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Massive amounts of trading on illum


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With the way ilum is designed now it's either kill trade(bridge sw of ca every tuesday on my server) or farm ca chests(which will take longer now). I wish it wasn't this way but until ilum is redesigned thats just the way it is. BW needs to incentivize play all across ilum to end this. they should make place chests at na, ca, and sa. not add more chest spawn points keep the same amount but spread further apart. Make taking out vehicles/cannons for base caps count towards daily/weekly to give players more reason to fight around control points and have those points reset(to neutral/stalemate position for sa,ca, and na) if they go uncapped for too long.
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The state of Ilum is ridiculous. We had a group of people attempt killtrading on The Exiles Crystals these past two days.


The issue itself is pure selfishness. The 10 people on the republic getting the valor were feeding 30 Imps. Anyone with half a braincell can see the issue here.


So while the rest of the underpopulated republic are in WZ's attempting to beat all the new BM-premades rolling around, those same 10 people are sitting on fleet, squawking about how sweet their new gear looks. I take issue with that.


However, as killtrading is a player-created issue, there is a player created workaround.


Kill them all.


Get a larger force, and trash them. This probably won't work for the larger servers with 50 a piece, but it certainly worked for us.


It creates confusion in the trade, for one. If you run through your faction straight into the others, you can nuke down the lead-communicators before they know whats going on.


Since you can't /s while dead, they have to resort to either running back, or using the /stuck exploit. Since the ones interrupting the trade should have FRAPS/other software recording the whole thing, this is just reportable proof of game-breaking exploits.

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Lol, this thread is amusing. They made ilum the pile of **** that it is, on my server I have seem a huge amount of bm's wearing oranges/greens/blues with a couple of pieces of pvp armor. You can literally go from 40-60 in a good days grind (5-10k valor every 3.5-4 minutes, anywhere from 75k-150k or more per hour), I hit bm before this all started happening (the ezmode bm's pissed me off at first)....but as a rep player I will certainly do my daily in 4 minutes or my weekly in 20 minutes so I can do other things.


A gm that looks like a droid (hover over shows a lvl 2 sage) shows up now and then and does......? Not a damn thing. They could care less, and aren't banning...quit if it upsets you, but they don't care.


There are much worse hacks and exploits out there then kill trading too...

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I just hope that everyone caught doing this is either


1) Banned temporarily with a valor reset to 1

2) Permanently banned


On The Exile's Crystal there's one guild that is constantly doing it. There's maybe 10-12 of them at any one time feeding up to 40 Imps. They're just bloating the amount of BM's on the opposite side.


I wonder if BW will have the balls to say "Enough" rather than just sitting by and pretending this isn't happening.

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lol Jarreth, Ive been on Mind Trick since the start and I hit Battlemaster legitimately along with Ninja, Kronus, and a few other people before the Ilum patch ever dropped. Needless to say, I rarely see them on anymore and my sub ends in 6 days. Its really discouraging to see this kind of stuff happening and having all of the hard work you put in be erased by somebody who sat down for a few hours to take advantage of this lameness.


The only time I go to that corner is usually to troll the republic/imperials, which usually nets me a bad reputation....I could care less though, all of these new battlemasters are so bad at the game its funny, and they think getting BM gear will close that gap up until they come up against real players.

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...Bioware should flat out remove Ilum from the daily/weekly PVP quests because it is a 100% fail area. Once they fix the other game issues then they can revisit Ilum and try and find a better way to do it, but till then just shut the crap down...


So Shut down the Ilum PVP area.


Add 2 Daily quests that players can finish with about the same time requirement as the current PVP daily.


Focus on crap that actually matters.


Nuf said.


+1 to that ENTIRE post!

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At least they are at the kybd controlling their characters instead of tabbed out watching Family guy or something....


I can think of few things more pointless than botting. If you didn't want to play the game in the first place, why buy it? Just to delegate all of that pesky "playing" to a program so you can eventually sit at your comp to a fully geared out character that you had little to nothing to do with getting to that uber status?


I'm sure they have their reasons, I just don't understand it. Game within a game I guess for them.

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I stand in Ilum, at mid, on a rock. I dance, and chat with the imp players. They can kill me if they wish, doesn't matter to me. Feeding the imp side, or trading can't ruin or imbalance a system that already favored that side to begin with.


If BW wanted to make a stand, and stop exploiting, trading, or feeding, they would have taken steps after Ilum gave imps a metric ****-ton of valor to begin with. There were a few minor posts from BW stating strongly that steps would be taken. Nothng happened. The obvious assumption is that they just don't care.


Trying to stop the original valor gain and continious gains due to being better geared from the start, is like trying to chase a ball down a mountain. It gains momentum. Unless you stop it in the begining (which BW didn't - they let it continue to roll), so its gained momentum since the original exploits. Better gear, allows the player to be harder to kill and hit harder. Repubs just generally get a beat down from the original mistake.


Ilum is so poorly designed that there isn't any goals inherent in its design. It doesn't promote pvp. It doesn't have anything to draw players from one point on the map to another. Take mid, who cares about the other points, mid is the only one that spawns arms crates. Oddly enough even the bases mean nothing, why are they even there? Why would two opposing factions build massive bases that close together anyway? Are we in a staring contest? Are we trying to vigoriously intimidate each other? The entire map design looks like it was made by someone's five year old kid.


Pvp needs to draw the player from point to another, to focus direction. There is none in Ilum. Pvp needs to have some reason to engage the other side in combat. There is none in Ilum (At least nothing that kill trading can't fix - and this also fixes the pop imbalance issues). Pvp needs incentives...oh wait, we have that...pvp gear that anyone can get, even if they don't pvp.


To me, it just seems like all the priorities that would make pvp work in swtor are completely corrupted. It also seems that the line of thought that they are trying to derive their fixes from is also corrupted. This would explain why all fixes have just broken things further.


I would go on, but **** this game. GW2 is coming out. Who the **** wants to pay to play this trash while the devs are busy playing grab *** in the office? Seriously, watch the videos of GW2 game play. There is no comparison. Even the live feeds of early builds, the game runs smoother than swtor. So why did anyone feel the need to **** and abuse this ip again so soon? Why? Why not wait until someone who respects the ip, designs something that respects and promotes the original concepts of the Star Wars Universe? Why release swtor, amidst competition that makes it look even worse than it already is.


I'm not continuing my sub to this anyway, just running out my time because I just don't want to waste the money. I'd rather feed imps in Ilum, and allow someone, ANYONE, to get something out of this game.

Edited by mdkmaster
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Firstly, i've never traded kills, and don't plan on it.


However, as wrong as it may be, people are focusing on the wrong thing. Kill trading isn't the problem, its simply the symptom of the overall problem with Ilum. Lets face it, Ilum is terrible. The absolute worse implementation of world PvP i've ever seen. The daily (which people are completing via trade killing) is awful, boring as hell (especially on low pop servers, or those with severe faction imbalances), and can be down right frustrating if you are republic side.


I'm gonna be honest, I'd rather see repubs that are trade killing then have them not come to Ilum at all (which is what happens on low pop servers).


Honestly, is trade killing any worse than doing laps around central assault clicking on loot nodes? Neither is PvP yet both complete the PvP daily/weekly.


What needs to happen is Ilum getting fixed, not punishment for this "exploit."

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They're not.

I know several of the people doing this, and they are in their own words:


"watchin' Spartacus and drinkin' beers on the couch while waiting for respawn".


I was invited to do this. I will not. I do not care if it will take me multiple days to finish a weekly, because this is not actually playing the game. This is laziness personified and being rewarded no less!


Laziness is the highest virtue, so I don't know why you want to say that exploiting is bad because of that. It's bad because it is not lazy - you risk being banned, and then you've gotten zero reward for a whole lot of effort. These not-lazy exploiters are, as all other non-lazy people, completely inefficient and ineffectual in how they spend their time.

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Firstly, i've never traded kills, and don't plan on it.


However, as wrong as it may be, people are focusing on the wrong thing. Kill trading isn't the problem, its simply the symptom of the overall problem with Ilum. Lets face it, Ilum is terrible. The absolute worse implementation of world PvP i've ever seen. The daily (which people are completing via trade killing) is awful, boring as hell (especially on low pop servers, or those with severe faction imbalances), and can be down right frustrating if you are republic side.


I'm gonna be honest, I'd rather see repubs that are trade killing then have them not come to Ilum at all (which is what happens on low pop servers).


Honestly, is trade killing any worse than doing laps around central assault clicking on loot nodes? Neither is PvP yet both complete the PvP daily/weekly.


What needs to happen is Ilum getting fixed, not punishment for this "exploit."


I can see your point. Honestly, with the current Ilum state we're all trading kills. The difference is that some people do it explicitly and some are pretending the're not.


How can we call those mindless zergfests, especially the ones at the base entrances? Two groups are fishing each other, making some pushes and retreats occasionally. There's really no bigger purpose there and it's not really funny, just a legit and dull kill trading :(.


And now, what are BW plans concerning Ilum? Are they going to change anything? Maybe they're satisfied with their content ? I'd like to hear some answers from them. Please help and just sign in here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2745639#post2745639 .


Maybe we'll get some answer.

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