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Server population is dropping...


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I don't think we've had a single WZ pop yet for 50+ since they created the bracket. I've been in the que for hours and not even a game of hutt ball.


I'd pay for a server transfer if they just had the option. Many of the lvl 50 guys on my server are either going to (or have) quit, re-roll on another server, or just kill time with alts hoping something changes.


You people on higher pop servers may be seeing your numbers stay high because of the people re-rolling.


It's inevitable for a certain amount of servers to go lower and others to go higher. Even after 7 years, wow had plenty of Full servers and many light ones. I moved from Dethecus to Ner'zhul (light > heavy) and it made all the difference in the world.


Wow had a lot of servers, but also had 10 million players, TOR has the same amount of servers and not that same level of numbers yet. They should probably dial back the amount and squish a few more together for sure.

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Lol, people pretending like they have all this activity.


At peak times for the last week, all servers were standard except around 5 Heavy.

I know, because I checked every time before I logged into my server, just to see.

Classic servers like 'The Fatman" still have heavy.

But near all the others that were have dropped to Standard.

Now, whether this is because of people's free month running out or what, I don't know.


But I do know:


Time for Server merges.

Edited by Logiick
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Which is all the more reason why "standard" means good things. Anyone who claims to see 1 person on a planet but the server is standard means that if there was 5+ on the planet it would be "full". In other words, that person was on server that never had only population to begin with.



Not sure what that means there but I'm assuming you're trying to insinuate that people who complain about lack of population chose to start on servers that had low pop to begin with. That may or may not be the case for a percentage of them. Either way, there are obviously servers that have low population and will not be able to sustain themselves in the long run. It's naive to ignore this fact. Bioware can either let those servers wither and die off or they give them the option to move. Re-rolling is only a stopgap solution.

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If that's what he's implying then he's wrong.

I play on a server that was Heavy and even had queues for the first 3 weeks the game was out.


Standard now.


Some highway or something.


Something like that, idk.

Edited by Logiick
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Well my thread has been closed and consolidated with this one. I just want to aay crevasse city server has never seen more than 30 people in any zone. Republic fleet is always around 15-18 people. Im planning on rerolling on another server.


You should, that servers dead.

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Try logging into one and hitting any of the highest 3 zones. Don't tell me I rushed either. Ilum = 4 Imps at most all night long on a Saturday. Corellia, not more than 3 on a Friday night. All the players are where? Sitting on Fleet? All 60 of them? On my way to 50, I saw 1 Republic player. I think it was on Tattoine.


That's on a Standard server. A light server must really suck. But I'll be dropping my Imp and hitting Shadow Hand to play a Republic. It has a lot more players on it, maybe double.


I play on Shadow Hand as a sith warrior since prelaunch since it was listed as being Very Heavy to Heavy. Now its standard to light most times i check and thats different times of the day. I ended up coming to the forums to see if anybody else is seeing what i am. Dead servers with long waits to find groups for heroics and area quests. Yesterday i sat around and was in general chat for an hour trying to find a group for two different heroic quests with no avail. I got pissed and dropped the quests and moved on to my next planet. The numbers were just as bad on the next planet also. I have seen anywhere from 25 to 75 ppl on the server on planets and up to 150 on fleet. Fleet is the only place that feels like an MMO. On the planets usually run into a couple of ppl when exploring and have seen up to 10 ppl in chokepoints like cantinas or at the banks. Yes we do need server caps upped and also server mergers because i also see ppl commenting in game about "really nobody for .... quest/heroics"...... You dont have to agree with me but this is what i see all the time and just want ppl to know more of what is actually going on.

Edited by kjdroid
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i agree, for the first three weeks there was a lot of qq about que times and server waiting.


And now the pops have all died down because swtor fails.


Everyone wins. Ea recouped it's money and we saw the potential of a decent mmo.


Now all ea and bioware have to do is pull swtor rerelease it and use an actual game engine and hire some real devs.


this :D

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Kaas city server is healthy : heavy at prime time (east time).

I rerolled Republic trooper on this server, I was Bounty hunter 50 on the same server.

Lot of people around but yes : Imperial have more players than Republic. My estimation is 3:1 (imp : rep).


Overal, people saying Republic class are inferior to their imperial couterpart are in denial. My trooper is more stronger than my bounty hunter.

Edited by Tirrexx
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I agree, for the first three weeks there was a lot of QQ about que times and server waiting.


And now the pops have all died down because SWTOR fails.


Everyone wins. EA recouped it's money and we saw the potential of a decent MMO.


Now all EA and Bioware have to do is pull SWTOR rerelease it and use an actual game engine and hire some real devs.


Yea I have to agree with this...these graphics are so 2009, and where is 64 bit support? a TON of us have x64 machines with a 12 or more gigs of ram...why was this only developed for those who are using 7 year old windows xp machines.



Not to mention *** is up with the bugs...I don't mean annoying bugs that make it kinda a PITA to do things, I mean gamebreaking, if this isn't fixed in 60 days I'm out, type of bugs...and they're EVERYWHERE. I am in the Firefall beta...and I hate to say it, but that game has substantially less buggier content that SWTOR...and that's a small studio.


I'm not sure where the 100's of millions of dollars in development funds went...but honestly...Bioware and EA....look at the parking lot, i'm guessing at least a dozen or two people imbezzeled money to buy themselves new Ferraris because this is NOT a several hundred million dollar game...it's a C quality release from a AAA studio.


This is SWG after SOE sold out and took away the sandbox and made it Star wars painted WoW, except that SWTOR has better graphics than SWG...but not ones which are comparable to Warcraft, Rift, Aion...need I go on?


The voice acting is great, I don't disagree...but really...where is the rest of the game?


Oh and whomever invented Huttball...he should get the parking spot at the other end of the lot...i'm just sayn, his *** should walk.

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Yea I have to agree with this...these graphics are so 2009, and where is 64 bit support? a TON of us have x64 machines with a 12 or more gigs of ram...why was this only developed for those who are using 7 year old windows xp machines.



Not to mention *** is up with the bugs...I don't mean annoying bugs that make it kinda a PITA to do things, I mean gamebreaking, if this isn't fixed in 60 days I'm out, type of bugs...and they're EVERYWHERE. I am in the Firefall beta...and I hate to say it, but that game has substantially less buggier content that SWTOR...and that's a small studio.


I'm not sure where the 100's of millions of dollars in development funds went...but honestly...Bioware and EA....look at the parking lot, i'm guessing at least a dozen or two people imbezzeled money to buy themselves new Ferraris because this is NOT a several hundred million dollar game...it's a C quality release from a AAA studio.


This is SWG after SOE sold out and took away the sandbox and made it Star wars painted WoW, except that SWTOR has better graphics than SWG...but not ones which are comparable to Warcraft, Rift, Aion...need I go on?


The voice acting is great, I don't disagree...but really...where is the rest of the game?


Oh and whomever invented Huttball...he should get the parking spot at the other end of the lot...i'm just sayn, his *** should walk.



Huttball is one of the best instanced pvp arenas to come around in a long time. It's intuitive and requires skill pre-50 at least. Itemization is a problem, expertise stacking on tanks is a problem, but these are things that are not the fault of huttball, and will likely be addressed. You are likely one of those baddies who does not know how to pass the ball, as are typically the ones who don't like huttball.


Anyways, leave if you are not happy.

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Yea I have to agree with this...these graphics are so 2009, and where is 64 bit support? a TON of us have x64 machines with a 12 or more gigs of ram...why was this only developed for those who are using 7 year old windows xp.
Then again a TON of us still run XP rigs. I think BW built for the masses (all the masses - not just the killer rig 64-bit / 12G RAM masses) but will have hi-res options in the future. They were available during beta so they exist. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Then again a TON of us still run XP rigs. I think BW built for the masses (all the masses - not just the killer rig 64-bit / 12G RAM masses) but will have hi-res options in the future. They were available during beta so they exist.




This is my problem, this game is still in beta...but it's paid beta...and I just feel like I was swindled. A lot of us paid a significant ammount of money for this game and we have been bait and switched to a half-fnished pile of crap.


I am really considering taking Bioware to small claims court...let them hire a lawyer and send him or her all the way to Boston to defend the company, if not I'll get, by default, the $150 that I spent on the game, plus the money from the 2 pay cycles I'm giving Bioware to fix the gamebreaking bugs.


This isn't about SWTOR being a poorly conceived bauble like all the as seen on TV stuff people buy and expect to be crap, this was a product which was sold using misleading advertising, and a beta which was less buggy and more complete than the actual retail version...that is not acceptable and frankly, I want my $180 back.


If all of the people who are pissed off like me take Bioware to court to get recompense for how we have been sold a false bill of goods...maybe future game developers will think twice before taking a big crap on their player base.

Edited by Cryonax
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it all started with shoes.


swtor had always been a nice place, except that there were a few too many shoe vendors in the major cities. the more shoe vendors there were, the more shoes were produced. the more shoes were produced, the lower the quality of the shoes. the lower the quality of the shoes, the more often people had to buy new shoes. the more often people had to buy new shoes, the more shoe vendors there were. eventually, swtor passed what economists call the 'shoe event horizon' when it was no longer feasible to produce anything other than shoes. needless to say, disaster ensued. those few players with the correct genetic makeup mutated into hobbits. the rest died off.


its a common economic phenomenon, but tragic to see in operation.


whats this ? :s .. i dont even .. ?



Also .. still waiting for a official reply from BW , whats the deal on this ... what they going to do about it or whatever ... they seem to notice this is a topic that exeeds replies , and clsoe other topics an link it to this but , no info from them so far ... ??


if this not fixed i will not resub ..


also to tehe reroll a new server people and its fixed ... well i'm not rerolling anything got a 50 toon and 43 toon on my server ... don't have the puff to reroll and start all over ... thats ridiculous

Edited by Genesizs
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This is my problem, this game is still in beta...but it's paid beta...and I just feel like I was swindled. A lot of us paid a significant ammount of money for this game and we have been bait and switched to a half-fnished pile of crap.


I am really considering taking Bioware to small claims court...let them hire a lawyer and send him or her all the way to Boston to defend the company, if not I'll get, by default, the $150 that I spent on the game, plus the money from the 2 pay cycles I'm giving Bioware to fix the gamebreaking bugs.


This isn't about SWTOR being a poorly conceived bauble like all the as seen on TV stuff people buy and expect to be crap, this was a product which was sold using misleading advertising, and a beta which was less buggy and more complete than the actual retail version...that is not acceptable and frankly, I want my $180 back.


If all of the people who are pissed off like me take Bioware to court to get recompense for how we have been sold a false bill of goods...maybe future game developers will think twice before taking a big crap on their player base.

And that would be your right as a taxpaying citizen. I am merely a player who enjoys the game and has enough patience to give dev all the room they need to do their thing - not an attorney. So I won't comment or advise either way. Edited by GalacticKegger
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This isn't about saying the population is thriving or dying....


Republic side on "The Deadweight" is so low. Fleet is usually around 30-40, I don't remember seeing over 60. I never saw more than 8 on Hoth, 12 on belsavis, 5 on voss and 4 on corriella. I was one of two on Ilum tonight when I went there.


I never did any of the heroic quests in those places because there was no one available. In pvp, I basically play with the same 8-10 people because there are only 8-10 rep 50s pvping on the entire server (9-11 EST).


After lvling to 50, I am not about to reroll just for a more populated one.


Please merger us.

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I play Republic on Naddist Rebels PVP Server. The population is so low that on Voss I saw like 5 players. The fleet give or take doesn't have more then 40-60 players. While the Empire fleet has like 160-210 players at a given time.


I believe we are outnumbered like 5:1 at least on this server. It's a ghost town if you play Republic.


I only can blame Bioware for this terrible faction inabalance. I've already canceled my subscription because of this. I don't feel like rerolling sorry.

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I play Republic on Naddist Rebels PVP Server. The population is so low that on Voss I saw like 5 players. The fleet give or take doesn't have more then 40-60 players. While the Empire fleet has like 160-210 players at a given time.


I believe we are outnumbered like 5:1 at least on this server. It's a ghost town if you play Republic.


I only can blame Bioware for this terrible faction inabalance. I've already canceled my subscription because of this. I don't feel like rerolling sorry.


Yeah its Biowares fault that people have free choice when deciding what faction to play.......

: /

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it all started with shoes.


swtor had always been a nice place, except that there were a few too many shoe vendors in the major cities. the more shoe vendors there were, the more shoes were produced. the more shoes were produced, the lower the quality of the shoes. the lower the quality of the shoes, the more often people had to buy new shoes. the more often people had to buy new shoes, the more shoe vendors there were. eventually, swtor passed what economists call the 'shoe event horizon' when it was no longer feasible to produce anything other than shoes. needless to say, disaster ensued. those few players with the correct genetic makeup mutated into hobbits. the rest died off.


its a common economic phenomenon, but tragic to see in operation.


Thank you for the most amusing post I read today.

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Anybody else noticed that when things get too crowded, they open a new instance of the planet you are on?


This really affects your ability to gauge whether your server is crowded...because your instance of the planet/fleet appears full/empty.


They are alot more flexible in how instances of areas are hosted than we may be giving them credit for.


That said, I don't expect SWTOR to be as successful as WOW for example. There's just a lower percentage of people who love sci-fi fantasy, compared to the fraction that love normal fantasy.

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Anybody else noticed that when things get too crowded, they open a new instance of the planet you are on?


This really affects your ability to gauge whether your server is crowded...because your instance of the planet/fleet appears full/empty.


They are alot more flexible in how instances of areas are hosted than we may be giving them credit for.


That said, I don't expect SWTOR to be as successful as WOW for example. There's just a lower percentage of people who love sci-fi fantasy, compared to the fraction that love normal fantasy.


I sound like a broken record these days but apparently I love the sound of my own typing:


P2P MMOs don't grow any longer, there is only contraction, there is only a shrinking market for them to fight over. I blame all of the not terrible free or "freemium" MMOs that are around, it's not hard to find a decent game to play that doesn't cost $15 a month.

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