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No race ever seems to evolve in SW


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White people have only been on the map for about 12,000 years. The known timeline for Stars is at least as long as that. In that time no group ever gets taller, or balder or evolve larger brains, or anything. Honestly, after ten thousand years, you would think Wookies would be able to pick up a human word or two.


A group of humans living across the galaxy will evolve exactly the same as a different group on the other side throughout thousands.


Is this the work of midichlorians or some vast relocation policy to interbreed all the separate groups of humans?


Disclaimer: I am not some Star Wars expert. Someone got some examples for evolution going on for humans and such?

Edited by Poor_Grammar
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As for the Wookie part I'm pretty sure they could speak basic they just choose not to. Also there are animals on our world that have been here for as long as us, they still haven't learnt to speak English.


Also the need for evolution is not needed as much because of the technology. Also look at us, our body still lives like 10,000 years ago, even though we live in the modern day.


That's just my opinion on it though.

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Why should they evolve? If the species is happy with what they have, theres no real reason for them to evolve if they can be stable and survive. I mean in the real world, we got amish who still do things the old ways...ok fine good for them they don't wanna catch up with the times I say...why should they?
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My guess? The differences are trivial. Compare modern humans to Romans; about 2000 years difference, but not distinct enough that you can really say "neanderthals to ****-sapiens". Probably also a case of no plot relation, no need to deal with it, and its such an ambigious thing that it's probably best not to get involved.


Now, I'm sure there's some changes. IE, generations of people living on Hoth would be more adaptable to cold regions, while those living on Coruscant might be more adaptable as far as industrial fumes go, Mando generations are inheritly tough, etc., but its never something distinct enough to be different species.


(Note: For some reasons, the first part of the scientific name of the human race is censored; probably censored for when its in the other context. Poor scientists...)

Edited by LukeDanger
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As for the Wookie part I'm pretty sure they could speak basic they just choose not to. Also there are animals on our world that have been here for as long as us, they still haven't learnt to speak English.


Also the need for evolution is not needed as much because of the technology. Also look at us, our body still lives like 10,000 years ago, even though we live in the modern day.


That's just my opinion on it though.


That isn't entirely true. People are lactose intolerant not because there is anything wrong with them, but because their ancestors didn't need to develop the alleles to process milk based products. It's a Western thing. On our own planet people evolved different in a very short amount of time, this just isn't the case for SW though, no matter how far or long they're separated.



Why should they evolve? If the species is happy with what they have, theres no real reason for them to evolve if they can be stable and survive. I mean in the real world, we got amish who still do things the old ways...ok fine good for them they don't wanna catch up with the times I say...why should they?



See above how different foods effect evolution.

Edited by Poor_Grammar
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Well, if you're talking differences like lactose intolerance, then sure! I mean, the people of Tatooine are so lactose intolerant that they can only drink blue milk! ;)


Differences like those imposed by diet would only be apparent if we, as an audience, watched Han Solo eat something that he wasn't adapted to and then spend the rest of the movie in the John. Differences like that are somewhat immaterial as they don't affect the overall viability of the species in a way that results in divergent evolution.

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1-Race is not the best term if you want to discuss human evolution or just evolution. It's a heavily culturally biased and non-objective term. Not even the "species" term seems to be really important for geneticists and researchers on population genetics & history (now they are more into the evolutive continuum/processes that into the episodic concept of "species").


2-10000 years is a REALLY small amout of time if you are trying to find visible morphological evolutive diferences in complex beings (like, say, humans). 100.000 or 200.000 years will be more reasonable spans of time.


3- STARWARS is not a hard sci-fi setting, its Space Opera or/and Space Fantasy! and we love it that way!


(sorry if i failed to correctly write down some sentence/concept. I'm a bit into the human evolution theme, but english is not my mother language).

Edited by Khulmani
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Evolution is a process that takes place over hundreds of thousands of years. The farthest back we can see anything in the Star Wars universe happening is about 40,000 years prior to the events of the original trilogy.


Evolution occurs through mutations that can be passed along through genes and the necessity to adapt to an environment, prey, or predators. Furthermore, people are constantly moving around the galaxy, so they have no need to adapt to a specific environment or species that they interact with constantly, and the mutations will be restricted to the planets that they occur at.


So when you ask why Wookies can't learn Basic, it has nothing to do with evolution their. They understand it, but physically their vocal cords are incapable of producing the correct sounds the language requires.

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Wookiees can understand basic, but they cannot speak it. However, deep inside wookiee history is a bit of evolution of the wookiees. The relationship between the katarn beasts and wookiees. They were hunted apprently ruthlessly and it allowed the wookiees to unlock their warrior spirits. I want to say it was Roshok or something like that. and now they hunt the katarn in part to return the favor.


Humans have many subspecies. I prime example of this is the Miraluka. They were actually human at one time. However, once they switched homeplanets, their new world gave off no visible light. and over time they devolved eyes entirely and instead "see" the living force around them.

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I think the better question is why has technology in star wars apparently not evolved after some 25,000 years? Other bacta replacing kolto I don't think I know of any technological advances that were made since the Rakata.
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I think the better question is why has technology in star wars apparently not evolved after some 25,000 years? Other bacta replacing kolto I don't think I know of any technological advances that were made since the Rakata.


Kolto changing to Bacta


Droids becoming far more advanced and intelligent, R2, IG-88, medical droids, etc


Military tech becomes greater, Old Republic fleet would just get flattened by a single star destroyer. The death star would have been unthinkable in design and function back in the old republic.


It has evolved, just not drastically like everyone thinks.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Why should they evolve? If the species is happy with what they have, theres no real reason for them to evolve if they can be stable and survive. I mean in the real world, we got amish who still do things the old ways...ok fine good for them they don't wanna catch up with the times I say...why should they?


You make it sound like Evolution is a choice. It isn't.

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Greetings everyone!


We appreciate the constructive nature of this discussion and the interesting topic! We just want to put a reminder that you please base all comments in the Star Wars Universe versus the "real world" as sometimes topics can be volatile in their own right (such as politics and religion).


We look forward to seeing your discussion!

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I am not sure evolution will lead to any very notable differences over a few thousand of years.


But I wonder about cultural advancement. The Gammoreans seem to be doomed to be a "primitive species" that someone gave a few weapons to hold and that's it. Their culture doesn't seem to change, and it doesn't appear as if they ever bother to create their own independent states (and a military to go with it).


Something is keeping the Star Wars universe in a very ... stable state. Maybe there is a conspiracy theory to be crafted in there.

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It depends.


Evolution is a survival response to environmental difficulties/changes. Opposing that there's the high level of survival and medical technology allowing people to keep on going regardless of the environment.


Added to that (although I haven't noticed that much about it in-game other than a few small comments so far) there's also the possibility ogf genetic engineering allowing any race a broader "area" in which they can operate safely - so Han can eat anywhere, on any planet without having to worry about a severe bout of "Dromund Kaas' Revenge". :rolleyes:

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Greetings everyone!


We appreciate the constructive nature of this discussion and the interesting topic! We just want to put a reminder that you please base all comments in the Star Wars Universe versus the "real world" as sometimes topics can be volatile in their own right (such as politics and religion).


We look forward to seeing your discussion!


Translation: Starwars isn't real kids.

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Evolution isn't something that just occurs over time just because, and it's not even guaranteed to happen. It's something that enables a species to adapt to its habitat. If a species has no need for this, evolution won't occur. This is why Crocodiles still exist today.


Races don't evolve because there's no need for it.

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