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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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It's not even primetime yet In Europe, so people here who complain that BW did maintenance during primetime should reconsider their daily schedules. They did the maintenance on saturday morning. I don't have a problem with them doing maintenance during daytime and yes I live in Europe.
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If 'things' come up, you do NOT put the fix in, you run it through quality control again. And again, if the fix was so important and ready when the announcement was made, they could have applied it then and there. If there wasnt one single person on call then the department responcible for server maintenance really dont know what the hell they are supposed to be doing.


Tell that to EVERY MMO creator ever who has extended their downtime...ie every one of them. You must be new here.

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Two valid scenarios (IMHO):


1. Critical game breaking bug that cannot wait until next scheduled maintenance - patch ASAP and provide a valid explanation. Also don't close the forums like in China! People will still QQ but rational people will understand.


2. Non critical bug that can wait until next scheduled maintenance. Problem solved.


I have a feeling that there was some sort of game breaking bug involved that BioWare did not want to share, for whatever reason.

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more untruths.


OK, I can do this too. *puts on protesting activist, expose the evil empire hat*


It's so UNFAIR the way you say EU players are innocent of any hate speech....they only react to the evil Americans!


I am SICK of hate speech toward the US and the fact that Bioware does NOTHING to stop it!


Bioware, you let these EU players oppress me on the forums! How could you????


I am UNSUBBING because of all this disrespect and all this partiality and the fact that the EU gets to keep their million page rant thread!


I demand compensation for all of the mental instability and damages I have suffered!!


*takes off hat*


Yeah, looks pretty dumb doesn't it. Y'all have fun. I'm gonna go clean my house as scrubbing the toilets will offer more insight than this.


Sorry - how on earth did that have any relavence to what I posted.


people get upset because they are treated worse than other subscribers. They say (truthfully so) that they are treated as second class gamers when it comes to maintenance times.


People come in and attack them and say they are QQing - when you read those peoples descriptions and locations they turn out to be north american.


so, people who are not affected by maintenance times come and make fun of people who are, and wonder why there is a bit of negativity...

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two valid scenarios (imho):


1. Critical game breaking bug that cannot wait until next scheduled maintenance - patch asap and provide a valid explanation. Also don't close the forums like in china! People will still qq but rational people will understand.


2. Non critical bug that can wait until next scheduled maintenance. Problem solved.


I have a feeling that there was some sort of game breaking bug involved that bioware did not want to share, for whatever reason.


this 10000000 effing percent

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If there is need for an emergency patch, do it right away, no matter who's Primetime it hits. In the past 47 days since Early Access began, every Patch and every emergency Patch has hit EU harder than US.


I have to say I was mildly peeved when I tried to log on this morning, before getting started with various weekend commitments, to find the server was getting patched. The wording of 'early morning' was also a reminder that we're dealing with US time and not EU time, because having servers offline until Midday at the weekend is not early morning. It's also pretty damn near prime-time for those of us with a Monday-Friday job.


The normal weekly maintenance slot I can live with, because it is on a working day (although feel bad for night-workers), but what does annoy me are the players who aren't affected by the choice of downtime saying that everyone else is just whinging.


If they're going to stick with a 'all servers down at once' scheme then personally I'd love to see the time it comes down change with every patch, so that *everyone* gets affected in their prime time at some point. Currently it is always the same group of people losing playtime.

So sometimes the patch would be 7-11pm CST, and then I'm sure we'd see a few more people complaining about what a stupid time it is to patch :D

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Two valid scenarios (IMHO):


1. Critical game breaking bug that cannot wait until next scheduled maintenance - patch ASAP and provide a valid explanation. Also don't close the forums like in China! People will still QQ but rational people will understand.


2. Non critical bug that can wait until next scheduled maintenance. Problem solved.


I have a feeling that there was some sort of game breaking bug involved that BioWare did not want to share, for whatever reason.


Yes, but THIS

Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen

it's not ever "non-critical" bug - it's just a LOL! :mad:

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Like Bioware gives a f* about this Thread ...


Whatever you say here ... will go down to toilet .. THEY DONT GIVE A F*


ahhh ... they wont close this thread as people need to vent, when they are done ... Admins will go back to thier buissness... which is "WE DONT GIVE A F*"





Critical BUG - "Illium VALOR farming on respawns"... not some F* DC's ...

Edited by Menzoberanza
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Yes, but THIS


it's not ever "non-critical" bug - it's just a LOL! :mad:





1) Who are you to say that's not critical\


2) Who are you to say that's all they fixed. Undocumented fixes happen all the time..especially when they deal with exploits.

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im gonna caps this just for effect






Patch the **** out of the game i couldn't care less..... But patch it as soon as its ready, not when US peak time is over and EU's has just begun.


**** if it had fallen on the last hour of US and interfered with 5 hours of EU so be it. But they wait for the US peak time to pass....


If its an EMERGENCY PATCH it should be applied ASAP. How comes they can wait till US PEAK is OVER. Doesn't say Emergency to me.


I'll say this bit to help Americans understand, they obviously don't understand


Operator: 911 Emergency response




Operator: Sorry sir its rush hour traffic out there and it would potentially cause accidents if we send one now. Its more CONVENIENT to send one in about 2 hours when it best suits our drivers and Traffic conditions


Standard American: BUT ITS AN EMERGENCY FFS!


Operator: Sorry sir Thats not my problem

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Ok you are clearly having trouble comprehending the particulars of this so I will try and slow down.


"Take it up with Bioware" in a mature manner. See how adding in the mature thing changes the entire context? Yeah, you left that out in your reply. Imagine that.


I said it was a general you. Which means not you you. If you're trying to say EU people are not in here acting like they're more entitled than we are, then you obviously haven't been reading this thread. Similarly, I was not speaking of *you* unsubbing. I was speaking of the other people in the general you category that are, and still are posting about how they're "so close to cancelling".


Blame the english language - you were replying to me and said 'you' sorry - what else am I supposed to take from that?


Also how you have the temerity to accuse me of a lack of maturity is frankly beyond irony.


People are upset about things. They arent allowed to vent because BW close all the threads, the also close the forums for the entire of down time.


then they come here and get confronted by people like you saying 'stop QQing'.


And you wonder why they get more upset...

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Then play something else little snowflake....Downtimes are part of new MMOs.


They're trying to help you...how is patching the game to make it better treating you like ****?! I don't understand your logic. Its so backwards and stupid. You are inconvenienced for a short time but in the long term, where it really counts, you're benefited so much more. You are so short sighted its almost funny....You are so entitled it makes me want to throw up.


That being said, I wouldn't mind the servers being down until 8PM here...just means I hop on my xbox and play some GoW3 or maybe play some Witcher 2....I'm an adult who has options and doesn't rant when I don't get my way.


Wow, I have read your replies and they just amaze me. 1st, I am american, but now live overseas and just can't believe how belittling you are to other people. I also get the impression that if the middle of your Saturday was taking down for around 8 hours you wouldn't be very happy.


I can't say if this downtime was poorly planned, but I will say I am disappointed in it. I work all week and was looking forwarded to my evening of play when my boys were away with their mother.


Next, Did any patch actually happen?? When I logged on just now, there was no patch? Does that mean they ran into a big issue and didn't apply the patch? Does that mean we are going to hear about it again the next day and suffer through another weekend loss.

Would love to hear some true response from bioware. I won't be quitting over this, I love the game, but would love to see some caring response from bioware.


Next, I really think it is so poor they lock down the forums during any dowtime.

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Sorry - how on earth did that have any relavence to what I posted.


people get upset because they are treated worse than other subscribers. They say (truthfully so) that they are treated as second class gamers when it comes to maintenance times.


People come in and attack them and say they are QQing - when you read those peoples descriptions and locations they turn out to be north american.


so, people who are not affected by maintenance times come and make fun of people who are, and wonder why there is a bit of negativity...


Not truthfully so at all...you are treated like we are. The downtime fixes the SAME issues we are having and you are having. Patches add the SAME content.


Your gripe is the time frame and im sorry the earth turns and not everyone gets it when they want it. Deal with it. FYI the downtime was my primetime and Im not QQing about it.

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im gonna caps this just for effect






Patch the **** out of the game i couldn't care less..... But patch it as soon as its ready, not when US peak time is over and EU's has just begun.


**** if it had fallen on the last hour of US and interfered with 5 hours of EU so be it. But they wait for the US peak time to pass....


If its an EMERGENCY PATCH it should be applied ASAP. How comes they can wait till US PEAK is OVER. Doesn't say Emergency to me.


I'll say this bit to help Americans understand, they obviously don't understand


Operator: 911 Emergency response




Operator: Sorry sir its rush hour traffic out there and it would potentially cause accidents if we send one now. Its more CONVENIENT to send one in about 2 hours when it best suits our drivers and Traffic conditions


Standard American: BUT ITS AN EMERGENCY FFS!


Operator: Sorry sir Thats not my problem



This has been the ONLY time it's fallen on peak hours for you guys.


Every other time is in the afternoon on weekdays...Hardly peak hours.


Extreme Hyberbole.

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im gonna caps this just for effect






Patch the **** out of the game i couldn't care less..... But patch it as soon as its ready, not when US peak time is over and EU's has just begun.


**** if it had fallen on the last hour of US and interfered with 5 hours of EU so be it. But they wait for the US peak time to pass....


If its an EMERGENCY PATCH it should be applied ASAP. How comes they can wait till US PEAK is OVER. Doesn't say Emergency to me.


I'll say this bit to help Americans understand, they obviously don't understand


Operator: 911 Emergency response




Operator: Sorry sir its rush hour traffic out there and it would potentially cause accidents if we send one now. Its more CONVENIENT to send one in about 2 hours when it best suits our drivers and Traffic conditions


Standard American: BUT ITS AN EMERGENCY FFS!


Operator: Sorry sir Thats not my problem


Did you just compare playing a game to getting to a hospital for a gunshot wound in terms of importance?

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I understand downtime is part of new MMOs, but why not tell us what was being addressed? I understand regularly scheduled maintenance wouldn't have that, but when you do it on a Friday night/Saturday morning, that's one of the "prime" times for MMO play - why not tell us what is going on that needs a fix?


I said this a few pages ago and i'll say it again. Regardless.... people well complain about it. Like if you know that someone future told you that you are doing to die and they cant tell you how or where. Are you going to live your life in fear of that knowledge? No you should continue with your life as you never gotten that knowledge. Patches happen. Yes they are at bad times. But a company should not stop doing what it needs to do to patch a game because they are afraid of pissing off their player base. No matter what time the downtime is... it'll be on some countries prime time. Get off your high house everyone.

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Because there are PEOPLE that work for the company. The computer doesn't just shut it down and do it automatically. They have to CALL IN the people who work on the systems...They have to make sure they ALL can make it on a day they wouldn't normally be doing this, and they have to make sure the patch is ready...There's logistics here you are ignoring but it must be nice to live in a world that doesn't require labor and manpower to get things done. To not understand that there are people working on the game and that they deserve a decent timeframe too.


I work in major incident management at IBM. If I need a server person to come online, at 3am on new year's eve, I call the guard and he is online within 10 minutes.


If I need an expert on any given system to answer my questions, I call said expert no matter what time it is, what day it is or where that expert is. It doesn't matter, it's OUR JOB TO DO THIS AND BE READY IN CASE OF EMERGENCIES.


Don't give me the whole "oh they need to get to the office etc". No, they don't. They need to turn on their laptops, the rest is done remotely unless they REALLY messed up.

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This game has an insane amount of downtime just to patch.


Maybe I got spoiled by Trion though since their down times, even with major patches usually only lasted 2 hours max: most time it was 10 mins. And another thing was that their patches were non stop bug fixes...not just one or two things.


So can anyone at BW or here tell me how a small time MMO company with a miniscule budget and money invested do things right? Did they design their game from the ground up to be easily changable and fixable while TOR on the other hand is incredibly difficult?


Won't go into why I am not playin Rift, still think their patching and devs are bar none superior to BW in every way: their next MMO is going to be something to look forward to.


Trion team >>>>>>>> BW.


At its peak, they had 1+ mil subs, so don't gimme excuses that it was non-factor MMO. If PvP wasnt so bad in it, I'd still be playing. Maybe they fixed that....must look, brb.

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No, that's called self-entitlement.


Everything you say is wrong. You agreed and promised the opposite.


Actually it is called Commercially reasonable basis, where every effort is made to behave in what a person or company in a similar position would do in the district or area of governance would be seen as standard behaviour.


Apologising for an unavoidable downtime is not only a reasonable standard of service it is also agreed to in the terms and conditions.


You did read the terms and conditions when you signed them didn't you?

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Except they don't, seeing as I play the same times you do more often than not.


Primetime for most players is 3 PM to 11 PM (school, work, take your pick) and on weekends during the day. Most players play during that time. This time is affected almost every patch.

Having patches from 9 AM to 5 PM or even later cuts into playtime.

If your only time to play is during patchtime, I'm sorry, but most players wont notice patches being deployed on an wednesday morning at 2 AM.

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Not truthfully so at all...you are treated like we are. The downtime fixes the SAME issues we are having and you are having. Patches add the SAME content.


Your gripe is the time frame and im sorry the earth turns and not everyone gets it when they want it. Deal with it. FYI the downtime was my primetime and Im not QQing about it.


Ok - so it was an emergency patch, announced 6-8 hours in advance. IF it was an emergency why wasnt it applied earlier.


thats right, because earlier would have been in the evening US time.


Can you imagine the crying then?

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It's not about some hours of downtime and / or some hours someone can't play the game. It's the way the company treats a big part of their customers.


Of course they don't think about things like "how could we piss off our EU-community today". It's certainly not like that.


They simply don't care at all, what we might think or do. They still live in a phantasy world, in which the customer is an immature being, unable to make it's ambitions clear, because there is nothing but the addiction to play the game. Thus, companies like Bio/EA do these things because they think, they can.


But we all know, how it will end, when a company constantly annoys 50% of it's customers.

Edited by Parali
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jesus christ EU player, quit complaining. it 4 hours. go outside or something. its not that bw hates the EU, they just think its the best time to roll out a patch. and if its a weekend patch, then its important. would rather play a broken game or a somewhat fixed game?


Going to save this post for later! Maybe one day the sides get inverted and i can sarcastically re post this jewel!

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