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What paid service abilities would you like to see in Swotor?


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Right, I myself was wondering what kind of paid services would we all like to see in the future of swtor. Here are some of the ideas I thought of. Feel free to add ideas. please no stupid ideas. [Positive Feedback only.] This is to help Bioware, not your selfish little selves that this trolly community is not realizing software and content usually requires money to get progress.


Paid Realm Transfer.

Personally from experience I went to a RP-PVP server where there is virutally none of both. but I already leveled my Sith to 50 and my Jedi to 30. and instead of starting over I would like a fresh start without having to be level 1.



Paid Recustomization.

For some people especially dark side corruption we had no idea if our guy would look good or bad with or without it and would like to fix it later on without sacraficing your progress.


Edit:@ People saying turn dark side customization off.


I ment trying to make dark side corruption BETTER. I had no idea if it would make my sith look evil, or just dead. if I knew how much it would do I wouldof went to complexion and pick the purple veins option to make him >MORE< Evil.


Paid Name Change.

Self Explanitory.


Paid Ship change.

I wouldn't mind having the ability to pay to have the ability to change our ships (faction only of course) (And prehaps the future ability of chosing where to have our companions located on our ships)


Paid Legacy Rename.

Self Explanitory.

Edited by Magnusheart
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Is this a joke? We already pay for a game that has one of the worst customer service, too many bug, lack of basic mmo feature and you want us to pay for service like wow do? lulz?


Well you seem to enjoy it enough to hang around in your spare time on the forums so why not.

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your already doing that with your sub , thank you for supporting the upcoming patches!


So I guess that's a no?


I would pay them for better custer service and to stop giving the excuse that this game is solely about story and not about end game ..... Like any mmo that we are all paying for should be about.

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You guys really complaining and comparing this to wow? really.


I made this thread to help give Bioware suggestions and ideas to help them make this game better. Not so the community can troll the troll. I want positive feedback. not horse ****.


Biowares doesn't read the forums, they have their automated customer service read them.

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Right, I myself was wondering what kind of paid services would we all like to see in the future of swtor. Here are some of the ideas I thought of. Feel free to add ideas. please no stupid ideas.



Paid Realm Transfer.

Personally from experience I went to a RP-PVP server where there is virutally none of both. but I already leveled my Sith to 50 and my Jedi to 30. and instead of starting over I would like a fresh start without having to be level 1.



Paid Recustomization.

For some people especially dark side corruption we had no idea if our guy would look good or bad with or without it and would like to fix it later on without sacraficing your progress.


Paid Name Change.

Self Explanitory.


Paid Ship change.

I wouldn't mind having the ability to pay to have the ability to change our ships (faction only of course) (And prehaps the future ability of chosing where to have our companions located on our ships)


Paid Legacy Rename.

Self Explanitory.


Every single thing here will happen sooner or later (exception of paid ship change). It will likely offset the loss in subscriptions that I'm guessing this game will experience in the coming months*.



Face it, its easy money for things that a lot of people tend to want as the game ages.






*I make this assumption based entirely from in-game interactions with guild mates and random group encounters and not from the forums.

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Right, I myself was wondering what kind of paid services would we all like to see in the future of swtor. Here are some of the ideas I thought of. Feel free to add ideas. please no stupid ideas.



Paid Realm Transfer.

Personally from experience I went to a RP-PVP server where there is virutally none of both. but I already leveled my Sith to 50 and my Jedi to 30. and instead of starting over I would like a fresh start without having to be level 1.



Paid Recustomization.

For some people especially dark side corruption we had no idea if our guy would look good or bad with or without it and would like to fix it later on without sacraficing your progress.


Paid Name Change.

Self Explanitory.


Paid Ship change.

I wouldn't mind having the ability to pay to have the ability to change our ships (faction only of course) (And prehaps the future ability of chosing where to have our companions located on our ships)


Paid Legacy Rename.

Self Explanitory.


I think some of these could be free parts of the game.


Realm transfers could be free for the first couple months then go to paid.


Recustomization (just to note you can turn off darkside corruption) Up to a point this could be free too, most of the customisation could be free with the exception of species/sex which might go paid.


Yup name change could be paid, perhaps with one free change.


Changing ships i think is definately an ingame thing, i'd be VERY against paying for this. Please don't turn this into STO where you have to buy all the cool/useful ships with real money ontop of your sub.


Legacy rename, yup like the name, maybe with one free change.

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Paid Recustomization.

For some people especially dark side corruption we had no idea if our guy would look good or bad with or without it and would like to fix it later on without sacraficing your progress.


You can turn Sith Corruption off.




Paid Name Change.

Self Explanitory.


Already Ninja'd items? :p



Paid Ship change.

I wouldn't mind having the ability to pay to have the ability to change our ships (faction only of course) (And prehaps the future ability of chosing where to have our companions located on our ships)


Neat idea but I would rather have the ship armor changing the look of the ship much like regular armor. Would I pay for a new ship with money, no.


Paid Legacy Rename.

Self Explanitory.


meh, just pick a decent one and not "Hamburgler" or something you will regret.

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No paid services. I'd love an MMO that charges me $15/month to provide these things as part of the subscription fee, even if that's wishful thinking.


I've never paid for a micro-transaction on top of a sub, nor will I ever.

Edited by Zannis
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@ People saying turn dark side customization off.


I ment trying to make dark side corruption BETTER. I had no idea if it would make my sith look evil, or just dead. if I knew how much it would do I wouldof went to complexion and pick the purple veins option to make him >MORE< Evil.

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You guys really complaining and comparing this to wow? really.


I made this thread to help give Bioware suggestions and ideas to help them make this game better. Not so the community can troll the troll. I want positive feedback. not horse ****.


I'm not complaining, I'm stating that if they act like Blizzard does with charging for things like server transfers I'm leaving.


I do not want F2P mechanics and services in a game I pay a subscription fee for, its that simple.

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I would love to see new races (and allow 1 free customization).

I would also love to see new ships / mounts. But also make it so you can find something similiar in game.


They won't implement new races that aren't human shaped. They where too lazy to add it in and can't go back now cause they won't make the changes to the cutscenes. It would cost alot of money to go back and make all of those changes

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