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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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If that's the case, I at least expect a:






A discount




1 extra play day


That my friend, is called customer service, and BW, as much as I love their work and respect them, terribly fail to deliver. You'd imagine that the game with the highest budget in history could afford to hire 10 people to answer the community on the forums.


No, that's called self-entitlement.


Everything you say is wrong. You agreed and promised the opposite.

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Well at last to late for me. I just hit the "cancel"-button. I have only little time a week to play and if BW dont want me to play during that time they aint worth my money. But this is not only because of this single saturday. Its because it looks like BW dont care about community at all. There have been a lot of complaints about this topic and still BW hits again and again into this open wound instead of change something and put a pavement on it.


They bring it down ONE saturday and that was enough to bring you over the edge? man...You must have a hard time functioning in society if you have that little patience for people.


BW is doing what they feel is best...They are trying to make the game better...people just don't realize that the only reason WoW can patch at different times is because all regions are on their own separate client...Its not the truth here.


I'm in NA and would agree to US Primetime downtime...Just because there's other things I can do. I'll have a fun time with my girlfriend...or maybe working...who knows, but the fact is I have other things I can do besides play this.

Edited by Mormack
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Regardless of what time it is, someone's primetime is going to get ate into. It's usually Australia, this time it's EU. Every time it's the same thing.
Well we can easily fill this in. This someone's primetime is always that of more average Europeans then average Americans. I don't really buy this 'someone will always get hit', when it's always the European community that takes the bullit. This isn't the first time, they also did it during the holiday. If you take such a stance, at least divide it evenly and rotate who's primetime you're going to ruin.
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Obese people don't rage, they just eat.


And intelligent people don't resort to sweeping generalisations. If you were actually not ignorant enough to know your stats, you would realise that most of the EU has similar obesity rates to the US.


Get yourself some knowledge and try again later.

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I agree with the OP

Living in Australia, I get one day with no game at all on Tuesday patch. I can live with that, being Oceanic timezone we are used to ge tthe shaft. But this extra patch is just the straw hat break s the Bantha's back!


I am REALLY curious to see if Bioware is going to get their act together when it comes to the 'official' Australia release. Somehow I am not holding my breath...


I managed my expectations, and now as far as this company's patch and maintenance routine are... they are VERY low

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How do you know they could have done it at a different time, please link evidence.


You know, that if you use your brain for 5 minutes and look at a clock you'll see the answer yourself? Let's talk GMT time here:


02:00 GMT - patching starts. 8 hour maintenance for the EU servers. It's around 6:00 PM in the US.

08:00 GMT - patching for the US servers starts. It's around 2AM in the US.

10:00 GMT - patching is complete for the EU servers. EU players can play.

16:00 GMT - patching is complete for the US servers. US players can play.


See? Separate maintenance, no version problems. I'm gonna prove it to you using an example - Jimmy - who's playing both on US and EU servers. He's playing ToR version 1.1, they're upgrading it to 1.2.


He's playing on the EU server. It goes down. He relogs to the US server. The version is still exactly the same. He continues to play. Then the US servers go down. For two hours poor Jimmy can't play. When the EU servers go up he patches his client and starts playing. When the US servers go up he can switch to them and the version is still exactly the same. It's entirely possible, it's just that Bioware fails so hard they're not even able to do it.




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Is it really a tin foil hat ?


LOL i just got a warning for this with ZERO explanation as to what the warning is for other than it makes Bioware appear in a bad light I guess?


Uhh, the reason is right there guy, plain as day.


You're coming into this thread, making a huge stink, insulting everyone around you, and generally farting up the place, and ForumAdmin is whacking you upside the head and telling you to stop being a **** poster and act like a freaking adult.

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they remove delete posts all the time that have rela substantive info just becuase i guess it exposes them with intelect or factual info they dont want out


these forums are the worst for freedom of information between people ive EVER seen online period


if you pay attention posts and entire threads disappear very frequently for those that are paying attention ... particularly the customer serveice forums


in addition to the many posts made by what look like customers like us but if you follow their post patterns and frequency are obviously not playing the game but rather running interference for bioware internally


pay attention



take the red pill i guess :p


Your close minded outlook is scary.


And, yes threads are closed because these forums constantly explode with rants and flame wars between nerds who like to talk big through their keyboards. I always have to laugh when people bring up 'my freedoms are being repressed!' when really the mods just are trying to keep the filth and worthless QQ that doesn't contribute ANYTHING to a minimum.


Your conspiracy theories have no basis in fact.


Being militant and aggressive does not make people listen to you.


Insult and flame away, I only expect it from someone angry and raging.

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lol you know they messed up bad when they are on a thread closing binge.


not only closing but outright deleting a lot of posts

never seen a company delete so many forum posts in last 30 days as this one does


most of which have not been out of line in any way shape form or fashion ... only thing they had in common was inteligent post that shone bioware in a bad light with inteligent well though out posts ... just deleted on whims by bioware



its becoming epidemic in the levels they do it


its not like we do not notice them doing if for those of us paying attention ... which no matter how much we like a game puts a sour taste in our stomachs and makes us think twice about giving money to said company :(

Edited by Part_Time_Hero
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You agreed to the TOS when you decided to play this game which means the servers can go down at anytime for any reason and there's nothing you can say about it because you clicked 'I Agree.'


And i reserve the right to no longer use their service and stop paying them.


There seems to be a complete misunderstanding among alot of you folk. Some even believe we are against bug fixes, how stupid can some people can get right?


We are pissed because not only is the regular maintenance in the middle of the day for us every week. But we get bombarded with "emergency" downtime right in the middle of our days aswell. Even holidays and weekend! While Bioware seems to make damn sure they do not upset the US players, they show a complete lack of interest in their European playerbase. Even tough we make up roughly 40% of their customers.


So maybe the European players will start showing a lack of interest in their product? I know i am, 2 months gametime card and if its runs out and this downtime issue isnt fixed then im gone. Let them seperate the server downtimes or at the very least make the Us share in some of the downtime pain aswell.


Remember we've had about half a dozen extra downtime since launch, and that was little over a month ago! And everytime its unfavorable to the European players. Are you really surprised some people are getting sick of it? Or are the US players just scared ******** they might actually start doing maintenance in US primetime when Bioware sees their Euro subscriptions drop?


But dont worry, eventually you wont get these threads anymore. Only european truebelievers who idolize Bioware will remain. Everyone else will drop this game. Just remember, its not about the money but the principle of the thing.


And to add insult to injury, they fixed nothing of emergency at all. An issue thats been around since launch, affects a relative small portion of the playerbase.

This couldve easily waited untill monday or even thuesday. Fixing this right now caused more inconvenience then leaving it in for a few more days. And the best part is the word "reduced", they didnt even actually fix it. Just made it less bad.

Edited by Terrahero
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not only closing but outright deleting a lot of posts

never seen a company delete so many forum posts in last 30 days as this one does


I've never seen a forum community whine and ***** and write so many threads about the same thing or just plain ****posting with absolutely no relevance to anything as this one does.


So thanks for being a part ot that.


If this was the SomethingAwful Forums, you'd already be out $10 and LowTax would be laughing.

Edited by RazielHex
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I would like a developer comment on the downtime.


You bring the servers down on a saturday.


Why is this?

Is this how you intend to run the game in the future as well?

Is this a giant middle-finger to the EU? Explain yourselves.

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I would like a developer comment on the downtime.


You bring the servers down on a saturday.


Why is this?

Is this how you intend to run the game in the future as well?

Is this a giant middle-finger to the EU? Explain yourselves.


Stop being so grandoise you narcissist.


The notes are right there, plain as day, on the forum splash page.

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And i reserve the right to no longer use their service and stop paying them.


There seems to be a complete misunderstanding among alot of you folk. Some even believe we are against bug fixes, how stupid can some people can get right?


We are pissed because not only is the regular maintenance in the middle of the day for us every week. But we get bombarded with "emergency" downtime right in the middle of our days aswell. Even holidays and weekend! While Bioware seems to make damn sure they do not upset the US players, they show a complete lack of interest in their European playerbase. Even tough we make up roughly 40% of their customers.


So maybe the European players will start showing a lack of interest in their product? I know i am, 2 months gametime card and if its runs out and this downtime issue isnt fixed then im gone. Let them seperate the server downtimes or at the very least make the Us share in some of the downtime pain aswell.


Remember we've had about half a dozen extra downtime since launch, and that was little over a month ago! And everytime its unfavorable to the European players. Are you really surprised some people are getting sick of it? Or are the US players just scared ******** they might actually start doing maintenance in US primetime when Bioware sees their Euro subscriptions drop?


But dont worry, eventually you wont get these threads anymore. Only european truebelievers who idolize Bioware will remain. Everyone else will drop this game. Just remember, its not about the money but the principle of the thing.


How many times do I have to say I'm Australian and get it worse than you? I, of all people, would absolutely love it if the servers went down US prime time. Get over yourself.

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You know, that if you use your brain for 5 minutes and look at a clock you'll see the answer yourself? Let's talk GMT time here:


02:00 GMT - patching starts. 8 hour maintenance for the EU servers. It's around 6:00 PM in the US.

08:00 GMT - patching for the US servers starts. It's around 2AM in the US.

10:00 GMT - patching is complete for the EU servers. EU players can play.

16:00 GMT - patching is complete for the US servers. US players can play.


See? Separate maintenance, no version problems. I'm gonna prove it to you using an example - Jimmy - who's playing both on US and EU servers. He's playing ToR version 1.1, they're upgrading it to 1.2.


He's playing on the EU server. It goes down. He relogs to the US server. The version is still exactly the same. He continues to play. Then the US servers go down. For two hours poor Jimmy can't play. When the EU servers go up he patches his client and starts playing. When the US servers go up he can switch to them and the version is still exactly the same. It's entirely possible, it's just that Bioware fails so hard they're not even able to do it.





Kalantris, reguardless what Bioware does. People are gonna QQ about it. Just do not think your the only country effected by this. No matter what time this happens. There is always going to be QQ. Not defending Bioware. Just pointing out MMO Fact.

Edited by Kelenae
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No, that's called self-entitlement..


No, its really not. Its called good customer service.



When Im at work, I do appointments (surveyor) I have a time slot and a person to meet.


Regularly jobs take longer than expected, people dig up the roads, have accidents or I get lost.


When I turn up late, or have to phone to say Im running late, the first thing I say is 'Im really sorry Im late.'


Doesnt make any difference if its my fault or not. Heck, the owner could actually put down the wrong postcode and thats why Im late, ill STILL say sorry im late.


Its polite and good customer service. IF I didnt, then the owner will most like be grumpy with me for the entire appointment. Would you accuse them of self-entitlement?

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