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Will Republic *ever* get Purple crystals?


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Purple is not a Sith-only color. Hell, Samuel L. used one throughout the films as a Jedi master. If the color had some kind of 'evil-only' affiliation, do you think a diehard Jedi loyalist like Windu would have used one?


Some people feel strongly about crystal colors; others don't. But count me amongst the ranks of those who do. Purple has been, for the past decade or so, 'my' Jedi's color, in RP, costuming, and yes, even KotOR. When there are Jedi everywhere running around with red sabers (which aren't canon-breaking either, but you can make a stonger case for red being 'wrong' for the Jedi than you can purple), why am I denied purple? And no, magenta and light blue are not satisfactory replacements -- they shouldn't even be considered 'replacements' because no color should be locked onto one faction only.


Oh, and while we're at it, why are curved-hilted (Form II Makashi) sabers Sith-only, too? Could it be that Bioware's programmers really thought that this type of saber was unique to the Sith based on Count Dooku? You guys do know he used a curved-hilted saber as a Jedi, too, right? Like purple crystals, it's not like a curved hilt is somehow unique to the Sith.


I am tired of exclusivity dominating what I can and cannot do as a character. No color -- in this case, Purple and Light Blue -- should be a the 'catch all' endgame color for one faction or another. No style of lightsaber design -- particularly one that is hardly more affiliated with the Sith than it is the Jedi -- should be restricted to one faction. Please go down to the art department and knock some heads. If these people don't understand Star Wars, educate them. Or fire them. I don't really care anymore.

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Just for the record Windu used Magenta not Purple.

And Magenta is a color you can get as republic.


nvm scrach that he did use dark purple I just put the movie on to check :)

Edited by Yotan
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Just for the record Windu used Magenta not Purple.

And Magenta is a color you can get as republic.


Lol, no, I am sorry. He used a purple crystal. Have you seen the magenta crystals in game? The color is pink. Bioware might call it magenta, but it's pink. Windu used a purple crystal.

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Are you colourblind? Mace Windu had a purple lightsaber not a magenta one.


that the magenta lightsaber ingame looks pink isnt my problem originally he used a magenta colored lightsaber as it wasnt as dark purple as the sith purple version.


True it looks purple but putting mace windows Purple next to a true sith Purple you see the difference

Edited by Yotan
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that the magenta lightsaber ingame looks purple isnt my problem originally he used a magenta colored lightsaber as it wasnt as dark purple as the sith purple version.


True it looks purple but putting mace windows Purple next to a true sith Purple you see the difference


Lol, no, I am sorry, but you're wrong:


Windu's saber


Purple saber in-game.

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if you dont see the difference between those 2 sabers then get your eyes checked cause as I said the sith purple is more darker and grittyer then windu's version.


I might be able to discern a difference, but I'd be satisfied with the purple in the game screenshot if I could use it as a color crystal. It's still purple, rather than the pink I got when I got a Magenta crystal.

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They come from Sith PvP gear bags. Sith. Jedi cannot get them.


Yep. You're right other than it being Empire bags. I came back to correct myself, which means I'm also now on your side. That restriction is just ridiculous. Are the crystals removable? If so, I might know a work-around involving the HCTN.

Edited by flyersfan
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if you dont see the difference between those 2 sabers then get your eyes checked cause as I said the sith purple is more darker and grittyer then windu's version.


In case you hadn't noticed, they screwed the pooch on most of the colors.


Red saber in the films.


Red saber in TOR.


The TOR version is several shades darker.


This still doesn't change the fact(s) that:


1) Windu used a purple saber.


2) Endgame PvP sabers for Sith in TOR are purple.


3) Republic cannot get this color.


4) Magenta is not purple.

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Yep. You're right other than it being Empire bags. I came back to correct myself, which means I'm also now on your side. That restriction is just ridiculous. Are the crystals removable? If so, I might know a work-around involving the HCTN.


No. The endgame gear isn't slotted -- you cannot remove mods/crystals because there are none. Similarly, there will be no capacity to upgrade this gear in the future. And, as icing on the cake, because you cannot change the crystal colors, that means that every person with endgame PvP gear on the Sith now uses purple -- it is their universal color. Gone is the rainbow of colors that you see while leveling on both factions. If you want to PvP as a Sith, you'll be using purple.


Again, I don't know who designed this system, but that person needs an education on Star Wars, and whoever approved this needs to be handed a pink slip. I thought the entire goal of the moddable gear was so everyone wouldn't look like a friggin' clone at endgame? Bravo on totally screwing that up, Bioware. I mean, Jesus, we can't even choose our own saber colors anymore.

Edited by AJediKnight
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if you dont see the difference between those 2 sabers then get your eyes checked cause as I said the sith purple is more darker and grittyer then windu's version.


No, those are definately both purple. Granted, there is a slight difference in the shade, but they're both purple for sure.


That difference, however, is not enough to completely lock out the colour from the Republic faction.


Also, there is nothing inherently evil about any colour. In Chinese culture, red is the colour of luck and good fortune. Just because certain notable "evil" characters sported red lightsabers, doesn't make the colour evil.

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