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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do these numbers concern BW...at all...maybe a little bit?


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- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of warfronts are won by Empire?


- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of Battlemasters are Empire?


- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of the population on Ilum is Empire? When you go to Ilum as Republic, find yourself in Ilum(1) and see there are only 26 Republic there, then switch to Ilum(2) and see there are even less, then it's blatantly clear that the reason there are 2 Ilum's is because it is full of Empire on Ilum(1), and probably getting there on Ilum(2).


Are the lights even on in the office of the PvP guru who monitors server demographics?


If so, are they even concerned...in the least bit?


edit: I'm positive this thread will probably get flooded with "L2P", and "where's your proof" responses from, you guessed it, a vast majority of empire players. So, inb4 L2P and Where's the proof.

Edited by Nangasaur
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I love how people blame bioware for their faction sucking.


I love how people like you fail to see how Marketing IS partially to blame for the faction imbalance. Have you not seen the show Mad Men? *sigh*


There is a major imbalance in faction...this is obvious. Gabe has stated in a recent interview that there will be faction based incentives to try and correct this. At least that is what I got from his interview...

Edited by PinkSugar
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As a Republic player on Bondar Crystal, I'm not denying about the faction imbalance, and it does lead to some gear inequality (huttball) but the largest reason I've seen for losing warzones is that most of my teammates don't actually try and WIN the warzones. instead they'll attack the first red nameplate they see and continue doing so no matter what.


You can't call anything imbalanced unless the players are playing the same game. And they're not, at least from the perspective of a republic player on Bondar Crystal. The Empire is (largely) playing to win. The Republic? We're too busy trying to top the DPS charts

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Official Rep. win-chance is 47%, or at least is was in the first few weeks post release.


Everything else is hearsay and biased whining.



And I really can't see how people can blame the faction imbalance on Bioware. It was completely down to player choice. Sure, aesthetics matter and are probably a reason why the Republic is less popular but that is just part of the issue.


It's not Bioware's fault so many people sided with one faction. I feel both were presented unbiased and objectively and Lightning > Stones aside, I don't see any failings on Bioware's behalf.


It's as much up to players to fix the imbalance as it is to Bioware.

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AAaaaaaand here's the first L2P. *sigh*


Yep, we must all suck on Republic side. :rolleyes:


I never said l2p, i'm saying that it's not biowares fault that your faction loses, the slight different between a few mirrors wouldn't make one faction lose much more.


Heck biowares stats say republic wins around 45% of the time, so the faction imbalance isn't that bad, just because it sucks on your server doesn't means it's a global issue.



And no marketing is hardly to blame, it's just more cool to play empire, and firing lightning out your fingers and rockets out your butt is also to blame.

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I love how people blame bioware for their faction sucking.


My faction wins most WZ's. You know, that PvP mode that has balanced populations on each side.


It doesn't matter if we're better when you can produce 3 ops groups to our 1 in Ilum (with 4x the Battlemasters thanks to those helpful days of exploiting the system). This is in no way a skill issue.

Edited by Feebish
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How do you know what the winning percentage is in war fronts on your server is? I thought anchor head was a populated pvp server. If so there is no way for you to know with any sort of accuracy who is winning how much.


Even on less populated servers you would have to play 24 hours a day to have any sort of idea.

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I understand that on our server there are a few 200+ Repub guilds......they just aren't organized and frankly don't appear to enjoy PVP.....on a PVP server.


Having Developers make content for a PVP server that don't obviously play PVP or care about PVP makes no sense. Their solution to camping is making a line of death with superturrents....and allowing the Republic to gain Valor off the turret kills....another really smart move.


Perhaps if they simply offered a choice of respawn on death???? To ANY point on Ilum so they could leave the RvR portion completely. How about a respawn on your own damn ship.....that would work for the most ardent carebear!!!


There are numbers on our server....they are all hiding behind the turret now so that needs to change.


WHAT IF CONTROL OF ILUM CUT THE ACCESS TO FLASHPOINTS ON THE OPPOSING FACTION!!!! That would MAKE Repube's come out to play!!! (this suggestion is for PVP servers only please....don't want to give a coronary to any PVE'er out there) And for the idiots that say they play on a PVP server to occasionally PVP.....that's called warzones ppl and that is on every server....even PVE-RP servers.

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I never said l2p, i'm saying that it's not biowares fault that your faction loses, the slight different between a few mirrors wouldn't make one faction lose much more.


Heck biowares stats say republic wins around 45% of the time, so the faction imbalance isn't that bad, just because it sucks on your server doesn't means it's a global issue.



And no marketing is hardly to blame, it's just more cool to play empire, and firing lightning out your fingers and rockets out your butt is also to blame.

The 45% might be across all servers, but that statistic fails to report the actual vital statistics, which include but are not limited to: overall population balance on each individual server (like if there are a few anomoly servers that have 80% republic and 20% empire, their win percentage would have an impact on artificially increasing the win rate across all realms), servers that cooperate to abuse PVP mechanics in Ilum to quickly finish dailies and spend less time there, very large guilds on a single server which lacks other large competing guilds, etc.


It's comparable to saying, "The President won 47% of the popular vote." Okay, but what were the individual states' percentages? Some will be considerably higher and some considerably lower, and it all comes down to population ratios and percentages in each individual state between Republicans, Democrats, Independents.

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I win a lot on my server and I'm republic. But I do notice that we are outnumbered, my server is pretty close to even, I heard 40%-60%. But the real problem is how BioWare allowed a Good Vs Evil game that has Vs modes and care not to put a faction limit.


That'd be like a FPS game with teamdeath match, allowing for unbalanced teams. So in a 16 player match you could have 4 vs 12, that's not even a fight.


I think BioWare could fix these imbalances by putting up free transfers for awhile, at the same time make it a cap on servers so the populations % has to stay within 3% of eachother. So servers popupations at most can end up with like 47% Republic 53%Empire.

Still a little upset, but that's pretty damn close to fair and will keep both sides competitive vs eachother.


When one side grossly outnumbers the other, there's not even compitetion, there doesn't have to be, they got numbers...

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