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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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It's 4 hours for crying out loud, get a hold of yourselves. They wouldn't do this unless it was necessary, likely to fix exploits or a serious (or potentially serious if left unchecked) problem. Every MMO does these "emergency patches", especially in the first few months after launch.




That is a LOT of hours in the second-most played time for EU players lost. Considering we have seperate servers and pay higher sub fees, that is simply not acceptable by any modern standard.


I don't know why I even care so much as I've already given up on this - but Americans, please realize that this is a MASSIVE issue for EU players, and it will remain so - in the end, it WILL affect your gaming as well as BW won't have the funds to do what they want to do due to lack of EU subscribers.

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if that's how it's designed, they're gonna lose subs


Well I don't know if that's the way it is done, but amongst all the other stuff they have going on, I don't think 4 hour down times even during the middle of the day on a Saturday is something really worth whining about considering they are doing so to fix the game and its other issues. Yes they'll lose subs. But it encourages people to go have a life.


The game isn't everything, and they can't possibly cater to everyone's schedule. Run errands or do homework or something else you have to do later in the day or later in the week so that you can substitute that 4 hours of server down time later on. If you have absolutely nothing to do, then I highly doubt 4 hours of lost time is very much by comparison to the amount of time you play.


I doubt every single person in the EU works two jobs and only can do anything remotely exciting or time consuming on saturdays and they fill all that time with Swtor. Manage your time around it like an adult, its 4 hours. I wouldn't be happy if it was me either, but I also wouldn't be here whining about it. I'd deal with it and move on. If this game is really worth so much anger and angst and crying and whining then you need a priority update.

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I just can't get around WHY swtor.com has to go down whenever there is maintenance.. Lol, this is 2012 - are they unable to use multiple servers??


all their servers seem to be connected, can't post when the maint is ongoing :&


To discourage people from overloading it while servers are down, simple enough.


then they should upgrade so it can handle it...

Edited by Fentz
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So let me see if I understand this correctly...


People are getting upset because BW is making efforts to fix a game that people are upset with for being buggy.


By taking 4 hours out of a 24 hour day to fix these bugs, people who seem to enjoy the game are going to cancel their subs because they don't seem to have any way to play the game for the other 20 hours on Saturday.


These same people - who could be playing the game RIGHT NOW instead take to the forums to complain about the loss of game time.


Anyone else think this whole "downtime is inconvenient for me" smacks of self-entitlement?

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So let me see if I understand this correctly...


People are getting upset because BW is making efforts to fix a game that people are upset with for being buggy.


By taking 4 hours out of a 24 hour day to fix these bugs, people who seem to enjoy the game are going to cancel their subs because they don't seem to have any way to play the game for the other 20 hours on Saturday.


These same people - who could be playing the game RIGHT NOW instead take to the forums to complain about the loss of game time.


Anyone else think this whole "downtime is inconvenient for me" smacks of self-entitlement?



If it's no big deal, why don't you suggest that we switch the maintenance times around so US maintenance will be afternoon/evening, and EU will be at night. Then let's see how much of an outcry of rage you'd get from Americans :)

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I'm too lazy to do a search, but don't EU people post threads complaining about Bioware fixing and improving the game every single time maintenance is announced?


I played wow for years. The maintenance always occurred during a time that I REALLY wanted to play.


Every Tuesday I raged over my coffee as I cussed out Blizzard under my breath, certain they were undermining me specifically for no other reason than they were sadistic tools.


Then, I had a flash of inspiration.


Maintenance was only once a week. Maybe I could do something else and play again when maintenance is over or even just play tomorrow.


It was amazing how well that worked out.

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I'm too lazy to do a search, but don't EU people post threads complaining about Bioware fixing and improving the game every single time maintenance is announced?


I played wow for years. The maintenance always occurred during a time that I REALLY wanted to play.


Every Tuesday I raged over my coffee as I cussed out Blizzard under my breath, certain they were undermining me specifically for no other reason than they were sadistic tools.


Then, I had a flash of inspiration.


Maintenance was only once a week. Maybe I could do something else and play again when maintenance is over or even just play tomorrow.


It was amazing how well that worked out.


Yeah, not to mention the cluster---ck that would occur in terms of trying to download and install the WoW patches, which sometimes took people hours on end and then borked their systems.

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You painfully short-sighted people are wearing me down. I've lived in the US and EU, and having been on both sides of the patching process in previous games it's never been an issue, the provider always accommodated their respective consumer-bases to the satisfaction of all parties involved.


If BioWare was willing to throw the largest gaming budget known to man at this beast, they should of, at the very least, set up a system to allow rolling patches akin to the system WoW uses. Blizzard was able to do it back in 2004, yet BioWare wasn't prepared for it in 2012.


NOBODY is upset over the actual act of patching, obviously games like this require constant patching. All the EU community wants is patches that come at a thoughtful, reasonable time, just as those across America get.


It isn't whining, it isn't moaning, it's simply expecting a minimum level of care that isn't being provided at the moment. The longer they let it go on like this, the more it erodes the gigantic pile of money the EU has been/is prepared to throw at SWTOR subs.

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Actually the developers at Rift had a smoother launch, and they had already popped a content patch the first month after launch, they had events and other fun stuff. SWTOR has not had any such thing.


So yeah, Rift server people know what they are doing, SWTOR server ppl...dont..


Wrong. THere was indeed a content patch. Stop lying.

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wow anyone know what they are patching on a saturday morning? That's like my favorite playtime of the week.


Its a patch to last patch which broke the last patch which was to patch the last patch and so on and so fourth

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Also, what the hell do the rest of the people in the EU who complain about day time downtimes during the week do during the day? Do none of you have jobs or school to go to?


To answer this question: there are people who works at night, play in the morning, and sleep during day.

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To answer this question: there are people who works at night, play in the morning, and sleep during day.


Same goes for people in the US, the schedule is designed to impact the least number of players and I know two EU based MMO's which do their maintenance at the same day time that Bioware does. Big deal.


Also, the TS is now rabiately defending himself because he posted before properly reading the announcement and 4pm was never mentioned.

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No matter when you go down someone is going to cry. We do not live on a flat earth.


I wouldn't be complaining if EU timezone had the industry standard night time patching. In fact, very very few people would be. 3am-8am as WoW does it has worked brilliantly for MMOs in the past many years - and it also works brilliantly for the US in TOR.

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OP the downtime is on the 31st. That is NOT a Saturday.


"We are working on getting a patch deployed to address various issues and we expect it to deploy in the early hours of the morning tomorrow (CST) and take no longer than four hours. We will update with more details once we get them.


There will be notifications that the servers will be going down before the patch is put in place, so please keep an eye out for these.


In addition to this, we wanted to let you know that we will be performing scheduled maintenance for eight hours on January 31st, 2012 from 2AM CST (12AM PST/3AM EST/8AM GMT/9AM CET) until 10AM CST (8AM PST/11AM EST/4PM GMT/5PM CET). All game servers and swtor.com will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than eight hours, but could be extended"


Yes the game is being patched on Saturday. Franky I dont care as long as the video card fix is done.

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