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Do NOT rush


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Well I'm not rushing, I even chose my least favorite class Consulor Sage geared towards healing tree as my 1st play through and to my suprise the healings fun.Looking forward to bounty hunter,trooper,and the rest from both empire and republic class stories.


I see nothing wrong with rolling a new class on empire or republic side having assorted classes you may be needed by guild or friends to heal, tank, or do damage, "It just adds more options and opportunity to join a friend(s) in Fp's or heroics or missioins or pvp with your guild.


If your leveling versatile classes by the time you beef your charactor there will be more content/patches/fixes so i see nothing bad about hitting 50 and then starting a new charactor,I'm not rushing anyway.

Its easy to speed level but I dont see the point in it.


Would seem to me like getting to the bus stop 5 hours early when the bus drivers not even out of bed yet.

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Well I'm not rushing, I even chose my least favorite class Consulor Sage geared towards healing tree as my 1st play through and to my suprise the healings fun.Looking forward to bounty hunter,trooper,and the rest from both empire and republic class stories.


I see nothing wrong with rolling a new class on empire or republic side having assorted classes you may be needed by guild or friends to heal, tank, or do damage, "It just adds more options and opportunity to join a friend(s) in Fp's or heroics or missioins or pvp with your guild.


If your leveling versatile classes by the time you beef your charactor there will be more content/patches/fixes so i see nothing bad about hitting 50 and then starting a new charactor,I'm not rushing anyway.

Its easy to speed level but I dont see the point in it.


Would seem to me like getting to the bus stop 5 hours early when the bus drivers not even out of bed yet.


Hi, as a Mercenary I can tank Raids, I can Heal, and I can DPS. Why do you need another class?

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I have more fun with the game when I "rush".


Since I am still rushing, currently on my 2nd character that I plan to hit 50 with, and several 20+ alts as well...


I see nothing wrong with "rushing" as long as you're not overly attached to one single character. Yes, there is a limited amount you can do at 50, but there is ENOUGH.




If you're the kind of person who simply MUST spend 50-60 hours a week playing this game, you're going to HAVE to play several alts, its a fact. What game other than endless puzzle games like tetris has ever been able to pull off giving you that much gametime with a single play through?


*sigh* Be realistic. Don't be stupid.

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My real point is that I am an end game player. The game normally begins with max level for me. I don't want to make alts. I want to play my main, instead of carrying 7-8 characters.


I am sorely disappointed with end game, and it gets real boring, really fast. Our guild has been experiencing issues with people just logging in near raid times lately, and others just finding that they actually miss playing other games and go back to them.



We are working real hard to create a solid 16 man raid core, but there is no incentive to run 16 over 8 and no real draw to log in other than 2 minutes before raids. 8 man raids just doesn't feel like an epic experience, but many guilds are small and fractured on our server because there is 0 reason to run a 16 over an 8 man easy mode raid that drops the same rated gear.



I really want this game to last. However, with no feeling that the game begins at max level, but instead requires many to reroll to occupy their time before doing boring 8 man raids, then It will continue to lose those that are wanting a true MMO epic experience in the Star Wars universe.

Edited by LESHILL
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Hi, as a Mercenary I can tank Raids, I can Heal, and I can DPS. Why do you need another class?


Ok charactors are versatile.

My point is why not play other classes?

empire/republic different class quests, abilities to explore.

I guess its wanting to play and try other classes rather than needing to.


Thats an individual choice though.

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And there is the flaw in BW's game design.


The only flaw I see is people who rush and expect Bioware to hold their hands or drop everything to make content for them, then come crying to these forums that they are bored. Go study or get a job or go outside and quit playing 24/7. There is more to life then sitting in front of your computer playing a game and getting cheeto stained fingers. So many trolls around here I think the bridge collapsed.

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The only flaw I see is people who rush and expect Bioware to hold their hands or drop everything to make content for them, then come crying to these forums that they are bored. Go study or get a job or go outside and quit playing 24/7. There is more to life then sitting in front of your computer playing a game and getting cheeto stained fingers. So many trolls around here I think the bridge collapsed.


And you're one of them.

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The only flaw I see is people who rush and expect Bioware to hold their hands or drop everything to make content for them, then come crying to these forums that they are bored. Go study or get a job or go outside and quit playing 24/7. There is more to life then sitting in front of your computer playing a game and getting cheeto stained fingers. So many trolls around here I think the bridge collapsed.


It's an MMO. BW probably should have seen this coming. MMO players are notorious for spending a massive amount of time playing. The average MMO player plays 21 hours a week. People at 50 now are not rushing. If they did not have content in game to support that amount of playing then shame on them.


P.S. Making alts is not content in an MMO.

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Who are these people still talking about rushing? You can play this game a few hours a week and have been 50 by now. It's not the players fault that Bioware paced the game so fast. I didn't even feel like I accomplished anything when I hit 50, I just kinda had this "was that it?" type of feeling.


The game didn't come out last week any more. Many people are 50 and only a small percentage of them 'rushed'. Maybe there are just a lot of people playing this game who aren't familiar with MMO pacing?


If Bioware didn't want to develop content for people who got 50 in the first month then they should have paced the game more reasonably. I used to not comprehend why developers made the level progression so fast these days, but these people saying 'don't rush' probably still wouldn't be max level in an older game like EQ or DAoC if they started on day 1.

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I didn't rush either of my 50's. Took my time and enjoyed it.


But I also enjoy the endgame. Especially the PVP, which is what I spend most of my time doing.


I dunno...I can still find plenty of stuff to do, even when I get bored of crushing Republic scum.

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I love when people combat the lack of things to do with "make alts!" aka, confirming in order for this game to be enjoyable, you must not play your character.? lols


Pretty much. You basically have to treat TOR like a first person game (Rolling new characters) to get the most out of it. I'm still waiting for the MMO to show up.

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