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Losing the will to play, dunno why.


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Its just a shame SWG was a game based on Buffs not skill and was completely broken from day one, with bugs that never got fixed in 8 years and the worst combat system see in an MMO.


Maybee, but mass pvp was way more fun even without buffs. And you can't even compare pre-cu with this game. Its like comparing an apple to an entire produce department. The apple being TOR...

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Try joining a guild and becoming active with them. Please remember, this is not a singleplayer game. You absolutely must be part of some kind of community to give you a golden incentive to continue logging into this game.



also , this


if there are guildies/friends on, i always have a blast, if im soloing is hit or miss ill admit

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The game sucks. The dev company sucks. The publisher sucks the most.




While I can understand why you'd think EA sucks to say Bioware sucks you might as well give up on gaming all together. Not many quality companies left and Bioware ranks in the top 3.

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Adorable... your aware 8 of those abilities are not from wow right? that wow took them from other games? i love that you think AoE taunt was invented by wow tho, i hear that before blizz was around people played mmos on pen and paper.... do some research


Didn't say WOW invented them. Just saying that TOR copied WOW Warrior talents almost talent for talent. Complete plagiarism.

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Didn't say WOW invented them. Just saying that TOR copied WOW Warrior talents almost talent for talent. Complete plagiarism.


The mistake you made was even mentioning WOW. There's a bizarre hybrid elitist/chip-on -their-shoulder reaction that you get from a lot of posters here whenever WOW used as a point of reference.

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Where are you going to go? Is there -really- a game out there that is 'so much more innovative' than this one? I feel as though you people are just tired of MMO's in general. It isn't an issue with the game, but the genre.


You might be right. But to be fair all the MMOs lately have not risen to the challenge to satisfy all the needs of the genre. Each game seems to only focus on parts like they are giving us a carrot on a stick. WoW = smooth gameplay with crappy story. SWTOR = great story with not so smooth gameplay. Both have left us with a mostly 2 dimentional environment to play in. Sure you can fly in both games to some degree but in wow it is just to travel and in here it is on a rail.


Judging from the forums and overall communities of both games and other games like WAR and RIFT too, I think people are getting restless with only getting a small portion of what they were hoping for with every new games release. They are tired of being fed small pieces of "innovation". IMO we are way past due for a game that is "Revolutionary" in this genre the way WoW captured most of the gaming world with its release and first expansion. The kind of gaming that made people get devorced from their spouse, evicted from their home, stinkin up their moms basement while they tried to get world first kills that took months instead of hours, and sometimes caused the death of gamers who didnt sleep or eat for days.


Obviously Im going to the extreeme but you know what I mean right?

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This game is not good. From just about every angle. That's why you're losing the will to play. A big corporation took all our money for a piece of crap product, what else is new. It happens every day.


Instead of granting people the "Founder" title they could have made it the "Sucker" title or the "Mark" title, it would have been WAY more accurate to reality.


This game was NOT somebody's passion and art project brought to life, it was a sad attempt to extort as much money from us as possible using as close to an already tried and true system as possible.....except they failed to even do that right.


I've played MMOs for 15 years. This is by far one of the worst I've ever played, next to FFXIV

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I know how you feel. I experienced this once in a while in other games. And they are different genres. Final Fantasy, Starcraft, Diablo, Crackdown, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fallout, Fable, Halo, etc. (I'm looking at my game shelf). Some are PC, some are console, some are RPGs, some are action adventures, some are FPS. But they all have one thing in common:


Just before I got burned out with them, I was in deep pursuit of something.


With Final Fantasy (not the MMO), Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fallout, Fable, it was some sort of completionist type achievement. All the weapons, all the items, all the mob entries in the encyclopedia, 1000/1000 for the XBox Live games.


With other games like Diablo, it was that pure set of gears, that perfect look.


With Crackdown, it was all the agility orbs.


With Starcraft 2, it was the perfect path so that I had the best units when I need them.


The pursuit and the completion of that pursuit was what burned me out in each game. After that, I don't feel like turning the game on any more. It was a sense of dread, a sense of tiredness. And usually after I got burned out, I will totally stop playing games for a while. Before SWTOR, I haven't turned on my pc for months.


Take a break from the chase. You might come back, you might find other things to chase after. Or you might not. But don't feel bad. And don't give in to the feeling of needing to keep up with the masses. That only leads to pain and suffering.

Edited by HibashiraSakai
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Try joining a guild and becoming active with them. Please remember, this is not a singleplayer game. You absolutely must be part of some kind of community to give you a golden incentive to continue logging into this game.


Im trying man I really am. I think you are right about it being more fun with friends but it wasnt fun enough to keep even one of the 22 people I came to this game with interested. Im the only one left and I think it is more because Ive been a Star Wars fan for decades and have been dreaming of a MMO based on it since I left SWG when the NGE hit than it is because of anything else.


Now that I think about it, the fact that there are no server specific forums makes it a real pain to find new friends too. I dont want to sit in laggy crashy IF all day spamming for an invite that still hasnt come.

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they absolutely did NOT copy warrior abilities, do you honestly think WoW came up with these abilites?



Abilites that are not from wow:


taunt/AoE taunt (pretty much every mmo before this, but if you need an exact game, check CoH/CoV)

shield wall (city of heroes did it first)

last stand (play Dungeons and dragons)

sunder armor (Rag did it before them)


these are basic tanking skills that tons of MMOs have


there are more but seeing as my game is ready i believe i will go play that.


FYI, wow didnt invent MMOs or even do it best, they just made it easier for regular people to play.


Did i use the word WoW?

i dont disagree with you bro, but try to understand what i have to say...

If you copy something: make at least a good or better version of it. And if you copy: have a vision and copy the really good part of the other game. There are other mmo's like dcuo that understand that ppl like to travel at high-speed and have freedom of customization without time and credit paneltys. and that all those factors are part of loving your game and character creation. Wow is the benchmark maybe but lot of other mmo have way cooler features that would made this game so much better. Why not copy those?

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Many are already burned out because of the "been there, done that already" feeling. It's the same old experience.

Personally I am burned out because of perpetual frustration. Regarding my appearance, regarding the constraints to find a group, regarding the dailies grind, etc.

I have one objective: get Tionese/columi gear. Once it is done -> unsub until next xpack.

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Im trying man I really am. I think you are right about it being more fun with friends but it wasnt fun enough to keep even one of the 22 people I came to this game with interested. Im the only one left and I think it is more because Ive been a Star Wars fan for decades and have been dreaming of a MMO based on it since I left SWG when the NGE hit than it is because of anything else.


Now that I think about it, the fact that there are no server specific forums makes it a real pain to find new friends too. I dont want to sit in laggy crashy IF all day spamming for an invite that still hasnt come.


Well, my guild lost 6 people day before the Sub run out, my best friend played the game for 2 days and quit.

I can't blame them. I just hope I don't end up doing the same.


Bioware... give me Pazaak at least... please. Just some time killer.

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having played EQ, COH/COV, and WOW from the beginning as well as SWG and EVE, all i can say is wait a bit. Try doing something else a while.

I go back to eve or coh about every other month because it takes a while to develop content.

If you remember wow or coh or eq in the early days there werent that many places to go either, after a few expansions this game will have the problem of too many zones in all probability.

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What you need is a break from the game.


We all should heed the following advice once given by a very wise man.


Moderation, everything in moderation.


I feel you OP. I learned years ago that I have to force myself to take breaks from things I enjoy from time to time or I will bore of them.


You shouldn't need a break from the game a month in...

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having played EQ, COH/COV, and WOW from the beginning as well as SWG and EVE, all i can say is wait a bit. Try doing something else a while.

I go back to eve or coh about every other month because it takes a while to develop content.

If you remember wow or coh or eq in the early days there werent that many places to go either, after a few expansions this game will have the problem of too many zones in all probability.


I agree and this is why I am keeping my sub active for now.

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You're losing the will to play because:


It's all been done before, and done better. There's literally no innovation at all in this game, adds nothing new to the genre (reply "but it has voice over!" i dare you).


It's fascinating how badly that voice over was used. I myself think they wasted incredible resources on needless voice overs for the missions. When you click on an NPC, it should be speechless UNLESS it's truly a multi-part story, and then they should speak up. Speach should probably be the clue that this is not just another mission.


Lots of people enjoy the small missions and get into that phase of the story, I'm sure: i just think those kinds of players would do the same reading instead of listening. I spacebar through most of that and it's a pity because they had some good voice actors in this game.


Don't know what genius decided that they should stick to the convention that the English actors are all imperials--I would kill for my Sith warrior voice on my jedi.

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I'm going to add this to the game on rails comment:


I play only a warrior because I can't live without force leap. That's my problem. However, not being able to jump high over obstacles... That's their problem. I should be able to jump very high or very low without issue.


Non-jedi should probably have mini-jet packs that let them do the same thing. If they want to turn this off in PvP, I can understand but it's one thing they should have done. Jedi should have insane jumping abilities--there should be a bit of city of heroes in our leaping.


Hate the travel as well. It's as if one of the lessons they learned from WoW is to send us from one continent to another to turn in quests.

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I burned out in the first month. I got1 lvl 45 trooper, a lvl 30 sith rogue and a few lvl 20 alts in a few weeks of play. I unsubbed for two weeks and now I am back eager to play again, this time at a more steady pace. I tried going back to WoW for a week but it just felt like I was watching an old movie for the 100th time.
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I read the OP but afraid skipped the rest.


I kinda understand how u feel.


I lvled to 50 on my Sith Warrior, loved it, the story was what made me lvl so fast too.

I wanted to know what happened next!!


Got to lvl 50, 2nd person in my guild to do so but then no1 else was close.

I wanted to do end game with ppl I came to ToR with, not random ppl.


But I started a BH, really enjoying it.

I help my mates out as we're the same lvl, I do the odd HM on my Sith Warrior.


I find the game amazing and all tho its stalled a little for me, I do believe we're looking at the next best mmo. Blizzard will be announcing huge HUGE loses of subs next month & with the fresh content BW plan (I hear on a month basis), ToR is the place to be.

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I'm going to add this to the game on rails comment:


I play only a warrior because I can't live without force leap. That's my problem. However, not being able to jump high over obstacles... That's their problem. I should be able to jump very high or very low without issue.


Non-jedi should probably have mini-jet packs that let them do the same thing. If they want to turn this off in PvP, I can understand but it's one thing they should have done. Jedi should have insane jumping abilities--there should be a bit of city of heroes in our leaping.


Hate the travel as well. It's as if one of the lessons they learned from WoW is to send us from one continent to another to turn in quests.

I'd love to have 3D exploration:


  • Jumping off from insane heights to safely land with a timely activated Jet pack
  • Force jumping to higher ground
  • Using a grappling hook to cross a gap in a fallen bridge.


Even force jump doesn't not feels epic anymore when you see non force user companions and droids instant jump to enemies.

Edited by Deewe
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