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Level 49 PVPers: I feel sorry for you :(


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I would have stayed with WoW if I wanted this... at least their class's are a bit balanced compared to what we have now.


To the OP, I was afraid that this would happen when I started the game, I didn't want to rush to 50 though.


Looks like when I hit 50 I will need to grind for another month or two so I can start having fun again... oh wait this is a game I should be having fun every second I am playing... guess not.


I love how the devs of this game (if I can find a video of this) said As soon as you get into the game you will be doing something completely different than any other MMO!!


oh well, I got into this game for a filler until GW2 comes out.


Didn't they say that GW2 won't have any endgame PvP or Raiding? I guess if you truly want an enjoyable leveling experience and nothing else, that's the way to go. lol

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Expertise isn't the end all be all of pvp stats either.


Yes it is. It is the sole reason why 1-49had such a bad time when 50s were in warfronts with them. Even at level 10-20 i had no tfouble figjting anyone up to 49. Once people hit 50 with expertise they mopped the floor. This is where all the neff cries first came from. In the first week prior to anyone having expertise there were little to no problems in pvp.

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You're about to enter into the Warzone/Ilum area, and what you're about to face is going to either make you re-decide PVP in this game, or go PVE and avoid PVP.


I am really concerned about this Expertise system, and the "Bag-O-Fail" system.


49's coming into battle

(you will be slaughtered like pigs, you are in my prayers)


  • zero expertise, battles become extreme
  • less survival
  • less damage output
  • less endurance
  • no gear set for level 49's to enter into the level 50 Warzones to have better chances against those with Champion/Battlemaster gear (they walk in with 18 expertise)


"Bag-O-Fail" system

(simply a bad idea for giving out gear. Luck gears a player along with mass amounts of time spent -- skill need not apply)


  • creates farm teams (sharing accounts, or paying someone to farm 24hr WZs for you)
  • offers no real reward, just if you have the time, you gear (and a lot of time)
  • skilled players are provided with no challenge
  • continue to get the same item over and over, no option to turn in for something you really need an upgrade in
  • 30WZ Commendations for 10 Mercenary (should be 30 for 15 -- at least)
  • objectives, ranking system should be implemented to say you achieved something to get the gear
  • allow those who are 49 to obtain the level 50 gear (or provide them with a lower tier set to enter warzones with right away) but simply not be allowed to wear the gear until 50


Level 49's are about to embark on a horrible PVP system soon, and those already know exactly what that is.


I have a really bad headache at the moment, so I have thrown this out without a pure statistical reference. The information provided here is just off the top of my head -- and how I see problems within the game -- BioWare really needs to look into this PVP system rapidly with passion.


Right now Warzone PVP is: The Rich get Richer, the Poor get Poorer. (I hope they change this, and soon)


Currently I am mostly Champion, I was slightly behind those who got into the game early and those who do nothing but play. Even I see struggle -- but level 49's about to enter into a fully geared level 50 Warzone are going to feel the wrath of BioWare.


To level 49 players: rejoice and enjoy the time you have at level 49, think back to how much fun and exploration you had while leveling. If I beat you in a Warzone, I hold no remorse towards you.


I agree that the bag system is most definitely not the best system for getting gear. But keep in mind that the random chance is for Champion gear, but you also get Centurion Comms which allow you to buy gear for the slots that are in need of the greatest upgrade. The number of comms is def too low, but it is what it is I guess.


As for the rest of your rant, what do you expect? Any player fresh into the level cap should expect a grind of some measure as Bioware can't just hand out Battle Master gear to everybody the second they hit 50. No matter what they institute for endgame PvP, there will always be people, much like yourself, who will come in to the forums and cry about how hard the game is and how this sucks and that sucks. Get over it and get over yourself. If it's too hard, go play Rift. There's not a lot of serious gamers left over there in regards to PvP, so you should find a much more soothing experience in the unbelievably long queue times.

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Only soulution I see to what the OP is QQ'ing about is to give everyone their Battlemaster set as soon as they hit 50....


So 49'ers are going to get beat up a bit when they hit 50, eventually they'll get their gear and then they get to beat up the new 50's, life goes on....


The only thing Bioware could do is reduce the gap stat wise between T1 and T3 PvP gear so it's not as brutal for new 50's.....

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Didn't they say that GW2 won't have any endgame PvP or Raiding? I guess if you truly want an enjoyable leveling experience and nothing else, that's the way to go. lol


Not sure if stupid or you're trolling. The game is about PVP, you get to pvp from lvl 2 and have the same gear as a level 80. Its going to be based on skill and coordination not how much time you put into the game.

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Not sure if stupid or you're trolling. The game is about PVP, you get to pvp from lvl 2 and have the same gear as a level 80. Its going to be based on skill and coordination not how much time you put into the game.


Unless I am missing something, GW2 is going to be F2P, and in any F2P game the people who have more money have the best stuff. I have never played GW, and I may be out to lunch totally, but I know that F2P basically means "Pay to Win". Which means if you want to actually compete, then you end up spending more money than a subscription based game. F2P games sukk ballz, unless you have hordes of money to toss at them, or unless you enjoy being gimped. I highly doubt the game will be solely bases on "skill and coordination" like you state. They wouldn't make any money that way......... and the whole reason these companies do any of this crap is to make money.

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You're about to enter into the Warzone/Ilum area, and what you're about to face is going to either make you re-decide PVP in this game, or go PVE and avoid PVP.


I am really concerned about this Expertise system, and the "Bag-O-Fail" system.


49's coming into battle

(you will be slaughtered like pigs, you are in my prayers)


  • zero expertise, battles become extreme
  • less survival
  • less damage output
  • less endurance
  • no gear set for level 49's to enter into the level 50 Warzones to have better chances against those with Champion/Battlemaster gear (they walk in with 18 expertise)


"Bag-O-Fail" system

(simply a bad idea for giving out gear. Luck gears a player along with mass amounts of time spent -- skill need not apply)


  • creates farm teams (sharing accounts, or paying someone to farm 24hr WZs for you)
  • offers no real reward, just if you have the time, you gear (and a lot of time)
  • skilled players are provided with no challenge
  • continue to get the same item over and over, no option to turn in for something you really need an upgrade in
  • 30WZ Commendations for 10 Mercenary (should be 30 for 15 -- at least)
  • objectives, ranking system should be implemented to say you achieved something to get the gear
  • allow those who are 49 to obtain the level 50 gear (or provide them with a lower tier set to enter warzones with right away) but simply not be allowed to wear the gear until 50


Level 49's are about to embark on a horrible PVP system soon, and those already know exactly what that is.


I have a really bad headache at the moment, so I have thrown this out without a pure statistical reference. The information provided here is just off the top of my head -- and how I see problems within the game -- BioWare really needs to look into this PVP system rapidly with passion.


Right now Warzone PVP is: The Rich get Richer, the Poor get Poorer. (I hope they change this, and soon)


Currently I am mostly Champion, I was slightly behind those who got into the game early and those who do nothing but play. Even I see struggle -- but level 49's about to enter into a fully geared level 50 Warzone are going to feel the wrath of BioWare.


To level 49 players: rejoice and enjoy the time you have at level 49, think back to how much fun and exploration you had while leveling. If I beat you in a Warzone, I hold no remorse towards you.




Guess what? Those geared 50's went through the same damn thing. I will never understand why people such as yourself expect everything handed to you just because others have better gear than you. Do you take the same approach as in PvE?


I am not a fan of the random chance bags but I am sick of seeing whine posts like these. In every mmo out there a new max level char will struggle until they get geared. Welcome to mmo's.

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Unless I am missing something, GW2 is going to be F2P, and in any F2P game the people who have more money have the best stuff. I have never played GW, and I may be out to lunch totally, but I know that F2P basically means "Pay to Win". Which means if you want to actually compete, then you end up spending more money than a subscription based game. F2P games sukk ballz, unless you have hordes of money to toss at them, or unless you enjoy being gimped. I highly doubt the game will be solely bases on "skill and coordination" like you state. They wouldn't make any money that way......... and the whole reason these companies do any of this crap is to make money.


you sir, or maddam, have no idea what you are talking about.

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This whining about new 50s is ridiculous. It is easy to start getting gear as soon as you hit 50.


We played with level 10s against 50s in full gear, in no way shape or form is being level 50 harder than being 10.


If you think gear is why you are getting killed at pvp you are in for a big surprise.


The gap at 50 is on par with WoW at Max level, easier than Warcraft and way easier than rift.


Pvp is a team sport, usually with a mix of different geared people on each side, that some people on the other side have better equipped character in a team sport. These complaints come from people who apparently don't understand Warzone pvp. At level 50 you play against other newbie 50s and with battle masters. If you only fail in that environment it is you as a player failing not the gear gap at 50.

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Like stated earlier, if you leveled off strictly pvp, you should have 1000/1000 at 50. So 5 bags there, and 1 you bought earlier. Then over the course of the week, going out just 3 days you get 6 bags from ilum and 6 from wz, maybe 1 more for tokens. You can have 25 bags your first week with minimal effort. You'll get a few pieces there and enough centurion tokens to by 1-2 more items.


New level 50s are like graduating high school. You are no longer the top dog, time to be a freshman for a little bit.

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Level 49's have level 40 pvp gear to purchase be4 they hit 50. That provides enough damage healing and protection at level 50. No fresh level 50 is going to be owning, that's how it it should be, and that's what the system is telling you it is. Even if you give a fresh level 50 and everyone else the same battlemaster gear, the better players will come out on top. You need to stop ranting about this because it's not going to get enough attention for a change. People low level/gear get punished, both in pve and pvp.


Ahhhahahahahhah... <breathes>


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Guess what? Those geared 50's went through the same damn thing. I will never understand why people such as yourself expect everything handed to you just because others have better gear than you. Do you take the same approach as in PvE?


I am not a fan of the random chance bags but I am sick of seeing whine posts like these. In every mmo out there a new max level char will struggle until they get geared. Welcome to mmo's.


No they didn't. They farmed level 10-30 players with 200+ expertise in easy mode. The risk versus reward paradigm is completely broken.

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This whining about new 50s is ridiculous. It is easy to start getting gear as soon as you hit 50.


We played with level 10s against 50s in full gear, in no way shape or form is being level 50 harder than being 10.


If you think gear is why you are getting killed at pvp you are in for a big surprise.


The gap at 50 is on par with WoW at Max level, easier than Warcraft and way easier than rift.


Pvp is a team sport, usually with a mix of different geared people on each side, that some people on the other side have better equipped character in a team sport. These complaints come from people who apparently don't understand Warzone pvp. At level 50 you play against other newbie 50s and with battle masters. If you only fail in that environment it is you as a player failing not the gear gap at 50.

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Expertise isn't the end all be all of pvp stats either.




Problem is some peole cling to the idea that their lack of gear is what holds them back. I have never run in to a competent pvp player who cared about short term gear differential, especially in a team environment.

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While that is true, the gear that has expertise on it beats the gear you reach level 50 in by a wide margin in all other aspects as well.


Yes you can gear up through PVE a little before you go back to PVP and then it's really only expertise. However, I would be surprised if players interested mostly in PVP would even consider running ops for a month or two just so they could compete in PVP.


No people interested in pvp just pvp and get gear as they play pvp with mixed teams.


Do you think everyone on an nba team is of equal capability? Does the 5'10" player whine on the nba players forum about having to play against 7'0" players? Or do they understand it is a team sport and do their part.


I have to assume those complaining have never participated in any sort of team sport or competition in their life.

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you are coming off as bad more than anything.


gear plays a part in people dieing yes, but the biggest factor in people dieing is lack of team co-ordination. honestly roll with your team and stay with them and even undergeared people generally do fine.

ps who cares if you die a lot in pvp you get 0 penalties for dieing, dont have to repair your armor, dont have to replace lost items, nothing you simply die, res and fight some more.

stop qqing because you die.


I remember when i was level 40. I was able to kill semi geared level 50s but i play smart. Now I am a geared level 50 (full champ still not 60 though) and trust me i do not take pride in killing people undergeared which is why i wish they had arenas so i could sit there and duel some of my buddies that are as geared as me.


In all honesty the imps on my server are so bad and undergeared we really look foreward to having Republic vs Republic Huttball as often as we do since it actually gives us a challange.

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