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If you think the QQing is bad now... wait until tomorrow!


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Just something to think about. To many of us, told the game would be "starting" on the 13th was like a bonus that we thought optomistically about and then realized was likely not going to come to pass. So tomorrow when the players who BELIEVE they were promised 5 days early game access are going to be MUCH more vocal here as the MAJORITY of us will be inside playing the game.
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They can't really QQ about something which is their own fault, they pre-ordered late so they get in late.


I understand what you are saying, but in their minds what is PREORDERING LATE? Is that waiting until November? Is that waiting until they had a launch date?


Besides, unless you read fine print, there are still adds today that say, Pre-Order the game today and get "Early Game Access" out there! I understand thier gripes, but also understand how they perhaps should of been more pro-active.

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They can't really QQ about something which is their own fault, they pre-ordered late so they get in late.


Except for the fact that they could have split US from Europe making the invites faster and smoother, the amount of European players that want to play on US servers are a minority.


Waves are a great idea , it's just poorly executed.


Think of it like this you need to wait 2 days because the French/Germans want to play on their servers, they have no interest in a US server.

Ontop of that they invite them at the same time while being in a different time zone , this is exactly destroying the purpose of waves.

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Hopefully I'll be in the game by then and won't have to deal with it.


But I am warning you Bioware, if I do not get in you might as well give me an infraction now because I'm gonna be trollin all day :p

Edited by Crash-X
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The biggest issue most here were pissed about was lack of any kind of timetable, we have that now so I think the only ones still complaining will be trolls.


But those time tables are based on speculation set up by the players. Their are many who hold onto hope that tomorrow they let EVERYONE in!

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Just something to think about. To many of us, told the game would be "starting" on the 13th was like a bonus that we thought optomistically about and then realized was likely not going to come to pass. So tomorrow when the players who BELIEVE they were promised 5 days early game access are going to be MUCH more vocal here as the MAJORITY of us will be inside playing the game.


Is this a tag cloud?


Didn't read.

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Probably only those that entered there code in december will be left out... though they might get in too... depends on the numbers...


Like the sig, I'm the same, long time healer, and tank too.

I always said if the tank dies it's the healers fault, if the healer dies, it's the tanks fault, and if the dps dies, it's their own damn fault!

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I dunno, I figure that I took my time ordering, so Bioware can take their time letting me in. I totally expected to get in on the 19th, so anything before that is gravy.


Besides, as someone else pointed out. We Decemberites procrastinated for 5 months, and only lose out on 3 days for it. Not a bad trade off!

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More people get in the less crybabies on the forums. I preorded late and the only thing I can complain about is people making senseless topics, acting like it's their god given right to be the first in game.


Yes, but the more people that get in, THE LOUDER THE QQing gets and by tomorrow it will seem like that is the only thing here!

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I understand what you are saying, but in their minds what is PREORDERING LATE? Is that waiting until November? Is that waiting until they had a launch date?


Besides, unless you read fine print, there are still adds today that say, Pre-Order the game today and get "Early Game Access" out there! I understand thier gripes, but also understand how they perhaps should of been more pro-active.


what your point? if someone pre ordered today, they would probably get in over the weekend sometime. they NEVER promised anyone 5 days, deal with it.

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Just something to think about. To many of us, told the game would be "starting" on the 13th was like a bonus that we thought optomistically about and then realized was likely not going to come to pass. So tomorrow when the players who BELIEVE they were promised 5 days early game access are going to be MUCH more vocal here as the MAJORITY of us will be inside playing the game.


No one was promised 5 days early....ready what was said "UP TO 5 DAYS"...big difference...quit complaining

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