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Love the Bag System. Let's Take it to the Next Level, BW:


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In the spirit of your PvP system, I would ask for you to forward this little suggestion onto your bosses and payroll director.


Rather than be paid at a steady, hourly rate or a fixed salary, at the end of every day, you are given a nice Bioware fanny pack. When you open it, there's a 1 and 10 chance your paycheck is in there. If it's not there, there's 3 food stamps. Once you collect 30 of them, you can trade them in for the same paycheck a gas station attendant makes.





Let the monthly fee is the same principle.....

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In the spirit of your PvP system, I would ask for you to forward this little suggestion onto your bosses and payroll director.


Rather than be paid at a steady, hourly rate or a fixed salary, at the end of every day, you are given a nice Bioware fanny pack. When you open it, there's a 1 and 10 chance your paycheck is in there. If it's not there, there's 3 food stamps. Once you collect 30 of them, you can trade them in for the same paycheck a gas station attendant makes.


Does this sound like a payroll system that's going to keep you coming back to work?


yes bioware pacificly stated swtor would not be a gear grind fest,but for those that cant seem to get a peice of gear after opening 50 bags surely dont think that.


something needs to be done about it orp layers are gonna quit just because of the stress and frustration of the above.

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In the spirit of your PvP system, I would ask for you to forward this little suggestion onto your bosses and payroll director.


Rather than be paid at a steady, hourly rate or a fixed salary, at the end of every day, you are given a nice Bioware fanny pack. When you open it, there's a 1 and 10 chance your paycheck is in there. If it's not there, there's 3 food stamps. Once you collect 30 of them, you can trade them in for the same paycheck a gas station attendant makes.


Does this sound like a payroll system that's going to keep you coming back to work?


Thread of the year already.

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Originally Posted by McVade

In the spirit of your PvP system, I would ask for you to forward this little suggestion onto your bosses and payroll director.


Rather than be paid at a steady, hourly rate or a fixed salary, at the end of every day, you are given a nice Bioware fanny pack. When you open it, there's a 1 and 10 chance your paycheck is in there. If it's not there, there's 3 food stamps. Once you collect 30 of them, you can trade them in for the same paycheck a gas station attendant makes.


Does this sound like a payroll system that's going to keep you coming back to work?



HAHAHAHAHAHA! my god were do you live, ive never laughed so much in my life that was so awesomely funny xD



pwuahaha wow my sides hurt soemone call 911 i think im dying xD i cant BRREEEAATH!!!


pwuahaha xD



sticky this has got to be stickyed hahaha


forum admin sticky this pleeeaaaaassee xD

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need the same release (T3pvp) with T2pvp cause i had 6 token armband, i used 1 for me and my pet, but what can i do with the other ??? nothing


ps : 6BG win but my daily have just 2 O_o ... every days the daily bug

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Great post OP. It took me seven bags for 1 piece of champ gear. I hear that's ok by some standards, but it definitely feels like the joke is on me. There's no way i'm going through this again with my alt.


7 bags? its taken me 50 bags to get 1 piece

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opened 12 bags yesterday, I was hoarding them because I was too afraid to open them...and opening a bunch at the time feels good to me for some reason.


Rank 38, atm I've only 3 champion pieces: Head, Belt and Gloves.


Out of the 12 bags I got 4 items! OMG OMG OMG


...3 of which I already had, only the chest piece was the new one.




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Lol so true OP, I have like 20 relics and still missing head and chest, I am rank 58.5 now, ..., my crit and surge is rubbish, I had to buy a crafted hat for 130k from AH just to get some crit for my sentinel because centurion is all +power! Edited by Outlawe
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Bump cause the champion bag system needs help. Check my log BW. See how many champ bags I opened to just get tokens. For a guy like me who just wants to Pvp this is depressing. Don't mind hard work. Just want a clear progression path that let's me estimate when I will finally be effective in Pvp.
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They will probably do something about it once the 'vanilla' people go through all of these frustrating 'bag chances' and equip themselves through months of 'blood/sweat/desperation'....


Unfortunately, by then, many customers will be lost due to it.

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If you PVPed for fun, instead of PVPing like it was a job of some kind, perhaps you wouldn't feel this way. Just sayin'...


Well you need gear to compete with people... so if you don't do your daily you feel like you are lagging behind...so in a way the daily does become a daily chore, because sometimes you don't feel like playing.


The OP was epic...love it.

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I'd like to suggest that the nice Bioware fanny pack also be taken away from the employees after opening, to ensure that there aren't any increases in cargo or carrying capacity by said employee.


Or, have every empty Champion bag increase your backpack space by 1 slot as a consolation prize. Not only would that be a nice consolation prize, but there would be proof of how many "empties" one suffered. And perhaps once your space is maxed in this fashion, you switch to an alternate RNG where you're guaranteed a token. Might not be the one you need, but at least you'll get one.

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