past 'Standard'

By the time I was 38 and in Hoth with 20 people at prime time, unable to do any heroics. I decided to restart.

I have several Alts around the same levels, I like to level parallel toons slower using rested XP.


Until that point I had been going back to planets and soloing all the missed 2 and 4 man heroics do to lack of people.

I had no trouble finding people for missions a few weeks after launch, but it got gradually harder and harder. Part of my explanation was that I was leveling slower as I level several toons at once while everybody else rocketed ahead... While it makes sense, it still doesn't sound healthy.



Since I wanted to try PVP anyway, I rerolled on The Bastion. I made the decision on prime time, when The Constant was Standard, and The Bastion was Heavy.


As I write this (friday prime time), The constant is Standard with 53 people on the Fleet and the Bastion is Heavy with 76 people on the fleet (republic side, Empire is usually around 20-50 more).


I don't know how reliable http://www.torstatus.net is but according to that, there's about 300-400+ more people online on the Bastion compared to The Constant.


I feel the difference, It's somewhat easier to find groups again (so far anyway, still lvl 22 on highest toon) but as someone who's played enough MMOs, the server pops still don't feel healthy.

Either way, there's too many 'Standard' servers on prime time, and a heavy server doesn't necessarily mean that's really a lot more people.



Maybe they need to raise the server cap and merge some servers, the planet shards should keep areas from being overpopulated while still letting us find more people to group with.

Even on The Bastion, you end up with 20 people on a planet during the week after work hours, it's just not healthy.

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You mean the servers they told people to play on when their original choice had 3 hour queues?


I'm back and forth on this. If you are completely new to MMO's, then I can feel some sympathy for those that ended up on a server they no longer like. But if you had any experience at all with MMO's, then you know how important server selection is and the need to do some preliminary research before you choose.

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I was playing on The Constant until a week ago, a server that never went past 'Standard'

By the time I was 38 and in Hoth with 20 people at prime time, unable to do any heroics. I decided to restart.

I have several Alts around the same levels, I like to level parallel toons slower using rested XP.


Until that point I had been going back to planets and soloing all the missed 2 and 4 man heroics do to lack of people.

I had no trouble finding people for missions a few weeks after launch, but it got gradually harder and harder. Part of my explanation was that I was leveling slower as I level several toons at once while everybody else rocketed ahead... While it makes sense, it still doesn't sound healthy.



Since I wanted to try PVP anyway, I rerolled on The Bastion. I made the decision on prime time, when The Constant was Standard, and The Bastion was Heavy.


As I write this (friday prime time), The constant is Standard with 53 people on the Fleet and the Bastion is Heavy with 76 people on the fleet (republic side, Empire is usually around 20-50 more).


I don't know how reliable http://www.torstatus.net is but according to that, there's about 300-400+ more people online on the Bastion compared to The Constant.


I feel the difference, It's somewhat easier to find groups again (so far anyway, still lvl 22 on highest toon) but as someone who's played enough MMOs, the server pops still don't feel healthy.

Either way, there's too many 'Standard' servers on prime time, and a heavy server doesn't necessarily mean that's really a lot more people.



Maybe they need to raise the server cap and merge some servers, the planet shards should keep areas from being overpopulated while still letting us find more people to group with.

Even on The Bastion, you end up with 20 people on a planet during the week after work hours, it's just not healthy.


Warhammer Online had too many servers and the population suffered as a result, by merging them, it'll be easier to find group. No, Cross-server LFD tool does nothing for wanting to do heroics either.

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Warhammer Online had too many servers and the population suffered as a result, by merging them, it'll be easier to find group. No, Cross-server LFD tool does nothing for wanting to do heroics either.


warhammer had enough servers when it started, it was just a sad fact that the servers melted like they were made out of ice cream.

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The who list won't give you accurate numbers? I think it will. It will tell you how many people are playing on your server at that moment. It's how you interpret the numbers that we will run into problems.


One could argue 200 online players is "ghost town" status. Personally I feel closer to the community with that number. I like that my server has 200 on at any given time. I didn't count every person but it's my educated guess. I also can't help but be aware to the fact that these 200 people could be a completely different set of people from 1 time to the next.

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The who list won't give you accurate numbers? I think it will. It will tell you how many people are playing on your server at that moment. It's how you interpret the numbers that we will run into problems.


One could argue 200 online players is "ghost town" status. Personally I feel closer to the community with that number. I like that my server has 200 on at any given time. I didn't count every person but it's my educated guess. I also can't help but be aware to the fact that these 200 people could be a completely different set of people from 1 time to the next.


200 online players at your location. What if people are levling alts, leveling mains, running dailies, in flashpoints, In ops, in pvp, running space missions.

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I think all of us suffering from low pops would be happy with Server mergers, and I could imagine BW would be too to keep people happy.


I thnk the real issue might be just related to the publicity of doing such a thing so close after release, and how do you explain it to the investors.

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Lately Bondar Crystal has been terribly dead compared to a month ago. Used to have upwards of 300 people in the Imperial Fleet, now it averages around 80. Went on my Republic which I havent played since release just for lulz, and their fleet had 30. This was after dinner on a Friday night.
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I think all of us suffering from low pops would be happy with Server mergers, and I could imagine BW would be too to keep people happy.


I thnk the real issue might be just related to the publicity of doing such a thing so close after release, and how do you explain it to the investors.


They can spin that. Actually it's not even really spin. They just added to many servers at launch because people whined about waiting. They need to cut back a few. Sub numbers are sub numbers. They have little to do with actual server pops.

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200 online players at your location. What if people are levling alts, leveling mains, running dailies, in flashpoints, In ops, in pvp, running space missions.


You can do a /who for every planet no matter your location, then switch to a character on the opposite faction and do the same thing, then add some to the equation for people in space missions/pvp/flashpoints.

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200 online players at your location. What if people are levling alts, leveling mains, running dailies, in flashpoints, In ops, in pvp, running space missions.


I search by level or by class. It tells you wherever they are. Space, PvP whatever

Edited by Jswizzle
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Dude my guild just finished a raid a few minutes ago. I bet you can find a guild too.


If only there were enough people on my server to even bother doing a raid. Seems my server has a dozen or so tiny guilds that have about 3-4 players in them. There is only one that I can think of at the top of my head that has more then 10 players.


Still a server merge would be nice. Would give me a reason to try some of the endgame stuff :(

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You can do a /who for every planet no matter your location, then switch to a character on the opposite faction and do the same thing, then add some to the equation for people in space missions/pvp/flashpoints.


In Rift there is a cap of say 29 and will not show any more players. You also can't see the other faction in Rift. The trick I found was that if I wasn't on the list for my area then I had hit the cap for the list.


Only just started playing.. I dunno how to chat cus in Rift if I click the boxed person or channel I can post but here nothing happens. Do you just SAY and it goes in the Channel your in ?


By the way I just picked a mid table random server on standard and there always seems to be loads playing. Kinda annoying cus they keep taking the mobs from me. I'm level 13.

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Hey big guy, you might not want to judge server population on SUPERBOWL SUNDAY, DURING THE SUPERBOWL.


Just a suggestion.


Okay, even though it was after the superbowl and the point was to compare one server to another assuming one doesn't have more football fans than another...


How about we compare right now?


Colonel Tobin Empire Fleet = 10 players

Harbinger Republic Fleet = 116 players


That's as of right now.

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Just saw 200 people at the republic fleet on Ajunta Paul. 90 on Taris, 150 on coruscant. Going UP. NOT dropping.


Because all new players choose a high pop server and low pop servers are losing their pops to the high ones. If your server is light, it will always be light. Reroll.

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