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  • Location
    Lafayette Indiana
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    mmos, other video games.
  • Occupation
    full time student at Purdue
  1. just to throw this out there... 1. in the newer movies, mostly dooku, we see fencing styles mostly used. not the bastard/greatsword/longsword manuvers in the original trilolgy. In addition even lore wise, they are battleing with strength of force vs. force enhanced strength. Yoda was a master of form 4 ataru which is super acrobatic in nature. Dooku a master of Makashi, known for its fine movements and the appearance of practically dancing. Luke was more than likely still using form one. Well known for its solid offense and defense but being totally predictable or form 7 (which as sidious puts it is a sith style). But in ROTJ there may not be doing flips, but look when Luke cuts vaders hand off. I think he literarlly overpowered vader, not with skill or a feint but with raw power of the dark side. edit: waht Halloworld said
  2. Wookiees can understand basic, but they cannot speak it. However, deep inside wookiee history is a bit of evolution of the wookiees. The relationship between the katarn beasts and wookiees. They were hunted apprently ruthlessly and it allowed the wookiees to unlock their warrior spirits. I want to say it was Roshok or something like that. and now they hunt the katarn in part to return the favor. Humans have many subspecies. I prime example of this is the Miraluka. They were actually human at one time. However, once they switched homeplanets, their new world gave off no visible light. and over time they devolved eyes entirely and instead "see" the living force around them.
  3. err made up race? this is star wars? Miraluka have had a spot in the star wars universe for awhile. Lol I thought it'd be cool to have a toggable force vision. But thats off topic. I see the social abilities as something to be expanded upon for soicial interaction later - and the miraluka's to me is one of the more interesting ones. I hope that its just us missing something
  4. err one time bump so that at least one person views this?
  5. hey all, I've been playing since launch, and I thought the miraluka's social ability seemed really neat. (especially for RP situations). However, try as I might, when I use it I can't differentiate. does the social ability actually give me the ability to tell someone's alignment and if so what clude does it give me?
  6. Hope ya guys realize - every MMO launch has had major bugs, huge balancing issues. WoW is a good example. No PVP to speak of when it launched. Paladins were able to out dps rogues, very few instances (not even scarlet monastery existed). However, if you were like me, you stuck with the bit of bad times realizing that with every month the game was improving. I find the lack of faith on this game... disturbing. I have faith in the bioware team and the vision of this game just like I did blizzard so many years ago. You pay the 15$ for the next patch - not the current one. I'am willing to give them more than 28days to fix some of the problems which may be difficult to correct. In addition. It should be noted, bug fixers are not the same people as new content designers always. So in short, you want to leave after a mere 28 days after launch. Peace. I'll be still enjoying the game when ya come out.
  7. lol well that'll unbalance dancing won't it?
  8. so would I. and I hold to the belief that they want it as well. and the space system we have now, while well designed, is something they definetly plan on taking a second look at.
  9. wow almost instantly pshed beyond page 5 >.> so I'll bump it once.
  10. if you don't know about the super secret space update... move along... move along. I keep looking around, but I remember one of the devs mentioned a super secret space update. With the release notes out for the first update patch, is there any new info about it? Also, just on a side note, every mmo has bugs and incomplete systems. Swtor launched less than a month ago, and we've seem them consistently patching bugs. After playing so many mmos, I've decided that no mmo is ever "ready to launch" as an mmo is always adding new systems or updating existing ones. SWG did not launch with space combat at all. and although free form space I hope they put in cause in SWG it was great, the railed space combat is still a space system which reminds me they havent forgot the role space plays in the world. Anyway, back to topic, any new news on the super secret update or have I gone completely insane and imagined a dev said that?
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